The Golden Trade of The Moors

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Knowledge of Truth, Self, & Kind are more that important it Genealogically empowering!

By: Nuqman Tehuti El It seems that once the Euro-peon turned the table on us, and defeated us THE MOORS as a people, they re-wrote our legacies with their Hist-Story, which happened during the re-construction period. These are the Lies & ignorance that our people continue to obliviously believe, parrot & embrace to this day. Their lies are not the true facts of what we have done, or who we truly are. The real truth is that we were already here, living in grand style, with great civilizations, confederations, laws of peace & friendship treaties. We shared the land and resources amongst each other. They even fashioned theirs, todays government after what was already established here, The Great Law of Peace. Which our ancestors of North America already had established, who they deceptively called Indians! 3739256&sid=21101735845477 The Euro-peon was even brought over here by us, because they could not transverse the seas, using longitude and latitude, do u remember when they thought that the world was flat? Thats because a lot of them went off of cliffs, water falls, etc. Then later once the Euro-peon, learned how to travel, & about North, Central, & South America, and all of its resources, people & land they emptied their jails and sent all of their undesirables here on ships to conquer the people, resources and our land. As a matter of fact we were first their masters. But they brought with them a plan, their feudal system & thinking and through their germ warfare, lies, wars, division, and other evils ticks of their trade, we were defeated and physically enslaved. Now our people are mentally enslaved, & want to be ignorant of who they truly are, they prefer to be ignorant Black Anglo Saxon, & Afro - Peons. The root word for ignorant is Ignore, and thats what a lot of our people are doing is ignoring who they really are I ask that our brothers and Sisters also look up the word Peon! Which is apart of Euro Peon, Afro Peon, and see what it truly means. Knowledge of Truth, Self, & Kind are more that important it Genealogically empowering! The Golden Trade of the Moors

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