UK Home Office: Teesside Mappa 2007 Report

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Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

Annual Report 2006-2007

1. Ministerial Forward

2. Introduction to Teesside MAPPA Annual Report 2006/07

3. How MAPPA Operates Locally

4. Other Agencies Contributing to MAPPA

5. Interventions with Offenders - Sex Offender Programmes

6. Victims

7. Interventions with Offenders - Approved Premises

8. Managing Risk

9. National Probation Service Teesside and Cleveland Police Public Protection Unit

10. Prison Service Involvement in MAPPA

11 Statistical Analysis

12. MAPPA Annual Reports Statistical Information

13. Teesside Strategic Management Board Business Plan 2005 - 2008

14. Contact Details

15. Glossary
1. Ministerial Forward

These are the sixth MAPPA annual reports, and the first with a foreword by the Ministry of Justice.
I want, first of all, to underline the Government's continued commitment to these arrangements.
Protecting the public from dangerous offenders is a core aim for the new Department. Just as the
effectiveness of MAPPA locally depends on the quality of working relationships, we will work with
the Home Office, the Police, and others, to develop the best possible framework within which the
MAPPA can operate.

On 13 June, the Government published a Review of the Protection of Children from Sex Offenders.
This sets out a programme of actions which include developing the use of drug treatment for sex
offenders and piloting the use of compulsory polygraph testing as a risk management tool,
enhancements to the regime operating at Approved Premises, and also a range of actions
impacting directly upon the way the MAPPA work. I want to highlight two of them here.

Firstly, research tells us that the arrangements are already used successfully to disclose
information about dangerous offenders but we think this can be improved upon. MAPPA agencies
will be required to consider disclosure in every case. We will pilot a scheme where parents will be
able to register a child-protection interest in a named individual with whom they have a personal
relationship and who has regular unsupervised access to their child. If that person has convictions
for child sex offences and the child is at risk, there will be a presumption that the offences will be
disclosed to the parent.

Secondly, as MAPPA has developed over the past 6 years, best practice models have been
identified which show that specific roles and approaches are required to ensure it is managed
effectively. We are committed to strengthening MAPPA arrangements and ensuring that robust
performance management is in place. To achieve this, we intend to introduce new national
standards, which will ensure a consistent approach across Areas and we will be making available
£1.2million to support Areas in implementing the standards.

We aim to do everything that can reasonably be done to protect people from known, dangerous
offenders. We know that there is always room for improvement. I commend this annual report to
you as an indication of the commitment, skills and achievements of the professionals, and lay
advisers, in managing and monitoring this essential, often difficult area of business.

Maria Eagle MP
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
2. Introduction
Teesside MAPPA Annual Report 2006/7

The protection of the public from offenders in the community has continued to be high profile over
the past 12 months and it is correct that this is the case. The three 'responsible' agencies involved
in this work (Prison Service, Probation Service and Police) know that the protection of the public is
their primary and most important role while for other agencies involved it is an important part of their
daily business. All agencies have a part to play in effectively supervising and supporting people
living in the community to ensure they do not commit serious offences. This partnership working
between agencies has been essential to the effective management and supervision of offenders
who are registered under Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements.

The joint Police/Probation Public Protection Unit continues to provide a good example of how close
partnership working and good systems can reduce the risk from the MAPPA offenders. The Prison
Service as the third 'responsible authority' also has good systems in place for identifying potential
MAPPA offenders. They also work with the Police and Probation to plan for an offender’s release
from prison, working to ensure a co-ordinated risk management plan.

Other agencies as 'duty to cooperate' agencies also have an increasingly important role to play in
the MAPPA process whether they be Health, Housing, Education, Children or Family Services.
Everyone needs to play their part in this essential work of keeping the public as safe as is possible
and it is this partnership working which gives the MAPPA framework its strength.

The Strategic Management Board is comprised of senior representatives of the three 'responsible
agencies' and the 'duty to cooperate' agencies as well as Lay advisers. The board manages the
MAPPA system and ensures the MAPPA business plan is completed within the required timescales.

The agencies involved with MAPPA are in no way complacent about the task and its importance to
the local community. Risk can never be eradicated but it can be minimised if everyone plays their
part. Partnership working and the sharing of information are vital to making our communities a safer
place to live.

Elaine Lumley, Sean Price, Matt Spencer

National Probation Service Cleveland Constabulary HMP Holme House
Teesside Chief Officer Chief Constable Governor
3. How MAPPA Operates locally

The Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000, re-enacted by the Criminal Justice Act 2003
imposed duties upon the Police, Probation and Prison Services (known as the Responsible
Authority) to establish MAPPA - Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements. This places a
statutory duty on Police, Probation and the Prison Service to provide joint arrangements for the
assessment and management of the risks posed by sexual, violent offenders and other offenders
who may cause serious harm.

MAPPA also imposes on a number of other agencies the "duty to co-operate" with the Responsible
Authority in discharging its duties. Such "duty to co-operate" agencies includes:

 Children and Family Services

 Youth Offending Teams
 Primary Care Trusts, other NHS Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities
 Local Education Authorities
 Jobcentre plus
 Local Housing Authorities
 Electronic Monitoring Providers
 Registered social landlords.

Since MAPPA on Teesside began in 1997 and the joint Police and Probation Public Protection Unit
was established in 2004, there continues to be an increasing number of agencies that are
becoming aware of MAPPA procedures and are making appropriate referrals into MAPPA.

