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2005 Project Implementation Workshop, Bamako

Improving project implementation in a changing environment

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

Presentation Scheme
1. 2. 3. 4. The MDGs: a challenging opportunity General context of regional development Difficulties encountered in project implementation IFADs role is changing while IFADs strategic objectives remain 5. Translate objectives into action: - PBAS and RIMS - Policy dialogue through field presence - IFADs new grant policy - Regional non-lending activities 6. Country programme approach 7. Objective: Bamako Action Plan 2005-2007

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

The MDGs: a challenging opportunity

MDGs provide a framework for concerted action Global commitment to poverty reduction Streamlined development agenda through adoption of common targets by donors and governments Measurable results to achieve IMPACT

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

General Context of Regional Development

An improving development




NEPAD/AU: Country ownership in defining development paths Regional economic and political integration Major strides towards democratisation, decentralisation and civil society development Improved management of public resources Demographic growth and urbanization create difficulties but also offer opportunities and economic incentives
More than 50% of Africas population will be urbanized by 2025

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

Difficulties Encountered in Regional Implementation

- Quality of project supervision - Growing need for technical support - Implementation of regional strategies through country programmes (rural finance, etc.) - Creation of regional/national grant synergies

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

IFADs role is changing ...

IFADs initial role: to mobilise and provide additional resources for agricultural development Challenge: to position IFAD in country-owned poverty reduction strategies as a full-fledge development agency harmonised with partners
Country programmes rather than stand-alone projects Create synergies with partners and impact enhancement through policy dialogue, knowledge management IFADs structure and procedures are being adapted

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

... while IFADs strategic objectives remain

Human and Social Assets

Strengthening the capacity of the rural poor and their organizations

Productive Assets and Technology

Improving equitable access to productive natural resources and technology

Enabling the rural poor to overcome poverty

Financial Assets and Markets

Increasing access to financial services and markets

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

Translate objectives into action

COSOPs being revised and reformulated to provide a programmatic response to strategic opportunities, coherent with national development strategies (DRSP) Cotonou and Bamako Action Plans are key opportunities to implement new strategic approach New tools and structures: PBAS, RIMS, communication, field presence, TAG policy etc.

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

Translate objectives into action

PBAS Performance-based allocation system
To channel resources to countries that perform well on policy and project implementation Procedures, processes and formula still being adjusted

RIMS Results and impact management system

Reflects the need to focus activities on result and impact achievement in line with IFADs mandate Main benefit: clarity of objectives through commonly agreed indicators However further need to strengthen project M&E systems to enhance management for result achievement

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

Translate objectives into action

Effective policy dialogue supporting country strategic opportunities and country programmes constitutes a continuous challenge to the CPMs Field Presence Pilot Programme in three countries of the region: DR Congo, Nigeria and Senegal to enhance the impact and the effectiveness of country programmes through:
Knowledge management Policy dialogue

Additional ways to increase field presence

Field coordinators In-country teams

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

Translate objectives into action

Increasing importance of grants in ODA:

Proportion of grants in IFADs portfolio has been raised from 5 to 10% in 2004, likely to increase to even higher levels in future

Approval procedures
> $ 200,000: internal competition, approval by Executive Board < $ 200,000: fairly flexible internal approval procedure

Different types of partners, and more resources for grants at country level allow for more strategic use Challenges
Identification of grant recipients qualified to implement grant activities (organisational and technical capacity) Careful planning and management of grant development and implementation

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

Regional non-lending activities

Identifying and up-scaling innovative approaches
Market access and private sector involvement, institutional analysis, farmer innovation workshop in Mali

Fostering institutional learning through thematic analyses and strategy formulation

Post conflict assistance, rural finance, CDD approaches ...

Partnership building and strengthening of institutional capacities to create momentum of synergy and foster coordinated action

Strengthening the technical capacity to combat rural poverty of the various key stakeholders in the region
Regional HUB, Gender Programme, Programme for strengthening project management

Knowledge management and advocacy

Communication strategy, FIDAFRIQUE

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

Country programme approach

Country Programmes are the ensemble of activities carried out to implement IFADs country strategy (COSOP) aiming at coherence, complementarities and the creation of synergies

Activities include:
Loan projects Grants to countries and NGOs, IGOs Advocacy and policy dialogue Research, learning and knowledge management Partnership management Resource mobilisation

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

Country Programme Approach

Country Programmes are implemented by in-country teams: CPMs, AP, other IFAD services
Project staff NGOs Operators Researchers Public Administration representatives Liaison office/Field coordinator

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

Objective: Portfolio-improving Action Plan for the period 2005-2007

Concentrate on priority recommendations (maximum of 15 possible objectives) Realistic and meaningful indicators using SMART objectives

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

Setting the scene: Improving project implementation in a changing environment

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