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Laura Hydrick 9/21/12 Weathersbee 4A

Who is a better leader?

I think that overall Oedipus is a better leader. I feel that Oedipus trumps Creon because of his family values, his admittance to being wrong, and his ability to take his punishment like a man.

Oedipus has better family values than Creon because unlike Creon, even after he nds out that his children are really his siblings and his wife his mother, even though Jocasta kills herself, Oedipus still wants the best for his daughters/sisters and tells Therisias to take them and take care of them because even though he has done wrong, he loves his family and wants no harm to come to them. "I weep for you... I weep for the bitterness...". Creon was going to kill his own daughter in law just for burying her brother. He also pushed his son away and that led to both Antigone and his song to kill themselves. Oedipus also is easier at admitting that he is wrong. Although he did not believe it at rst, and tried to kill a few people. He heard the legend and the whole story and realized that it was about him. He realized that he had been wrong and openly admitted this. He apologized and gauged his eyes out after Jocasta heard the news and hung herself. But he felt at fault and wanted to punish himself. "...Madness and stabbing pain of the memories of things i have done". He

feels bad and wants to x it, but he doesn't know how to. Creon, even though everyone tried to talk sense into him, only listened when Therisias told him that he was wrong, because anything Therisias predicted always came true. The last reason I believe that Oedipus was a better leader than Creon was that he was able to nobly and humbly take his punishment and agreed with it because he also believed that he needed to be punished for, even though he did them unknowingly, the deeds he had done. He accepted the fact that he was banished and wished his family luck before going. He left without complaint or begging them not to make him leave. He left. These are reasons i believe that Oedipus is superior to Creon leadership wise.

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