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INTRODUCTION The front office in a hotel is the department responsible for the sale of hotel rooms through systematic methods of reservation, followed by registration and assigning rooms to customers.
The front office is primarily responsible for the selling of the rooms. Besides rooms and sales, the front office is also responsible for accepting reservation, registering arrivals, handling keys and mail, dealing with messages, maintaining statistical information and preparing for guests on their departures. The front office also provides information on the services of the hotel, tourist attractions, travel conditions and also directs bell boys, porters and services to guest rooms. In addition, this office maintains guest accounts and prepares their bills. Many hotels maintain reliable guest history files.
The front-office desk should be attractive and well designed for the guest to form a good impression. It is generally situated at or near the main entrance of the hotel. It must be spacious to accommodate the guest while checking in a nicely furnished lounge close by for the guest to sit and wait while the formalities are being dealt with are completed.

The front office department is the most visible department in a hotel. The focal point of activity within the front office is the reception desk. The reception desk is usually the place at which guests from their first important impressions of the hotel. It is also the communication centre for the hotel's operation.
The reception desk may comprise: cashiering; mail and information; registration; and room assignment. There may be separate desks, or all tasks could be performed at one counter (sometimes known as multi skill). The reception desk is located in the busiest area of a hotel's lobby. The main financial tasks which are handled by front office staff include: receiving cash payments; handling guest folios; verifying chouse; and handling foreign currency and credit cards.

The front office is in The Chancery Pavilion holds prime importance in view of the basic nature of a hotel. Front office has a complimentary role of image-building, which is the first and last point of contact of every guest.


Front Office Manager

Assistance F.O Manager

Lobby Manager

GRE Bell Captain Bell Boy Trainees

Telephone Operator Reservation Asst. Receptionist F.O. Cashier

Night Auditor

The main records of the room sales in the front office are:

Reservation Form Registration Card Daily Arrival List Reservation Chart Hotel Register

Reception Room Status Board

Guest Index Following is a brief description of report/ formats and terms frequently used in front office department. Arrival List The arrival list gives summary information of the entire guest who is expected to check it on a particular date.

Number of Visitors Name of the guest

Total No. of people occupying the room (pax) Guest Address/Travel agents Name

Billing Instruction Special Request

The group arrival list is also attached to the F.I.T. arrival list to give a summary of all the arrivals for the day. All staff members should read the arrival list, first thing when they come on shift. Reservation
The reservation of accommodation is made by the reservation section of the front office. Inquiries are received in person through Telephone, Telegrams, Telex, Letter or block booking list etc.

Thus the main sources of Reservations are:

1 Telephone 2 Mail 3 Telegram 4 Person 5 Travel Agencies 6 Hotel Representatives 7 Airlines 8 Referrals from other hotels

The Procedure Receipt of booking requests by : Letter: Check the chart. If accommodation is available, mark off on the chart. Head-up copy letter with guest's name and date of arrival in capital letters, Confirmation should go out on the same day, as a request was received, if possible. Telex: Use the Same principle. Start with reservation card, mark chart and reply by telex. Telephone/In Person: Check chart, Create and advise caller to confirm if time allows or ask for deposit.

Every morning or on the previous evening, take out and study the day's arrival, correspondence, check details against cards.

Put the registration card in the front of the drawer marked "In-house file". Write-up the rooming list, previous nights guests should be brought forward. Enter today's arrival in pencil, showing number of persons, room-rate, and departure day. Upon arrival of the guest (individual or group), they should each complete a registration Card. The name(s) etc., on the rooming list should be inked in red.
Make-up the bill folio's, which must be typed showing as much details as possible. Add full details of account before it goes to ledger.

File registration card in alphabetical order in-house file drawer. In the absence of Whitney slip system; these cards can be placed in a rack. This will show which rooms are let, Vacant and which is expected to be let that day.
Type up the Whitney Slips and distribute to telephone and porters.

RECEPTION The reception area is the registration desk. Guests, on arrivals are greeted by room desk/receptionists and receive the first impression of the hotel, its staff and its service. 'C' form is used for registration of the foreign guest. Check-In and Check-Out
The Check-in and Departure register is a formal record and control on all arrivals and departures. The main information recorded is:
1o Surname/First Name (Name of guest) 2o Designation 3o Check-in/out Date 4o Room number 5o Number of Pax 6o Purpose of Visit 7o Nationality etc. 8o Rate 9o Billing Instruction 10o

Arrived from/Proceeding to Manager Signature

11oGuest Signature 12o

Suppose the guest is foreigner, following details should be filled in the registration card.
1 The Passport Number 2 Date of Issue 3 Place of Issue 4 Date of entry to India 5 Purpose of Visit 6 Duration of Stay 7 Registration Certificate Details

A guest departure is the most critical phase of the guest cycle. On receiving the intimation of the guest to check-out from the hotel from the lobby captain or the guest himself, the customers bill is updated. The bill is presented to the guest for settlement.

