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. Reflection: April 22, 2013 to April 26, 2013. In this week we continue with the PPAA (Pruebas Puertorriqueas de Aprovechamiento Academico) and it was a very different experience for me at the school. Despite the fact that I wasnt giving lessons to my group (because I was assigned to be an assistant of a teacher throughout those days), I was with another grade. Since the school is very small, I already had seen some of the students of this group. I already knew their homeroom teacher because we were introduced earlier in the semester and he is working the graduation committee. Overall, the students knew the content in the exams, but when they had some doubts, the eighth grade teachers were available to clarify them along with their homeroom teacher. Sadly, this group had problems of behavior inside the classroom. They were constantly screaming to each other from across the classroom. Also they were throwing things, talking and laughing all the time. This wasnt the behavior of the entire group, but from the most of them. Their homeroom teacher was tired about their behavior and told me that he constantly has given them advice on how to behave well and being better students. As I was looking at the scenario, I was thinking in classroom management techniques and strategies. They were the type of students that if you respond with anger to them, they are going to challenge you until they can push your limits. The students were able to finish their exams the three days, but the school principal visited the classroom to give them a speech about their discipline. After all, we were able to complete this process and then return again with our routine in the school the rest of week.

Dr. Anbal Muoz

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