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Olivia lorem Gardiner ipsum

5th of May, 2013 issue #, date


Record of KwH The Change and Actions my Family has Taken Over the past school year my family and I have made small changes in order to save electricity in our house. Even though we live in a large house we know we can still conserve a lot of electricity. One way we have helped save electricity is by making sure that when we leave a room we turn all the lights off. Another way my family has helped save electricity is by increasing the temperature of our air conditioners at night from 16 Degrees Celsius to 24 Degrees Celsius. We have taken a couple of small steps to saving electricity and will carry on to do so. One reason why we may have had a slight rise in February was due to the fact we had visitors over on holiday. Otherwise I have managed to keep a slight decrease throughout all of the other months. This project has definitely taught my family to be more wary about the amount of electricity we are using.

Unit 8 Environmental Project

Data Collecting Table


Ut risus purus, congue vel,

Turning off the lights. Turning off the A/C. Turning off the fan. Saves the Earth!

Make Everyday Earth Day!

lorem ipsum

5th issue of May, 2013 #, date

How Many Months Will It Take For Olivia Gardiners Family To Reach 300KwH Per Month?

In order to find out how many months it will take for my family to reach 300KwH per month I need to find out the equation of my fitted line. The first thing I need to do is find out what the slope is. I can tell the slope is decreasing already but can find out the exact slope by using two ordered pairs from the graph. (1, 4526) & (5, 4406) I follow the equation y2-y1/x2-x1 equals the slope to find the answer. 4406-4526/5-1 = -120/4, which is simplified to -30. Now using the equation for slope intercept form which is y=mx+b I am going to add the slope to the equation. y=-30x+b. Now to find out what b equals I put in an ordered pair for x and y. I chose (1,4526) as my ordered pair. The equation now looks like this: 4526=-30(1)+b. First I solve -30x1 which is -30 making the equation 4526=-30+b. I then add 30 to both sides making this equation: 4556=b. This tells you what b is and you can now make your full equation. y=-30x+4556 this is my equation for the graph.

Final Analysis
Now that I have my equation to find how long it will take my family to decrease to only using 300KwH per month I just punch in the numbers. I will put 300 in for y as it is the KwH and solve my equation. 300=-30x+4556. First subtract both sides by 4556 making the equation this: -4526=-30x. Then I am going to divide both sides by -30 to get the x value by itself. Which equals 4526/30=x. This is the amount of months. Rounded to the nearest whole number it would take my family 142 months to slowly decrease to using 300KwH per month. This is 11 years and 8 months altogether for my family to reach 300KwH per month.

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