The mail received is sent to the respective mail and key rack or in the appropriate box or Index. For special mail, special records are maintained. The mail is put in the respective pigeon holes of the key and mail rack or sent through the bell boy to the guest room. For the guest yet to arrive, the mail is kept in different sections marked alphabetically. The mail of the guest who has already left the hotel is directed as per the instructions of the mail forwarding card.

Keys All keys are at the key rack handed over to the guest on arrival or when they are asked for. Complaints Complaints are received from the guests and concerned departments are informed accordingly. A patient hearing is given to the guests and adequate action taken to satisfy them. General complaints and suggestions are conveyed to the management and complaints regarding food service and bar service, are conveyed to the management through the front office manager. Billing
On registration of a guest, a guest account is opened. It will record all charges and credits pertaining to the guest's use of the hotel facilities and services. They include room charges, restaurants, beverages, Laundry, Valet, Paid out and rebates. All Checks made by different departments to guests are collected and sent to the bill section by name of Vouchers. The guest account system has:
1 Guest Bills 2 Duplicate bill or Visitor ledgers 3 Vouchers from Sales Outlets 4 Daily Summary with:

Sales Ledger
1) Cash book and 2) Receipt book

Handling Cash and Credit

Collection of cash and credit for services rendered by the hotel is most important for the hotels cash flow, its ability to pay its employees and creditors. The cashier must scrutinize personal checks ad deal with foreign currencies either in cash or in the form of traveler chouse.

The daily audit is done at midnight to ensure that all postings have been made correctly and that all guest accounts are up-dated. Different reports regarding the average rate, percentage occupancy, departmental revenues and their relationship to forecasts, are prepared and sent to the management and departmental heads.

CURRENCY EXCHANGE (FOREX) There are certain rules that the hotel company has to follow when handling the foreign exchange. Foreign currencies can only be purchased but not sold by the hotel; this states that only rupees can be given in exchange of foreign currency and not only other currency for any purpose.

Currency has to be exchanged at the daily quoted rate by the reserve bank of India. A detailed record to be maintained for all the money exchanged. This would involve the name of the foreign guest, his nationality, passport number and the currency exchanged and duration of stay in the country.
In Encashment Certificate the following information should be filled.

1 Room Number and Date 2 Guest or Client Name 3 Passport Number 4 Nationality 5 Details of foreign currency Notes/Coins/Travelers cheques

purchased (Indicating clearly notes and travelers cheques separately)

6 Details of Adjustment made towards settlement of bills for

services rendered.
7 Net amount payable 8 Guest Signature/Manager's Signature 9 The bill Number

The following currency can be exchanged at the Hotel

1 US Dollars 2 Australian Dollars (Euro) 3 Sterling Pound 4 Canadian Dollar 5 Deutsch mark 6 Swiss francs 7 French francs 8 Yen etc.

The Front Office Manager

The front office manager must have organizing and

administrative ability. He must have knowledge of manners, customs, tastes and ways of life of the main tourist generating countries and must have knowledge of the regulations governing foreign exchange transactions, organization of the hotel, hotel accounting, hygiene and safety regulations and relative labor legislation.

The duties and responsibilities of front office manager are:

1 To be responsible for the different services of his department. 2 To draw up the safety roasters and supervise discipline,

conduct and appearance of his staff.

3 To be responsible for reservation, planning and for all

operations concerning allocation of rooms.

4 To be responsible for ensuring a good relationship between

the guest and the hotel staff.

5 To be responsible for maintaining co-ordination with other

departments of the hotel.

6 To exercise control over reservation. 7 To Schedule the duty roasters and ascertain the reason behind

determining the manpower, strength of the department.

8 To Co-ordinate sales promotion, banquets and house-

keeping departments to have all accommodation ready for conventions and parties.
9 To liaison with travel agents, airlines and other business potential.

Reception/ Asst. Receptionist A receptionist must have good general education and through knowledge of the organization of the hotel, guest billing, posting machines, labour legislations and foreign languages.

