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M.Tech I.C.


Sl. No
Theory 1 2 3 4 5

Sub. Code



Mathematical Methods in Engineering Applied T hermodynamics & Heat Transfer Applied Fluid Mechanics & Gas Dynamics I. C. Engines Automotive Engineering

3 3 3 3 3

1 1 1 0 0

0 0 0 2 2

4 4 4 4 4

Practical 6 P1ICA28 Seminar 0 0 2 1 21

Total Credits


Sl. No
Theory 1 2 3 4 5 6

Sub. Code


P2ICA05 P2ICA06 P2ICA07 ***** ***** *****

Tribology Computational Fluid Dynamics Combustion in Engines Elective I Elective II Elective III

3 3 3 3 3 3

1 1 1 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

4 4 4 3 4 3

Practical 7 P2ICA08 I.C. Engines Lab 0 0 4 2 24

Total Credits L Lectures/Week, T Tutorials/ Week, P Pract icals/Week; C Credit


Sl. No
Theory 1 2 3 4 5 6

Sub. Code


Automotive Fuels and Emissions Engine Design and Development Engine Electronics & Management System Power Train NVH Soft Skill Project Management

3 3 3 3 2 2

1 1 1 1 0 1

0 0 0 0 2 0

4 4 4 4 3 3

Practical 7 P3ICA14 Engine & Emission Lab 0 0 4 2 24

Total Credits


Sl. No

Sub. Code


Practical 1 P4ICA16 Project Wor k 32 16 16

Total Credits L Lectures/Week, T Tutorials/ Week, P Pract icals/Week; C Credit

Over all Total Credits = 85


Sl. No

Sub. Code


ELECTIVE I 1 2 3 PEICA17 PEICA18 PEICA19 Super charging & Tur bo Char ging Measurements and Instrumentation System Engine Auxiliar y System ELECTIVE II 4 5 6 PEICA20 PEICA21 PEICA22 Engine Simulation CAE / FEA Experimental Methods and Optimization Technique ELECTIVE III 7 8 9 PEICA23 PEICA24 PEICA25 Engine Materials & Manufacturing Fuels, Lubricants & Coolants Engine Alternatives FUTURE ELECTIVES 10 11 PEICA26 PEICA27 Hydrogen Engine Intellectual Property Rights 3 2 0 1 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 4 4 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3

L Lectures/Week, T Tutorials/ Week, P Pract icals/Week; C Credit



L TP C 3104

OBJECTIVES To introduce to the students the techniques of problem solving; To make the students to simulate and analyze fluid flow engineering problems; To provide sufficient backgr ound to the students to gain the ability to discretize fluid flow problems; To make the students to use commercial computational fluid dynamics software which is widely used in industr y to simulate and analyze a wide range of fluid flows. OUTCOM E On completing the course, the student is Students would have lear nt the numerical methods needed for the analysis of fluid flow problems; Students would have gained an understanding of the discretization techniques used in commercial codes to solve the differential equations of fluid flow problems; Students would have acquired the experience to judge the accuracy of numerical solutions and the numerical uncer tainty. UNIT I NUMERICA L LINEAR ALGEBRA 9

Gauss elimination, Gauss-Jor dan elimination, LR decomposition QR decomposition, Ill conditioned systems, condition number, singular value decomposition, Tikhonov regularization, Jac obi iteration, Gauss Seidel iteration, Relaxation methods, two grid methods, Defective matrices, generalized eigen values and eigenvectors, Sturm sequence, Jacobi, Givens and Householder transformations, Jor don canonical form of matrices, pseudo inverse of a matrix, leastsquare solutions of overdetermined linear systems, the method of normal equations. UNIT II BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS A ND APPLICATIONS 9

Linear second order partial differential equation in two independent variables, Normal fo rms hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic equations, Cauchy problem, Wave equations, Solution of initial value problem, Significance of characteristic curves, Laplace transform solutions, Displacements in a long string, long string under its weight, a bar wi th prescribed force on one end, Free vibrations of a string. UNIT III CALCULUS OF VARIA TIONS 9

Concept of functional and its stationar y value- Eulers equation and solution for the problem and for more general causes- natural boundar y conditions- variational problems with moving boundaries- condition variational problems- Isoparametric problems- Direct methods (Ritz, Kantorovich and Galer kin techniques).



The Schwarz- Christoffel transformation- transformation of boundaries in parametric for m- physical applications- application to fluid flow- application to heat flow. UNIT V NUMERICA L SOLUTIONS OF PARTIA L DIFFERENTIAL EQUA TIONS 9

Classification of par tial differential equations, initial and boundary conditions, initial and boundar y value problems, Finite difference method, uniform and non-uniform grids, method of weighted residuals, pseudo-spectral methods. Note: Students should be trained to use commercial software packages for problem solving. . TOTAL: 45+ 15(Tutorial) = 60 per iods REFERENCES 1. 2. Sneddon, I. N.: Elements of partial differential equations, McGraw -Hill, 1986. Jain, M.K., Iyengar, S.R.K., and Jain, R.K.: Numerical Methods for Scientific & Engineering computation, Fourth Edition, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2003. 3. Froberg, C.E.: Numerical Mathematics, T he Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc., 1985. 4. Sankara Rao, K.: Introduction to partial differential equations, PHI, New Delhi, 1995. 5. S.S. Sastry: An Introduction to Numerical Methods, PHI, New Delhi, 1995. 6. Elsgolts, L.: Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations, MIR Publishers, 1970. 7. Churchil, R. V. and Brow n, J. W.: Complex variables and Applications, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1990. 8. Speigel, M. R.: Schaums Outlines of Complex Variables, McGraw -Hill, 1998. 9. Jennings. A.: Matrix Computation for Engineers and Scientists, John Wiley and Sons, 1992. 10. Kythe, P. K., Puri, P. and Schaferkotter, M. R.: Introduction to Par tial Differential Equations and Boundar y Value problems, CRC Press, 2002. 11. Kreyszig, E. : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley, 1999. 12. Kress, R.: Numerical Analysis, Sproger-Verlag, 1998.



L TP C 3104

OBJECTIVE To achieve an in-depth understanding of the concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer and use them in the accounting for the bulk behavior of physical systems in the engineering devices such as I.C Engines. OUTCOM ES Upon completion of the course, students will be able to Evaluate the w ork and heat transfer of processes related to I.C engines Apply the principles of conser vation of mass and the 1st Law of T hermodynamics to I.C Engine processes. Apply the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics to determine ultimate cycle performance and efficiency limitations UNIT I AVAILA BILITY (EXERGY) A NALYSIS A ND THERMODYNA MIC PROPERTY RELATIONS 10

Reversible wor k, Availability, Irreversibility and Second-Law Efficiency for a closed System and SteadyState Control Volume. Availability Analysis of Simple Cycles. Entropy balance for closed system, Thermodynamic Potentials- Helmholtz and Gibbs functions, Maxwell relations, Generalised relations for changes in Entropy, Internal Energy and Enthalpy, Generalised Relations for C p and Cv , Clausius Clayperon Equation, Joule-Thomson Coefficient. UNIT II REAL GAS BEHAVIOUR A ND CHEMICA L THERMODYNA MICS 10

Compressibility, Principle of Corresponding States, use of generalized charts for enthalpy and entropy departure. Thermo chemistry, First Law analysis of reacting systems, Adiabatic Flame temperature, Entropy change of reacting systems, Second Law analysis of reacting systems, Criterion for reaction equilibrium, Equilibrium constant for gaseous mixtures, Evaluation of equilibrium composition. UNIT III CONDUCTION A ND CONVECTION HEA T TRA NSFER 10

One dimensional energy equations and boundar y condition, three dimensional heat conduction equations, Extended surface heat transfer, Conduction with moving boundaries, Porous-media heat transfer. Convective heat transfer coefficient, Natural and Forced convection, Examples. Momentum and energy equations, Turbulent boundary layer heat transfer, Mixing length concept, Turbulence model- K model, Analogy between heat and momentum transfer -Reynolds, Coiburm, Prandtl turbulent flow in a tube, High speed flows. UNIT IV BOILING A ND RADIA TION HEA T TRA NSFER 6

Boiling modes, the boiling curve, modes of pool boiling, Correlations. Forced convection boiling. Radiation from gases and vapor, Radiation shields, Electrical analogy.



Heat transfer through cylinder wall, Radiation heat transfer in an engine, Heat transfer through coolant, Heat transfer through fins, Heat transfer through exhaust gases. Heat Transfer Correlations in I.C. Engines. Types of heat exchangers, overall heat transfer coefficient, Fouling factors, and LMTD methods of analysis. Effectiveness, NT U approach and design procedure, compact heat exchanger, Plate heat exchanger, Case study on Radiator, Intercooler and EGR Cooler. TOTAL: 45+15(Tutor ial) = 60 per iods Data Book for Heat transfer: Heat and mass transfer data book by C.P.Kodhandaraman REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Kenneth War k Jr, Advanced Ther modynamics for Engineers, McGraw Hill, 1995 Bejan,Advanced Engineer ing Ther modynamics, John Wiley and Son,1998. J.P Holman , Heat and Mass Transfer ,Tata McGraw Hill, 2000. M.N. Ozisik, Heat transfer, McGraw Hill (1985). J.P. Holman, T hermodynamics, McGraw Hill, 1988. Y.A.Cengel and M.A. Boles, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach,Tata McGraw Hill,2005 S.R.Turns,Thermodynamics- concepts and Application, Cambridge UniversityPress,2008. Van Wylen & Sonntag , Thermodynamics, John Wiley & Sons 1991 Jones and Haw kins, Engineering Thermodynamics, John Wiley & Sons 1995 Jones and Dugan, Advanced Thermodynamics, Prentice Hall. 2002. J. M. Smith, and H.C Van Ness. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill Inc., 1987. 12. Y.A. Cengel, Heat Transfer A practical Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. 13. F.P. Incropera and Dewitt D.P, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass transfer, John Willey& Sons (1996). 14. E.R.G.Eckert and R.M. Drake, Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer, McGraw Hill, 1980.