Using MAPPA procedures we can more effectively assess and manage the risks posed by sexual,
violent and often dangerous offenders. Whenever a multi-agency or joint approach can improve the
protection of the public, the police, probation and prison services, alongside other key agencies will
share relevant information and where necessary convene a Multi-Agency Public Protection
Panel. This allows agencies to share information and agree the appropriate and necessary
strategies to manage the risks in the community.

In line with National guidance, our local protocol outlines arrangements for convening meetings at
two levels.
Multi Agency Risk Management Meeting (RMM) Level II

These meetings are convened and information shared between agencies to manage individual
offenders who are considered as having potential to cause a high risk of harm and whose
management within the community will benefit from a multi-agency management approach, rather
than a single agency approach.

Meetings for high risk of harm offenders are chaired by a Senior Probation Officer or Detective
Sergeant from the Joint Police/ Probation Public Protection Unit, depending on which service has
primary responsibility for the high risk offender.

Multi Agency Public Protection Panel (MAPPP) Level III

This panel is convened to manage the critical few that are considered to pose a risk of very serious
harm to the public. These meetings are chaired by either an Assistant Director of Probation or a
Detective Inspector from the Joint Police/ Probation Public Protection Unit, depending on which
service has primary responsibility for the very high risk offender.

The purpose of a MAPPA meeting is to:-

 Share Information: The bringing together of key professionals from all the relevant
agencies enables a full exchange and sharing of information to occur. Information can be
scrutinised and verified and a clear focus given to the examination of the information which
has led to the concerns about the individual. Additional information which may not be
directly linked to the harm that the individual may pose but may be relevant in identifying
methods of interventions which can be used to help reduce the risks, can also be disclosed.

 Assess Risk: Once all of the relevant and appropriate information has been shared, the
panel is able to assess the level of risk that the offender poses as well as identifying who
may be at risk and in what way.

 Agree risk management strategies: The panel has responsibility to ensure that strategies
are agreed and put into place to manage the risks identified. There is also a clear
expectation that each agency has responsibility for ensuring any strategies pertinent to their
own organisation or role are carried out and these are reviewed at a future review meeting.

 Review all protective measures: The potential to apply for a Sexual Offenders Prevention
Order (SOPO), Disqualification Order (DO), or a Risk Of Serious Harm Order (ROSHO) is
considered at all meetings. Where necessary the police may also consider increased
surveillance according to risk and the appropriate allocation of resources.

Once an individual is considered to be very high or high risk, their name is placed on the registers
held by Cleveland Police and National Probation Service Teesside. At both Level II and Level III, a
review panel will continue to meet at least every three months to review each case and maintain
their monitoring of interventions by ensuring strategies to manage risk are implemented and are
4. Other Agencies Contributing to MAPPA
A range of partner agencies work with MAPPA. Here are some examples of the
work that they do.

a. Children's Services throughout Teesside work closely with MAPPA in adult protection and
with children through child protection procedures. Representatives attend meetings to
ensure that all relevant information is shared and where necessary joint work is agreed, such
as conducting home visits. All these procedures work in close liaison and alongside each
other thereby ensuring that those individuals who are the most vulnerable members of
society are protected.

b. The Cleveland Diversion Team (CDT) is a multi agency team (Health, Children and Family
Services & Probation) working with mentally disordered offenders. CDT staff are placed in
Probation teams across the area to further facilitate proactive interventions with offenders at
the earliest opportunity. They contribute to MAPPA meetings by identifying those offenders
who may have a mental illness or mental health related difficulties and can be key in
assisting MAPPA by referring offenders to the relevant services, providing an assessment of
the offender's needs and by working alongside probation staff in the community to manage
difficulties presented by people with mental health problems.

c. Accommodation is an essential element in effectively managing and monitoring the risk of

offenders within the community. The provision of appropriate housing must include a full and
proper risk assessment and the sharing of information so that the public and staff are not
placed at risk. A significant amount of time has been taken to ensure that housing providers
continue to develop a greater and more comprehensive understanding of MAPPA and
representatives from a number of different organisations now attend the meetings.
The HARP protocol has gone some way to enhancing this understanding of housing need
and is currently being reviewed to improve the service to offenders. Teesside Probation also
has two Housing Officers who concentrate on providing information, advice and support to
both offenders and Offender Managers, often facilitating the negotiation and liaison with
housing providers locally. They have developed good relationships with local B & B landlords
which frequently assists the accommodating of offenders in an emergency.
5. Interventions with Offenders

Sex Offender Programmes.

By a Probation Officer from the PPU.

"Why can't you have a nice job for a change?" This is what one of my closest friends asked when
I told her I had left the field of substance dependency and was now running groupwork for men who
have committed sexual offences. “But how can you work with these people?" she replied. It's a
common question alongside "Does it actually work?" and "How can you really tell?"

Having been asked to write about my experience of running accredited sex offender treatment
programmes over the past four years, I am tasked to explain why I see this element of my role at
the Public Protection Unit as one of the most interesting and rewarding pieces of work I have ever
been involved in. Nice, it might not be but there's never a dull moment in group work.

