Moment of Inertia

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Notes for Strength of Materials, ET 200

Moment of Inertia of Simple and Compound Shapes

Moment of Inertia Definition In everyday speech, the word moment refers to a short amount of time. In physics and engineering mechanics, moment is the product of a quantity and the distance from that quantity to a given point or axis. For example, in Statics, a force acting on a wrench handle produces a torque, or moment, about the axis of a bolt: M = P ! L . This is the moment of a force. We can also describe moments of areas. Consider a beam with a rectangular cross-section. The horizontal neutral axis of this beam is the x-x axis in the drawing. Take a small area a within the cross-section at a distance y from the x-x neutral axis of the beam. The first moment of this area is a ! y . The second moment of this area is Ix = ( a ! y ) ! y = ay 2 . In Strength of Materials, second moment of area is usually abbreviated moment of inertia. If we divide the total area into many little areas, then the moment of inertia of the entire cross-section is the sum of the moments of inertia of all of the little areas. We can calculate the moment of inertia about the vertical y-y neutral axis: Iy = ( a ! x ) ! x = ax 2 . The x and y in Ix and Iy refer to the neutral axis.

This beam has a depth of 16 cm and a width of 5 cm. We can divide the beam into 8 equal segments 2 cm deep, 5 cm wide, so that each segment has an area a = 2 cm ! 5 cm = 10 cm 2 . The centroid of segment #1 is 7 cm from the x-x axis ( y1 = 7 cm ) ; the centroid of segment #2 is 5 cm from the x-x axis ( y 2 = 5 cm ) ; and so on. We can estimate the moment of inertia for the entire area as the sum of the moments of inertia of the segments, written as

Ix = ! a i y 2 i where n = the total number of segments, and i = the


number of each segment (from 1 to n), or:

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ix = a1y1 + a 2 y2 2 + a 3y 3 + a 4 y 4 + a 5 y 5 + a 6 y 6 + a 7 y 7 + a 8 y 8

= 10 cm 2 ! ( 7 cm ) + 10 cm 2 ! ( 5 cm ) + 10 cm 2 ! ( 3 cm )
2 2

+10 cm 2 ! (1 cm ) + 10 cm 2 ! (1 cm ) + 10 cm 2 ! ( 3 cm )
2 2

+10 cm 2 ! ( 5 cm ) + 10 cm 2 ! ( 7 cm )

= 1680 cm 4

2011 Barry Dupen

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Revised 3 May 2011

Notes for Strength of Materials, ET 200

Moment of Inertia of Simple and Compound Shapes

We can take the same beam and split it into 16 segments 1 cm deep.
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ix = a1y1 + a 2 y2 2 + a 3y 3 + a 4 y 4 + a 5 y 5 + a 6 y 6 + a 7 y 7 + a 8 y 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 +a 9 y 2 9 + a10 y10 + a11 y11 + a12 y12 + a13 y13 + a14 y14 + a15 y15 + a16 y16

We can estimate the moment of inertia as:

Ix = 5 cm 2 ( 7.5 cm ) + 5 cm 2 ( 6.5 cm ) + 5 cm 2 ( 5.5 cm )

2 2

2 2

+5 cm 2 ( 4.5 cm ) + 5 cm 2 ( 3.5 cm ) + 5 cm 2 ( 2.5 cm )

2 2

+5 cm 2 (1.5 cm ) + 5 cm 2 ( 0.5 cm ) + 5 cm 2 ( 0.5 cm )

2 2 2 2

2 2 2

+5 cm 2 (1.5 cm ) + 5 cm 2 ( 2.5 cm ) + 5 cm 2 ( 3.5 cm )

2 2 2

+5 cm 2 ( 4.5 cm ) + 5 cm 2 ( 5.5 cm ) + 5 cm 2 ( 6.5 cm ) +5 cm 2 ( 7.5 cm ) = 1704.525 cm 4

As the size of the segments drops, the estimates get closer to the actual solution. If we split the beam into an infinite number of infinitely-small segments, well get the actual solution, derived bh 3 from calculus: Ix = , where b is the width and h is the depth. 12 The exact solution for the moment of inertia of a 5 cm wide, 16 cm deep rectangular beam is

