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Code :R7320101

(Civil Engineering)

III B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supplementary Examinations, December 2010 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING-I Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks Max Marks: 80

1. A soil is to be excavated from a borrow pit which has a density of 1.75 g/cc and water content of 12%. The G=2.7. the soil is compacted so that the water content is 18% and dry density 1.65 g/cc for 1000m3 of soil, estimate (a) quantity of soil to be excavated from the pit, (b) Amount of water to be added, also determine the void ratios of soil in borrow pit and ll. 2. (a) Dene stokes law and mention the corrections applied in hydrometer analysis. (b) A soil sample has wL =20% wP =12% classify the soil as per IS classication system. Sieve size 2.032mm 0.422mm 0.075mm %passing 100 85 38

3. Dene Darcys law? Explain the factors eecting permeability of soil.

4. (a) What is quick sand condition? Derive the expression for hydraulic gradient in quick sand condition. (b) A granular soil deposit is 7m deep over a impermeable layer. The ground water table is 4m below ground level. The deposit has a zone of capillary rise of 1.2m with saturation of 50%. Plot the variation of total stress, pore water pressure, eective stress with e=0.6, G=2.65. 5. (a) Explain about pressure bulb concept? (b) A line load of 100 kN/meter run extends to a long distance. Determine the intensity of vertical stress at the point 2m below the surface and i. directly under the line load and ii. at a distance 2m perpendicular to line load 6. (a) Dene: i. Relative compaction ii. Placement water content iii. Dry side of optimum and wet side of optimum (b) What are the factors that eect compaction of soil? 7. (a) Explain any one of the graphical method for getting coecient of consolidation (b) The void ratio of clay A decreased from 0.572 to 0.505 under the change in pressure from 120 to 180 kg/m2 . The void ratio of clay B decreased from 0.612 to 0.597 under same increase in pressure. The thickness of soil sample A is 1.5 times that of B. The time required for 50% consolidation is 3 times longer for sample B than for A. What is the ratios of their coecient of permetabilities. 8. (a) Explain Mohr-Coulombs failure theory. (b) In an unconned compression apparatus a cylindrical soil sample of clay 8cm long and 4cm diameter fails under the load of 80N. Determine the shearing resistance if failure occurs at 10% strain.





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