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Excerpt from Jsus de Montral by Denys Arcand - The studio's up here.

It is impossible to talk about the origin of the universe. The mind can't conceive of time before it all began billion years ago, when all matter condensed to nearly nothing at a temperature we cannot imagine. The big bang... an explosion of inconceivable force. A million years later, the heat hasn't abated. - Can we go in? - Sure. - We're behind the screen. Stars are born and die. Our sun is one of them. We live on a tiny planet orbiting an ordinary star on the periphery of a typical galaxy among billions of other galaxies. We don't know how many solar systems there are. If most stars have planets it's probable that other forms of life exist by the millions. But if solar systems result from highly exceptional stellar processes we may be alone. A billion years from now our sun will have burned its nuclear fuel. Earth will revert to the galactic gases that formed it. But we will be long gone. The world began without man and will end the same way. When the last soul vanishes from Earth the universe will bear no trace of man's passing. - Did you write this? - It's a collage, a popularization. - Leaves a lot unanswered. - Yeah, and though it's valid today, in years it may change.

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