Ix =

bh 3 5 cm (16 cm ) = = 1706.7 cm 4 . 12 12

Compound Beams Sharing a Neutral Axis Now take the same beam and glue it side-by-side to an identical beam. The base is twice as wide; the depth is the same. The mo-

bh 3 10 cm (16 cm ) = = 3413.3 cm 4 , twice 12 12 the moment of inertia of a single beam. Therefore, we can add the moment of inertia of two cross-sections as long as they share the same neutral axis.

ment of inertia is Ix =

These glued beams share the same neutral axis, so the moment of inertia is

Ix = Ix1 + Ix2 = =

3 3 b1h1 b h3 b h3 + b2 h2 + 2 2= 1 1 12 12 12 3 3

5 cm (16 cm ) + 3 cm ( 8 cm ) 12

= 1834.7 cm 4

2011 Barry Dupen

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Revised 3 May 2011

Notes for Strength of Materials, ET 200

Moment of Inertia of Simple and Compound Shapes

This compound beam can be divided into rectangular segments which share a common neutral axis, so:

Ix = Ix1 + Ix2 + Ix 3 =

3 3 b1h1 + b2 h2 + b 3h 3 3 12

Hollow Beams Sharing a Neutral Axis If a beam is hollow, and the hollow space shares the same neutral axis as the beam, then we can subtract the moment of inertia of the hollow from the moment of inertia of an equivalent solid beam.

Ix = Ix1 ! Ix2
3 b1h1 b h3 ! 2 2 12 12 3 3 b h ! b2 h2 = 1 1 12

9 cm (16 cm ) ! 7 cm (14 cm ) 12 = 1471 cm 4


We can use the same technique for finding the moment of inertia of a hollow tube. From calculus, the moment of inertia of a circle !d 4 is Ix = , therefore the moment of inertia of a hollow circle is 64

Ix = Ix1 ! Ix2 =

4 4 4 "d1 "d 4 " ( d1 ! d 2 ) . ! 2 = 64 64 64

A standard 2" steel pipe has dimensions d1 = 2.375 in. and

d 2 = 2.067 in. , so:

Ix = ! ( 2.375 in.) " ( 2.067 in.)


) = 0.6657 in.

The Transfer Formula The moments of inertia calculated in the previous examples were evaluated about the neutral axis of each shape. Sometimes we need to calculate the moment of inertia of a beam about a different, noncentroidal axis. The Transfer Formula is I = Io + ad 2 , where Io = moment of inertia about the x-x neutral axis, I = moment of inertia about a parallel x'-x' axis, a = the area of the shape, and d = the distance between the x-x neutral axis and the parallel x'-x' axis (the transfer distance). Note: the symbol d is also used for the diameter of a circle; these quantities are different, even though they share the same symbol.

2011 Barry Dupen

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Revised 3 May 2011

Notes for Strength of Materials, ET 200

Moment of Inertia of Simple and Compound Shapes

For example, this beam has a width of 5 inches and a depth of 6 inches. The moment of inertia about the x-x neutral axis is

bh 3 5 in. ( 6 in.) = = 90 in.4 and the cross sectional area 12 12 a = 5 in. ! 6 in. = 30 in.2 If we want to find the moment of inertia about the x'-x' axis at the base of the beam, then d = 3 in. Using the Transfer Formula,

Io =

I = I o + ad 2 = 90 in.4 + 30 in.2 ( 3 in.) = 360 in.4 The practical


application of the Transfer Formula comes with calculating the moment of inertia of compound beams. Compound Beams With Different Neutral Axes Some compound cross-sections are made of segments which do not share the same neutral axis. As long as the neutral axes are parallel, we can use the Transfer Formula to find the moment of inertia of the compound beam. For example, this beam crosssection consists of two rectangular segments, and the x-x neutral axis of the beam is different from the x1-x1 and x2-x2 neutral axes of segments 1 and 2. Using the Transfer Formula, we can calculate the moment of inertia of each segment about the x-x neutral axis of the compound shape, then add the results to obtain the total moment of inertia. Using a 10-step process, we can calculate the moment of inertia of the compound beam.
Step 1 Divide the compound beam into simple shapes, and label

the segments. This compound beam can be divided into two segments, but this method also works for complex shapes made up of many simple shapes.