The programmes are varied, we run three accredited programmes from the unit, Northumbria Sex
Offender Group work Programme (N-SOGP); Relapse Prevention Programme (RP); and Internet
Sex Offender Treatment Programme (I-SOTP). Group members are varied as well, we can have up
to 10 men on each group who can be a mixture of those on Licence or Community Orders, who
may or may not have completed previous treatment programmes either in prison or in the

The ranges of cognitive abilities of group members are varied, as are the ages, marital status,
sexual orientation, ethnic origin and cultural backgrounds of the men who attend. Each group is
quite unique, and as if all of these variables were not enough to keep us on our toes, we also need
to consider the expectations and purpose of the programmes!

Our particular ‘brand’ of Sex offender treatment is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which
broadly attempts to help men recognise and change the links between their distorted offence
related thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Intrinsically, this constructive approach intends to place
the individual offender at the forefront of the management of his own re-offending risks. This is an
approach that, for those who consider that sex offender treatment should embrace more punitive
elements of treatment, might appear to contradict their expectations. Notwithstanding these
assumptions, the NSOG treatment ethos is founded on high levels of constructive challenge with
high levels of support in order to be most meaningful and effective in the reduction of repeat

So, does sex offender treatment really work? I like to think that as facilitators we can help those
men who truly want to make it work for them, in ensuring they have the tools to understand and
control the risks they pose. For those who don't, we need to manage and control the risks posed
with more restrictive measures and this is one of the key ways in which the work we undertake with
offenders in Programmes interfaces with the MAPPA process.
6. Victims

The National Probation Service Teesside employs two Victim Liaison Officers (VLOs) to enable the
Service to fulfil its statutory duty to inform the victims of all sexual and violent crimes, where:

 the offender has received a sentence of imprisonment of 12 months or more and/or

 they are the victims of mentally disordered offenders

Where the victim chooses to be involved in the scheme it is the role of the VLOs to inform them of
the key milestones in the offender's sentence. The main purpose of this is to keep the victim
involved and prepare them for developments in the sentence and allow them to give their views on
release plans. Offender Managers are also involved with the VLOs from the point of the offender
being sentenced to enable the perspective of the victim to be incorporated into their work.

The Victim Code of Practice has been introduced, giving victims for the first time a secure position
at all stages of the prosecution of the offender and any following sentence. As the Probation VLO
role is primarily one of supplying information and consultation they also work closely with partners
who offer counselling and support, such as Victim Support, and extend the service to the victims of
serious youth crime.

A vital part of the VLO role is to liaise with all criminal justice agencies, and the wider community,
through the MAPPA process to promote the interests of victims in the management of risk, and
ensure that their voice is heard. This means that the Risk Management Meetings can be
responsive to victims' needs and specific strategies can be included to protect and support those
who remain vulnerable.
Case Study

John was in a short term relationship with the female victim and quickly moved into the victim's home with
her young son. Over a period of several months the relationship broke down and John left the home.

Prior to the commission of his index offences John embarked on a sustained campaign of verbal
intimidation and harassment against the victim which left her feeling very vulnerable. John's refusal to
acknowledge the end of the relationship led to an escalation in his behaviour and resulted in him
committing offences of Criminal Damage and Dangerous Driving against the victim. These offences
attracted a custodial sentence of 13 months.

On examination of the case, the VLO was able to identify clear domestic violence issues and the likelihood
of future re-victimisation to John's ex-partner. Consequently the VLO discussed the case with Police
Colleagues and the Probation Officer managing John's sentence and it was agreed that a referral to
MAPPA would be made. This referral coincided with John's eligibility for release on HDC.

The VLO was able to meet with the victim and obtain a detailed history of the relationship between her and
John and discuss in depth her fears and concerns should the offender receive early release. As a result
of the information provided by the VLO the HDC application was refused as it was felt the risk posed to
the victim was too great to manage in the community. This decision has allowed for true multi agency
working and given all agencies the time necessary to formulate and implement risk management
strategies which will assist John address his behaviour and minimise the risk to the victim.

These include the installation of panic alarm (provided by the Police) in the victim's home, an exclusion
zone around her home address and a condition of no contact. Similarly the VLO was able to refer the
victim to other non-statutory agencies to access emotional and practical support not related to the
offender's sentence.

Contact will be maintained with the victim up to the licence expiry part of John's sentence. This will allow
for ongoing comprehensive risk management of John once released.
7. Interventions with Offenders
Approved premises and their role in Public Protection
By the Approved Premises Manager

Approved Premises is residential accommodation which has been approved by the Home Office to
house offenders. Approved Premises manage offenders as a condition of their Bail, as part of their
Licence or as a requirement of a Community Order. In January of this year there were 101
premises in 37 of the 42 probation areas in England and Wales. The size of accommodation varies
from 10 to 44 bed spaces, with most in the mid 20 - a provision of around 2200 beds available in

The Justice and Courts Services Act (2000) placed a legal obligation on police and probation
services for the assessment and management of high risk offenders. This established the
framework for inter-agency cooperation in the management of violent and sexual offenders. It was
however, the creation of the National Probation Service in 2001 that provided the opportunity to
bring consistency to the then probation and bail hostel estate and allowed for the development of a
strategy which was embedded in the Public Protection and Licence Release Unit.

Probation hostels had historically been criticised for the lack of purposeful activity although Her
Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation praised the work of the then probation and bail hostels, with
high risk offenders. What had evolved was a focus on enhanced regimes for those individuals who
posed the greatest risk of harm; namely violent and sexual offenders and, Approved Premises as
they are now known, are an integral part of public protection work.