There are three main aspects of the job of the receptionist: Public Relation: This involves good service and goodwill sales of Selling Room: It involves the reasons of accomplishing these aims. Technical: It involves the reasons of accomplishing these aims. The Lobby The lobby is an area located immediately upon entry into the hotel building. It is well furnished with seating arrangements and is a meeting place, common to all quests. The main functions of this department are: To guide the guest to reception for registration To carry guest luggage To look after guest cars To look after their personal jobs.

The House-Keeping operation has the main task of keeping the hotel rooms and public areas clean and attractive. HouseKeeping is one of the most vital and interesting departments in many aspects. The work of a housekeeping department in a hotel varies considerably according to the type and size of the hotel. The house-keeping department takes pride in keeping the hotel clean and comfortable. The executive Housekeeper also investigates periodic storing, cleaning or redecoration which is found to be necessary; she maintains exact records showing when any given area was last decorated and where it is next scheduled for decoration. The different areas which come under the direct supervision of the executive housekeeper are:
1 Guest Rooms 2 Lobby 3 Public Areas 4 Offices 5 Stairways/Cases 6 Windows 7 Stores, Concessions and other leased areas

The important functions of a house keeping department are grouped as:

1 Cleaning and Maintenance 2 Training of Personnel 3 Preparation of Schedules and reports 4 Supplies and equipment 5 To provide uniform to the staff 6 To provide guest rooms linen 7 Cleaning and shampooing of carpets in public area 8 Polishing of furniture's and fixtures 9 Maintaining the garden of the hotel 10 Stock taking and inventory controls 11 Preparing room reporting and maintaining all document and files 12 Pest control 13 Lost and found 14 To clean the rooms immediately after guest checks-out of the

rooms, after taking from front -office Otherfunctions

1 Flowers and floral decorations and arrangement 2 Attending complaints and requests of guests 3 Attending to lost properties 4 First-aid to guests and staff

This department ensures that the amenities and bedrooms used by guests are maintained at a high standard. It has to work most closely with the front office. The house-keeping department must be informed as soon as guests check-out and in-turn must notify the front office immediately when a vacated room is ready for occupancy. The housekeeping office notifies floor house-keepers of all vacated rooms and the floor house-keeper will inform the executive house-keeping officer as soon as rooms are cleaned and inspected for re-letting. The lobby is the most important public area in the hotel. Room guests, visitors and the general public all assemble and pass through the lobby. Without the constant attention in picking up loose papers, cigarette stubs and other litter and cleaning the ashtray and sand jars.

Cleaning and Maintenance Cleaning and maintenance of the areas under its supervision is the primary function of the housekeeping department. The guest rooms require cleaning, changing of the linen, and making up the beds which are done by the maids. The day-maid services and cleans the guest rooms. The housemen thoroughly clean bath rooms, wash the tiles, and floor fixtures.
Each maid is given a cart to carry her supplies. These carts are in front of the door, behind which the maid is working or where the maid's card is on the door handle. They are visible to every guest. Each morning these carts are cleaned before being equipped with linens and other supplies. These carts and supplies are kept under the charge of maids closed on every floor. The floor closet contains sheets, pillow cases, bath

towels, wash clothes, bath mats, and reserve for mattress pads, bedspreads, blankets and shower curtains to replace what has been stained, soiled or damaged. Other items required for equipping the hotel are : glasses, toilet issues, facial tissues, shoe shine cloths, soap, ashtrays, matches, guest stationery, envelops, post cards, pens, telephone, memo pads, laundry lists, guest laundry bags, room service memos, do not disturb card, and clothes hangers.

The maid is required to inspect each room in her section for vacancies in the morning and afternoon, and prepare a room report. A guest house-keeping procedure requires that a check-out be served first unless a guest requires early service.
Housemen give each room a general cleaning periodically i.e., the period depends upon the hotel's policy. It involves a through cleaning of the room and everything in it. It includes high wall dusting, cleaning the tiles in the bathroom, washing pictures and vacuuming the drapes, blinds, sofas, cushions and mattresses as well as the carpets. Housemen also carry furniture to and from the store room and from the guest room to another. They also help in setting up a banquet room from dances, meetings, etc. and strip the room after the function in over.

Supplies and Equipment All guest supplies should be properly placed in each room. The items of guest supplies in each room are listed below:

Bedroom Doors:
1 Fire Notice/Room Rate Card 2 Two Breakfast Order Cards 3 One 'Do Not Disturb' Card

Dressing Table Top:

1 One Comment Card 2 One Hotel Service Directory 3 One Room Service Menu 4 One Ashtray and matches

Dressing table drawer:

1 The stationery kit (containing 4 sheets of papers, 2 envelops,

2 post cards)
2 Two shoe shine cloths 3 One laundry list/dry-cleaning list 4 One room service menu 5 One mending kit

1 Twelve coat hangers with bar 2 Two laundry bags

Bedside Unit:
1 One ashtray 2 Telephone 3 Note pad and ball pen 4 Luggage racks -two

One top of Television:

One restaurant card and Mini bar menu.

