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We need some statutory documents for vendor registration purpose. Kindly send us the following by mail at earliest . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Trade License Pan Card Vat Certificate CST Certificate Service Tax Registration Certificate (Form ST-2) Excise Registration Certificate (if applicable) TDS Certificate.(TAN )

We also need some P.O/W.O copy from different party(minimum 5 Vendor). We also need some information of your organization for vendor registration . 1. Name of Vendor 2. Address: Workshop /Godown Registered Office Branch Office 3. Date of Establishment 4. Earlier business 5. Main area of activities 6. Organization Status 7. Nature of Business 8. Key person of the organization 9. Address of the Key Person 10. Office No./Mobile No./Fax no 11. Covered Area of the I Office: 2 Godown: 13 Staff Strength I Office: 2 Godown:
Cali flower cabbage

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