In 2005 Probation Circular 37/2005 defined the role and purpose of Approved Premises and the
level of enhanced supervision necessary to manage residents safely. The enhanced provision is
that offered over and above normal restriction whilst the restrictive intervention provides elements
of control that is not present in other forms of community sentences.

Approved Premises are staffed 24 hours a day 365 days a year by staff trained in risk assessment
and experienced in the management of violent and sexual offenders. The premises, all of which
have CCTV surveillance, are focused on helping to reduce risk and reintegrate men and woman
successfully into the community. Whilst many will continue, once in the community, to be monitored,
some will be in employment or training and will usually be living where directed or approved by the
police and probation services. It should be said that the women's estate is small and there is no
provision for women on Teesside.

For many offenders residence in Approved Premises is very challenging because of the restrictive
measures in the form of curfew, stringent rules and drug testing and treatment. Additionally,
offenders are required to fully participate in the regime which will be much more
demanding than that in many prisons. Some interventions such as education and training are
delivered in-house through partnership agencies.

They in turn link with external providers who identify opportunities for training and employment
which is not easy for this group. Many have left prison after long periods of incarceration and have
poor literacy and numeracy skills, and for some of these, residence in Approved Premises enables
them to address these deficits and ensure their employability.

Links with health ensure medical intervention is provided via local GP support with each premises
having protocols with established practices in the area. A surgery is run on site each week for men
who are receiving treatment or simply need access to services that might otherwise not be
accessible. Strict policies relating to the storing and dispensing of medication are in place which
comply with health and safety requirements and agency policies governing medication.

Practical advice on housing and benefits is available and some staff have developed significant
expertise in these areas. Presently, the team on Teesside are working to develop a range of
interventions based on need. By the end of 2007 Teesside Probation Service will have a range of
interventions focused on tackling those areas which have been identified as linked to offending
behaviour and risk. Courses on citizenship, budgeting and thinking skills will, coupled with
offending behaviour programmes delivered by our public protection unit, certainly enhance the lives
of these men whilst reduce the risk of harm to the public.
8. Managing Risk
Case Study: Trevor

Trevor received a 15 year custodial sentence for the offences of Rape, Section 18 Wounding with Intent,
False Imprisonment and Threats to Kills. The victims of the offences were his previous partner and her
neighbour. Trevor broke into the property armed with an axe and petrol and attacked his ex-partner,
seriously injuring her and raped her during a 9 hour siege. The victim's children were present
throughout the offence.

During his sentence Trevor received numerous adjudications for violence. He was unsuccessful in all
parole applications due to the gravity of the index offence and his behaviour whilst in custody and thus
was released at his Non Parole Date subject to licence.

Prior to Trevor's release a MAPPP was convened involving the Offender Manager, Approved Premises,
Prison staff, Victim worker, Police, Children and Family Services and Housing. A comprehensive Risk
Management Plan was developed which included numerous licence conditions including: residency in
Approved Premises; stringent electronically monitored curfew hours; no contact condition with the
victim, her children and family members deemed to be at risk; an exclusion zone to aid protection to the
victims; conditions to inform the offender manager of any relationships (to manage future risks) and
details of any vehicle to be travelled in. He was registered by the MAPPP as posing a very high risk of
serious harm.

Due to the proximity of Teesside Approved Premises to the victim's location and the risk he posed,
referrals were made to Approved Premises in other areas. He was accepted into another area and with
help from colleagues in prison Trevor moved prison location to ensure he was not released into his
exclusion zone.

A further MAPPP was held in the relevant area and all professionals involved from Teesside and the new
area attended to ensure necessary information was shared and the risk was managed effectively.

Trevor remains in Approved Premises and complies with his licence conditions and Sex Offender
Registration and is closely monitored by all agencies involved with him. Regular MAPPP reviews take
place which focus upon risk and his successful reintegration back into the community.
Case Study: Marvin

Marvin was convicted of an offence of Indecent Assault committed against a minor and received a
sentence of 15 months imprisonment with an extended licence period of 48 months in addition to a Sexual
Offences Prevention Order. This was for offences of Indecent Assault committed against his son. Marvin
originated from an outside Probation area but due to specific risk issues, residence at an Approved
Premises on Teesside was identified as being an important aspect of the Multi-Agency management
strategy with regards to assisting monitoring of his movements and associations, in addition to other
restrictive Licence conditions.

While in custody Marvin had been assessed as High Risk but shortly after release was reassessed as Very
High Risk and managed under Level Three MAPPA arrangements. Following a comprehensive
management plan being devised, Approved Premises staff were quickly able to highlight and forward
concerns with regards to his movements and potential association with children. As a response to this
information Marvin's Licence was varied to require him to be present within the Approved Premises at
specified times in order to reduce his potential to travel, while liaison with the area where previous
victims and identified potential victims allowed for greater monitoring measures to be implemented to
protect these individuals.