Step 2 Calculate the area, a, of each segment. Enter the areas and

their sum into a table. Be sure to list the units, because in some problems, you may need to include a conversion factor in the calculation.

Segment #1 #2 Sum

a (in.2) 24 48 72

a1 = 8 in. ! 3 in. = 24 in.2 a 2 = 4 in. ! 12 in. = 48 in.2

2011 Barry Dupen

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Revised 3 May 2011

Notes for Strength of Materials, ET 200

Moment of Inertia of Simple and Compound Shapes

Step 3 Pick a Reference Axis, and label it on the diagram. In the-

ory, you can select any axis, but in practice, the math is usually easier if you pick an axis along the top or bottom of the complex shape, or along the centroidal axis of one of the segments.

Step 4 Draw the distance from the Reference Axis to the centroi-

dal axes of the segments, x1-x1 and x2-x2. Label these distances y1, y2, etc. Enter these values into the table.

Segment #1 #2 Sum

a (in.2) 24 48 72

y (in.) 13.5 6

Step 5 Calculate the product a ! y for each component area. Enter

these values and their sum into the table.

Segment #1 #2 Sum

a (in.2) 24 48 72

y (in.) 13.5 6

ay (in.3) 324 288 612

Step 6 Draw the distance from the Reference Axis to the x-x cen-

troidal axis of the complex shape. Calculate this distance as


!ay 612 in.3 = = 8.5 in. !a 72 in.2

2011 Barry Dupen

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Revised 3 May 2011

Notes for Strength of Materials, ET 200

Moment of Inertia of Simple and Compound Shapes

Step 7 Draw the Transfer Distance, d, for each segment. This is

the distance from the centroidal axis of the segment to the centroidal axis of the complex shape. Given the way this beam is drawn, d1 = y1 ! y and d 2 = y ! y 2 . For other compound beams, you will have to figure out the formulas for d1, d2, d3, etc. based on the drawing. Enter the results into the table.

Segment #1 #2 Sum

a (in.2) 24 48 72

y (in.) 13.5 6

ay (in.3) 324 288 612

d (in.) 5.0 2.5

Step 8 Calculate the product a ! d for each segment, and enter


the results and their sum in the table. Be sure to calculate a ! d , not a ! d ...its an easy error to make.

Segment 1: a ! d 2 = 24 in.2 ( 5 in.) = 600 in.4


Segment #1 #2 Sum

a (in.2) 24 48 72

y (in.) 13.5 6

ay (in.3) 324 288 612

d (in.) 5.0 2.5

ad2 (in.4) 600 300 900

Segment 2: a ! d 2 = 48 in.2 ( 2.5 in.) = 300 in.4


Step 9 Calculate I for each segment about its centroidal axis:

Io1 =

bh 3 8 in. ( 3 in.) = = 18 in.4 12 12

3 3

bh 3 4 in. (12 in.) Io2 = = = 576 in.4 12 12

Enter these values and their sum into the table.
Step 10 Use the Transfer Formula to calculate I for the compound

Segment #1 #2 Sum

a (in.2) 24 48 72

y (in.) 13.5 6

ay (in.3) 324 288 612

d (in.) 5.0 2.5

ad2 (in.4) 600 300 900

Io (in.4) 18 576 594


I = !I o + !ad 2 = 594 in.4 + 900 in.4 = 1494 in.4

Hollow Beams with Different Neutral Axes If the beam is hollow and the cavity does not share the same neutral axis as the outline of the solid shape, then we need the Transfer Formula. Let Segment #1 be the solid shape (with no hole), and Segment #2 be the hole. In all calculations, the area of the hole and the moment of inertia of the hole are negative numbers. Thus a1, a1y1, a1d12, and I1 are positive numbers; a2, a2y2, a2d12, and I2 are negative numbers.

2011 Barry Dupen

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Revised 3 May 2011

Notes for Strength of Materials, ET 200

Moment of Inertia of Simple and Compound Shapes

Step 1 Divide the compound beam into simple shapes, and label

the segments. Segment #1 is a solid rectangle measuring 8 cm wide by 6 cm deep; Segment #2 is a hole measuring 6 cm wide by 2 cm deep.

