Cookery - Book - The First Estonian Song PDF

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Today we make rootbeet soup, we add into water a piece of sausage, Fresh cabbage, carrot and a bit of fresh butter Ill bring also a piece of bony meat, it will increase the appetite A kilo of rootbeet was eaten by rabbits. R: Fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, cabbages, turnips! So many calories! Oh, why are you boasting! Respect the cook and the cookery-book. Grate the beetroot, oh there isnt any, the whole story seems so bad. Without the beetroot this is sloppy, it doesnt suit at all. With the beetroot, the soup will be finished, cabbages, dill and all the rest in the bowl, Just white sour cream to be added. There are some macaroni for the second course, macaroni give the tune. The cooking-book is lying on the dining table. Fried macaroni - look, one noodle is floating in the sauce, Yes, one noodle is really floating there! Macaroni in the egg-sauce are at the highest point, I take pepper; add salt, milk, water and more salt. Frying smoked ham and macaroni makes good aromas, Then Ill serve all this with wine. At the end one orange, or perhaps a mandarin, Orange-mandarin as good compote. I peel the oranges, roll in molasses, This stuff I serve at the end. For the dishes to become ready, a cooking-book was needed, And I suggest it to you, too. I created the food, the wife heated up the soup, The children sang hallelujah with us.

Tna teeme peedisuppi, vette pistan vorstijupi, vrsket kapsast, porgandit ja vrsket vid. Toon aga kilo kondist liha, see aga tstab sgiiha kilo peete kodujnes ra si. R: Rasvad, valgud, mineraalid, vitamiinid, kapsad, kaalid! No kll neid kaloreid on palju! - No mis sa praalid, austa perenaist ja kokaraamatut. Riivi peeti, neid ju pole, lugu nib nii pris kole. Ilma peedita see lurr ei klba kah. Kui on peedid, supp saab valmis, kapsad, tillid kik mis mollis, valget hapukoort veel tarvis lisada.

Teiseks toiduks makaronid, makaronid andvad tooni, kokaraamatki seal sgilaua peal. Makaronid praetud kujul, ne ks nuudel kastmes ujub, sna nutikalt see nuudel ujub seal. Makaronid munakastmes on seal krgema sordi astmes, vtan pipart, lisan soola, piima, vett ja jlle soola. Suitsupekk ja makaronid teevad praetult head aroomi, kogu loo siis veiniga serveerin ma. Lpuks veel ks apelsini, vib ka olla mandariini, apelsini - mandariini hea kompott. Apelsinid ra koorin, suhkrusiirupis ka voolin, seda kraami pakun kige peale ma. Ja nii saidki toidud valmis, kokaraamatut on tarvis, seda soojalt soovitan ka teile ma. Mina olin toidu looja, naine pani supi sooja, lapsed halleluuja kaasa laulsid ka.

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