Following a number of months in Approved Premises, and continued high levels of information sharing
between all involved agencies, suitable move-on accommodation was identified that would allow for a
continued high level of monitoring of Marvin.
9. National Probation Service Teesside
and Cleveland Police Public Protection Unit
The responsible authorities, made up from the police, probation and prison service have joint
responsibility for public protection within Teesside. This obligation is discharged by the now well
established joint public protection unit (PPU). Based in central Middlesbrough both police and
probation officers work in tandem to minimise risk from some of the most serious offenders within
Teesside. Officers from prison play their part in risk assessing and working with the public
protection unit providing valuable information to manage the risk once the offender has been

The PPU has the responsibility of managing all MAPPA cases benefiting from a Detective Sergeant
and a Senior Probation Officer who are skilled in assessing risk and formulating risk management
strategies to manage the high risk offenders with the assistance of duty to co operate partners such
as health and housing. The more serious offenders, known as very high risk offenders are man-
aged in conjunction with other agencies by either an Assistant Director of Probation or a dedicated
Detective Inspector from the PPU.

Key Achievements
Both the National Probation Service Teesside and Cleveland Police have invested heavily in the
area of public protection. This is in response and recognition of this critical area of work. The unit
has benefited from an additional Detective Sergeant and four additional Detective Constables. In
addition there has been an increase of a further Senior Probation Officer and additional
administration staff.

To make sure that our staff are fully trained there has also been an increase in the amount of funds
available to increase the skills of the new and existing officers. This includes regular attendance on
national training courses ran by the Child Exploitation Online Protection organisation (CEOP) and
on a local level the responsible authority organisations continue to hold joint development days at
HMP Holme House.

The Prison Service now has a Public Protection Unit based within Holme House and has developed
a public protection policy. Links are being forged with this unit to assist with management of
offenders whilst in custody and to help with the management of them when they are eventually

Prison officers and seconded probation officers also attend MAPPA meetings held in the communi-
ty providing valuable information on the offender which will help manage risk once they are
integrated back into society.

Presentations are key to informing and updating the duty to co-operate agencies about MAPPA.
There have been a number of presentations and inputs to the youth offending services, health and
at Teesside University to new recruits to Cleveland Police ensuring that the work of the PPU and
MAPPA is engrained at an early stage.
The PPU has also updated the work force of Cleveland Police by a series of presentations of the
work that is carried out by the joint PPU and updating them on relevant legislation to sex offenders.

In development is a 'premium service protocol' which is an agreement with the local courts the
Crown Prosecution Service and the police to fast track through the Court process an offender who
is registered under the MAPPA procedures or who is a registered sex offender.
The protocol extends to those offenders where a warrant is issued so that its execution can be
expedited and the times where an offender applies for 'judge in chambers' bail so that
appropriate representation can be made by officers from the PPU when necessary.

In conjunction and agreement with the probation service a police officer from the PPU now has a
dedicated liaison role with the two Approved Premises in Teesside.

At last year’s nationally funded conference the Strategic Management Board (SMB) business plan
was discussed to allow as many SMB members as possible to contribute to the debate for its
content and implementation. Since then it is updated, reviewed and discussed at every SMB

Strategic Management Board

Such is the importance of the work revolving around public protection the SMB now meets every
two months instead of every quarter and is chaired by the head of the Crime Department of
Cleveland Police.

There is now consistent representation from all responsible authority and duty to co-operate
organisations. Those who represent their organisations within this group are members of senior
management who can make and commit to important decisions on how MAPPA operates
locally. To give an air of openness and independence two lay advisors did sit on the SMB, although
unfortunately one has since resigned.

The SMB oversees and directs MAPPA to make sure that the correct level of service is delivered at
a local level at the right time to reduce risk from high and very high risk offenders who live in the
community of Teesside.

All who sit on the SMB are committed to progress the actions of the SMB work programme and to
assist with this aim three sub groups are now well established. These groups concentrate on
procedures, communications and monitoring and reviewing the day to day decisions made by those
who work within MAPPA. The sub groups consist of members of both the duty to
cooperate and responsible authority members and are an audit to ensure and demonstrate

Housing those offenders who fall within the MAPPA remit, especially those who are sex
offenders is still an issue that causes difficulty at times. Work is ongoing with housing providers to
promote the work of MAPPA and to assist in housing offenders who may have lost their tenancy
due to being in prison. The SMB is looking at local housing provision and to try and identify what
could be done to increase the availability of suitable accommodation.
Training is an issue that effects all large organisations and there has been an increase in effort to
raise the profile of MAPPA within duty to cooperate organisations. The SMB has been the
catalyst to this training initiative and the PPU has been tasked with assisting in this piece of work.
A training package is under development to be cascaded throughout organisations.

Senior managers from the police, probation, local authorities, health, to name but a few maintain
strategic links with MAPPA through Local Safeguarding Children's Boards (LSCB) and the Local
Criminal Justice Board (LCJB) to ensure that MAPPA is an integral part of those meetings.

Three working groups have been established at the direction of the SMB. The procedure sub group
has been tasked with reviewing the MAPPA procedures and how they operate at a local level; the
monitoring and review group are members of the SMB who quality check the decisions of managers
chairing the level 2 and 3 meetings together with analysing the decisions as to why someone has
not been placed into the MAPPA remit and the communications sub group has been established to
promote the work of MAPPA.

Lay Advisors
Lay advisors are an essential part of MAPPA. They are independent individuals who do not
represent any statutory organisation. They act as a 'critical friend' who can offer advice and
guidance from a lay perspective and because of this can incorporate the views of the community.

Their role is to ask and enquire about practices and procedures and to challenge assumptions to
ensure that MAPPA delivers the highest quality of service in the management of offenders for the
community of Teesside.