WashHands Basin:
1 One box cleaning tissues 2 Two toilet rolls (one in holder/one reserve) 3 One bar soap in bath soap holder 4 Two bar soaps on the basin 5 Two glasses in cling wrap 6 Ashtray 7 Waste bin under basin

W.C. Unit: Two sanitary bags

Twin Rooms:
1 Two bath towels 2 Two hand towels 3 Face towels 4 One bath mat

Linen Room
This room supplies linens to the F&B departments and all other departments, collects soiled linen and issues fresh linen with the requisition slip. Linen rooms provides following linens to the department.

Staff Uniforms F&B Linen Guest room and bathroom linen Guest Dress material etc. LOST AND FOUND SECTION If any guest valuable is lost or found, it is reported to Housekeeping control desk. The supervisor enters the details in the lost and found slip. The name of the founder is also entered in the slip. If the address is available a letter is sent to the guests. The article is kept for 3 months or one year. If it is valuable and still if there is no claims then it is auctioned or given to the finder.

House-Keeper's Report
The actual assignment of rooms is made by housekeeper on the basis of the current status of room, which is obtained from the maids moving report. The housekeeper's report is made on a simple pre-printed sheet listing the room numbers by section or floor with a space for the code. Which is taken in the evening to know the status about the room, a housekeeper's discrepancy report is also prepared which is signed by the reception and night auditor.

Register's maintained in the Housekeeping Department Room occupancy report Duty roaster file Log book Lost and found Room status report Carpet shampoo Register Room Checklists file


Executive housekeeper Desk Control Supervisor Housekeeping Supervisor Floor Supervisor

Tailor/Uphols ters Houseme n

Attendants/Gar deners

Linen Room Supervisor

Horticulturist/Florist Room Attendant

House-keeping Department Co-ordinates with the following departments Food & Beverage Purchases Front-Office Maintenance Stores Personnel Security


Food & Beverage production is one of the most important departments in the hotel. Since time in memory, eating food has been the most important activity of human beings. The art of cooking is very ancient and the first cook was a primitive man accidental discovery of fire and burnt foods characterized the origin of cooking. The kitchen is a place where raw materials are made in to right quality and best standard of food for current number at correct time.

Hierarchy of Food and Beverage Production Executive Chef Sous Chef Chef de Partie Commi I Commi II Commi III

Rules followed by the kitchen staff of the Resort standardized recipes are followed:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

No staff meals are allowed inside the kitchen Over production and under production is avoided Kitchen consumption register are maintained Requisitions are done accordance with need Inventory control is maintained

Forms and formats used in kitchen Requisitions order form Daily food portion sheet i.e. no. of portion of food sold Pastry register Duty roaster KOT (Kitchen Order Ticket) IDT (Inter Departmental Transfar) The Duties of Executive Chef include:
1 Food cost control techniques 2 Use of kitchen equipments 3 Hygiene and sanitation 4 Preparation of Standard Recipes 5 Performance appraisal of kitchen staff 6 Kitchen staff problems and disciplinary action 7 Maintenance of files and formats 8 Co-ordination with service outlets

1 Co-ordination with kitchen stewarding for supplies and

maintenance of equipments
2 Organization of kitchen operations and delegation of duties to

the staff Menu planning in consultation with F & B Manager

3 Drawing up of duty roasters 4 Staff and scheduling 5 Testing of new food items 6 Control of received merchandise 7 Supervising food preparation 8 Encourage the staff 9 To ensure that required kitchen profit target is attained 10 To advise management on purchase of kitchen equipment

requirement Check weight and quality of goods on arrival

11 Organize and conduct training 12 To provide management with full information on the efficiency

of kitchen operation. Sous Chef

Sous means "under" in French and the Sous Chef is the second chef in command of the kitchen. The assistant head chef understudies the Head Chef in all his duties. It is the Sous Chef who calls up the order from the kitchen and supervises the service. He is mainly responsible for the efficient day-to-day functioning of the kitchen.

