Note TSL 3103

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Carmen tsl 3103 ELTM

Topic 1 Language acquisition and learning- key concepts and issue

Language is a system of communicating with
people using sound, symbols, gestures and words in expressing feeling, idea or thought.

Nature of language 3 view reflect approaches to language learning:

1. Structural view of language - A system of structurally related element for transmission of meaning. These elements are: a. Phonological units (phonemes) b. Grammatical units (phrases, clauses, sentences). c. Grammatical operation (adding, shifting, joining or transforming elements). d. Lexical items (function words & structure words). 2. Communicative view of language Language is a vehicle for expression of functional meaning 3. Interactional view of language Establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationship, conversation between individuals.

Good language learner:

Thinks how to learn. Realistic Organized & active Take risks Independent Concern on communicating and accurateness.

Language Acquisition Passive, unconscious X explicit instruction 1 language Mother tongue Learn through interaction around Just Pick up the language easily. Learning Active, conscious Explicit education 2+ language Direct instruction in rules of language May not result good in speaking or writing.

Language learning process

Stage of language development:

Carmen tsl 3103 ELTM

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