This past year both lay advisors provided representation on the SMB communications sub group
and the monitoring and review sub group. Unfortunately one lay advisor has resigned. This
situation will be reviewed by the SMB and a further lay advisor will be sought during the next
financial year.

Both lay advisors had attended national training supported by local training provided by staff from
the PPU. However there is a national pressure to provide consistency in training and the SMB await
further guidance.
10. Prison Service Involvement in MAPPA

Both HMP Holme House and HMP Kirklevington, the two prisons in Teesside, continue to be
represented on the Strategic Management Board for Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
and actively engage in the MAPPA processes in the community.

HMP Holme House

HMP Holme House operates a Public Protection Policy which recognises the duty placed upon the
Prison Service as one of the three Responsible Authorities, alongside the Police and Probation
Service to ensure effective arrangements are in place to manage the risks that offenders may
present on their release from custody. This policy has been implemented to ensure that HMP Holme
House meets its obligations under the Prison Service Public Protection Standard to identify, assess
and manage the risks posed by sex, violent and other offenders, who pose a risk of serious harm
to the public.

Collating information from various agencies is essential in compiling an accurate and informed
profile of the prisoner and to assess the potential level of risk they may pose. It also ensures that
resources are concentrated where they are most required. To this end our policy is underpinned by
timely actions to identify, at the earliest stage, prisoners who may be subject to public protection

1. Daily Interdepartmental Risk Management Meeting - Primary purpose is to carry out a

'sift' of all new receptions to identify prisoners who may be subject to public protection
procedures. An essential part of this sift is to consider information regarding previous
convictions as well as current offence information.

2. Weekly Interdepartmental Risk Management Meeting - this meeting has a wider

attendance and focuses upon identifying prisoners from the daily sift who may pose a
higher risk and who are likely to require the completion of a full Public Protection
Risk Assessment.

3. Monthly Interdepartmental Risk Management Meeting - the purpose of this meeting is

to adopt an 'Investigative and pro-active' approach to identifying and case managing the
critical few prisoners who present a high or very high risk to the public, prison staff or others.

4.Strategic Public Protection Meeting - this meeting, chaired by the Deputy Governor,
meets quarterly and reviews this policy to ensure that HMP Holme House procedures reflect
and adhere to any changes to Prison Service National Policies and that we continue to
deliver on our commitment as a Responsible Authority under MAPPA.

A major development at HMP Holme House is the formation of an internal Public Protection Unit.
This comprises four discipline officers and a full time Administration Officer. The aim is to ensure
all prisoners received into the prison, who are identified as a high risk of harm, are processed and
monitored appropriately whilst in custody to reduce the identified risks. The focus is on the sharing
of information with both relevant internal and external agencies
Case Study: John
Adult male remanded into custody at HMP Holme House on charges of indecent assault on children:

Upon reception into the prison John was identified as being subject to MAPPA and a potential risk to children. A
public protection referral was submitted to the prison's Public Protection Unit. At this stage he was denied access
to the telephone in reception and was prohibited from having any contact with children under the age of 18 until a
full risk assessment could be undertaken. *The right of a child to be safeguarded and protected from harm must
take priority over an offender's right to family life if the offender's right would mean contact could place a child at
risk (Human Rights Act)

The following day, during the Daily Interdepartmental Risk Management meeting, John's offence was discussed
and the following procedures were put in place:

 A request was made to the Probation Service for a full MAPPA assessment to be carried out .

An application was made to the Governor at HMP Holme House to have monitoring authorised in respect to his
correspondence and telephone calls. *All phone calls in prisons are recorded and may be subject to monitoring if
approved by the governor, which in this instance it was.

 John was informed by a PPU Officer that he would have to apply for authorisation for any form of contact with
children and was instructed that he would need to make an application if he wanted to have telephone contact with
any adult. Details of the contact, age, relationship, address and telephone numbers were requested. Contact was
made and agreement sought before any of the telephone numbers submitted were activated.

 Holme House central visits list was updated to reflect that he was not allowed any visits/contact with children.

 John's details were added to the Holme House 'NO CHILD CONTACT' logs.

 A Public Protection file was opened and all relevant details documented.

Following conviction and sentencing to 4 ½ years custody:

 John was notified of his requirement to register under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, he was also required to
sign documentation to confirm that he was aware of this requirement

 An OASys (Offender Assessment System) was completed which compiled an in-depth assessment of his risk
and needs. This resulted in John being assessed as a 'High Risk' to children, therefore the established restrictions
and monitoring procedures remained in place.

 A Risk Management Meeting (RMM) was held by the Probation Service attended by multi agency staff
including John's Offender Manager (External Probation Officer), Offender Supervisor (Prison Officer) and prison
PPU officer, where information was shared and decisions made on how he would best be managed throughout his

 Following the RMM, in accordance with the North East Sex Offender Strategy, the prison made a
referral for an assessment to determine his suitability for a Sex Offender Treatment Programme (SOTP)
which could help reduce his risk or re-offending.

Following completion of his OASys a Sentence Planning meeting was arranged where John's Offender Manager
was able to discuss his situation and set targets for John to work towards during his sentence.

 John's assessment for SOTP confirmed his suitability for the programme of 6 months duration and he is
currently awaiting a placement.
11. Statistical Analysis

In 2006/07, we saw an increase in the number of category three offenders registered at level 2
(High Risk) within MAPPA on Teesside.

