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2 Structured Questions

Section A
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Arahan: Jawab semua soalan.

ill FA FAaORS THAT AFFECT THE RATE OF REACTION 1 An experiment is carried out to investigate the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and dilute sulphuric acid. The results of the experiment are tabulated in the Table 1. Satu eksperimen dijalankan untuk menyiasat kadar tindah balas antara natrium tiosulfat dan asid sulfurik cair. Keputusan eksperimen direkodkan di dalam Jadual 1. Experiment Eksperimen Volume of Na,S2O3 (cm ) /si padu Ar2S2O5 (cm?) Volume of water (cm3) hi padu air (cm5) Volume of HjSC^ (cm3) hi padu H2SO4 (an3) Concentration of Na 2S2O, (mol dm" 3) Kepekatan Na2S2O3 (mol dirr*) Time taken (s) Masa yaug diambil (s) (a) State the meaning of rate of reaction. Nyatakan maksud kadar tindak balas. [1 mark/'1 markah] (b) What is the factor that influences the rate of reaction in these experiments? Apakah faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas di dalam eksperimen ini? [1 mark/'1 markah}

1 50 0

2 40 10

3 30 20

4 20 30

5 10 40

5 0.20 24

5 0.16 30

5 0.12 42

5 0.08 62

5 0.04 111

Table 1/'Jadual 1 (e) Explain why the rate of reaction decreases with time.
Terangkan mengapakah kadar balas berkurang dengan masa. tindak

[2 marks/2 markah]

(f) State the fixed and manipulated variables in these experiment

Nyatakan pemboleh ubah dimalarkan dan pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan bagi eksperimen ini. i. Fixed variable
Pembolehubah dimalarkan

(c) How does the factor that you have stated above influence the rate of reaction?
Bagaimanakah faktor-faktor yang kamu nyatakan di atas mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas?

[2 marks/2 markah]

(d) Based on the results from the table, determine the rate of reaction at 42 seconds.
Berdasarkan heputusan dari jadual, tentukan kadar tindak balas pada 42 saat.

Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan

[2 marks/2 markah] [2 marks/2 markah]


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