L TP C 3104

OBJECTIVE To achieve a clear understanding of the basic concepts of fluid mechanics and gas dynamics and use them in the accounting for the bulk behaviour physical systems in the engineering devices such as I.C engines. OUTCOM ES Upon completion of the course, students will be able to Understand the basic concepts of laminar and turbulent flow of viscous incompressible fluid. Understand the basic concepts related to boundar y layer formation in a viscous flow. Understand the basic difference between incompressible and compressible flow. Understand the phenomenon of shock waves an d its effects on flow. UNIT I REVIEW OF BASIC PRINC IPLES OF FLUID MECHA NICS 10

Types of flow, Generalized continuity equation, Momentum and energy equations, Lagrangian, Euler and Navier- Stokes equations,Integration of the momentum equation, T he generalized ber noullis equation, Stream function, Vorticity, Stress and strain in fluid flow and their relationship, conservation of ener gy, work done due to viscous stress. Flow between parallel flat plates, couette flow, plane Poiseuille flow, flow between two co -axial cylinders, flow between tw o concentric rotating cylinders, unsteady motion of flat plates. UNIT II TURBULENCE A ND BOUNDA RY LAYER THEORY 10

Concept of linearized stability of parallel viscous flow, transition to turbulent flow, Reynolds equation for turbulent flow, Reynolds stresses, velocity profile, tur bulent flow in pipes, turbulent boundar y layer on flat plate. Boundar y layer equation, Blasius solution, shear stress and boundar y layer thickness, boundary layer on a surface with pressure gradient, momentum integral theorem for boundary layer, separation and its prevention by boundary layer suction. UNIT III GA S DYNA MICS FUNDA MENTA L CONCEPTS A ND ISENTROPIC FLOW 10

Conservation laws for compressible flow, Isentropic flow in a stream tube, speed of sound, Mach waves, one dimensional isentropic flow, Governing equations, Stagnation conditions, Critical conditions, Maximum discharge velocity, variable area flow, Equations for variable area flow, Operating characteristics of nozzles, Conver gent- divergent supersonic diffusers. UNIT IV FLOW THROUGH CONSTA NT AREA DUCTS 5

Adiabatic flow in a duct with friction (Fanno flow), Variation of flow parameters, Flow in a constant area duct with heat transfer (Rayleigh flow), Variation of flow parameters.




Normal shocks- Governing equations, Rankine Hugoniot relations, Prandtl Meyer equation, Weak shocks, Thickness of shocks, Normal shocks in ducts, Performance of convergent- divergent nozzle with shocks, Moving shock waves, shock problems in one dimensional supersonic diffuser, Supersonic pitot tube. Oblique shock waves: Oblique shock wave relations, reflection of oblique shock waves, Interaction of oblique shock waves. Expansion Waves: Prandtl- Meyer flow, Reflection and Interaction of expansion wave, Flow over bodies involving shock and expansion wa ves. TOTAL: 45+15(Tutor ial) = 60 per iods REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. F.M.White, Fluid Mechanics, Mc Graw Hill (2003). Y. A. Cengel, Fluid Mechanics, Tata Mc Graw Hill (2006) P.H. Oosthvizen and W.E Carscaller, Compressible fluid flow Mc Graw Hill (1997) K.Muralidhar and G. Biswas, Advanced Engineering Fluid Mechanics. Alpha Science (2005) H. Schlichting, Boundary layer theor y, Mc Graw Hill (1979) P.K. Kundu and I.M. Cohen, Fluid Mechanics, Academic Press (2004) J.D. Anderson, Modern compressible flow, Mc Graw Hill (2003) Zucker R. D. and Biblarz Oscar, Introduction to Gas Dynamics, JohnWiley and Sons. Inc., (2002). H. Shapiro, Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow , MIT Press. (1983) M.J.Zucrow and J.D. Hoffman, Gas Dynamics- Vol I John Wiley and Sons. Inc.,(1977) P.Balakrishanan, Fundamentals of Compressible fluid dynamics, PHI Learning pvt ltd, (2009). S.M. Yahya, Fundamentals of Compressible flow, New age Inter national (P) ltd (2010) E.Radhakrishnan, Gas Dynamics, PHI Lear ning pvt ltd, (2006).



LTPC 3024

OBJECTIVES To study the basic fundamentals of I.C engines such as air cycles, different parts of an engine, working principle and testing of an engine. OUTCOM ES Students upon learning this subject will be able to understand the basic working principle and testing of an I.C engine. UNIT I ENGINE FUNDA MENTA LS 7

Classifications, S.I and C.I engine operating cycles theoretical/actual analysis, Mean effective pressure, volumetric efficiency, and other terms, Two and four stroke engines, scavenging, Firing order, Port/valve timing diagram, Engine performance, Problems. UNIT II ENGINE COMPONENTS 12

Piston pack, Connecting rod, Crank shaft, Cam shaft, Cylinder head, block and liner, Valve train, Timing gear, air filter, Inlet and exhaust manifold, Combustion chamber, Flywheel, Gaskets and hardwires. UNIT III FUEL A ND IGNITION SYSTEM 8

Fuel supply parts, carburetion, Fuel feed system, Electronic fuel supply system and types, MPFI, GDI, Diesel fuel injection system and types, Governing systems, Types of Fuel injectors and nozzle, CRDI, Ignition system and types, Spar k plug, Glow plugs, Fuel filter. UNIT IV COOLING A ND LUBRICA TING SYSTEM 8

Cooling system and types, Radiator, Fan, Water pump and thermostat, lubrication system and types, Oil filter, Sump and pump. UNIT V TURBOCHA RGING A ND NEW ENGINE TECHNOLOGY 10

Turbo char ging, supercharging, EGR hot/cold, Interco ling, Dow nsizing, Low heat rejection/adiabatic engine, Surface ignition, Wankel engine, Dual fuel/multi fuel engines, Free piston engine, Opposed piston engine, Latest trends. TOTAL : 45+ 15(Tutor ial) = 60 periods REFERENCES 1. V Ganesan, Internal Combust ion Engines, 2nd edit ion, TaTa McGraw Hill 2. M.L.Mathur and R.P.Shar ma, A course in Internal combustion engines, Dhanpat Rai & Sons Publications, New Delhi, 2001. 3. Charles Fayette Taylor, The Internal Combustion Engine in Theor y and Practice, Volume I & II by, T he MIT Press


4. John B.Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Book, 1998. 5. C.R. Ferguson & A.R. Kirkpatrick, Inter nal Combustion Engines, Delhi, 2001 6. Richar d Stone, Introduction of Internal Combustion Engines, McMillan, London, 1985. 7. Advanced Engine technology by Heinz Heisler. 8. A-Z Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) papers. 9. Automobile Encyclopedia.




L TP C 3024

To impart knowledge about vehicle body engineering, fuel supply system, ignition system, cooling system, electrical system, transmission system, braking and steering systems to the students. OUTCOM E Students will be with complete knowledge about automotive vehicle engineering and able to demonstrate individual systems of a vehicle. UNIT I CHASSIS & BODY 8

Classification of vehicle, layout with reference to power plant, steering location and drive, chassis, construction and details (frames, sub-frames, defects in frame, frameless vehicles, vehicle dimensions), details of chassis & body materials, Integrated body construction, BIW type and corresponding design parameters, Vehicle interior system (dash boar d & seating system), Cosole design, Pillar trims (Type A, B, C), head roofs. UNIT II TRA NSMISSION A ND DRIVE LINE 9

Clutches, principle, types, Fluid coupling and torque convertors, problems on performance of automobile such as resistance to motion, tractive efforts, engine speed, power and acceleration requirements. Determination of gear box ratios for different vehicle applications, different types of gear boxes, Automatic transmission, Effect of driving thrust and tor que-reaction, Hotchkiss drives, Torque tube drive, radius rods, Propeller shaft, Universal joints, Final drive- different types, two speed rear axle, Rear axle construction: full floating, three quarter floating and semi-floating arrangements, Differential: conventional type & Non-slip type, differential locks. UNIT III FRONT AXLE & STEERING 10

Front axle types, rigid axle and split axle, constr uctional details, materials, front wheel geometry viz., camber, castor, kingpin inclination, toe-in and toe-out, Wheel alignment and balancing, Condition for true rolling motion of road wheels during steering. Steering geometr y. Ackermann and Davis steering. Construction details of steering linkages. Different types of steering gear box. Steering linkages layout for conventional and independent suspensions. Turning radius, instantaneous centre, w heel wobble and shimmy. Over-steer and under-steer. Power and power assisted steering. UNIT IV BRAKING & SUSPENSION 10

Type of brakes, Principles of shoe brakes. Constructional d etails materials, braking torque developed by leading and trailing shoes. Disc brake, drum brake theor y, constructional details, advantages, Brake actuating systems. Factors affecting brake performance, Parking & Exhaust brakes, power & power assisted brakes, Antilock Breaking System (ABS). Testing of brakes, thermal Considerations.


