Reflection Jan 18

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. Reflection: January 18, 2013. The Fridays in the school, the personnel seems more casual and happy. The schedule of the day was different because they had a teachers meeting at noon. The teacher begun the class with the discussion of the homework, and then he gave them more exercises on the board to practice. Sadly for me to know, more than half of my group didnt do the homework. So, some of them continue their work with homework hand out and others with the board exercise. While they were working, some students raise their hands for questions and doubts about the material and I assisted them in their needs. Im becoming more familiar with my group and sooner or later I will be completely in charge of them. My cooperating teacher has been revising my observations from his class and we are starting to work side by side, along with the other teacher candidate in his charge, Juan Perz. The teacher and I are planning the transition of the teaching of the group and the next week Im going to be more involved in the classroom. Celisse Cuadrado (TC) and I, visited the theater of the school and is a very large place, compared to other spaces. It is a place for a variety of activities in the school and we are planning to work in a special project in there. At noon all the other teacher candidates and I, decided to be present in the school meeting. We meet all the school faculty and we were presented by the temporary school chairperson Mr. Abiezer Luzunary. The meeting went quite well and the school faculty seems very happy with the new director and how he is taking charge of school needs and the requirements from the Department of Education of P.R. We were happy to join this group of professionals in our journey of practice teaching.

Dr. Anbal Muoz

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