Student Rubric

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Georgia Geography & Animals Name:_________________________________ 4. Distinguished Behavior-Overview: Followed all directions. Took part in all activities.

Was helpful to others and shared many ideas. Tried new things. 3. Proficient Followed most directions. Took part in all activities. Was helpful to others. Said many nice things to other students. 2. Apprentice Did not follow all directions. Took part in most activities. Was helpful to others. Said some negative things about others.

Friendly, helpful, positive Content-Amount of Information:

Work showed understanding of the topic. Work answered the project questions.

Topic and length TeamworkOverview:

Listened to team members. Shared many ideas. Helped solve problems. Did Listened, shared their own work and ideas, did work, and helped others. helped others Writing-Spelling and Writer makes no Grammar spelling or (Conventions): capitalization errors. Writer always used the parts of speech Correct grammar and correctly. spelling

Work included many sentences on the topic. Sentences were clear and answer the questions. Listened to team members. Shared many ideas. Did their own work and helped others.

Work was about the topic and had sentences that answer the questions. Listened to team members. Shared some ideas. Did own work. Did not try to help others.

Writer makes less than five spelling and capitalization errors. Writer used the parts of speech correctly.

Writer makes less than ten spelling and capitalization errors. Writer sometimes used the parts of speech correctly.

1. Novice Did not follow directions. Said negative things about other people and the project. Was not helpful.

Work was not about the topic. Sentences were short and did not answer the questions. Did not listen or talk with team members. Did not do work. Did not try to help others.

Writer makes so spelling and capitalization errors work is hard to read.

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