Consumer Buying Behaviour Questionnaire

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Consumer Buying Behaviour Questionnaire Apparel & Accessories in Reliance Trends Dear Sir/Madam, I a student of Sahyadri College Management

& Sciences, Mangalore, am conducting a survey on the Buying Behaviour of the consumers in Reliance Trends. I request you to kindly spare a few minutes and help us in the survey. Your co-operation will be highly obliged. PERSONAL DETAILS Name: _________________________________ Occupation: a) business ( ) b) salaried person ( ) e) home maker ( ) Age: a) 18 28 ( ) b) 28 38 ( ) c) 38 48 ( ) Gender: Male ( ) / Female ( ) c) agriculture ( ) d) student ( )

d) 48 58 ( )

e) above 58 ( ) d) 40000 50000 ( )

Income: a) below 10000 ( ) e) Above 50000 ( )

b) 20000 30000 ( )

c) 30000 40000 ( )

1. Are you a regular customer at Reliance Trends? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

2. How often do you visit Reliance Trends? a) Daily ( ) b) weekly ( ) c) fortnightly ( ) d) monthly ( ) e) occasionally ( )

3. What is the average time that you spend at Reliance Trends? a) Less than 30 minutes ( ) b) 30 min 1 hour ( ) c) 1 hr 2 hrs ( ) d) more than 2 hrs ( ) 4. Who influences your purchase at Reliance Trends? a) friends ( ) b) self ( ) c) family ( ) d) spouse ( ) e) others specify___________________

5. Who accompanies you for the purchase? a) friends ( ) b) family ( ) c) spouse ( ) d) alone ( ) e) other specify____________________

6. On which occasions do you make purchase? a) festivals ( ) b) gifts ( ) c) offers ( ) d) weddings ( ) e) othes specify_________________

7. On what basis do you make purchase of clothes? a) price ( ) b) quality ( ) c) brand ( ) d) fashion ( ) e) colour ( )

f) other specify______________________ 8. What clothes do you often purchase? a) formals ( ) b) casuals ( ) c) sports wear ( ) d) innerwear ( )

9. If formals, then which brand you prefer? (Brands of Reliance trends) a) Netplay ( ) (Other brands) a) Belmonte ( ) f) John Players ( ) b) Indigo Nation ( ) g) John Miller ( ) c) Raymond ( ) d) Oxemberg ( ) e) Scullers ( ) b) First class ( ) c) Pureza ( ) d) Network ( )

h) Thomas Scott ( )

10. If casuals, then wich brand do you prefer? (brands of Reliance Trends) a) DnM X ( ) (Other brands) a) Options ( ) b) Lemax ( ) c) Denizen ( ) Tannz ( ) b) Team Spirit( ) c) First Class ( )

11. If sports wear, then which brand do you prefer? a) Performax ( ) b) Team Spirit ( )

12. On an average how much money do you spend at Reliance Trends? a) below 500 ( ) e) above 2000 ( ) b) 500 1000 ( ) c) 1000 1500 ( ) d) 1500 2000 ( )

Rate the following attributes of Reliance Trends 1) Strongly agree 5) strongly disagree 2) some what agree 3) Neutral 4) some what disagree

a) The store layout at this store is easy for the customers to find out what they need. 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )

b) Maintenance and cleanliness of the store is very good. 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )

c) The physical evidence of the clothing section is very neat and systematic. 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )

d) Reliance Trends has a good collection of clothing which helps the customer o have a choice. 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )

e) Reliance Trends is always updated with the latest fashion clothing. 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )

f) The overall experience of shopping at Reliance Trends is good. 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )

g) Your suggestions are highly obliged : _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Thank You.

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