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Real Men, Rednecks and more 3

“Office Redneck Stew”

The unofficial recipe for Northern Berks Dart League
The Northern Berks Dart League held their season-ending tourna-
ment on March 28, 2009, at the Shartlesville Fire Company. The top
three finishers in the tournament received prize money and certifi-
I’m not a cook by any means. My Add a dash of transplanted Puerto
family says that the two things that I Rican for spice;
can make well are ice cubes and Bring to a boil and you’ve got
reservations! I often wonder how my yourself some instant Office Redneck
son got to be six feet two inches tall Stew!
and well over 300 pounds since dur- Serves as many as you can find.
ing the first seven years of his life, he Now not everyone is going to like
never understood where food came the taste right off the bat, but like any
from if it wasn’t out of a Styrofoam home-cooked dish, you can season it
take-out container. to your taste. Take a little of this and
But in the last few weeks, I found a little of that and make it suit your
a recipe that wasn’t difficult to make. needs. You can feed your entire fam-
As a matter of fact, it practically made ily or keep it all to yourself for some
itself. late-night snacking.
Take one idea for a new publica- But I will promise that the more
tion. A little paper that would appeal you savor it, the more it will warm
to everyone from hunters to fisher- the soul, pucker the lips and keep
men to campers to NASCAR nuts and you regular.
anyone with a sense of humor. I never thought I would see the
Stir in a big ol’ pot of enthusiasm day when an office of people as dif-
and let it simmer for a bit. ferent as the beers in one of those 1st place: Fred Williams, Roy Oswalt, Fred Seidel
When the smell of something fancy-shmancy micro-breweries
good starts filling the air, start layer- would come together to make one
ing in the ingredients. big Redneck office, but we have.
Add a couple of sales princesses, Tongue-in-cheek and willing to go
but make sure you remove the jewel- out on a limb to serve up something
ry and nail polish; different, the staff at Berks-Mont
Stir in a khaki-pants-button-down- Newspapers has dived into this proj-
shirt-and-tie wearing salesmen; ect with both feet. We love it, and we
A dash of sales manager who know you will, too.
loves NASCAR and camping but We welcome your suggestions and
dresses in business suits and heals; look forward to hearing your com-
A heaping spoonful of Publisher ments about our new publication.
that is a city-slicker with the heart of Don’t try and fight it ‘cause as we all
a country gal; learned, there’s a little Redneck in all
A cup of production manager that of us!
knows a good road kill when she And if you still have some doubts,
spots one; take one more long look at the front
A few cans of circulation manager cover and see if you can spot anyone
that brings the humor, the determi- who isn’t having a good time.
nation and the trailer; Enjoy!
2nd place: Glenn Shollenberger, Dave "Buffalo" Schaeffer,
Sonny Kuhns
Redneck Heaven

Be the envy of all the other Rednecks. Share your little bit of Redneck
Heaven right here on earth. Send your photos to redneck@berksmont- 3rd place: Glenn Runkle, Mark Kroh, Benji Harner

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