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Name Student Number Faculty & Class : Joan Dohartha Rosabella : 1006764044 : FEUI & A303B

1. Title of the article : 5 Steps to Escape Digital Slavery 2. Author : Daniel Sieberg 3. Explain two or three sentences why you have chosen this article. First, it is the title that attracts me the most. Its simple yet very meaningful. Second, it is related to my daily life as a teenage nowadays, that Ive been controlled by something called technology.

4. Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about. Technology is one of the most important things in our life, we do almost all of our daily activities with technology. But as technology grows and develops, we can now hardly differentiate our private life, work life and this instant messaging-life. The writer explains about how to manage ourselves efficiently so that we can still take care of our private and work life, without being inactive in the social networking life, or vice versa. Steps such as go with face-to-face contact, se tech to break your bad tech habits, put the Smartphone down, create boundaries for your tech/real self, and take it one task at a time, will give cumulative effects that are beneficial and productive.

5. What is the writer message or purpose in writing this article? The writer examines several steps to escape from their digital slavery, or in other words, to get a real life. Because life is about balance, this article would help the readers to weigh quality activities more than the useless one. For instance, to reduce time that is wasted only for social networking.

6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review. I really like the article and the choice of words. And I think this article is pretty useful, especially to those who are perfectly controlled by gadgets. It is important to have a direct and face-to-face communication instead of doing it via messenger, and it would be better if we are a good multi-tasker, so we can still keep up with both work, private, and social life.

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