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Installation instructions for WINDOWS If you have an Academic license, and it has expired, then: 1.

Download a new executable from: e_Step2.html 2. Replace the old executable with the new one. If you are a first-time user of MOPAC2012, then: 1. Download the appropriate executable, unzip it, then make sure your emailed password is available. 2. Create a folder called "MOPAC" under "C:\Program Files" (i.e. create "C:\Program Files\MOPAC") If you don't want to use this location, then set the location using an Environmental Variable, see below. 3. Put "MOPAC2012.exe" in the new folder "C:\Program Files\MOPAC" 4. Using Notepad (or MS Word), create a new ".txt" file 5. Name the file the same as your password (sent to you by email), i.e. if the password is 1234a5678 then name the file "1234a5678.txt", then Save it. 6. Change the suffix of this file from "txt" to "mop" 7. Place this file in the same folder as the MOPAC2012.exe 8. Right-button click on this new (password.mop) file 9. Select "Open with | Choose a program" 10. Then click "Browse..." and navigate to "C:\Program Files\MOPAC\MOPAC2012.exe" 11. Select "MOPAC2012.exe" then click "Open" 12. Read the license agreement 13. If you agree, click the Return (Enter) key, then type the word "yes" and click return again. 14. Click the "Yes" button on the dialog box to complete the process. 15. You are now ready to run MOPAC2012

Using Environmental Variables to define location of the License Key By default, the MOPAC executable should be put in the Windows folder C:/Program Files/MOPAC If necessary, the executable can be put somewhere else. If that is done, then the location of the folder that containsMOPAC2012 license key must be defined using the environmental variable MOPAC_LICENSE.

If MOPAC_LICENSE is not defined, then MOPAC behaves as if it was defined as "C:\ Program Files\MOPAC\" (Note that the terminal slash is necessary for the environmental variable to w ork.) (start) => Settings => Control Panel => System => Advanced => Environmental Variables => User variables for <user> => New => Variable name = MOPAC_LICENSE Variable value = C:\Program Files\MOPAC\ => OK => OK => OK A re-boot might be necessary in order for the environmental variable to be recog nized.

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