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Hiv and Aids

1. The effects are deadly. 2. The danger is real. 3. It is a common disease.

By Simas & Bree & Mike Period 3

What Everyone Should Know About Hiv/Aids

What does hiv and aids stand for

HIV-Human immunodeficiency virus Cite: AIDS-Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Cite:

How spread/not spread

HIV/AIDS can be transmitted by blood including menstrual blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. Blood contains the highest amount of concentrate of the virus. Unprotected sexual contact, mother to baby, and direct contact with blood. Using a condom can prevent HIV; dont share needles, and other items that may have blood on them. Can also be prevented by sex education, family planning, and abstinence.

Impact on Health
HIV causes many skin conditions, periodontal disease, extreme weight loss, and inability to process information correctly. AIDS has similarly detrimental effects, such as fatigue, nausea, risks to your kidneys, liver, and bones. Both diseases deteriorate the immune system.

Opportunistic Infections
These infections are the #1 cause of death among people infected with HIV/AIDS. They are called opportunistic because the infection takes hold of the affected ones weakened immune system, and the infection takes hold.

Web Resources on HIV/AIDS

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