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Asian Way Reisorganisatie

Postbus 7604 8, 1070 EA Amsterdam - The Netherlands T : +31-(0)20-4041631/4041632|F :+31-(0)20-6441107|E:

Amsterdam, April 12. 2013

Dear Mr. Ewan Setiawan, SE Chairman of the Board of Representatives of Bandung City Jalan Aceh No. 36 Bandung, West Java INDONESIA Telp./Fax. +62- 022 4221484 Subject : Invitation to Tourism Promotion Training As per requirement herewith on behalf of Asian Way we would like to invite The Delegation from House of Representative of Bandung City (DPRD Kota Bandung) West Java Province for the Training especially for Tourism Promotion at Nederland Tourism Organization. Scope of The training will be focus at the Tourism Promotion International Plans, Budgeting and Activity. At the training well present same materials and latest promotion technology to increase the incoming tourism through the promotion activity from year to years. The main purpose of this Tourism Promotion Training is : 1. To increase the knowledge of delegation for The Promotion 2. The Function Of Tourism Promotion 3. Budgeting for Promotion Activity 4. Value Add Of The Tourism Promotion, 5. Same Materials (Important Thing) to Promote Tourism Destination After The Tourism Promotion Training hopefully all Legislative Delegation from Bandung City of West Java Province having the high knowledge how importance The Tourism Promotion for their regiance to realize the Vision of City and The Master Plan of Tourism have to continue done year by year using the Information Technology. The Training will be held from 28thApril until 5thMei 2013, with the Delegation Names as follow : No. Names Position at Parlamentary 1. Mr. Deni Rudiana Member of DPRD , Bandung City 2. Mr. Troyadi G Lukas Member of DPRD , Bandung City 3. Mr. Yosep Saepul Akbar M.Sag Member of DPRD , Bandung City 4. Mr. Drs. Katmadja Member of DPRD , Bandung City 5. Mr. Christian Dicky.SS,Mpd Member of DPRD , Bandung City 6. Mrs. Wieke Widyowati Member of DPRD , Bandung City 7. Mr. Nicolaus Lumanau Chairman ETSDC I wish the house of representative Of Bandung City West Java Provincial Delegation a fruitful and rewarding visit to Netherlands.

Yours faithfully

Mrs. Ni Luh Riek Vogler Director Asian Way

Asian Way - Amsterdam - The Netherlands T +31-(0)20-4041631/4041632 F +31-(0)20-6441107 E
Postbus 4040 3006 AA ROTTERDAM K.v. K. 41127968

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