Quadratics Equations

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Quadratics Equations

2003 P2 Q1 2004 P2 Q7 Solve the equations 3x 2 = 2(x 1) + 7 Solve the equations 2m2 + 5m =2 m +1 2k 2 5 = 3k 3 3x (x 1) =x +6 2

2005 P2 Q1

Solve the equations

2006 P2 Q3

Solve the equations

2007 P2 Q3

Solve the equations 4x 2 15 = 17x

Extra exercise
1 2 3 Solve the equations 5x 2 = 6(x 1) + 26 Solve the equations Solve the equations 3p 2 + 4p =2 p+4 3k 2 4k =5 2 k

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