Types of suspension, factors influencing ride comfort, types of suspension springs (leaf & coil springs), independent suspension (front and rear). Rubber, pneumatic, hydro-elastic suspension, Shock absorbers, types of wheels, construction of wheel assembly, types of tyres and constructional details, Static and rolling properties of pneumatic tyres, tubeless tyres and aspect ratio of tubed tyres. UNIT V ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8

Battery, Charging circuit, Alter nator ,generator, current voltage regulator starting systems, bendix drive mechanism solenoid switch, lighting systems, Horn, wiper, fuel gauge oil pressure gauge, engine temperature indicator, wiring harness, Trouble shooting. TOTAL : 45+15(Tutorial) = 60 per iods TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. K. Newton, W.Steeds and T.K.Garret, The Motor Vehicle, 13 th Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, India, 2004. P.M.Heldt, Automotive Chassis, Chilton Co., New Yor k, 1982. W.Steed, Mechanics of Road Vehicles, Illiffe Books Ltd., London. 1992. Heinz Heisler, Advanced Vehicle Technology, second edition, Butterworth Heinemann, New York, 2002.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Automot ive Hand book/ Robert Bosch, SAE, 2003. K.K. Ramalingam, Automobile Engineer ing , Scitech Publicat ions (India) PVT William Crouse,Automobile Engineering Harban Singh Rayat, The Automobile, S. Chand & Co. Ltd, New Delhi, 2000. G.J.Giles, Steering Suspension and T yres, Illiffe Books Ltd., London, 1975. Kirpal Singh, Automobile Engineering, Standard publishers, Distributors, Delhi, 1999. G.B.S.Narang, Automobile Engineering, Khanna Publishers, Twelfth reprint New Delhi, 2005. R.P.Sharma, Automobile Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi, 2000. Dr. N. K. Giri, Automobile Mechanics, Seventh reprint, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2005



L TP C 0021

Students will make preparation on technical topics like recent trends in automotive applications & Recent trends in embedded system that incorporates in automotive applications etc.

The presentation will be reviewed and evaluated by the concerned faculty member based on suitable criteria. Evaluat ion Methodology:

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6

CONTENTS Literature sur vey / patent review Quality of seminar report Quality of presentation (slides) Results / Analytical / conclusions Skills & Styles of presentation Knowledge and Understanding (Q & A) TOTAL MARKS

MARKS 15 15 15 20 15 20 100

Total No of per iods =30



OBJECTIVES To Teach The Students About The Friction And Wear Phenomena, Different T ypes Of Bearings And Lubrication, Tribo-Testing And Standards As Well As To Sensitize The Student On The Inevitability Of Tribological Considerations In The Design Of I C Engine, Which Are Invariably Subjected To Extreme Conditions. LEARNING OUTCOMES After Completing The Course Students Should Obtain The Knowledge Of Theoretical Fundamentals And Practical Methods For Decisions Making Accor ding Tribological Problems In Design And Maintenance Of Machine And Develop The Ability To Apply Them To Practical Situations: Have A Clear Overall Picture About T he Basics Of Tribology And Related Sciences, Theoretical Background About Processes In Tribological System, Mechanisms And Forms Of Interaction Of Friction Surfaces; Have Enough Knowledge About The Surface And Lubrication Materials Applied For Different Engines. Understand The Principles Of Know The Methodology Of Performing The Tribological Testing. Have Good Knowledge About The Technologies And Methods To Increase The Tribological Reliability Of Engine Components And Friction Joints. Know The Basic Principles Of Maintenance Ad Trends Impor tant For Reliable Tribological Operation Of Engine. SURFA CES, FRICTION A ND WEAR 8


Topography Of The Surfaces - Surface Features Of Metal And Composites - Surface Interaction - Theories Of Friction - Sliding And Rolling Friction, Friction Properties Of Metallic And Non-Metallic Materials Friction In Extreme Conditions Wear- Types Of Wear - Mechanism Of Wear - Wear Resistance Materials - Surface Treatment - Surface Modifications Surface Coatings, Failure Analysis, New Trends In Friction And Wears. UNIT II LUBRICA TION THEORY 7

Lubricants And Their Physical Properties Lubricants Standards - Lubrication Regimes Hydrodynamic Lubrication - Reynolds Equation, Thermal, Inertia And Turbulent Effects - Elasto Hydrodynamic And Plasto Hydrodynamic And Magneto Hydrodynamic Lubrication - Hydro Static Lubrication - Gas Lubrication. Stir Back Diagram. Design And Performance Analysis Of T hrust And Journal Bearings Slide Bearing - Full, Par tial, Fixed And Pivoted Journal Bearings Design - Lubricant Flow And Deliver y - Power Loss, Heat And Temperature Rotating Loads And Dynamic Loads In Journal Bearings - Special Bearings - Hydrostatic Bearing Design. UNIT III ROLLING ELEMENT BEA RINGS 10

Geometry And Kinematics - Materials And Manufacturing Processes - Contact Stresses - Hertzian Stress Equation - Load Divisions - Stresses And Deflection - Axial Loads And Rotational Effects, Bearing Life


Capacity And Variable Loads - Iso Standards - Oil Films And Their Effects - Rolling Bearings Failures,Needle bearing. UNIT IV TRIBO MEASUREMENT IN INSTRUMENTA TION 12

Wear Measurement Principle - Surface Topography Measurements Surface Texture Measurement And Assessment Statically Methods -Scanning Electron Microscope And Friction And Wear Measurements Laser Method - Instrumentation - Inter national Standards - Bearings Per formance Measurements Bearing Vibration Measurement, Lubricate Monitoring Soap, Ferography And Other Rapid Testing Methods For Lubrication Catenation UNIT V APPLICA TION OF TRIBOLOGY IN ENGINE COMPONENTS A ND VISCOSITY 8

Components Like Piston, Bearings, Piston Rings, Value Train, Drive Train, Reciprocating Components, Engine Friction, Spytter Coated Bearing etc Basic Definition for Viscosity, Convention, Dynamic Vi scosity, Measurement, Variation With Temperature, ASTM Char ts, Grade Of Oil. TOTAL : 45+15(Tutorial) = 60 per iods REFERENCES Bowden, F.P. & Tabor, D., Friction And Lubrication Of Solids, Oxford University Press 1986

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Ernest Rabinowie z, Friction And Wear Of Materials Inter science Publishers, 1995 Neale, M.J., Tribology Hand Book, Butterworth, 1995. Fuller D.D., Theor y And Practice Of Lubrication Of Engineers:. John Wiley Sons, 1984 Cameron, A. "Basic Lubrication Theory", Ellis Herward Ltd. Uk,1981. Hulling, J. (Editor) --"Principles Of Tribology", Macmillan,1984. Williams J.A. "Engineering Tribology", Oxford Univ. Press,1994. Neale M.J, "Tribology Hand Book ", Butterwor th Heinemann, 1995. Bhushan. B. Modern Tribology Handbook, Volumes 1 & 2. - Boca Raton A.O.: Crc Press, 2000. 1760 P. Stachowiak G., Batchelor A.W. Engineering Tribology. - New York A.O.: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2001. 744 P. Hydrogen Wears of Metals. - Moscow: Maa Publishing House; 2007. 383 P.

10 Garkunov D.N. Scientific Discoveries in Tribo-Technologies. No-Wear Effect under Friction.

WEB REFERENCES 1. Http:// 2. Http://




L TP C 3104

To introduce to the students the techniques of problem solving; To make the students to simulate and analyze fluid flow engineering problems; To provide sufficient background to the students to gain the ability to discretize fluid flow problems; To make the students to use commercial computational fluid dynamics software w hich is widely used in industry to simulate and analyze a wide ra nge of fluid flows. OUT COMES Students would have lear nt the numerical methods needed for the analysis of fluid flow problems; Students would have gained an understanding of the discretization techniques used in commercial codes to solve the differential equations of fluid flow problems; Students would have acquired the experience to j udge the accuracy of numerical solutions and the numerical uncer tainty. Students would be able to demonstrate through the commercially available CFD software some of the convection-conduction problems. UNIT I FUNDA MENTALS OF FLUID FLOW & DISCRETISATION METHOD 10

Basic conser vation equations for fluid flow and heat transfer, classification of the partial differential equations, Initial and Boundary conditions Initial and Boundary Value problems Common methods of discretisation: an overview of finite difference, finite element and fini te volume methods. Numerical solution of parabolic partial differential equations using finite-difference and finite- volume methods: explicit and implicit schemes, consistency, stability and convergence. Uniform and non-uniform Grids, Numerical Errors, Grid generation, Grid Independence Test. UNIT II CONDUCTION HEA T TRA NSFER 9

Conduction equation- Grid layout- discretization - Stability and convergence- nonlinear sources- nonlinear coefficients- under relaxation-boundary conditions- solution by Gauss-Seidal method- solution by Tridiagonal matrix method. Solution of discretised equations using point and line iterations, strongly implicit methods and pre-conditioned conjugate gradient methods. UNIT III CONVECTION- CONDUCTION PROBLEMS 9

Convection-conduction problems: Central difference, upwind, exponential, hybrid and power -law schemes, comparison of exact solution, CDS and UDS - false conductivity- total variation diminishing scheme - Stability of the unsteady conduction-convection equation. Note: Tutor ials/ One dimensional code should be wr itten by the student & submit




Numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes system for incompressible flows: stream-function, vorticity and artificial compressibility methods, requirement of a staggered grid. MAC, SIMPLE, SIMPLEC and SIMPLER algorithms. UNIT V SPECIA L TOPICS 8

Flow through manifolds; air motion in engines; turbulence and its modeling; phase -change problems, interface/free-surface tracking methods; engine processes with and without chemical reactions. TOTAL : 45+15(Tutor ial) = 60 per iods REFERENCES 1. Anderson J. D.: Computat ional Fluid Dynamics: The Basics wit h Applicat ions, McGraw Hill, 1995. 2. Wesseling, P.: Pr inciples of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Springer, 2004. 3. Patankar, S. V.: Numer ical Heat Transfer and Fluid flow, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New Yor k, USA, 1980. 4. Chung, T. J.: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2002. 5. Date, A. W.: Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2005. 6. Ferziger, J. H. and M. Peric: Computational methods for Fluid Dynamics, Second Edition Springer, 1999. 7. Fletcher, C. A. J.: Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 1, Second Edition, Springer, 1991. 8. Muralidhar, K., Sundarajan, T.: Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1997. 9. Shaw, C. T.: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Prentice Hall, 1992. 10. Tannehill, J. C., Anderson, D. A., and Pletcher, R. H.: Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Second Edition, Hemisphere Publishing Cor poration, New York, USA, 1997. 11. Versteeg, H. K. and Malalasekara, W.: An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dy namics, Longman Scientific & Technical, Longman Group Ltd, 1995. INTER NET SITE SOFTWARES FLUENT, STAR CD




