Living Grace-Fully

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grace (grs)

The free and unmerited favour of God , otherwise known as mercy and forgiveness, unconditional love, and the continued gift of blessings, no matter how many times we screw it all up. Feels like the loving embrace of a parent who will always be there to keep us safe. Can be overwhelming and hard to accept if we feel unworthy; but relentlessly proffered nonetheless. Life-changing when we accept.

Living Grace-fully
Published as a weekly reflection on the blog Onward & Upward, at somethingshappeninghere.wordpress .com.

Follow the Twitter conversation @cvenema_shh

Understanding the Gift of Grace:

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. 1 Corinthians 15:10 By the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. Ephesians 4:1-3 [So then] live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Colossians 3:12-14 Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues, put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

How can it be, that you saved a wretch like me.?

So the sentiment sounds in the well-loved hymn Amazing Grace - as much a part of trying to understand Gods gift of Grace as Brittney Spears Oops I did it again. Most days I commit to trying my best to be that loving, compassionate, gentle human being that God is calling me to be. And I have to say ask others, and they will say I am pretty patient and kind. But then something more likely someone - will throw me a curve ball and I lose my

patience, say things I shouldnt say, or react in a negative way that only compounds the issue and digs me deeper and deeper into a reactionary, negative space. Oops! I did it. Despite starting off with best intentions, someone pushes the right button, and then all hell breaks loose. And not knowing when to quit, or when to pull back the reins on those rearing emotions, I continue to spew and spiral downward. But thank God that God is pretty patient Himself! Even in these moments even as He is grieved by my behaviour and hurtful words and actions - He forgives and loves me anyway enough to give me a permanent out a permanent acquittal through His Son. When I profess a belief in Jesus Christ as the one who forever erased the record book of all wrong-doing, I am justified through his death on my behalf, I will forever be forgiven, acquitted, brought back into a right relationship with my God. Wow. How unworthy am I to deserve that? Who on earth would do that for me? How can there be a love so great that could even save a wretch like me? So I give my head a shake, dust off and re-commit to repairing those injuries and being forgiving, just as I am forgiven. And I dedicate myself anew to doing whats best. Im a good doer. In fact I can be the best doer when I put my mind to it. A lot of people would say that I am pretty hard-working and can accomplish a great deal. So most days Im feeling pretty good about pulling it off doing good for the sake of others, and showing off my talents all being put to good use, mind you. God should be pretty pleased! I should earn His favour no problem. Oops! I did it again. Earning His favour. See, its not ours to earn. One of the confounding things about Grace is that we dont have to earn it at all He offers it to us unconditionally. Hard to understand in our work-like-a-dog-to-get-ahead mentality. Yes He does call us to do good, to be better, to take care of each other. But these steps we take are steps that bring us closer to being more like Him steps closer to being sanctified. As we understand and accept His grace more and more, we also change the way we see the world around us, and the way we interact with others. Our sense of purpose becomes way more aligned to His purpose, and the Spirits guiding presence is more strongly felt along the journey. Ill never fully understand His Grace the depth of the love from which it comes is just too profound for my understanding. People arent like that we just dont naturally treat each other that way. But I do know what Grace feels like. And in my innermost being, it feels really, really powerful. Like I can do and be anything that God asks me to. Human frailty aside, with Gods Grace, Christs sacrifice, and the Holy Spirits continued counselling, I can become more and more like the one He is calling me to be. And so can you.

Message in Music:
Healing Begins, by Tenth Avenue North (full lyrics here) So you thought you had to keep this up All the work that you do so we think that you're good . And you can't believe it's not enough: All the walls you built up are just glass on the outside.

So let 'em fall down. There's freedom waiting in the sound. When you let your walls fall to the ground, we're here now . This is where the healing begins, oh this is where the healing starts When you come to where you're broken within the light meets the dark. Sparks will fly as grace collides with the dark inside of us So please don't fight this coming light. Let this blood come cover us . His blood can cover us.

You Found Me, by Big Daddy Weave (full lyrics here) I saw a flash of light and I heard the sound Of a voice like thunder shake the ground It was the first time I remember ever feeling my heartbeat And the arms that gripped me felt like grace And I realized in their embrace To be held so tight, I've never felt so free: Also known as the day that you found me. My whole life has changed ever since the day You came: The way I see, the things I want, it's everything. Some may call it strange, I don't care what people say I knew You were the only way I've never known a love like this. You've captured my heart and You brought the sweetest Peace to my life, brought me into the light. I don't think that I could ever be the same. Who would want to be anyway? You Love Me Anyway, by Sidewalk Prophets (full lyrics here) You call me to walk on the edge of this world To spread my dreams and fly; But the future's so far, and my heart is so frail I think I'd rather stay inside. But You love me anyway. It's like nothing in life that I've ever known. You love me anyway - oh Lord, how You love me. How You love me.

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