Step 2 Calculate the area, a, of each segment.

a 2 = " ( 6 cm ! 2 cm ) = "12 cm 2
Step 3 Pick a Reference Axis, and label it on the diagram.

a1 = 8 cm ! 6 cm = 48 cm 2

Segment #1 #2 Sum

a (cm2) 48 -12 36

Step 4 Draw the distance from the Reference Axis to the centroi-

dal axes of the segments, x1-x1 and x2-x2. Label these distances y1, y2, etc. Enter these values into the table.

Segment #1 #2 Sum

a (cm2) 48 -12 36

y (cm) 3 4.5

Step 5 Calculate the product a ! y for each component area. Enter

these values and their sum into the table.

Segment #1 #2 Sum

a (cm2) 48 -12 36

y (cm) 3 4.5

ay (cm3) 144 -54 90

2011 Barry Dupen

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Revised 3 May 2011

Notes for Strength of Materials, ET 200

Moment of Inertia of Simple and Compound Shapes

Step 6 Draw the distance from the Reference Axis to the x-x cen-

troidal axis of the complex shape. Calculate this distance as


!ay 90 cm 3 = = 2.5 cm !a 36 cm 2

Step 7 Draw the Transfer Distance, d, for each segment. This is

the distance from the centroidal axis of the segment to the centroidal axis of the complex shape. Enter the results into the table. Placing a hole in the upper part of this beam shifts the centroidal axis downward, to where more of the material lies. Since d1 = 0.5 cm , the centroidal axis of this hollow beam is 0.5 cm below the centroidal axis of a solid 6 cm 8 cm solid beam.

Step 8 Calculate the product a ! d for each segment, and enter


the results and their sum in the table. Be sure to calculate a ! d 2 , not a ! d ...its an easy error to make.

Segment 1: a ! d 2 = 48 cm 2 ( 0.5 cm ) = 12 cm 4

Segment #1 #2 Sum

a (cm2) 48 -12 36

y (cm) 3 4.5

ay (cm3) 144 -54 90

d (cm) 0.5 2

ad2 (cm4) 12 -48 -36

Segment 2: a ! d 2 = "12 cm 2 ( 2 cm ) = "48 cm 4


Step 9 Calculate I for each segment about its centroidal axis:

I1 =

bh 3 8 cm ( 6 cm ) = = 144 cm 4 12 12

I2 = !

6 cm ( 2 cm ) bh 3 =! = !4 cm 4 12 12

Segment #1 #2 Sum

a (cm2) 48 -12 36

y (cm) 3 4.5

ay (cm3) 144 -54 90

d (cm) 0.5 2

ad2 (cm4) 12 -48 -36

Io (cm4) 144 -4 140

Enter these values and their sum into the table.

Step 10 Use the Transfer Formula to calculate I for the compound


I = !I o + !ad 2 = 140 cm 4 " 36 cm 4 = 104 cm 4

Some problems have more than two segments; the 10-step procedure is the same, with more rows in the table.

2011 Barry Dupen

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Revised 3 May 2011

Notes for Strength of Materials, ET 200

Moment of Inertia of Simple and Compound Shapes

When is the Transfer Formula Not Needed? Some shapes may look like they require the Transfer Formula, but creative segment choices can make the problem very easy to solve. Consider a beam with two hollow sections. The moment of inertia could be calculated using the 10-step Transfer Formula method with segments #1 (large rectangle), #2 (upper cavity), and #3 (lower cavity), but it is easier to break it into rectangles which share the same centroidal axis. Calculate the moment of inertia of segment A (large rectangle), subtract the moment of inertia of segment B (two cavities joined together) and add the moment of inertia of segment C (material between the two cavities). The moment of inertia of a wide-flange beam made of welded rectangular plates is easy to solve by adding and subtracting the moments of inertia of rectangular segments. Subtract the moments of inertia of the spaces to the left and right of the web from the moment of inertia of a large rectangle. Symbols, Terminology, & Typical Units a b d h I L M P y Area Width of the base of a rectangle Transfer distance (in the transfer formula); diameter of a circle Height of a rectangle Moment of inertia Length Moment Point load Distance from the x-x neutral axis to the centroid of a segment in.2 in. in. in. in.4 ft., in., ft.kips lb., kips in. mm2 mm mm mm mm4 m, mm kNm N, kN mm

2011 Barry Dupen

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Revised 3 May 2011

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