There are a number of contributing factors. Most significantly was a decision in early 2006 to
default any offender sentenced to a Community Domestic Violence Programme into the MAPPA
framework. In addition, responsible authorities have worked to enhance the skills and knowledge
of their own staff and those working in duty to co-operate agencies. This could also have had an
impact on numbers registered within this category.

In 2007 we will introduce a new approach to multi-agency conferencing those offenders charged
with a domestic violence related offence. This will see a significant decline in 2007/08 in the
number of offenders registered through MAPPA as a category three offender.

There has been an increase in the number of offenders being managed at level 3 (Very High Risk)
category three, from 4 in 2005/06 to 22 in 2006/07. We are confident that a robust threshold is
being operated by the chairs of the MAPPPs and, in addition, cases are independently reviewed by
the Monitoring and Review group on a monthly basis to ensure consistency in decision making.

It is not possible entirely to remove the potential for offenders to commit a serious further offence,
and this year we have had 3 Serious Further Offences. Whilst any Serious Further Offence means
personal tragedy for people in our community, this year's figures (representing 0.9% of the total of
those managed at MAPPA levels 2 and 3) suggest that the MAPPA is generally succeeding in
managing those offenders who pose the greatest threat to society. All cases of serious further
offending are rigorously reviewed with learning points being addressed by the agencies involved.

Monitoring sex offenders is paramount in contributing to community safety. An effective aid in that
monitoring process is to apply to the Court for Sex Offender Prevention Orders (SOPO) and Risk
of Sexual Harm Orders (ROSHO). A SOPO can be granted upon conviction or after conviction on
a civil order. Before a SOPO is granted on a civil order an offender has to be convicted of a
relevant offence and then display worrying behaviour. Likewise applying for a ROSHO has similar
criteria but an individual does not have to have been convicted. The PPU together with Cleveland
Police's legal department have taken on the responsibility of applying for the civil SOPO. During
the last year Cleveland Police have applied for, and been granted, 39 SOPO and 1 ROSHO. These
orders place restrictions on lives of individuals and prevent them from frequenting certain locations
and liaising with individuals to reduce risk of further offending.
12 STATISTICAL INFORMATION Number of offenders

Category 1: MAPPA offenders: Registered Sex Offenders (RSOs)

Police Basic
Hartlepool 42
Stockton 115
i. The number of RSOs living in the Teesside area on 31 March 2007
Middlesbrough 119
Redcar &
Total 357

(a) RSOs per 100,000 population 64

ii. The number of sex offenders having a registration requirement who 1

were either cautioned or convicted for breaches of the requirement,
between 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2007

iii. The number of Sex Offences Prevention Orders (SOPOs) (a) applied
for (b) interim SOPOs granted and (c) full SOPOs imposed by the
courts in Teesside between 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2007:

(a) The total number applied for 39

(b) interim SOPOs granted 2

(c) full SOPOs imposed by the courts in Teesside 37

iv. The number of Notification Orders (a) applied for (b) interim Notification
Orders granted and (c) full Notification Orders imposed by the courts in
Teesside between 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2007:

(a) The total number applied for 1

(b) interim Notification Orders granted 0

(c) full Notification Orders imposed by the courts in Teesside 1

v. The number of Foreign Travel Orders (a) applied for and (b) imposed by
the courts in Teesside between 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2007:

(a) The total number applied for 0

(b) imposed by the courts in Teesside 0

Category 2: violent offenders and other sexual offenders

vi. The number of violent and other sexual offenders (as defined by 97
Section 327 (3), (4) and (5) of the Criminal Justice Act (2003)) living in
Teesside between 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2007

Category 3: Other offenders

vii. The number of ‘other offenders’ (as defined by Section 325 (2)(b) of the 301
Criminal Justice Act (2003)) between 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2007

Category 4: MAPPP cases

viii. The number of MAPPA offenders in the three categories (1) RSOs, Level 3 Level 2
(2) violent and other sexual offenders (V&O) and (3) other offenders RSO 8 25
(OthO) who have been managed through the MAPPP (level 3) and V&O 0 4
through local inter-agency risk management (level 2) between OthO 22 279
1 April 2006 and 31 March 2007:

ix Of the cases managed at levels 3 or 2 (ie (viii)) between 1 April 2006

and 31 March 2007 how many, whilst managed at that level were:

(a) Returned to custody for a breach of licence Level 3 Level 2

3 40

(b) Returned to custody for a breach of a restraining order or sexual Level 3 Level 2
offences prevention order 0 0

(c) Charged with a serious sexual or violent offence Level 3 Level 2

0 3
13 Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements
Teesside Strategic Management Board - Business Plan 2005 - 2008

1. MAPPA Development Strategy


To achieve dedicated Review current September 2006 Police/Probation/ By April 2007, dedicated No progress. 3
MAPPA Co-ordination and Police/Probation/Prison Prison Management Team MAPPA responsible agencies to
administration resource Co-ordination and consider.
Administration in place.
Consult with SMB Duty to September 2006 Police/Probation/ Business proposal
Co-operate (DTC) agencies Prison Management Team should be put forward –
regarding available M Braithwaite to discuss
resource with C Wilson; P Kelly
would then discuss re
PCT contribution.

