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1. Differentiate between multitasking and multithreading (4).


2. Discuss about the methods used in interthread communication.(4)-243

3. When the synchronised statement can be useful? (4).-241

4. Distinguish between applets and application (2).-

5. What are the two ways in which thread can be created and how the
constructors differs for the creation of thread using two ways.(6)-228

6. Differentiate between single threaded model and multithreaded model.(6)-


7. Discuss about the methods used in interthread communication.(4)

8. Write the general form of a class and what does the following statement
refers to with related to allocation of memory (6)

i. A1 a;-105

ii. a=new A1();-109

9. Write the various ways of declaring array in java.(2)-48

10.Write a simple program for constructor overloading (6)-128

11.Differentiate final, finally, finalize (5)-121,143,216

12.Differentiate between throw and throws (3)-213,214

13.Differentiate between process and thread. (4)-223

14.Define synchronization. (2)-238

15.Draw the lifecycle diagram of a thread and explain the methods involved
in it. (6).-249

16.Define deadlock and discuss about the conditions under which it can
occur. (4)247

17.Define stream and its types. What are the abstract classes present in
them? (4)-286
18.Discuss about four filtered Streams which belong to a same category with
suitable examples. (12)-569-578

19.Take a simple program and implement it in various ways

i) Without using function and constructor

ii) Using function and without constructor

ii) Using constructor and function

iv) Using parameterized constructor and function.

Mention the advantages and disadvantages of each.

20.Program in multithreading

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