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National Probation Service

Issue 70 24 August 2007

The Bulletin has been improved for easier on-screen reading. It now summaries new content placed on Epic
( in the previous week and significant messages that have been
circulated on the Chief Officer gateway. Articles can now be read by either scrolling down the page or by clicking the
titles below:

183/07 Risk of Harm Guidance and Resource Training Pack: Version 2 – Reminder
184/07 Appointments
185/07 Issued Recently



A letter advising areas of the above was issued on 2 August 2007; this reminder is to confirm that,

• Version 2 of the Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources Pack has now been issued to replace
Version 1.
• Version 2 of the pack has been uploaded onto Epic.

The changes made to the pack for Version 2 are mainly in terms of improving its presentation, accessibility and
navigation. These include an A-Z index, an enhanced user guide, the facility to enlarge images, display selection
buttons on every page and improvement to the way sections of the pack print to avoid breaks across pages. In
addition, the sections on domestic abuse, arson and mental health have been moved from module 5 to module 3 and
a new section on Public Protection and Human Rights has been incorporated into module 4.

A technical solution has now been found to enable Version 2 of the Pack to be uploaded onto Epic. This will enable
NPS staff to access the pack at their desktop. It will also enable us to update the contents of the pack without having
to reissue disks to areas. The pack can be accessed via the Public Protection page of the Service Delivery section
on Epic. Please note: Only staff on the OMNI Network currently have access to the link/pack on Epic. Staff on the
GSI Network will have access in due course.

Areas need to arrange for Version 1.0 of the Pack to be removed from their Area server and all copies destroyed. If
you require disks of Version 2 to upload on to your Area server or for stand alone use, please contact Angela Colyer
( or 020-7217 0702).

We are planning to issue Version 3 of the Pack at the end of the year. Version 3 will include more substantial
changes to the material within the Pack.

Epic: Navigate from Home>Service Delivery>Public Protection>Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources

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UNCLASSIFIED www.probation,
Issue 70 UNCLASSIFIED NPS Bulletin
August 2007


Paul Aviss has been appointed as the Board Chair for Wiltshire Probation Area

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Probation Circulars 2007:

PC29 Post Release Enforcement – Licence Conditions Issued 17 August

This circular contains guidance on:

• Standard licence conditions and the application of non-standard additional
licence conditions;
• The use of additional licence conditions, particularly those relating to exclusion
zones, victim contact and electronic monitoring;
• The process for varying additional licence conditions; and
• The process for the cancellation of the supervision element of a life licence.

PC28 Drug Testing on Licence – Revised List of Trigger Offences Issued 16 August

The Fraud Act 2006 made changes to the trigger offences applicable to drug testing
on licence with effect from 15 January 2007. The Act included a technical error that
has now been corrected by means of legislation (the Criminal Justice and Court
Services Act 2000 (Amendment) Order 2007, S.I. 2007/2171) that came into force on
1 August 2007

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To submit items for the NPS Bulletin, or to be added to the distribution list contact:

Bulletins are posted on the Epic Intranet (navigate from

Home>News & Comms>Newsletters>Bulletins) and the NPS Website, (navigate
from Home>News & Updates>Bulletins)

Issued by the NOMS Communications Unit

Issue 70 UNCLASSIFIED NPS Bulletin

August 2007

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