L TP C 3104

OBJECTIVES To develop an understanding of the fundamental principles of combustion processes and apply these principles to a variety of practical situations. OUTC OMES Upon lear ning this subject students will be able to understand and analyze the combustion processes in a S.I and C.I engine and able to lear n the emission formation mechanisms. UNIT I COMBUSTION PRINCIPLES 10

Combustion, stoichiometr y, first and second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion, Combustion equations, Heat of combustion, Theoretical flame temperature, chemical equilibrium and dissociation, Theories of combustion, Pre-flame reactions, Reaction rates, Laminar and Turbulent flame propagation in engines. UNIT II CHEMICAL KINETICS 10

Principle of chemical kinetics: Law of mass action and activation ener gy, hydrocarbon reaction chains, multisteps reactions and explosions, chain reactions, opposing reactions, consecutive reactions, competitive reactions, conservation equations for multicomponet reacting system. UNIT III COMBUSTION IN C.I. ENGINE 10

Stages of combustion, vaporization of fuel droplets and spray formation, air motion, swirl measurement, knock and engine variables, features and design considerations of combustion chambers, delay period correlations, Pressure crank angle diagram, heat release correlations, Influence of the injection system on combustion. Direct and indirect injection systems. Cold star ting and aids. UNIT IV COMBUSTION IN S.I. ENGINE 10

Initiation of combustion, stages of combustion, air fuel ratio, air motion, squish and tumble, Volatility characteristics, normal and abnormal combustion, detonation combustion, pre-ignition, detonation and engine variables, features and design consideration of combustion chambers. Flame structure and speed, Cycle by cycle variations, Lean burn combustion, stratified charge combustion systems. Pressure crank angle diagram, Heat release correlations. UNIT V LATEST TRENDS 5

HCCI, alter nate fuel combustion, air engine, Air-assisted engine, combustion modeling fundamentals. TOTAL : 45+15(Tutorial) = 60 per iods


REFERENCES 1. John B.Hey wood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Book, 1998. 2. Mathur, M.L., and Sharma, R.P., A Course in Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpat Rai Publications Pvt. New Delhi-2, 1993. 3. Obert, E.F., Internal Combustion Engine and Air Pollution, International Text Book Publishers, 1983. 4. Gary L. Borman, Kenneth W. Ragland, Combustion Engineering McGraw Hill 5. Kenneth K. Kuo, Principles of Combustion, John Wiley & Sons 6. S. P. Sharma & Chander Mohan, Fuels & Combustion, Tata McGraw Hill 7. Kanury murty,Introduction to combustion phenomenon, Mc -Ggraw Hill 8. Strehlow, Combustion, fundamentals, Mc -Ggraw Hill 9. Modelling of Diesel engine, Springer. SOFTWARES Camche




L TP C 00 42

LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Study of fuel injections system S.I Engine 2. Study of fuel injections system C.I Engine. 3. Experimental determination of air fuel ratio. 4. Effect of Turbocharger on performance characteristics of an engine. 5. Full Throttle test on Gasoline engine. 6. Full Throttle test on Diesel Engine. 7. Part T hrottle / Road load test on Gasoline engine for engine mapping. 8. Part T hrottle / Road load test on Diesel Engine for engine mapping. 9. Emission Measurement for Gasoline Engine and diesel engine with and without Catalytic Converter. 10. P- Diagram for Gasoline engine and diesel engine. 11. Oil consumption Measurement for Gasoline Engine and diesel engine. 12. Heat release Analysis for S.I Engine and CI Engine. 13. Temperature Measurement for I.C Engine. 14. Comparison of P- / Heat release data for S I and CI Engines.


SEMESTER III P3ICA09 OBJECTIVES To broaden the knowledge of alternate fuels, understand the manufacturing and performance characteristics of alternate fuels; broaden the understanding of performance of single and multi cylinder diesel and petr ol engines and to introduce emission tests procedure. OUTCOM ES Upon completion of this course the student will be able to Identify different alter nate automotive fuels, applications and their emissions in sigle and multi cylinder engines. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 07 AUTOMOTIVE FUELS A ND EMISSIONS LTPC 3104

Sustainable mobility, emission scenario & norms, emission sources & effects, green house gases & control, petr oleum reser ves & refining, fuel proper ties & their effects on performance & emission. UNIT II ALTERNA TE FUELS & VEHICLE 12

Need for alternate fuels, availability and comparative properties of alternate fuels, classification of alternative fuels. Gaseous Fuels - CNG, LPG, BIOGAS, LNG & HCNG: Availability, properties, modifications required in SI engines, performance and emission characteristics, storage, handling & dispensing, safety aspects. Biofuels - Biodiesel, Ethanol and SVO: Manufacturing process of alcohol, blending of methanol and ethanol, types of vegetable oils for engine application, esterification, properties, engine design modifications required & effects of design parameters, engine performance & emission characteristics. Synthetic fuels - DME, GTL: A vailability, properties, modifications required in CI engines, performance and emission characteristics, storage, handling and dispensing, safety aspects. Hydrogen and Fuel cells - Production methods, properties, performance and emission characteristics, storage and handling, safety aspects, working principle, classification, description of fuel cell systems, fuel cell components, proper ties of fuel cells, general performance characteristics, emission characteristics, merits and demerits, vehicle design and layout aspects. Electric & Hybrid Vehicles. UNIT III EMISSIONS FROM SI ENGINES 10

Emission formation in S.I. engines, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide & lead, effects of design & operating variables on emission formation, controlling of emission formation in engines, thermal reactors, catalytic converters, charcoal canister control for evaporative emission, positive crank case ventilation system, nano particles. UNIT IV EMISSIONS FROM CI ENGINES 09

Diesel combustion, stages, direct & indirect combustion, emission formation, particulate matter & smoke, effect of operating variables on emission formation, PM & NOx trade-off, controlling of emission formation


in engines, Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), air injection, cetane number e ffect, emission after-treatment devices like DOC, DPF, SCR & NOx Adsor ber. UNIT V EMISSION MEASUREMENT A ND TEST PROCEDURE 07

Measurement & instrumentation for HC, CO, CO2, NOx & PM, smoke meters, calibration checks on emission equipments, dilution tunnel technique for particulate measurement, emission test procedures on engine & chassis dynamometers, constant volume sampling procedure, sampling probes & valves, quantifying emissions, chemical analysis of automotive emission. TOTAL : 45+15(Tutorial) = 60 per iods REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dr. S.S Thipse, Alternative Fuels, Jaico Publications, 2010. Ganesan.V, Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw Hill, 1994. Crouse.W.M, Anglin.A.L., Automotive Emission Control, McGraw Hill 1995. Springer.G.S, Patterson.D.J, Engine Emissions, pollutant formation, Plenum Press, 1986 Patterson, D.J, Henin.N.A, Emissions from Combustion engines and their Control, Anna Arbor Science, 1985. Linden.D, Handbook of Batteries and Fuel Cells, McGraw Hill, 1995. 6. Maxwell et al, Alternative Fuel : Emission, Economic and Performance, SAE, 1995 7. Watson, E.B., Alter native fuels for the combustion engine, ASME, 1990 8. Bechtold, R., Alternative fuels guidebook, 1998. 9. Joseph, N., Hydrogen fuel for structure transpor tation, SAE, 1996. 10. Holt and Danniel, Fuel cell powered vehicles: Automotive technology for the future, SAE, 2001. 11. Vora K C & Ghosh B, Monograph on Automotive Catalytic Conver ter, ARAI Publication, 1995.




LTPC 3104

To achieve clear understanding of different parts of engine design and exposure to design package like Auto CAD. OUTCOM ES Students upon lear ning this subject will be able to design automotive parts through CAD software. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 07

Transportation needs, ener gy pathway, emission, efficiency improvements, customer requirements, functional requirements, engine design process, overall engine system parameters, engine characteristics, engine layout & configuration, development strategies, design considerations, drives and challenges, benchmarking & tar gets specific power trend, economy, specific power trend, duty cycles, downsizing, simulation, design for lower emission. UNIT II CYLINDER HEA D & BLOCK 10

Functional requirements & failure modes, block material like Gray Iron, Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI), Aluminum & Magnesium Alloys, Ferrous metallurgy, cylinder head alloys, manufacturing processes like lost foam casting, Cosworth process & machining, design layout, basic block, bulk head design, ladder frame, cylinder liner design approach, deck height, cylinder spacing, noise & vibrati on considerations, thermal loads, fretting & bending modes, gasket design. UNIT III CRA NK TRA IN A ND VALVE TRA IN 10

Functional requirements & failure modes, design of piston assembly, piston, piston rings, piston pin, connecting rod assembly, crankshaft, unit area pressure on crankpin and journals, crank webs, materials, manufacturing processes, torsional vibration & damper. Valves, valve seats, valve guide, cotters, cam shaft, lobe design, rockers, chain, sprocket, gears, belt, tensioner, functional requirements, materials & manufacturing processes, lash adjustment, variable valve actuation, timing and phasing. UNIT IV FUEL INJECTION, COOLING & LUBRICA TION SYSTEM 10

Functional requirements, fuel filters, unit injection, CRDI, injection pressure, multiple injections, cooling system, fire-deck loading, thermal loading, cooling circuits, jacket flow optimization, fan design, water pump, thermostats, engine bearings, polar load diagram, oil film thickness calculations, oil pump design, oil filters, oil pan, engine friction, interactions between piston ring pack lubrication, fuel & lubricant synergism for piston assembly tribology. UNIT V INTA KE A ND EXHA UST SYSTEMS 08

Functional requirements, air induction & torque shaping, air filters, intake manifold, port designs, exhaust manifold, turbochargers, EGR, EGR cooler, silencers, after-treatment devices, etc. TOTAL : 45+15(Tutorial) = 60 per iods


REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hoag Kevin L., Vehicular Engine Design, Springer-Verlag, USA, 2006. Blair Gordon P., Design and Simulation of 4-Stroke Engines, SAE R-186,SAE, USA, 1999. Kolchin A. & Demidov V, Design of Automotives Engines, MIR Publishers, 1984. Challen Bernard, Diesel Engine Reference Book, Oxford Butterwor th, Heinemann,1999. Engineering Know- How in Engine Design (Par t 1 to 24), SAE, USA. SAE SP-532, Aspects of Inter nal Combustion Engine Design, SAE, USA,1982. SAE SP-1071, Applications and Developments in New Engine Design and Components, SAE, USA, 1995. 8. SAE SP-1245, Development of New Diesel Engines and Components Design, SAE, USA, 1997. 9. Goetze A. G., Piston Rings Manual, Technischer Verlag Herber t Cram. 10. I. C. Engine Design and Development Proceeding of Seminar organized by SAEINDIA & ARAI, Pune, 2009.