He reports to the executive chef. Some of the major duties of a Sous Chef are:
1 Co-operation with the Executive Chef 2 Menu planning 3 Direct supervision of kitchen practical activities 4 Direct supervision of service during meal service

Chef de parties 'Partie' is a French word meaning 'part' (of a whole) or section. The different sections in the kitchen there is a chef-departies supervise their respective section. Each Chef-de-partie is assisted according to the production load. Commis They are directly under the chef-de-parties. They are named as Commi I, II, III; they have to attend the daily briefing by the Sous Chef. Their work is decided amongst themselves by the chefde-parties their work includes getting the raw material, issues from the stores, do the mise-en-place, prepare the dish against K.O.T.

Flow of work in kitchen Indent is made to get the raw materials issued from the stores Raw material is brought to the kitchen All the mise-en-place is done required for the dish to be cooked Dish is cooked The waiter places an order by giving the K.O.T The order is prepared and portioned accordingly and is given to the waiter The K.O.T is put in a box, which is locked. The F & B control department daily removes it The various sections of kitchen Indian Section Continental Section Pantry Section Roast Section Garde Manager Soup Section South Indian Section Continental Section This section prepares authentic continental dishes. Indian Section Indian section caters delicious Indian dishes

Roast Section It is the section responsible for providing all roast dishes of meat, poultry and game. It is generally known as Tandoor. Vegetable Section This section is responsible for salads and vegetable dishes. South Indian Section It serves authentic south Indian dishes. Soup Section It is responsible for prepare various types of soups, such as consomms, creams, veloutes, purees, broths, bisques and many special International soups. Pantry
This section prepares a wide variety of hot and cold sweets, pantries.

Work Procedure
As soon as an order placed the waiter takes it down on K.O.T. which is made in triplicate. The 1st copy is sent to the kitchen and based on that the kitchen prepares that food. Once the food is prepared it is entered on daily food sales sheet for the number of portions. The waiter then takes the ordered food to the food & beverage outlet for service.

Food and Beverage Production Department Co-ordinates with

4 Purchase 1 Housekeeping 2 Accounts 3 Personal 5 F & B Service outlets 6 Kitchen



The food and beverage service department of a hotel is the most labour Intensive department The food and beverage service department is one of the major revenue producing areas, which includes right from the preparation of food to service of food and beverage service department is the busiest department in the hotel. The food and beverage service department comes under Food & Beverage Manager Food and Beverage Manager The person responsible for this department is known as food and beverage manager. He heads departmental that involves guest relations as well, he is concerned with the smooth flow of foods and service before they reach the guest. The duties and responsibilities of food and beverage Manager
1 Ensuring that required profit margins are achieved 2 Up-dating and compiling new wine list 3 For compiling menus in liaison with the kitchen 4 The purchasing of food and drinks 5 Determine the portion size in relation to selling price 6 Maintenance of professional standards

1 Discipline of the staff 2 Coordination with other department 3 Cleanliness of food and beverage outlets 4 Final selection and training of staff 5 Staff Co-ordination 6 Problem Solving 7 Staff Time Management 8 Employee Training

Operational Skills and Responsibilities: Cost Control Food Merchandising Employee Scheduling Marketing Menu Pricing/Planning Menu Design Discipline Maintenance Interviewing Recruitment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Restaurant Manager T he operatio n

Restaurant Manager is responsible for the overall of the establishments which serve food. He coordinates and

directs the work of the employees. He is responsible for the food and equipment necessary for the restaurant.

Food and Beverage Outlets at the Hotel

All the food and beverage outlets overtook the swimming pool.

The Coffee shop of the chancery pavilion is known as Ithaca.

All day dining restaurant. Essentially Mediterranean.

Daily breakfast and lunch buffet Dinner buffet every Wednesday and Saturday. Live Pasta and Pizza stations. No Of Covers: 72 inside the restaurant, (on request food is served in pool side). Restaurant timings for the buffets. Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: 6.30 AM 12.30 PM 7.30 PM 10.30 AM 3.30 PM 11.00 PM

Rate for the buffet: Breakfast: Lunch: 325+vat+Service charges = 382 495+vat+Service charges = 582


553+vat+Service charges = 650

Sunday Branch: 700+vat+Service charges = 823 Children Menu: 325+vat+Service charges = 382 Dessert Menu: Vat is 12.5% Service Charge 5% Indian Affair:
The specialty restaurant is known as Indian Affair. Contemporary restaurant with display kitchen serves signature dishes from popular
294+vat+Service charges = 347

cuisine pockets of India. Restaurant Timing: 11AM 7 PM Amnesia

3.00 PM 11.30 PM

The bar of the chancery pavilion is known as Amnesia. Trendy and lively bar offering exotic cocktails spirits and cigars. 11.30 PM

Timing for the Bar: 11.30 AM In Room Dining ( IRD)

The Room Service Department is known as In Room Dining. It involves the service to guest rooms of both food and beverage operations. The peak period for room service is during the morning

hours when the guests prefer breakfast in their room.

