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Questions about Mind Your Language, episode 1

1.- Why do you think the name of the episode is: The first Lesson?

2.- What is the first mistake the character Ali Nadim makes while addressing to the Principal?

3.- What does he mean when he says: I am hoping to be unrolled?, and sillybus? Why is he wrong?

4.- Tell me why Ms. Courtney, the principal was looking for a female English teacher instead of a man?

5.-What is the misunderstanding that creates professor Brown when introducing himself to the group?

6.-Name all the different nationalities of the students in the group.

7.- Which are the first two students that get in a discussion , and for what reason?

8.- Why professor Brown says: Youre here to learn English, not to start a holy war?

9.- What is the fee for studying English at Ms. Courtney institute, and how much money does professor Brown collects?

10.-What is the name and nationality of the last student that arrives to the institute?

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