SOFTWARES ProE/ Solid wor ks/ FEM.




L TP C 3104

OBJECTIVES The objective of this subject is to make understand the students about the different types of sensors and injection system of vehicle. OUTCOM ES Upon learning this subject, the student will be knowing the various electrical and electronics system of vehicles. UNIT I FUNDA MENTALS OF A UTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS 05

Components for electronic engine management system, open and closed loop control strategies, PID control, Look up tables, introduction to modern control strategies like Fuzzy logic and adaptive control. Parameters to be controlled in SI and CI engines. UNIT II MICRO- CONTROLLERS A ND MEMORIES 07

Automotive Micro-controllers and Memor y: Micro-controller architecture and performance characteristics, Memory, Low-speed Input/Output por ts, High-speed Input/Output ports, Serial communications, Analogto-Digital Converter, Failsafe Methodologies, Future Trends, Types of Memories. UNIT III SENSORS & ACTUA TORS 10

Hall Effect, hot wire, thermistor, piezo electric, piezoresistive, based sensors. Introduction, basic sensor arrangement, types of sensors, oxygen concentration sensor, lambda sensor, crankshaft angular position sensor, cam position sensor, Mass air flow ( MAF) rate, Manifold absolute pressure (MAP), Throttle plate angular position, engine oil pressure sensor, vehicle speed sensor, stepper motors, relays, detonation sensor, emission sensors. UNIT IV DIGITA L ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM 08

Open loop and close loop control system, engine cooling and warm up control, idle speed control, acceleration and full load enrichment, deceleration fuel cutoff. Fuel contr ol maps, open loop control of fuel injection and closed loop lambda control exhaust emission control, o n-board diagnostics, diagnostics, future automotive electronic systems, Electronic dash board instr uments Onboard diagnosis system. UNIT V SI ENGINE MA NA GEMENT 05

Feedback carburetor system, throttle body injection and multi point fuel injection s ystem, injection system controls, advantage of electronic ignition systems, three way catalytic converter, conversion efficiency versus lambda. Layout and wor king of S I engine management systems like Bosch Monojetronic, L-Jetronic and LH-Jetronic. Group and sequential injection techniques. Working of the fuel system components. Advantages of electronic ignition systems. Types of solid state ignition systems and their principle of operation, Contactless electronic ignition system, Electronic spark timing control.





Fuel injection system, parameters affecting combustion, noise and emissions in CI engines. Pilot, main, advanced, post injection and retar ded post injection. Electronically controlled Unit Injection system. Layout of the common rail fuel injection system. Working of components like fuel injector, fuel pump, rail pressure limiter, flow limiter, EGR valve control in electronically controlled systems. TOTAL: 45+ 15(Tutorial) = 60 per iods REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Automotive Electronic Handbook by Ronald K. Jurgen Automobile Electrical & Electronic Equipments - Young, Griffitns - Butterworths, London. Understanding Automotive Electronics, Wiliam B. Ribbens, 5 th Edition, New nes, Butterwor th Heinemann. Diesel Engine Management by Ro bert Bosch, SAE Publications, 3rd Edition, 2004 Gasoline Engine Management by Rober t Bosch, SAE Publications, 2 nd Edition, 2004 Understanding Automotive Electronics Bechfold SAE 1998 Automobile Electronics by Eric Chowanietz SAE. Fundamentals of Automoti ve Electronics - V.A.W.Hilliers - Hatchin, London Automotive Computer & Control System Tomwather J. R., Cland Hunter, Prentice Inc. NJ Automotive Computers & Digital Instrumentation Robert N. Brandy, Prentice Hall, Eaglewood, Cliffs, NJ The Fundamentals of Electrical Systems - John Hartly - Longman Scientific & Technical Automobile Electrical & Electronic Systems Tom Denton, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Automotive Electrics, Automotive Electronics Systems & Components, Bosch Handbook Wiley Publications.




L TP C 3104

OBJECTIVES To impart knowledge about noise and vibration to the students by giving practical training OUTCOM ES Upon learning this subject student will be able to understand sound measurement and human sensitivity the importance of simulation, anechoic chamber and acoustic holography the importance of statistical and frequency analysis active control techniques UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO A UTOMOTIVE NVH 03

Automotive NVH sources Pass-by noise limits, Interior noise of vehicles, Sound quality, Ride comfort, Noise and vibration control in vehicles. UNIT II FUNDA MENTALS OF VIBRATION A ND NOISE 10

Natural vibration of Single Degree of Freedom System (SDOF) and Multi Degree of Freedom System (MDOF), Undamped, damped and forced vibrations and Vibration of beams, plates & shells. Basics of sound propagation, Quantification of sound, Noise sources, generation a nd radiation, Machinery noise identification and Noise induced hearing loss. UNIT III VIBRA TION A ND NOISE MEASUREMENT 07

Vibration transducers and exciters, Sound pressure, intensity and power measurement, Frequency analysis and Digital signal processing. UNIT IV NOISE SOURCE IDENTIFICA TION 06

Frequency and order domain analysis, Sound intensity and sound power mapping and Introduction to array techniques - Acoustic holography & beam forming. UNIT V POWERTRA IN NVH 12

Sound Pressure, Sound Intensity, Sound Intensity Ratio, Sound Intensity Level, Noise level, Sound power level, Change in Noise level, Bare Engine or Basic Engine Noise Level, Noise generation process in a Diesel engine, Combustion and Mechanical noise, Parameters affecting Combustion forces, Mechanical Impact forces, Engine structure response, radiation of sound by Engine surface, Engine contributing sound pressure level.



Intake and Exhaust System NVH


Plain & three dimensional waves in an Inviscid stationar y and moving medium, Waves in ducts with compliant walls, Requirements of an engine exhaust mufflers, Acoustic considerations, Back-pressure considerations, practical considerations, Design of mufflers for Ventilation systems. TOTAL: 45+15(Tutorial) = 60 per iods REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Malcolm J. Crocker, Noise and Vibration Control, Wiley, 2007. Cyril M. Harris & Allan G. Piersol, Shock and Vibration Handbook, McGraw Hill Inc., 2002 Proceedings of the Workshop on Noise, Vibration & Harshness (NVH) for Automotive Engineering 18-20 March, 2002, at ARAI, Pune, published by SAE Wester n India Section and ARAI 4. Nortan MP Fundamental of Noise and Vibration, Cambridge University Press, 1989. 5. Baxa, Noise Control of Inter nal Combustion Engine, John Wiley, 1984. 6. Lewis L, Industrial Noise Control, McGraw Hill Inc, 1991. 7. Prof. Munjal M.L., Acoustic Ducts and Mufflers, John Wiley, 1987. 8. White and Walker, Noise and Vibration, Ellic Horwood, 1982. 9. Mcconnell K, Vibration Testing Theory and Practice, John Wiley, 1995. 10. Fahy F.J. Sound Intensity Elsevier, 1989. 11. Hearn G and Metcalfe, A. Spectral Analysis in En gineering Concept & Cases, Arnold, 1995. 12. Boris and Korney, Dynamic Vibration Absor bers, John Wiley, 1993.




L TP C 2023 NIL


1. 2. 3. 4.

This course aims to polish the skills of the students like a diamond. Teach Etiquettes and Ethics to improve his overall branding. Reinforce passion, team work and communication skills. Prepare him to be ready to face the corporate world and be successful.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Understanding the essence of Soft Skills Understand What is meant by Passion? The Concept of Personal Brand. Understand self, self confidence, self esteem, and self assessment. Identify professional & personal goals and plan for its achievements. Build on your strengths and estimate ones weaknesses through SWOT analysis. Learn the fundamentals of leadership & skills needed to become a real and effective leader, Motivate and ener gize ones team. Achieve confidence. Improve productivity. Demonstrate independent learning ability. Become self-disciplined, self-motivated, demonstrating personal responsibility in the pursuit of studies and professional practice. INTRODUCTION 05


Introduction to Soft Skills, Personality Development and Human Values, Self Awareness & Esteem, Perception and Attitudes, Self Assessment & SWOT Analysis, Career Plan & Personal Goal setting, Building Personal Brand, Johari Window and Leadership. UNIT II COMMUNICA TION A ND SKILL BUILDING 10

Communication Skills, Verbal Communication, Written communication, Body Language, Event Management, How to write Report & SAE Papers, Paper Review, Book Review, Presentation, Intelligence Building, Emotional Quotient, Intelligence Quotient & Memory Improvement, Cracking Written tests, Interviews & Group Discussions. UNIT III ETHICS A ND ETIQUETTES 10

Professional Ethics & Etiquettes, Business Ethics, Corporate Ethics, Engineering Ethics, Office Etiquettes, Email Etiquettes, Telephone Etiquettes, Lunch/Dinner Etiquettes Social and Public Etiquettes.





