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At the restaurant -The Continental Restaurant. Good afternoon. -Yes, sir. When for? -And what time, please?

-Can I have your name, please? Thank you. Goodbye. -Good evening, sir. A table for two? -What was the name, please? -Ah, yes, sir. Over here, please. -Waiter can we have the menu, please? -Excuse me, Miss, can you bring us the wine list? Here you are. _We'd like to order. -I'd like tomato soup. -I'd like roast chicken, please. -And what would you like to drink? -A glass red wine for me, please. -What's your steak like? -It's not bad. -This meal's excellent. -It's not very good. -It's cold. -Good afternoon. An reserve a table for two, please? -For tomorrow evening. -Eight o'clock. -Smith. -Goodbye. -Yes, I phoned yesterday. -Smith. -Yes, sir. I'll bring it right away. -Yes, certainly, madam.

-Yes, sir. What would you like to start with? -Two tomato soups. And to follow? -And I'll have lamb chops. -I think I'll have a pint of larger. -Thank you. -It's very nice. And yours? -What about yours? -Why not?

- Hello John. Long time no see. How are you keeping then? -Oh, I am very well a thanks. In addition, you? -Not so bad, thanks. -Come and have a drink and a game of darts. -Ok. Thanks. -I'll have a pint of mild. -A pint of bitter and a pint of mild, please. (Pint-Maseru pt licked) -Good evening, Bill. How are you? Can I get you a drink? -Oh, all right. Thanks a lot. -I'll have a pint of bitter, please. -Here you are, sir. -Really, sir? -Oh, I'm terribly sorry. My mistake. -Excuse me, Miss. This knife is dirty. away. -Hello, Franck. Nice to see you. -No, have one on me. -What are you having? -Oh, that's not what I ordered. -No, I ordered fish, not steak. -I'll bring your fish right away. -Oh, I'm sorry, madam. I'll get you clean one right

-Is everything all right, sir? -Well, the steak's a bit tough. -Is it? I'm terribly soryy. I'll have a word the cook.

Eating out in the America Eating out in the United Sates offers a wide range of places to suit any taste or pocket. In most hotels, especially in the city centers you will find a lot of high-class restaurant with international dishes. Restaurants serving simpler dishes can be fond outside these centers or along the main highways. In drive-in-restaurants you are served in your car by waiters or waitresses who are called, carhop". There are also a great number of foreign restaurants that serve their national food. Such places offer food at reasonable prices. At the top of the scale, both as regards decorations, atmosphere and price, are the gastronomes, supper clubs, and nightclub. Such (astral de; cutter; Sa; Sa cum) places often require the men to wear jackets and ties. If you want a less expensive meal, try the coffee shop, which offer a wide range meals, or one of the many sidewalk cafes or snack bars where smile meals can be had either with waiter service or selfservice. If you are in a hurry, there is the so-called short order or quick service restaurants, where you can get a meal without a long wait.

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