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The VH Warrior

Upcoming Events
Worship: every Thursday at 8pm Shasta Lake Trip May 24th-27th Work Day June 1st End of Spring Term June 14th Beginning of Fall Term September 23rd

A Bright Future: Applicants Weekend (April 19-20)

Several weeks ago Varsity House had over twenty perspective members over for applicants weekend. This is our main event for those applying to live at VH in the fall. Applicants weekend consists of time spent getting to know the potential new guys (spending time playing ultimate frisbee, basketball, games, etc) as well as a formal interview. Normally, we have around 40 to 60 applications for the fall. But this year, because of the FYE (first year experience), in which freshman students are required to live on campus, the number of applications to live at VH fell dramatically. However, God is always good. Even though only around 25 guys came to applicants weekend, God provided an unusual number of solid, Spiritfilled guys who will be able to live in the house next fall. We currently have 15 new guys living in the house next fall (out of 17 available spots), which is above and beyond what we expected. The dynamic has definitely changed because of the FYE, with many of the future new guys living in the house being sophomores or older. But there are also several freshmen who will be duel enrolling in both OSU and LBCC (LinnBenton Community College) in order to obtain an exemption from the FYE. It will be interesting to see how the FYE will affect things at OSU. But as far as VH is concerned, If God is for us, who can be against us? as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Above Left: Friday Dinner with Applicants Below: Worship with Applicants

Update on FYE and the new Rushing System

OSUs new First Year Experience policy has been fully put into effect for the next school year. This policy requires incoming freshman students enrolled at OSU to live on campus for freshman year. Matt Busse (former VH President) and many others tried valiantly to get the university to allow exemptions for Greek life and the off-campus co-ops. However, OSU refused to compromise in any way with its intentions to force new students to live on campus. Few exemptions exist for incoming freshman to avoid living on campus. The biggest exemptions are if the student currently lives in Corvallis or if the student only goes part time to OSU (duel enrolls at both OSU and LBCC). Many incoming freshman who are living at VH next fall have taken advantage of the duel enrolment exemption. Because of OSUs new policy, VH exec has decided to start implementing a new rushing system for freshman next year. This system, while similar to Greek life rushing, is significantly different. The main idea behind the system is to allow freshman currently living in the dorms a way to get involved with VH and get to know the guys in the house, and for us to know them. For a small charge each term, freshman would be able to participate in a meal once or twice a week at VH. They would also be plugged into small groups at VH, and would receive discounts to VH trips. If those rushing are approved by winter term, they will be guaranteed a spot in the house the following fall. Currently, this system will supplement the normal application process in the spring. The exact details will continued to be ironed out as this new system takes shape. But our hope is that this system allows us to get more involved on campus, as well as allow freshman the chance to live in the house the following year.

A Note from the Editor Thank you for reading the latest edition of the VH Warrior. As you may or may not know, I am the new Alumni Coordinator, and thus will be responsible for editing the VH Warrior for the next year. I am currently a Senior in Electrical and Computer Engineering. I have lived at Varsity House for almost four years, and loved every minute of it. Varsity has provided me with meaningful community in which to learn and grow. God has used VH greatly in my life. And it is my prayer and hope that many more after me will receive a similar blessing living at VH. Thank you for your continued investment in VH. - Matthew Zochert
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VH guys helping a local shelter

Pres. Matt Russell at Worship Night Spring 2012 Volume 2, Issue 2 Varsity House Alumni Association

VH Thursday Night Worship

Varsity House has done a weekly worship night on Thursdays for quite a while now. And it has been an area of outreach at VH that God has blessed significantly. The format tends to be fairly simple, worship and a short message, but the impact is far from small. God has used VH worship to create a community of fellowship and growth. Many students from outside VH attend worship at VH regularly. VH worship provides an excellent opportunity for others to invite friends and classmates to a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Worship is also an opportunity for those both in the house and outside to share what God has laid on their heart. I myself have spoken at VH worship several times, and am always stretched and strengthened by the experience.

Varsity House 119 NW 9th Street Corvallis, OR 97330

Please ask other VH alumni to give us updated info at:

President: Scott Graham VP: Riley Aman Chaplain: Mason Grine Alumni Coordinator: Matt Zochert

Alumni BBQ

House Mom and Cook Linda receive flowers on Moms Weekend

Thank to all the alumni who came to the alumni bbq on the 27th. It was great being able to meet some of you in person and talk about the house, both past and present. Just a reminder that the next alumni bbq will be taking place on Oct. 19th (Saturday). There is quite a bit of time between now and then, but just want to remind everyone early. There is going to be a football game that same day, so come prepared to eat good food and cheer on the beavers!
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Serving up some grub at the alumni bbq

Spring 2013 Volume 3, Issue 3 Varsity House Alumni Association

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