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Physical Education Classroom Management Plan

Statement of Purpose: In the classroom, I will implement activities that will hold the students interest while benefiting them physically and mentally. The students will be engaged in activities that will enable them to become active participants in lifetime activities that promote, support, and maintain wellness.

Rules: Rule 1: When others talk, WE listen. Rule 2: WE respect each other. Rule 3: WE show good sportsmanship and encourage one another. Rule 4: WE take care of our equipment. Rule 5: WE always try our best. **Minor disputes with be solved by Rock, Paper, Scissors. Once a person wins, the dispute is dropped. (Example: During a game of tag, there is a dispute about whether or not a student was tagged. To solve the dispute, the ones arguing do Rock, Paper, Scissors.**

Procedures: Elementary School Wait quietly until students from previous class have excited the gymnasium. Enter the gymnasium quietly in a single line. If the Fitness Activity sign is up, immediately begin the activity on the sign. If the Fitness Activity sign is NOT up, quietly go to your home and sit quietly (criss-cross), facing the teacher. When whistle is blown FREEZE and hold equipment. When exiting the gymnasium, quietly line up in single file against the wall.

Middle/High School Enter the gymnasium quietly and go directly to locker rooms to get dressed. After tardy bell rings the students have 7 minutes to get dressed. Once dressed the students will stand quietly on the line in alphabetical order for attendance. When whistle is blown FREEZE and hold equipment.

Students are allowed to go the bathrooms one time during class, this can be revoked if inappropriate behavior occurs. At the end of class students will have 10 minutes to get dressed. While waiting for class change, students will sit quietly in designated area.

Positive Consequences: Free and frequent o verbal praise, verbal praise to classroom teacher or principal, stickers (elementary) Intermittent o note home to parents, phone call to parents, awarded certificate during special ceremony Strong and long-term o recognition to principal, student of the week award, responsible student party

Negative Consequences: Elementary Level 1 o Verbal warning (explanation of behavior) Level 2 o Time out (possible note sent home to parents/guardians) Level 3 o Sit out remainder of class time, complete Think Sheet; phone call to parents/guardians. Level 4 o **Severe Clause** Any severe disruptive behavior will result in the immediate removal from class.

Middle/High School Level 1 o Verbal warning Level 2 o Sit out (classwork may be given) Level 3 o Write up, phone call to parents. Level 4 o **Severe Clause** Any severe disruptive behavior will result in the immediate removal from class.

Crisis Plan: Behavioral Send designated student to office with Crisis Behavior Card (Blue). Depending of severity of behavior, have students either sit along wall or quietly return to their homeroom classroom (elementary). Help crisis student to re-establish self control. Bring rest of students back to class once control is re-established. Follow up by contacting parent/guardian and completing crisis follow-up sheet.

Medical Send designated student to office with Crisis Medical Card (Red). If needed, have students move any equipment out of the way; then sit quietly along wall. Monitor student and provide any necessary care. Reassure student. Follow up by contacting parent/guardian and completing crisis follow-up sheet.

Action Plan: Action Plan Task: Booster Sessions for Students Action Plan Parameters: Process At random, a class lesson will revolve around the correct classroom procedures. Some lessons may involve speaking to a few students ahead of time and asking them to perform the incorrect procedures to see if the other students will assist in correcting them.

Materials Needed Varies

Intended Date of Completion Random throughout the school year.

Outcome This will assist students in being able to identify what the correct and incorrect procedures are and allow them to be part of making the class successful.

Action Plan Task: Teaching the Plan to Parents Action Plan Parameters: Process A paper will be sent home to parents to explain the classroom procedures. Attached will be a survey for parents to answer and express any concerns or opinions that they may have about the procedures (elementary). For the higher levels, a paper will still be sent home, however it needs to be signed off by parent and student (the paper will be counted as a grade for higher levels).

Material Needed Paper

Intended Date of Completion First week of class.

Outcome The survey will help me address any concerns that the parents may have about the procedures. This will also allow the parents to put in their input about the classroom procedures; this will assist me in developing appropriate procedures.

Action Plan Task: Plan Toolkit Action Plan Parameters: Process Poster on gym walls in gymnasium and locker rooms with pictures/words indicating the correct procedures.

Materials Needed Poster Board

Intended Date of Completion Before start of school year.

Outcome Posters will be a constant reminder to students of the correct procedures.

Action Plan Task: Teaching the Plan to Students Action Plan Parameters: Process Students will participate in lessons that are centered around the classroom procedures. Students will be asked to perform the correct procedures; then some students will be asked to perform the incorrect procedures so that students can learn what is acceptable and unacceptable.

Materials needed Varies

Intended Date of Completion First week of class

Outcome By performing and observing the correct and incorrect procedures the students will learn what is expected of them.

