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Question Bank Subject: Distributed Systems UNIT-I Introduction to distributed systems: 1. What is distributed system?

What are the important goals to build a distributed system? Explain any two. 2. What is the role of Middleware in a distributed system 3. Give the comparison between multiprocessor operating systems, multicomputer operating systems, network operating systems, and middleware based distributed systems. 4. With a neat diagram explain the general organization of an internet search engine into three different layers. UNIT-II Communication: Explain the seven layers in the OSI model? Explain how message appears on the network 1. 2. 3. 4. What is RPC? Explain the principle of RPC between a client and server program(ten steps) Explain the (i) principle of iterative resolution (ii)principle of recursive resolution Explain the client multi threading (basic organization of X-Window System) Write a brief note on multithreaded servers

UNIT-III Synchronization: 1. Explain the relation between clock time and UTC when clocks at different rates(slow, perfect and fast clock graph) 2. Explain the following clock synchronization algorithms (i) Cristian algorithm (ii) Berkeley algorithm 3. Explain how Lamport timestamps algorithm is used for assigning times to three processes 4. With a neat diagram explain the Bully Election algorithm 5. Explain the following mutual exclusion algorithm (i) Centralized (ii)Distributed (iii)Token Ring Give the comparison of above algorithms 6. Explain the general organization of managers for handling distributed transactions. UNIT-IV : Consistency and Replication: 1. What is a replication? explain the motivation for replication 2. What is the purpose of consistency model ? Explain the data-centric model 3. Explain the following consistency with an example (i) Strict consistency (ii) sequential consistency 4. Give the summary of consistency models 5. Give the comparison between push-based and pull-based protocols 6. Explain the remote-write and local-write protocols with an example

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