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University of Puerto Rico Humacao English Department: Teacher Education Unit

Results of Students Evaluation for Teacher Candidate Lessons and Assessments

Evaluation #4: Group: 9-5 Topic: Folk Tale


Teacher Candidate: __Eliezer Morales Ruiz_______

Date: May 2, 2013.

1. What do you think about the activity of doing a comic strip for the folk tale Aunty Misery? What did you like about it and what did not? 2. How can we improve this activity for the next time?
Liked the lesson/assessment: Five highlighted student comments about the lesson/assessment: Didnt like the lesson/assessment:

I think that this activity is a fun way for the students and the teachers to have a class. Also the students can be creative and draw their imagination. I really enjoyed everything because its a creative way to write a story. Next time, we can make the story and then draw it in a comic strip. It was fun doing the activity because it reminds me when I used to draw comics. I like drawing comics, but I dont like to color it. It was very cool. I never had the chance to make a comic and we can also express our imagination in it. I like everything about it, it was very awesome. Next time, we can use themes like superheroes and make this activity better. The activity was very creative. I liked everything because I like to paint. It helped me to understand more the story. Next time, the teacher makes the drawings and we made the dialogue. I think that the activity is good and fun, it helped to learn. We can improve this activity by writing our own stories.

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