Procedure of Room Service:

Order Taker attends the phone call Takes the order on the KOT

Writes the room number and order of the guest Repeats the order to the guest to re-check and close the conversation by saying Thank You The lounge: Wine and Cheese lounge offering selections from various pars of the world. Pastry Shop Offers a range of exotic confectionery and bakery delicious as take away too. Meeting and Events:
It covers conferences cocktail pantries, weeding receptions, dances, private and official luncheon and dinner parties. The Banquet manager is responsible for booking functions helps the organizers to choose menu and type of service required, and deals with orders and arrangement of flower as well as food/alcohol and staffing of the function.

The chancery pavilion having 7 halls for 30-1500 people.




people Esquire 40 - 150 people Sigma 25 250 people Executive centre, Board rooms, private cabin and all other business services. Poolside, Babbage and private dinner up to 150 people
The Restaurant Manager is responsible for planning and organizing all the service activities of the restaurant such as staffing, scheduling, training, promotion of team spirit, motivation to achieve targets.

Senior Captain
He must have the knowledge of foreign language and knowledge of foreign and national specialties, wines and tastes of clients of different nationalities. He is also responsible for organization and administration of food and beverage and conducting training for staff. He must have the sound knowledge of hygiene and safety standards and principles of organization. He is responsible for the day to day function of the restaurant. He supervises his staff and briefs them about the work.

Duties and responsibilities are

1 The service of the restaurant 2 Scheduling of employees 3 Supervision of the service of each meal 4 General maintenance of area and equipment 5 Draw up duty rosters and supervise discipline 6 Take part in preparation of special tariffs and prices

Be responsible for his staff and give suggestions, concerning their recruitment, change of duties, promotion and further training.
1 Effective guest relation 2 Co-ordination with engineering and housekeeping department 3 Liaison with other departments, with special reference to

food and production department

He should have knowledge of foreign languages and thorough knowledge of various dishes. He assists the waiter in receiving the guests and taking orders. He should have knowledge of different dishes and should be able to explain dishes to the customers.

Stewards Knowledge of foreign language and national specialties are essential for reception waiter. Functions carried out in restaurant For breakfast both buffet and a la carte menu is available Lunch items snacks can be ordered at any time between breakfast and dinner Dinner is either from buffet or from a la carte menu Side stations are stocked with cutlery, crockery, menu cards, tea cups, saucers, sugar bowls, butter dishes, cheese holders, straw holders, ashtrays, glasses etc.

1 The side stations should be stacked with sufficient covers,

extra linen, crockery etc.

2 Cruet sets should be cleaned and filled on a daily basis 3 Sauce bottles filled and the necks and tops of the bottles

wiped clean
4 Butter, condiments and accompaniments for service should

be kept ready for use when needed

5 The buffet table is laid up and kept ready for service 6 To assign the staff of their respective job

Coordination The food and beverage service department coordinates with the following department
1 Kitchen 2 Housekeeping 3 Bar 4 Front Office


The accounting and control department of a hotel is of vital importance specially because of the peculiarities of this business. Most functions of this department are of technical nature and they require a good deal of background and training for comprehension. The accounting department is concerned with the guest's bills, paying wages to the hotel staff, paying bills rendered for the hotel purchases and maintaining books, recording all items of income and expenditure. Many of the accounting records are kept in original outside the accounts office. Accounts with resident guest are kept with the front office.
This department provides records and information of out-goings which provide management at regular intervals with the necessary road to gauge the efficiency and profitability of each department. Final accounts are prepared at the end of the year which depicts the pictures of the hotel business performance for that particular period.

The food and beverage operating statement shows the financial performance of the food and drinks service includes:
1 The revenue from food and beverages 2 The cost of sales of food and beverages 3 The payroll of this department

For the purpose of control the main operating ratios are: Daily seat turnover or rate of seat occupancy Average sales per seat or average sales per customer Average annual restaurant occupancy Accounts department is responsible for keeping record of all the transactions in the hotel the uniform system of accounting is followed. The department is headed by Chief Accountant Function Account department posts all financial dealings of the hotel in their respective books as well as audit all the transactions. The accounts department also pays the staff salary and wages against the voucher issued them by the personnel department Other functions
1 Managing the account of restaurants and room sales 2 Preparing financial statement 3 Profit & Loss account 4 Balance sheet and budget

1 2 3

Systems and procedures Guest Folio When a guest checks in, a folio is opened in his name which carries all the credit expenses of the particular guest. The daily amount is calculated and is brought forward by the night auditor. Guest ledger transcript
From the weekly bill the entire amount is recapitulated in the guest ledger and is sent to the accounts department after the completion of auditing this is recorded in the monthly income journal.