How an Industry Wor ks, Various Departments of Industr y, Industry Review, Team building & Motivation, Auto Passion, Confidence Building, Product Development Cy cle, Customer Satisfaction & Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Benchmar king, Design for Failure Mode Effects Analysis (DFMEA), Design Review, Vehicle Review. UNIT V BUSINESS/ WORK SUCCESS 10

Time Management, Inter personal Skills, Negotiation Skills, Delegating Skills, Executive Summar y & Business Repor t, Handling of Difficult People, Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Meeting Skills, Stress Management & Meditation, Knowledge Management, Pr oject Management, Performance Management System, Total Quality Management. TOTAL: 45 per iods TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Narian Ram, Twelve Management Sills for Success, Viva Books, 2006. Dr Bond Allan, Your Masters Thesis, Viva Books, 2006. Verity Judith, Succeeding at Interviews, Viva Books. High Jana L., High Tech Etiquettes, Viva Books. Haynes Marion E., Effective Meeting Skills, Viva Books.

REFERENCES 1. 2. ARAI & SAEINDIA W.S. Proceedings, 3 Day Certificate Course on Quality Function Deployment ARAI & SAEINDIA W.S. Proceedings, 3 Day Certificate Course on Design Failure Mode & Effect Analysis.




L TP C 2 103

To introduce to the students the basics of project management and need for it; To teach the students various project management processes, knowledge areas and tool s & techniques for the same; To teach the students to use MS Project software tool for project management; and To prepare students to use this knowledge of project management and tools for their academic projects. Note: This course is based on the book A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge by Project Management Institute, USA since it provides a basic reference to learn project management knowledge and practices in a very str uctured way with a focus on tools and techniques. By doing so, this course will also prepare the students and provide opportunity for them to take up the institutes professional development programme in future, if they choose so, besides fulfilling the objectives stated above. OUTCOM E On completing the course, students would have Learnt the basics of pr oject management, various processes and knowledge areas of it and tools and techniques required therein; Acquired skills of using MS Project software tool for project management; and Developed project charter and plan for their academic projects. UNIT I The Project Management Frame Wor k 05

Introduction: What is a project? What is project management? Relationship to other management disciplines. The project management context: Project phases and life cycle, project stake holders, organizational influences, key general management skills, social-economic-environmental influences Project management processes: Project processes, process groups, process interactions, customizing project processes, mapping project management processes. UNIT II The Project Management Knowledge Areas 14

Project integration management: Project plan development, project plan execution, integrated change control. Project scope management: Inititiation, scope planning, scope definition, scope verification, change control. Project time management: Activity definition, activity sequencing, activity duration estimating, schedule development, schedule control. Project cost management: Resource planning cost estimating cost budgeting, cost control. Project quality management: Quality planning, quality assurance, quality contr ol Project human resource management: organizational planning, staff acquisition, team development. Project communication management: Communication planning, i nformation distribution, performance reporting, administrative closure.


Project risk management: Risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk resource planning, risk monitoring and contr ol. Project procurement management: Procurement planning, solicitation planning, solicitation, source selection, contract administration, contract closure. UNIT III Project Management Case St udies 04

Case study 1: on automotive industry project on product development by invited expert. Case study 2: on non automotive industr y project or automotive industry project other than product development by invited exper t.


Learning Ms Project Soft ware Tool



Developing Project Charter And Plan For Academic Project


Need, purpose, outcome and methodology of selection and implementation of academic projects. Recap of learning so far of project management processes and knowledge areas, tools and techniques in the view of applica tion for academic projects. Development of project charter and plan for academic project, students presentations on their project plans, simulated class exercise on a typical academic project. TOTAL: 45 per iods REFERENCES

1. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge by Project Management Institute, USA. 2. Microsoft Office Project Manual




L TP C 0042

The term wor k shall consist of minimum eight exercises. Minimum two exercises from each subject based on preferably experimental measurements. ENGINE 1. 2. 3. 4. Performance Performance Performance Swirl & Flow test on Gasoline engine & emission test on Genset diesel engine & emission test on CNG engine tests of ports on steady state flow-bench.

EMISSION 5. 6. 7. 8. FUEL 9. Analysis of Carbonyl Compound from exhaust emission using HPLC. 10. Chemical Characterization of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SAE SP-582: Engine Testing, SAE Publication, 1984. Facilities for engine testing of fuels and lubricants, SP-350, SAE Publication, 1968 Engine Testing: Theor y and Practice, Plint, Michael a Mar tyr, Anthony, SAE Publication, 3 rd Ed. 2007. Statistics for Engine Optimization, Edwards, S P, Professional Engineering Publishing Limited, 2000. Introduction to engine testing and development SAE R-344, Atkins, Richard D, SAE Publisher, 2009 Automotive Engine Performance: Tune up, Testing and Service, Layne, Ken, Prentice Hall, 1986. Automobile Engines : In Theory, Design, Construction, Operation, Testing and Maintenance, Judge, Arthur W, Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1946 Performance & emission test on Heavy duty diesel engine (transient Dyno) Study of Emission test for S I Engine 2 w heelers on Chassis Dynamometer. Study of Emission test for S I Engine 3 w heelers on Chassis Dynamometer. Study of Emission test for S I Engine 4 w heelers on Chassis Dynamometer.





0 0 32 16 OBJECTIVES 1. 2. To teach students to apply creative and critical thinking skills. To enable the students to develop a proto type or working model for the solution of a real-time problem. 3. To enable them to improve practical wor king skills and foster collaborative learning skills. 4. To help the students develop self-directed inquir y and life-long learning skills. 5. To involve the students in the actual design and development of the end-product or project proto type. 6. To enable them to analyze the data critically & conclude. 7. To enable them to achieve quantifiable measurable targets. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Improve creative and critical thinks skills. 2. Solve a real time problem on the basis of gover ning methods or equations. 3. Involve in the development of the end-product or project proto type. 4. Present paper or file patent. 5. Implement the project. The project wor k should preferably be live problem in industry or a micro issue having a bearing on performance of the automobile industr y and should involve scientific research, design, generation/collection and analysis of data, use of softwares, determining solution and must preferably bring out the individual contribution. The disser tation should be presented in standard format. The viva voce shall be conducted with the help of approved external examiners. The M. Tech. project would be evaluated in 3 phases to totaling to 500 marks. Phase 1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mar ks out of 50 given by Repor ting Guide. The mar ks distribution will be as follow: (10 marks) (10 marks) (10 marks) (10 marks) (10 marks)

Project plan Presentation Attendance/ Punctuality Daily Targets Project progress


Phase 2: Marks out of 100 jointly given by Reporting Guide, Academy Faculty & University Faculty. The marks distribution will be as follow: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. M.S. Project Tracking / Adherence Literature / Patent Review Quality/Quantity of wor k till date Presentation (Slides & Style) Knowledge & Understanding (Q&A) Results & Scope for further work (10 (15 (15 (20 Mar ks) Mar ks) Mar ks) Mar ks) (20 Mar ks) (20 Mar ks)

Phase 3: Marks out of 350 jointly given by External & Internal examiners for Viva-Voce. The marks distribution will be as follow: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. M.S. Project Tracking / Adherence (20 Mar ks) Quality of Wor k (50 Results / Analysis / Conclusions (50 Quality of Project Report (50 Quality of Presentation (slides & Style) (50 Knowledge and Understanding (Viva, Q & A) (50 Mar ks) Experimental Validation (20 Paper Publication & Intellectual Property (20 Implementation of Project (20 Mar ks) Feedback / Submission of Report (20 Mar ks)

Mar ks) Mar ks) Mar ks) Mar ks) Mar ks) Mar ks)

All the students have to submit Project Proposal Sheet duly signed by Guide & HOD before commencement of project as per format given here.


Students Project Proposal for M.Tech. Programme 1. 2. 3. 4. a) b) 4.1 c) d) e) f) a) 4.2 b) 5. 6. 7. 8. a) b) c) 9. 10. Project Tit le Industry / Inst itute Project Duration Project Category Is it a new test rig development project? Is it R&D (capability development) Project? Is it Technology development project? Is it Software related project? Is it Design/Optimization project? Is it Testing & evaluation project? Is it already a par t of an on-going or an approved, or a prioritized project? Is it A Plan/Cess/DST/Sponsored project? Related Standards, Regulat ions, Reference Literature, if any Objectives & Target of the Project Need and Just ificat ion How your Depart ment is capable of taking up this Project? Existing facilities / infrastructure Competences/ experience Studies conducted / publications, if any Monthly Stipend Remar ks



Student Name Designation Depar tment Mobile No. Email ID

Industry Guide

Industry HOD

Academy Guide

Academy HEAD



OBJECTIVES To impart knowledge about superchar ger and tur bochar ger to the students OUTCOM ES Upon learning this subject student will able to Understand and analyze the supercharging and tur bo charging systems thoroughly. UNIT I SUPERCHARGING 8

Objectives - Effects on engine performance - engine modification required - Thermo-dynamics of Mechanical supercharging and Turbocharging - T urbocharging methods - Engine exhaust manifolds arrangements. UNIT II SUPERCHARGERS 10

Types of compressors - Positive displacement blowers - Centrifugal compressors - Performance characteristic curves - Suitability for engine application - Surging - Matching of supercharger compressor and Engine - Matching of compressor, Turbine Engine. UNIT III TURBOCHA RGING 8

Turbocharging requirements, the principles of operation of turbo machines, exhaust gas ener gy utilization, charge air cooling and other applications of turbochargers UNIT IV TURBOCHA RGING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENTS 10

Exhaust waste gate, Variable geometry systems, Tur bo compounding, Waste gate, variable geometry, and compound systems compared, Exhaust gas recirculation, Electric drive tur bocharger, Two-stage, or series, turbo charging, Sequential turbo charging, Complex, Hyper bar and other systems UNIT V MATCHING THE ENGINE A ND THE TURBOCHA RGER 9

Introduction, Matching an engine and turbocharger at a given operating condition, Modeling a turbocharged engine, Tur bochar ged engine operation Total: 45 per iods REFERENCES: 1. Ober t, E.F., Inter nal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution, Intext Education Publishers, 1980. 2. Richar d Stone, Inter nal Combustion Engines, SAE, 1992. 3. Vincent, E.T., Superchar ging the I.C.Engines, McGraw-Hill. 4. Watson,N. and Janota, M.S., Turbocharging the I.C. Engine, MacMillan Co.,1982.




