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2 Marks Questions

Write a short note on weightlessness in a statellite A sphere of mass 40 kg is attracted by another spherical mass of 15 kg by a force of 9.8 107 N. When the distance between their centres is 0.2 m. Find G. How far away from the centre of the earth does the acceleration due to gravity will be reduced by 1% of its value at the earths surface ? (radius of earth R = 6400 km) An artificial satellite is revolving in a circular orbit around the earth at a height of 1000 km with the speed of 7364 m/s. Find its period of revolution. (Radius of earth R = 6400 km) The mean angular velocity of the earth around the sun is 10 per day. The distance from the sun to the earth is 1.5 108 km. Determine the mass of the sun. (G = 6.67 10-11 S.I. units.) Assuming the earth to be a homogeneous sphere, determine the density of the earth from following data : g = 9.8 m/s2, G = 6.673 10 11 Nm2/kg2, R = 6400 km. What should be the angular velocity of the earth about its axis of rotation if bodies on the equator are to be weightless ? How long would a day be then ? At a certain height above the surface of the earth the gravitational acceleration is 90% of its value at the earths surface. Determine that height above the earths surface. (Radius of the earth is 6400 km) 3 Marks Questions








To prove : T2 r3.

10) State Keplers laws of planetary motion. 11) How much a body of mass 100 kg on earth weighs at a) b) c) The equator The poles Latitude of 300 ? (Given : R = 6400 km)

Mahesh Tutorials Science

4 Marks Questions 12) What is critical velocity ? Obtain an expression for critical velocity of an orbiting satellite. On what factors does it depend ? 13) Define binding energy and hence its expression for a statellite revolving at certain height above the Earths surface.


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