Visitors Tabular Ledger Is used for a day to maintain the daily account of the in house guest in a tabular form and it contains both credit and debit column and at the end it is transferred to the guest folio and ledger goes to the accounts office. Credit Ledger This ledger records all the credit amount along with names of the company when cash is collected an entry parallel in the debit side of the cash book.

Vouchers and bills Vouchers and purchase bills are sent along with summary sheets of all departments for rechecking, Coordination Accounts department coordinates with all departments for all bills and voucher and with personnel for payment of salary and wages to the staff. Accounts department is divided into these sections
1 Purchase 2 Receiving 3 Stores 4 Food and Beverage Control


This department should be completely independent of the other departments of the hotel. The department can be sub-divided into:
1 Purchasing 2 Receiving 3 Storing 4 Issuing

Purchasing The creation of atmosphere by right choice of furnishings and equipment is contributing factor to the success of food and beverage service area. With the trend towards higher cost of decreased availability of key commodities: the purchasing section becomes extremely important purchase department of the resort is concerned with purchasing of all raw materials, equipments and various items as required by other departments. Responsibility of Purchase department
1 Make continuous availability of materials 2 Make purchase in reasonable quantities 3 Adopts most advantageous method of purchase 4 Develops good relations with supplier 5 Develops alternative source of supply

Receiving The receiving section is mainly concerned with the receipts of goods and is managed by a receiving manager. All items which are purchased by the hotel have to go through receiving department which ensures that the quantity and quality of the product are up-to-the specification and standard required. Storage and Issuing A Storing and issuing policy gives guidance about the daily recurring process of storing incoming goods and releasing or issuing them for use in the appropriate departments
The storage and issuing of food needs to be properly and carefully controlled. The following are some of the practices which is useful:
1 Accounting department should have direct control of food issues 2 Periodic inventories should be taken 3 Occasional spot checks should be made 4 All supplied should be issued only, during established hours. 5 In issuing food items, observe the principles of 'first in first out' 6 Set up a requisition procedure and maintain proper record of

nature, quantity, pricing and date of food supplies issued.

7 Eliminate storage room pilferage 8 Keep the store room locked 9 Provide for dual control of store room keys in the absence of

storeroom attendant and Prohibit entrance into the storeroom by an authorized person Functions

1 The store room will be arranged neatly & correctly 2 The store of each food item will be maintained separately 3 To check the item while receiving from receiving department 4 To supply item against intend requisition

Food and Beverage Control The food & beverage controller keeps a check on all the food and beverage outlet; of the hotel. The control is done on two broad spheres, namely:
1 Food 2 Beverage & Smokes - alcoholic - non alcoholic

1 To keep a constant check on costs of food and beverage

production and hence maintain a food cost level

2 To ensure that misappropriation of food and beverage does

not take place

3 To prevent "spoilage, pilferage and wastage of materials 4 To indicate what is going wrong where and to try and remedy

the problem with regard to food and beverage

5 To keep a strict check on liquor, as it is a high cost item and

small losses can lead to light monetary losses.

The food & beverage cost controller is responsible for:

1 Actual cost procedures of food and beverage department 2 Record of complementary, staff meals, check etc. 3 Spot checking on various points and previous day's balance

to check food and beverage cost

4 Costing of store issue 5 Checking of KOTs and other food and beverage controls 6 Portion control and control of wastage 7 Menu planning and standard recipes

It has the duties of selecting, recruiting and improving the staff. Personnel management is a vital function of hotel management. The personnel manager must know the local labour market and must design a program that will attract qualified employees to the hotel. Management looks to the personnel department for advice, suggestions and the latest development in the areas of wages, salaries, job evaluation study, service etc. The department is responsible for the development of maintenance of human resources Functions
1 Recruitment of permanent and temporary staff 2 Helping the staff in case of any problems 3 To calculate the salaries of employees 4 Granting them leave 5 Calculate provident fund, house rent etc. 6 To keep arrears of trainees 7 To keep personal records of each employee

Maintenance of
1 Heating 2 Ventilating 3 Refrigerating and 4 Air-conditioning systems 5 Electrical system 6 Television systems 1 Plumbing fixtures

Fire safety and Protection

2 Fire protection 3 Fire prevention 4 Maintenance of fire equipment 5 Establishment of fire protection procedures

This department is primarily a protective department and most consciously enjoyed in general protective activities security is the state being secure this need to safe guard the company property from theft and damage it is also an active department in the resort. The security officer and his staff must be vigilant every hour of the day.

