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So much for the paperless society: Global consumption of paper has increased by almost half since 1980 The

biggest paper consumer in the world is Belgium, thanks to EU bureaucracy

By TED THORNHILL PUBLISHED: 16:20 GMT, 4 April 2012 These days we communicate most of the time by email and text, receive statements online and fax machines are already a thing of the past yet global paper consumption since 1980 has gone up by almost half. The worst offenders are the Belgians, with the equivalent of 8.51 40-foot trees worth of paper being consumed by each member of the population per year, according to The Economist. The magazine points out, however, that its position at the top of the tree-consumption tree is partly down to the EU headquarters being there, which prints vast amounts of paperwork in countless languages. Wood you believe it? Belgium uses more than eight trees-worth of paper per person per year The No2 spot is filled by Finland, which apparently does convert a lot of its paper into domestic packaging, thereby distorting its tree consumption. More... The top next three worst offenders are Germany, Japan and Sweden - despite all three having technology-driven economies. The rest of the top 10 is made up of the U.S, Denmark, Switzerland, Netherlands, South Korea and Canada. The UK comes in at No11, with each member of society using the equivalent of 4.48 trees. Next in the chart comes France, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and China, which only uses 1.81 trees per person. Azerbaijan is the most tree-friendly nation, with only 0.16 trees per person being used each year. Paper recycling is certainly something that the UK population feels strongly about with a marked increase in the amount recovered per household since 1997.

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