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In situ 2001 In situ Testings and Soil Properties Correlations FCO Tt International Conference on In Situ Measurement of SMC atta RENIN CUIa Bali-Indonesia, May 21-24, 2007 ethic eia Preface “The use of in situ testing has been widely galned popular to establish genera! sll profile an to derive sol parameters to be used indesign and geotechnical analysis. The use of CPT, SPT, DMT and PMT for ground improvement control has also been accepted by practical engineer. Nowadays the addlion of sensors and testing technology has caused even pasiive development In the practice of gectechncl engineering ‘The mnin advantages of the present use of inst testing derives it favor frm the fact that empirical corlation has been so much developed and may be used to occrately estimate the premeters. These publcatlons of correlation are scattered everywhere, in the seminer and conference procescngs, in journals, and research reports. By effort ofthe graduate students of the Parahyangan Catholic Unversity, they have tld to put el these together te make the mast practical and handy aplication ofthe In stu testing resus. ‘This publication i nothing but the fet embryo of the efor: Athough many other publlcations have not been included inthis Book, we believe thet the present collaction is advantageous as reference for every geotechnical engineer. Comprehensive examples rather than simple Interpretation has been aided in the final chapter to endbe frther thought towards & more rational applation ofthe empirical correlations. Finally we expect that this book wil be beneficial for everyone wh use it and for students who ‘ant to go deeper into the geotechnical engineering practice. We apelogle for incompleteness of the published correlation which has not been Included inthe book. Ia the future this efor wll be continued to update wth the state ofthe art so that this book willbe more acceptable and more useful ‘Bandung, May 12, 2001, Pastis P, Rabarsio CGeotechnies Laboratory Parahyangan Catholic University od i urges TABLE OF CONTENT PREFACE 1 CHAPTER 1. IN SITU TESTING DEVICE AND TEST PROCEDURE at 4. Vane Shear Test (VST) 1 2: Bore Hole Shear Test (857) 1 '3. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) © ‘4. Cone Penetration Test (CPT) ¥ 5. ¥ é ¥ Dilatometer Test (OMT) Pressuremeter Test (PMT) CHAPTER 2. ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF SOTLS Dat Soll Classification and Weight Volume Relationship 2 Soil Plasticity 2 Permeability 2 In Situ Stress and State Parameter 2 ‘Shear strength 2 = 2.5-1-Shear Strength of Sends 2, 2 2 2 2 2 2.5.2. Undrained Shear Strength of Clays 2.6. Compressbiity and Consolidation Characteristics 2°7; Stress and Shear Rigidity 2.7.1. Applicability of Strains in Various Construction 2.8, Expansive Soils (CHAPTER 3. USE IN SITU TESTING TO IDENTIFY SOIL TYPES AND SOIL BEHAVIOUR TYPES. a4 (CHAPTER 4. IN SITU TESTING FOR PREDICTION OF DENSITY OF SOILS ‘AND STATE PARAMETERS at (CHAPTER 5. IN SITU TESTING FOR PREDICTION OF IN SITU STRESS AND ‘STRESS HISTORY Ba 5,1. Prediction of Preconsolidation Pressure or Yield Stress 54 5.2: Prediction of Overconsolidetion Ratio (OCR) 53 5°3. Predetion of Horizontal Stress and Ke 57 (CHAPTER 6, MEASUREMENT OF SHEAR STRENGTH BY IN SITU TESTINGS 6-1 6.1. Drained Shear Strength of Sand ot {6:1.1. Prediction off’ by SPT 61 6.1.2. Prediction of ' by CPT es 6.1.3. Prediction of ' by Dlatometer 6 16.2. Effective Friction Angles of Al Soils 67 6.3. Undrained Shear Strength of Clays 68 6.3.1. Shear Strength of Clays by SPT es 6.3.2. Shear Strength of Clays by CPT 68 6.3.3, Shear Strength of Clays by Dilatometer Test eat 16.3.4 Shear Strength of Chalk by CPT on ia '

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