L TP C 3003

OBJECTIVES The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a basic understanding of the theory and practices of measurement &Instr umentation applied to I.C Engines. OUT COMES Upon completion of this course, The student should recognize the basic elements of common measurement systems pertaining to I.C Engine; Be able to estimate the accuracy of a measurement, identify possible sources of measurement and be aware of the impor tant of considering measurement uncertainty in designing an experiment; Be aware of the physical principles of operation of transducer (accelerometer, strain gauges, force transducers, thermometers etc); Be able to get confidence in measurement systems specific to I.C. Engines. UNIT I MEASUREMENT CHARACTERISTICS 10

Instrument classification, Characteristics of Instruments Accuracy, precision- Static and dynamic, experimental error analysis, systematic and random errors - Statistical analysis, Uncertainty - Experimental planning and selection of measuring instruments, Reliability of instruments. UNIT II MEASUREMENT OF PHYSICAL QUA NTITY 9

Measurement of strain, Force, vibration ,acceleration measurement - Instr uments for measuring temperatures T/Cs, RT DS, Thermistors, Pyrometers etc. - measurement of pressure- Bourdon gauges Bellows, use of intelligent instruments for the physical variables. UNIT III FLOW A ND LEVEL MEASUREMENTS 8

Flow measuring techniques basic principles- Laser Doppler anemometer, introducing the flow signals to micro controller. Level Measurement- Float type- Displacer type- Hydra step type. UNIT IV ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS 10

Measurement techniques of analytical instr uments - chemical, thermal, magnetic and optical gas analyzers, measurement of emission (CO, HC, NO X, O2, CO2 Smoke and PM), dust and moisture - gas chromatography spectrometry. UNIT V INSTRUMENTA TION SYSTEM DESIGN 8

D/A and A/D conversion- Data logging and acquisition - use of intelligent instruments for error reduction elements of microcomputer interfacing, Signal processing display Devices etc.

TOTAL : 45 per iods


REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Holman, J.P., Experimental methods for engineers, McGraw-Hill, 1988. 2. Barney, Intelligent Instrumentation, Prentice Hall of India, 1988. 3. Prebrashensky, V., Measurements and Instrumentation in Heat Engineering, Vol.1 and 2, MIR Publishers, 4. Raman, C.S., Sharma, G.R., Mani, V.S.V., Instrumentation Devices and systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 5. Doeblin, Measurements System Applicatio n and Design, McGraw Hill, 1978. 6. Morris. A.S, Principles of Measurements and Instr umentation, Prentice Hall of India,1998. 7. Beckwith, T.G and Buck, N.L; mechanical Measurements, Addison Wesley, 1982. 8. obert Bosch, Automotive hand Book; SAE 2010. 9. Sawhney A.K., A course in Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Delhi, 2003.




L TP C 3003

To impart knowledge about engine auxiliar y systems like ignition, injection, lubrication and cooling systems in an engine. OUTCOMES Upon learning this subject, the student will be able to Understand the carburetion and injection system in a petrol engine, diesel engine injection and cooling and lubrications. UNIT I CARBURA TION 10

Properties of air-petrol mixtures, Mixture requirements for steady state and transient operation, Mixture formation studies of volatile fuels, design of elementar y carburetor Chokes, Effects of altitude on carburetion, Carburetor for 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines, carburetor systems for emission control. UNIT II GASOLIN INJECTION A ND IGNITION SYSTEM 9

Petrol Injection, Pneumatic and Electronic Fuel Injection Systems types. Ignition system requirements, Timing, Ignition systems, breaker mechanism and spark plugs, Factors affecting energy requirement of the ignition system. UNIT III MA NIFOLD A ND MIXTURE DISTRIBUTIONS 8

Intake system components, Discharge coefficient, Pressure drop, Air filter, intake manifold, Connecting Pipe, Exhaust system components, Exhaust manifolf and exhaust pipe, Spark arresters, Waste heat recovery, Exhaust mufflers, Type of mufflers, exhaust manifold expansion. UNIT IV FUEL INJECTION 8

Factors influencing fuel spray atomization, penetration and dispersion of diesel and heavy oils and their properties, rate and duration of injection, fuel line hydraulics, fuel pump, injectors. UNIT V LUBRICATION A ND COOLING SYSTEM 10

Lubricants, lubricating systems, Lubrication of piston rings, bearings, oil consumption, Oil cooling. Heat transfer coefficients, liquid and air cooled engines, concept of adiabatic engines. TOTAL: 45 per iods REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ramalingam,K.K.Internation Combustion Engine, Scitech Publication (India) Pvt.Ltd.,2000. Domkundwar,V.M. A course in Internal Combustion engines, Dhanpat Rai and Co., 1999. Mathur M.L., and Sharma, R.P., A course in Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpat Rai Publications Pvt.Ltd.,1998 Ganesan, V. Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw Hill Book Cop.,1995 Duffy Smith, Auto Fuel Systems, The Good Heart Willcox Company Inc., Publishers, 1987. Edward F, Obert, Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution, Intext Education Publishers,1980



OBJECTIVES To analyze the engine performance characteristics without starting the engine but by using simulation software. OUTCOM ES Upon learning this subject the student will be able to Understand the different processes in a cycle and analyze them by help of soft ware. Engine operating parameters can be varied and output can be estimated. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 8

First and second laws of thermodynamics Estimation of properties of gas mixtures - Structure of engine models Open and closed cycle models - Cycle studies UNIT II SIMULA TION PRINCIPLES 8

Chemical Reactions, First law application to combustion, Heat of combustion Adiabatic flame temperature, Chemical Equilibrium and calculation of equilibrium composition - Heat transfer in engines Heat transfer models for engines. UNIT III SIMULA TION OF COMBUSTION IN SI ENGINES 12

Combustion in SI engines, Flame propagation and velocity, Single zone models Multi zone models Mass bur ning rate, T urbulence models One dimensional models Chemical kinetics modeling Multidimensional models. UNIT IV SIMULA TION OF COMBUSTION IN CI ENGINES 9

Combustion in CI engines Single zone models Premixed-Diffusive models Wiebe model Whitehouse way model, Two zone models - Multizone models- Meguerdichian and Watsons model, Hiroyasus model, Lyns model Introduction to Multidimensional and spray modeling. UNIT V SIMULA TION A ND GAS EX CHA NGE PROCESSES A ND ENGINE 8

Thermodynamics of the gas exchange process - Flows in engine manifolds One dimensional and multidimensional models, Flow ar ound valves and through por ts Models for scavenging in two stroke engines Isothermal and non-isothermal models. TOTAL: 45 per iods


REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Gordon P. Blair, The Basic Design of two-Stroke engines, SAE Publications, 1990. Horlock and Winterbone, The Thermodynamics and Gas Dynamics of Internal Combustion Engines, Vol. I & II, Clarendon Press, 1986. J.I.Ramos, Internal Combustion Engine Modeling, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1989. J.N.Mattavi and C.A.Amann, Combustion Modeling in Reciprocating Engines, Plenum Press, 1980.




L TP C 3003 8



Introduction: Modeling and simulation as a design procedure and be able to apply this method to a wide range of problems. Analytical techniques for structural systems, System dynamics and thermo -fluid systems. Introduction to geometric modeling technolog y and associated computational geometr y. A study of data exchange issues related to analysis and simulation. UNIT II COMPUTER AIDED MODELING 10

Modern features-based modeling system for the pur poses of designing an assembly and use this geometr y as the basis for analysis and simulation, utilizing available data exchange mechanisms. UNIT III FINITE ELEMENT A NALYSIS 12

Mechanical design criteria - Function, strength and cost. Introduction to FEM Software meshing, mesh refinement, apply loads and constrains, assign material properties A machine component design exercise - use FEA software to determine dimensions and materials for all par ts, modify, optimize and verify the design Numerical result analysis and assessment - von Misses stress, displacement. UNIT IV DESIGN OF COMPONETS 5

Design of components and systems for stress analysis and heat transfer using fully featured commercial finite element software having linear & non-linear capabilities. (To be assessed through various course works). Verification of results for the component analyzed, with appropriate hand calculations. UNIT V COMPUTA TIONA L FLUID DYNA MICS 10

Form of mass, energy and momentum equations, description of terms; boundary, conditions and simple solution examples. Features of CFD Modeling for steady, incompressible flow, pressure drop and heat transfer. Solution Methods - Solution algorithms, discritization schemes, solution convergence, and residuals. Model Formulation - Geometr y and grid design, boundar y conditions of the domain, choice of physical models for turbulence and heat transfer, modeling of fluid properties. Case Study Examples Modeling pressure drop and heat transfer in a range of engineering examples. TOTAL: 45 per iods REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Zeid,CAD/CAM T heory & Practice, TMH Belagundu & Chandrupatla,Finite Element Method, New Age Int. Pub. Reddy, J. N., Introduction to FEM, McGraw - Hill Int. K.J.Bathe, Introduction to FEM, CRC press




