03apr 1410 CX718 Mahading

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PHONE : (852) 2876 8500 FAX WEBSITE : http://www.wallem.com

: (852) 2876 1500 EMAIL : wshk@wallem.com (Mailing address: G.P.O BOX 40, Hong Kong) 12/F Warwick House East, Taikoo Place, 979 Kings Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
31 MAR 2013 The Officer in charge Immigration Department Hong Kong International Airport Hong Kong CC: Airline Please send OK to Board Dear Sirs, RE:MV. AZAMARA JOURNEY ETA 01/ APR 18 :30 ETD 03 /APR 20:30 ARRIVAL CREW TO JOIN SHIP AT HONG KONG Please be informed that following crew member(s) from JAKARTA will arrive on 0 3 APR 2013 at 14:10 per flight CX 718 for the purpose of joining the captioned vessel as crew member(s) at Hong Kong NAME MAHADING, -----NATIONALITY INDONESIA

As vessels agent, we act on behalf the ship shall be responsible for all expenses may be incurred while this crew member is in Hong Kong and his subsequent repatriation in the event of failure to join ship in port. Thanks for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully, GARY YIP For and on behalf of Wallem Shipping (HK) Limited As agents only. M.Phone : 6051 1782

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