Hssi Website 2

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Dear Website Committee members, You may wish to look at the following website of Hindi Shiksha Sangh (South

Africa) http://coh.ukzn.ac.za/SchoolofLanguageandArts/HindiShiksha.aspx In my view, the website should include the following: 1. A statement about the main purpose of HSS (Australia), which is to promote and support Hindi Education in Australia. 2. Eligibility for membership: Present and past Hindi students, teachers, parents, curriculum developers, examiners, writers, poets, others interested in promoting and/or supporting Hindi Education in Australia. 3. Current activities: Preparing curriculum materials for teaching Hindi, organising cultural programs to allow students to show what they have learnt in Hindi classes, distributing Hindi books, in collaboration with the Government of India to the centres, where Hindi is taught. In the last two years, HSS has distributed 1200 Hindi books, providing support to Hindi Teachers. 4. Future Proposed Activities: Celebrating 25 years of Hindi Education in Australia, organising Hindi conferences involving all those with an interest in Hindi Education, developing distance education materials for teaching Hindi. 5. How can I become a member? Include a membership form (I think that the membership form needs to be simplified; a subcommittee needs to look at it. Perhaps, delete the proposer and seconder and add the following:
I wish to become a member of the Hindi Shiksha Sangh (Australia) . I am a past/present (a) Hindi student (b) Hindi Teacher (c) Curriculum developer (d) Examiner (e) writer (e) poet). [circle the appropriate box] (f) other.(please specify I would like to help to promote and support Hindi Education in Australia. On being granted the membership of the Hindi Shiksha Sangh, I undertake to follow its rules and regulations as embodied in its constitution. 6. 7. How to contact HSS: by e-mail: Email:hssangh@gmail.com. By phone: ? Fax: List of current members of the Management Committee and their contact details

Vision statement could be included but it may need to be summarised.

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