L T PC 3003

As automotive engineers are concerned with the optimum use of materials, energy, time and individual effort to ser ve effectively the needs of the society through the design of systems of machine structures and thr ough better understanding of various processes involved in these systems, it is aimed that a post graduate programme in automotive engineering should include topics of design of experiments and optimization techniques. Accor dingly, this paper is designed to include the study of experimental designs and optimization techniques. OUTCOM E OF THE COURSE After completing the course, a student To gets a strong footing on the analysis of variance (ANOVA); To acquire a thorough knowledge of experimental designs such as Completely Randomized Design (CRD), Randomized Block Design (RBD), Latin Square Design (LSD), Balanced Incomplete Block Design (BIBD) and Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Design (PBIBD);. Is exposed to and Factorial Experimental Designs; Is able to apply optimization procedures in experimental designs; Is prepared to test the power of genetic algorithms for constrained optimization. UNIT I ANALYSIS OF VARIA NCE 8

Analysis of Variance and its meaning- one-way classification- two-way classification. Basic principles of design of experiments (replication, randomization and local control)- CRD- RBD- LS D. UNIT II DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS 8

Factorial experiments and their needand Factorial Experimental Designs with out confounding (Theory and Problem only, no derivation expected). Taguchi Approach: Parameter Design, Robust Design UNIT III OPTIMIZA TION 10

Optimal problem formulation -Boundar y phase method Fibonacci search method Golden section search method Powells conjugate direction method Conjugate gradient method Variable-metric method. UNIT IV NONLINEAR PROGRA MMING 10

Kuhn-Trucker conditions Penalty function method Frank-Wolfe method Generalized reduced gradient method Generalized projection method. UNIT V GENETIC ALGORITHMS 9

Genetic algorithms (GAs) - wor king principle difference between GAs and the traditional methods GAs for constrained optimization Simulated annealing Global optimization: using steepest descent method and GA. TOTAL: 45 per iods


REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cochran, W.G. and Cox, G.M.: Experimental Designs, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1957. Davis, L.: Handbook of genetic algorithms, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991. Deb, K.: Optimization for engineering design, Prentice Hall of India, 2005. Montgomer y, D. C.: Design and Analysis of Experiments, John Wiley & Sons, 1984. Phadke, M. S: Quality Engineering using robust design, Prentice Hall, 1989. Philip, R. J.: Taguchi Techniques for quality engineering, McGraw Hill, 1989. Rao, S.S.: Optimization theory and applications, Wiley Easter n, 1984.



OBJECTIVES The aim of this module is to prepare students to select materials and manufacturing processes to produce components for automotive engines. Mechanical behaviour of materials, relation between structure and proper ty of materials, manufacturing processes, matching manufacturing pr ocesses and materials, recent developments in materials and manufacturing technologies will be discussed. Students will be trained to use Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) software to select materials and manufacturing processes for automotive applications. OUTCOM ES On completion of this module the student should be able to: Arrive at material properties for automotive components and select appropriate materials Recommend suitable manufacturing process to produce a component Analyse and match materials and manufacturing processes Analyse the cause for component failure and suggest suitable remedies from materials and process perspective Use CES software to select appropriate combination of materials and manufacturing process for a specified automotive a pplication UNIT I MATERIALS 8

Selection types of Materials Ferrous Carbon and Low Alloy steels, High Alloy Steels, Cast Irons Non Ferrous Aluminum, Magnesium, Titanium, Copper and Nickel alloys. UNIT II ENGINE COMPONENTS 12

Cylinder Block, Cylinder Head, Crankcase and Manifolds, Piston Assembly, Connecting Rod, Crankshaft, Camshaft And Valve Train - Production methods Casting, For ging, Powder Metallurgy Machining Testing Methods. UNIT III ENGINE A UXILIA RIES 10

Carburettors, fuel injection system components, radiators, fans, coolant pumps, Ignition System. UNIT IV COMPUTER INTEGRA TED MA NUFA CTURING 10

Integration of CAD, CAM and CIM- Networ king, CNC programming for machining of Engine Components. UNIT V QUA LITY A ND TESTING 5

TS 16949, BIS codes for testing. manufacturing Engine Components.

Instrumentation, computer aided engine testing, metrology for TOTAL: 45 per iods


REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. M. F. Ashby, H. Shercliff, D. Cubon, Materials Engineering Science, Processing and Design, Butterworth Publications, 2007 C. Brian, G. Patrick and J. Colin, Automotive Engineering: Light Weight, Functional and Novel Materials, Taylor & Francis, 2007 M. P. Groover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems, 2 nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2005 W. D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering an Introduction, 6th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2005 H. Yamagata, The Science and Technology of Materials in Automotive Engines, Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd., Japan Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2005 G. Davies, Materials for Automobile Bodies, Butterwor th- Heinemann Publications, 2003 S. Kalpakjian and S. R. Schmid, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Pearson Education, 2003 K. G. Budinski and M. K. Budinski, Engineering Materials Properties a nd Selection, 7th edition, Prentice-Hall of India, 2002 Richard, W., Heine Carl R. Loper Jr. and Philip, C., Rosenthal, Principles of Metal Casting, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1980. IS: 1602 1960 Code for testing of variable speed internal Combustion en gines for Automobile Purposes, 1966. SAE Handbook, 1994. P.Radhakrishnan and S.Subramaniyan, CAD/CAM/CIM, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 1997. Mikett P.Groover, Automation, production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Printice Hall of India Private Limited, 1999.

JOUR NA LS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Elsevier Journal of Materials Science, Springer Netherlands Materials Science and Engineering A & B, Elsevier ASME Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovations, Inderscience Publishers International Journal of Materials Sciences, Research India International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, Inderscience Publishers

MA GAZINES 1. 2. 3. 4. Automotive Engineering Inter national, SAE Videos Manufacturing processes of metals, plastics, ceramics and composites Machining and joining techniques





L TP C 3003

OBJECTIVES To understand the properties of fuels, lubricants and coolants for the design and operation of the I.C engines. OUT COMES upon learning this subject, the student will be able to Understand the manufacturing pr ocess of fuel and lubricants Able to test different properties of fuel and lubricants UNIT I MA NUFA CTURE OF FUELS A ND LUBRICA NTS 8

Structure of petroleum, refining process, fuels, thermal cracking, catalytic cracking, polymerization, alkylation, isomerisation, blending, products of refining process. Manufacture of lubricating oil base stocks, manufacture of finished automotive lubricants. UNIT II THEORY A ND TYPES OF LUBRICA TION 10

Engine friction: introduction, total engine friction, effect of engine variables on friction, hydrodynamic lubrication, elasto hydrodynamic lubrication, boundary lubrication, bearing lubrication, functions of the lubrication system, introduction to design of a lubricating system-MIST-Pressure feed-Dr y-Wet sump-Bye pass flow lubrication system-lubrication system in commercial vehicles. UNIT III LUBRICA NTS 10

Specific requirements for automotive lubricants, oxidation deterioration and degradation of lubricants, additives and additive mechanism, synthetic lubricants, classification of lubricating oils, properties of lubricating oils,. Grease, classification, properties, test used in grease commercial grades of lubricants. UNIT IV PROPERTIES A ND TESTING OF FUELS 8

Thermo-chemistry of fuels, properties and testing of fuels, relative density, calorific value, distillation temperature, vapor pressure, flash point, Spontaneous ignition temperature, viscosity, pour point, flammability, ignitability, diesel index, API gravity, and aniline point etc., fuel properties testing methods. UNIT V COOLA NT MA NUFA CTURING, PROPERTIES A ND TESTING 9

Introduction to coolant, type of coolants, requirement of coolant, manufacturing process, testing methodology proper ties with respect to I.C., commercial coolants TOTAL: 45 per iods


REFERENCES 1. Ganesan V. Internal Combustion Engineering, Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing Co, New Delhi, 2003. 2. Mathur M.L., Sharma R.P., A course in Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpatraj Publication, 2003. 3. Ober t E.F Internal Combustion Engineering and air Pollution, Internal book Co, 1988. 4. Brame, J.S. S and King, J.G. Fuels- Solids, Liquids, gaseous. 5. Francis, W Fuels and Fuel Technology, Vol. I & II 6. Hobson, G.D. & Pohl.W- Moder n Petroleum Technology 7. A.R.Lansdow n Lubrication A practical guide to lubricant selection Pergamon press 1982. 8. Raymond.C.Gunther Lubrication Chilton Book Co., - 1971. 9. Heisler,Advances Engine Technology, SAE Publications, Sep 1995. 10. Edward F.Obert, Inter nal Combustion Engines, 3rd Edition, Text book Co., 1968.




L TP C 3003

OBJECTIVES To impart knowledge about new technology engine to the student OUTCOM ES Upon learning the subject, the student will be able to Understand what need of alternate vehicle is Analyze different types of alternate vehicle UNIT I ELECTRIC VEHICLES 8

Introduction, Components, vehicle mechanics Roadway fundamentals, vehicle kinetics, Dynamics of vehicle motion - Propulsion S ystem Design. UNIT II BATTERY 8

Basics Types, Parameters Capacity, Discharge rate, State of char ge, state of Discharge, Depth of Discharge, Technical characteristics, Battery pack Design, Properties of Batteries. UNIT III DC & AC ELECTRICAL MACHINES 12

Motor and Engine rating, Requirements, DC machines, Three phase A/c machines, Induction machines, permanent magnet machines, switched reluctance machines. UNIT IV ELECTRIC VEHICLE DRIVE TRAIN 10

Transmission configuration, Components gears, differential, clutch, brakes regenerative braking, motor sizing. UNIT V HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES 7

Types series, parallel and series, parallel configuration Design Drive train, sizing of components. TOTAL : 45 per iods REFERENCES BOOKS 1. Iqbal Hussain, Electric & Hybrid Vechicles Design Fundamentals, CRC Press. 2. Rand D.A.J, Woods, R & Dell RM Batteries for Electric vehicles.


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