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EE361Midterm Exam October 19, 2009

Please answer all questions. Include proper units in all your answers. Start each question on a new page. Be sure to put your name and student ID on your exam book.


[56 points] A coaxial cable whose insulator is perfect (no leakage current) carries an underwater acoustic-sensor signal whose total phasor voltage is given by the following sum of two terms:

% V ( y ) = 2exp(cy j108 2 y ) + exp(dy + j108 2 y )


(Eq. 1)

Here is angular frequency (radians/sec), y is a space variable in meters, and c and d are real numbers (though not necessarily positive ones). a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. What is the direction of propagation of the first phasor-voltage term (the first of two) in Eq. 1? What physical phenomenon in the transmission line does the parameter c in (Eq. 1) represent? (Its not the speed of light.) Which lumped line parameter (R, L, G, C) is responsible for it? Write an expression for the instantaneous voltage associated with just the first term of Eq. 1. (keep c and as unknowns. Include proper units.) State clearly the definition of a dispersive transmission line. (1 sentence should suffice. You must be clear.) Is the above line dispersive? State why or why not. (1 sentence.) What are the units of the constant d, in Eq. 1? In Eq. 1, is the constant c zero, positive, or negative? (Explain your thinking in 1 sentence.) In Eq. 1, is the constant d zero, positive, or negative? (No explanation required.) Is the imaginary part Im(Z0) of the characteristic impedance of this line zero or nonzero? State your reasoning (1 sentence.) The above line is excited by a sinusoidal signal at a very low angular frequency of 1 radian/sec. You sit on a peak of the sine wave. How fast are you traveling in m/s? (Your answer should contain no unknowns.) If the load is at position y=0, what is the lines voltage reflection coefficient at the load? Let =104 radians/sec. If the load were replaced by a matched load and the line was extremely long, qualitatively sketch the magnitude

% V ( y ) of the total phasor voltage on the line. (No

calculations or numbers required, but your sketch must clearly show the general behavior.) m. Let =1 radian/sec. If the load were again replaced by a matched load but the line was only 10 meters long, qualitatively sketch the total instantaneous voltage on the line at an instant when the voltage at the load is a maximum.


[25 points] A two-wire lossless transmission line transporting a video signal at 1.3 GHz has a measured phasor voltage magnitude

% V ( z ) that varies between 2.1V and 8.4V, as shown below.

(Phasor voltage magnitude ~ Volts)


Starting with the fact that

% V ( z ) = V0+ e j z + LV0+ e j z , (l ) = L e j 2 l .

show that the voltage reflection coefficient l meters from the load is b. c. d. e.

(You must clearly show your reasoning.) What is this lines voltage standing-wave ratio? What is the magnitude of the voltage reflection coefficient at the load? What is the phase of the lines voltage reflection coefficient at a position 0.092 from the load? What is the phase of the backward traveling voltage minus the phase of the forward-traveling voltage at the load?


[20 points] Over all of space, including the region in the figure below, the electric field has curl

4 V/m2 , E = y 3
and divergence

g E = 3 V/m2 ,

is the unit vector in the y-direction. y z Path C2

Path C3 1 1 1 1 x (coming out of page) S ds 1 ds

y 1 1 Path C1

Paths C1, C2 , and C3 are square oriented paths, 1 meter on a side, that reside in the x-y, y-z, and x-z planes, respectively. Surface S is the box shown with one corner at the origin and oriented with surfacenormals pointing out of the box. a. You place a curl-meter (paddlewheel) at position (x,y,z)=(1,1,1) and search orientations to find the curl of E, which is algebraically stated above. When the curl-meters axis points in two distinct directions, the curl-meter undergoes maximum circulation (max rotation). What are those two directions?

b. Find the flux

E ds of E through box S, including proper units. (Youll find it easiest to use a


fundamental theorem of vector calculus here.)

c. Find the circulation



E dl of E around path C , including proper units.


Are there any sinks or drains of this E-fieldregions into which the field flows? If not, state why not; if so, state exactly where they are. (1 sentence).

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