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CAE Use of English Part 5: 'Key' Word Transformations

1. Comparative structures/adverbs
Structures like 'not quite as much/slightly less than' often appear in this task.

2. Expressions/common lexical patterns

Practice in identifying fixed expressions and common lexical patterns.

3. Phrasal verbs
Structures with phrasal verb equivalents e.g. 'force entry into'/'break into' often appear in this task.

4. Formal structures (Including conditionals)

Structures such as 'we had to think about x/we were obliged to take x into consideration' often appear in this task.

Dos and don'ts

Remember to put the prompt word in your answer and do not change this word. Don't write less than three or more than six words (contractions, e.g. 'I'm', count as two words). Don't leave the answer sheet blank for any question. If you don't know the correct answer you should always make a guess.

How to improve
If you get a sentence wrong, rewrite the correct structure in a way that has personal meaning.

1) Comparative structures/adverbs Changes from active to passive or passive to active are often required. For Questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the words given. 1. The rate of unemployment hasnt increased quite as much this year compared to previous years. SLIGHTLY This year the rate of unemployment has increased ........................... did in previous years. 2. It has rained much more in London over the 10 years than it has ever done in previous decades. CONSIDERABLY Over the last 10 years, the rainfall in London has ............................. in previous decades. 3. The comedian was less funny than the audience expected. NEARLY The comedian ......................................... the audience expected. 4. Every time he talks about going on holiday I get really excited. THE The more he talks about going on holiday ..................................get. 5. What was much better than expected was the costume design. EXCEEDED What ........................................... the costume design. 6. He wondered how likely it was that he would get top marks again. CHANCES He asked himself what ................................ top marks again.

2) Expressions/common lexical patterns For Questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the words given. 1. Does he ever give you the impression that he would rather be talking to someone else? FEELING Do you ever .would rather be talking to someone else? 2. Jennys generosity means that people exploit her good nature. ADVANTAGE Jennys so ..of her good nature. 3. She needs to consider the amount the holiday is going to cost. ACCOUNT She needs much the holiday is going to cost. 4. The speaker rambled on for ages before stating what the lecture was about. POINT It took ages for the speaker to ..what the lecture was about. 5. Wed like to implement the idea immediately but we should wait a while. PRACTICE Wed like to immediately but we should wait a while. 6. Shes renowned for her expertise in human psychology. FIELD Shes a renowned ..human psychology. 3) Phrasal verbs For Questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the words given. 1. Angela was full of anticipation about the party next week. FORWARD Angela ..the party next week. 2. Hed been struggling to think of a really original birthday present. COME No matter how he tried .with an idea for a really original birthday present. 3. Her teacher said she wasnt progressing as well as other students with her assignments. DANGER Her teacher warned her that she was behind with her assignments. 4. David thought it unfair that his team resented him for not scoring a goal. AGAINST David thought it unfair that his team should ..for not scoring a goal. 5. Holly decided that shed ask to be transferred to another department. REQUEST Holly decided to put ..a transfer to another department. 6. We decided we wouldnt go with him to the airport after all. SEE We decided not to the airport after all.

4) Formal structures, including conditionals For Questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the words given. 1. Sandra would only go to the supermarket on a Saturday. ON Sandra .......... to the supermarket on a Saturday.. 2. The contract said that we didnt have to accept immediately. OBLIGATION The contract said that we were .......... accept immediately. 3. He wouldnt have been interviewed by the police if he hadnt seen the robbery. WITNESS The police wouldnt have interviewed him had .......... the robbery. 4.The paramedics were told that they should never place a human life at risk trying to rescue an animal. CIRCUMSTANCES The paramedics were warned that .......... place a human life at risk trying to rescue an animal. 5. If you need any help please dont hesitate to ask. ASSISTANCE If I can .......... please dont hesitate to ask. 6. If it has to be cancelled the show will place at a later date. EVENT In .......... cancelled the show will take place at a later date.

Answers Part 1 1. slightly less than it 2. been considerably greater than been considerably more than been considerably heavier than 3. wasn't nearly as funny as was not nearly as funny as wasn't nearly so funny as was not nearly so funny as 4. the more excited I 5. exceeded my expectations was exceeded my expectation was 6. were the chances of getting the chances were of getting were the chances of him getting the chances were of him getting 7. Part 2

get the feeling that he have the feeling that he

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

get the feeling he have the feeling he generous that people take advantage generous people take advantage to take into account how get to the point put the idea into practice expert in the field of

Part 3 1. was looking forward to 2. he couldn't come up with he could not come up with 3. in danger of falling 4. hold it against him 5. in a request for 6. see him off at part 4 1. insisted on going 2. under no obligation to 3. had been witness to had been a witness to had been witness to had been a witness to 4. under no circumstances should they 5. be of any assistance be of assistance 6. the event of it being the event of being

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