Lesson Plan: School: Date: Name: Class No. of SS: Textbook: Unit 11 Lesson: Skills Lesson Aims

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School: Iorgu Radu Secondary School Date: 20.05.2013 Name: Vinatoru (Jianu) Simona Class: 5th No. of Ss: 25 Textbook: Pathway to English Unit 11: Shopping Lesson: English Money Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing Lesson aims:
-to learn and extend vocabulary related to money and shopping; - to understand the meanings of the new words; -to use the new vocabulary in context; -to improve the students vocabulary and pronunciation.

Materials: blackboard, textbook, worksheets Methods : conversation, observation, demonstration, explanation. Timing: 50 Lesson stages:
1. Warming- up: Aim: to prepare the students for the lesson; Procedure: T greets the pupils and asks for absents. Interaction: T- Ss Timing: 3

2. Checking-up homework Aim: Encouraging Ss to develop self-discipline in taking responsibility for their own learning and organisation Procedure: T asks the Ss to read their homework; corrects if necessary Interaction: T- Ss Timing: 5 3. Lead-in: Aim: To orientate the Ss to the topic and outlines the aims of the lesson Procedure:. T ask the Ss to do exercice 2.a) from page 106 1.How much are these jeans, please? 2.Theyre 10.95. 3.Thats not too expensive.Can I try them on? 4.Of course.Theres a changing room over there. 5.Are they all right? 6.Yes, theyre fine. 7.Thats 10.95,then,please. 8.11.00-thats 5 p change.Thank you. Then T announces that they are going to learn about english money . Interaction: T- Ss Timing: 10 4.Presentation: Aim: To present the new vocabulary Procedure:T writes the title and the new vocabulary on the blackboard and asks the Ss to do the same on their notebooks. T shows to Ss real English money : pounds and pence. Interaction: T- Ss Timing: 10 5.Practice: Aim: to consolidate the terms refering to english money and shopping Procedure: T asks students work in pairs for exercise 3/page 107 where they are going to do dialogues as customers and shopping assistants. Example: A: How much are these trousers,please? B:Theyre 16.99. C:Oh, thats expensive. A:How much is this T-shirt, please?

B:Its 1.99. A:Oh, thats cheap. Interaction: T- Ss Timing: 15

6. Assigning homework : T gives to Ss as homework ex.4/page 107 and explains what they have to do.

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