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Erica N. Malinowski E-mail: What is my e-mail address used for? OCC ID: 0882614 Current Academic Standing: Dean's List Course Code, Section Number and Title COM-1290 H1501 Interpersonal Communication ECD-2406 H1506 Principles/Techniq Ed/Intern ECD-2416 H1509 Admin of EC Prog / Internship ECD-1414 H1504 ECD Activities/Adv Field Work ECD-2450 H7201 Edu At Risk Child ECD Envir ECD-1404 H1501 Intro ECD Career/Field Work PSY-2730 H1515 Survey of Exceptional Child ECD-1500 H1505 Infant Toddler Curriculum MAT-1150 H1205 Intermediate Algebra PSY-2710 H1513 Child Development ENG-2650 H1565 Children's Literature SOC-2510 O1502 Sociology ENG-1520 O1541 Composition II SSC-2610 O1502 Marriage and Family POL-1510 A1104 American Government ENG-1510 H1514 Composition I PSY-2510 H1504 Introduction to Psychology PER-1832 O1525 Endurance/Fitness Swimming Total Earned Credits Total Grade Points Cumulative GPA 62.00 223.50 3.605 Grade A A A A A B B A B+ AA B+ A ABBB A Credits CEUs 3.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 Repeat Term 2013/WI 2013/WI 2012/FA 2012/FA 2012/WI 2012/WI 2012/WI 2012/WI 2011/FA 2011/FA 2011/FA 2011/FA 2011/FA 2011/WI 2011/WI 2011/WI 2011/WI 2010/FA

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