Responsibilities of Security Officer The security officer is responsible to protect the hotel and well-being of guests and staff. In brief his duties include:
1 To supervise the issue of all master or sub-master keys to

such personnel as are authorized by the management

2 To maintain friendly working relations with the local police officer 3 To be responsible for lost property 4 To supervise security precautions in the handling of cash

within the hotel

5 To supervise correct maintenance of fire fighting equipment

and carry out periodic training of security staff Records maintained by security department
1 Maintain security logbook 2 Maintain gate passbook 3 Maintain Visitors pass 4 Control keys


FRONT OFFICE Problem 1: As it is a resort hotel, most of the guests are foreigners. But none of staff in the front office have the working knowledge of foreign languages Solution: The Front Office Manager should recruit staff with knowledge in foreign languages or give training to the existing staff in foreign languages. Problem 2: The key tags are not polished properly Solution: The key tags should be polished thrice in a week with brasso by boys. Problem 3: Lack of Professionalism and diplomacy Solution: The staffs in front office should posses certain qualities. Appointing the staffs from hotel background Problem 4: The back area is congested Solution: The back area should be spacious with well ventilated. It should be arranged neatly Problem 5: Misuse of Telephone by staffs

Solution: This can be controlled by proper supervision and by taking strict actions inst the staff HOUSEKEEPING Problem 1: There is no In-house Laundry in the hotel Solution: An in-house laundry should be provided at least for washing the guest clothes. Problem 2: Pilferage of guest amenities by the staff
Solution: Guest supplies like shampoo, soap, shaving kit etc. is pilferaged by staff causes additional expense to maintain the stock level. To prevent this, the floor pantries must be locked & bin cards for each items maintained. Housekeeping :be very vigilant against pilferage. The security should check the staff before leave the premises,

Problem 3: The front office fails to inform Housekeeping department about the room blocking Solution: The P.O. should always inform the housekeeping in advance, if it wants particular room for regular guest Problem 4: Misuse of rooms by housekeeping staff Solution: The staffs sometimes sleep in the guest room, which should be notified id strict actions should be taken

Problem 5: Absentism by staff without prior information Solution 5: Last minute absentism should be dealt very strictly. Do explanation should be demanded from the staff and strict action to be taken FOOD & BEVERAGE PRODUCTION Problem 1: The working efficiency of certain staffs is very poor and the personal hygiene should be improved Solution: Adequate training of the staff and the proper hygiene measures are very necessary to solve the problem Problem 2: The cold rooms sometimes are over crowded which spoil food items Solution: The old raw materials should be used first so that avoids contamination Problem 3: The extra food from the banquet and restaurant are thrown out Solution: The extra food from the banquet and restaurants should be stored in the Id rooms and send to the orphanages
Problem 4: The goods that are brought to the hotel as per the purchase order are rarely verified with standard purchase specification

Solution: There should be proper verification as per the standard purchase specification FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE Problem 1: Sales decreasing in the restaurant Solution: Up-selling technique to be employed like staff incentive, promotions I theme parties Problem 2: Shortage of staff Solution: Intake of more staff Problem 3: Lack of modern service equipments Solution: With the use of modern service equipments the service will be faster I easier Problem 4: High breakage of glassware and crockery's Solution: Staff needs training for proper handling of glassware and crockery's Problem 5: Consumption of the alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages by the staff Solution: This can be controlled by maintaining proper register and strict nee by the F & B Control

This project is meant to study about the one department in the model hotel. All the department expert sales have been dealt with in detail. Their functions and procedures have been brought out.
The hotel as the model is "The Chancery Pavilion ", Bangalore.

This project basically says how each department in the model works and what are their procedures.
The problems of the four major departments in the model hotel are identified and possible solutions are given. In short this will help to have a pictures of the model tel. Various departments, their functions, their sub selections and the kind of work are doing is high lighted on this project.

The project data was collected when I was doing my practical training between 10th June 2006 to 10th August 2006. The certificate has been given in the beginning of e project report. By this I came to know about the model hotel in details and their functional aspects. I am thankful to people who rendered their valuable suggestions to complete this project.

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