Action Plan Task: Recognition Activities for Students Action Plan Parameters: Process Verbal praise will be given for following the procedures correctly. At the elementary level, stars or etc. will be given to each classroom everyday that the procedures are followed correctly. At the end of a given period (ex: 9 weeks), the classroom with the most stars will be awarded. At the middle/high school level, a chart will be kept of each class, the class with the most stars or etc. will receive a free day in which they choose the activities that they would like to participate in that day.

Materials Needed Varies

Intended Date of Completion Continuous

Outcome Classrooms/students will learn that they will be rewarded for following the correct procedures and by the end of the school year, most of the classrooms will receive an award.

At the elementary level, if all classrooms follow the correct procedures, then a school-wide event will be planned. At the middle/high school level, if all classes follow the correct procedures, then the students will be allowed to vote on an event and get it approved by the school.

Health Education Classroom Management Plan

Statement of Purpose: In the classroom, I will implement activities that will hold the students interest. The students will be engaged in activities that will benefit the wide array of learning styles. This will help each student succeed and learn the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle.

Rules: Rule 1: When others talk, WE listen. Rule 2: WE respect each other. Rule 3: WE take care of our classroom and materials. Rule 4: WE always try our best.

Procedures: Middle/High School Enter the classroom quietly and go to your seat. Get prepared for class. If there is a Bell Ringer on the board, answer it and turn it in. When the bell rings, everyone should be in their seat. Students are allowed to go the bathrooms one time during class, this can be revoked if inappropriate behavior occurs. At the end of class students will have a Ticket Out of Class question to answer before leaving. While waiting for class change, students will sit quietly at their desks.

Positive Consequences: Free and frequent o verbal praise, verbal praise to other teachers or principal Intermittent o awarded no homework days Strong and long-term o recognition to principal

Negative Consequences: Middle/High School Level 1 o Verbal warning Level 2 o Write up, phone call to parents. Level 3 o **Severe Clause** Any severe disruptive behavior will result in the immediate removal from class.

Crisis Plan: Behavioral Send designated student to office with Crisis Behavior Card (Blue). Depending of severity of behavior, have students sit quietly at their desks or along a designated wall. Help crisis student to re-establish self control. Have rest of students go back to their normal seats once control is re-established. Follow up by contacting parent/guardian and completing crisis follow-up sheet.

Medical Send designated student to office with Crisis Medical Card (Red). If needed, have students move any equipment out of the way; then sit quietly along wall or at desks. Monitor student and provide any necessary care. Reassure student. Follow up by contacting parent/guardian and completing crisis follow-up sheet.

Action Plan: Action Plan Task: Booster Sessions for Students Action Plan Parameters: Process At random, a class lesson will revolve around the correct classroom procedures. Some lessons may involve speaking to a few students ahead of time and asking them to perform the incorrect procedures to see if the other students will assist in correcting them.

Materials Needed Varies

Intended Date of Completion Random throughout the school year.

Outcome This will assist students in being able to identify what the correct and incorrect procedures are and allow them to be part of making the class successful.

Action Plan Task: Teaching the Plan to Parents Action Plan Parameters: Process A paper will be sent home to parents to explain the classroom procedures. The paper will have an area for parents or students to list any concerns that they may have, this needs to be signed off by parent and student, and will be counted as a grade.

Material Needed Paper

Intended Date of Completion First week of class.

Outcome This will help me address any concerns that the parents or students may have about the procedures. This will also allow the parents to put in their input about the classroom procedures; this will assist me in developing appropriate procedures.

Action Plan Task: Plan Toolkit Action Plan Parameters: Process Poster in classroom with pictures/words indicating the correct procedures.

Materials Needed Poster Board

Intended Date of Completion

Before start of school year.

Outcome Posters will be a constant reminder to students of the correct procedures.

Action Plan Task: Teaching the Plan to Students Action Plan Parameters: Process Students will participate in lessons that are centered around the classroom procedures. Students will be asked to perform the correct procedures; then some students will be asked to perform the incorrect procedures so that students can learn what is acceptable and unacceptable.

Materials needed Varies

Intended Date of Completion First week of class

Outcome By performing and observing the correct and incorrect procedures the students will learn what is expected of them.

Action Plan Task: Recognition Activities for Students Action Plan Parameters: Process Verbal praise will be given for following the procedures correctly. A chart will be kept of each class, the class that follows the procedures correctly the most will receive a free day in which they choose an appropriate movie to watch and the teacher will provide healthy snacks.

Materials Needed Varies

Intended Date of Completion Continuous


Classrooms/students will learn that they will be rewarded for following the correct procedures and by the end of the school year, most of the classrooms will receive a free day. If all classes follow the correct procedures, then the students will be allowed to vote on an event and get it approved by the school.

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