HM Inspectorate visiting
this month, would
include public protection;
may attend June
To review SMB structures To re-engage with all DTC September 2006 Police/Probation/ By April 2007 full
and membership agencies regarding Prison Management Team engagement by DTC
attendance at SMB. agencies with MAPPA.
September 2006 Prison Management Team By April 2007 to Current structure to be
To consider replicating implement SMB retained.
SMB structures in four structures in four unitary
unitary authorities authorities if considered
To integrate revised national Following receipt of national September 2006 SMB procedures sub group Revised guidance
MAPPA guidance into local guidance from PPLRU implemented.
procedures incorporate into local
2. Monitoring & Evaluation Strategy


MAPPA SMB to implement
monitoring arrangements which

• Publication of Annual SMB working group to produce April 2007 SMB Production of Annual
Report Annual Report. Report

• Analysis of use of MAPPA Police/Probation/Prison and SMB September 2006 SMB Monitoring and
risk management Monitoring and Review Group to Review Group
thresholds at level 2 & 3 review
Active analysis of
Police/Probation/Prison to review all Ongoing Police/Probation/ risk management Happy with
• Analysis of MAPPA SFOs to determine learning Prison Management and improved progress.
offenders who commit Team accountability of
serious further offences Information provided to SMB by SPO Quarterly to SMB SPO with all agencies
• Analysis of attendance and responsible for MAPPA for review by Meeting responsibility for involved in Multi
level of co-operation of all SMB members MAPPA Agency Public
Protection work
agencies contributing to
Level 2 & 3 meetings Analysis of profile by Monitoring and September 2006 SMB Monitoring and
• Analysis of diversity profile Review Group. April 2007 Review Sub-group
of offenders at level 2 & 3
To improve consistency of recording Develop templates to support June 2006 Senior Probation Accurate information Protocol
and collection of data for MAPPA information gathering. Ensure Officer responsible recorded to be signed
completion. for MAPPA and available for scrutiny November
Detective Sergeant 06.
responsible for
2. Monitoring & Evaluation Strategy (Cont’d….)


To review arrangements for Serious Explore links to Serious Further September 2006 Police/Probation/ New template in place. Guidance
Case Reviews and develop guidance Offence, Part 8 and Homicide Prison sent out for
to ensure that a Serious Case Reviews. Formulate standard Management Team consultation;
template for reviews.
Review process takes place for Lay Advisers. feedback to
Serious Further Offences committed June
by Level 2 and 3 offenders. meeting.

Serious case
reviews to be
set up;
ocess to be
discussed –
3. Communication & Strategic Partnerships Strategy


Responsible authority to publish Report produced and distributed by May 2007 SMB Sub Group Report published and
annual report in consultation with Lay Responsible Authority. circulated.
Advisers and Strategic Management

Annual Reports are improved and SMB Communications Sub Group to September 2006 SMB Sub Group led Communications
developed to improve public be established to review format of by Lay Advisers Strategy contributes to
understanding and engagement annual report and a communication improved public
strategy internally with agencies and
understanding and
externally with the public

To develop a clear process to Quarterly reports to SMB on June 2006 SPO/DS responsible Consistent Achieved at
support consistent sharing of performance, Serious Further September 2006 for MAPPA dissemination of this forum.
guidance and good practice to SMBs. Offences, involvement of DTC December 2006 information to key
Agencies. March 2007 operational MAPPA
leaders for
Responsible Authority,
Lay Adviser and DTC
4. Training Strategy


To produce an awareness pack for SMB Sub Group to be developed to September 2006 SPO/DS with Local training pack Achieved
MAPPA SMB and DTC Agencies produce pack and determine responsibility for available for use by all
opportunities for sharing with others MAPPA to lead Sub DTC agencies and M Braithwaite
Group Responsible Authorities to check all
DTC agencies
had received
To review training needs of all All DTC Agencies represented at December 2006 SMB Members Training to be Achieved
agencies involved in SMB SMB to review within their agencies disseminated within all
their training requirements. agencies. Potential to Public
SMB to determine approach to maximise other training protection
deliver training to meet above need. routes to deliver staff could
MAPPA message e.g. deliver
child protection, presentations
vulnerable adults. when
staffed. A
trainer could
be trained to
National Probation Service Teesside
6th Floor - Centre North East
73-75 Albert Road
01642 230533

Lay Advisors
6th Floor - Centre North East
73-75 Albert Road
01642 230533

Cleveland Police - Detective Inspector

Police Public Protection Unit
160 Albert Road
01642 247438

Victim Support and Witness Service Teesside - Co-ordinator

4 Longlands Road
01642 293000

HM Prison Service - Area Manager

Artemis Court
0191 378 6000

MAPPA Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements

RMM Risk Management Meeting

MAPPP Multi Agency Public Protection Panel

VISOR Violent and Sex Offender Register

PPU Public Protection Unit

HMP Her Majesty’s Prison

SMB Strategic Management Board

NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

DSPD Dangerous and Severe Personality Disordered Group

OASys Offender Assessment System

CEOP Child Exploitation and On-line Protection Centre

CCTV Close Circuit Television

CDT Cleveland Diversion Team

HARP Housing and Returning Prisoners Protocol

NHS National Health Service

VLO Victim Liaison Officer

GP General Practitioner

SOPS Sex Offender Prevention Order

RSO Registered Sex Offender

LSCB Local Safeguarding Children Board

LCJB Local Criminal Justice Board

SFO Serious Further Offence

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