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Philosophy of Education

~ Amina M. Hashim~ My philosophy will constantly evolve and blossom as I grow as a teacher. It will be a continuous learning curve where I will be learning along with my students, and will always be flexible and willing to grow in my beliefs and practices as a teacher. My personal educational goal as a future educator is to be a lifelong learner; this will allow me not only to continually adjust to the society and the environment around me but to also be part of change. My most important role as an educator is being a teacher who not only conveys knowledge for future schooling but as one who helps prepare children for life outside the school walls. It is vital that the educational system prepares students to manage challenges similar to those they will encounter in life situations. I will encourage creative thinking, analytical thinking and guided discovery; this way a student is prepared to face the real world. A teacher may replicate problems that exist in society and guide students in the direction of solving these problems. Hence, the teacher is there to encourage and guide students, rather than to dictate solutions. I believe that education has the power to change and shape peoples lives; and all students must be guaranteed the highest quality education, regardless of socio-economic status, cultural, intellectual or religious background. I believe in the importance of treating all students with respect and equality. I will take into account the individuality of all students as well. Students have diverse needs and I will try to accommodate each individual student by incorporating learner-centered experiences as well as narrative and concrete modes of thinking. Both models of thinking should be utilized in all subjects. My personal experiences in a diverse background contribute to my philosophy whereby I believe that the most meaningful learning takes place when students are highly intrinsically motivated and intellectually stimulated. It is my belief that the way to achieve this is by giving students a voice in the learning process, and by assisting them in finding connections in the curriculum with their own life and interests. By allowing students to bring their own stories, experiences, and ideas into the classroom, this provides the students with opportunities to work together, to learn from each other, and respect each others differences. I also believe that when implementing technology properly in a classroom setting it can enhance learning and teaching effectively; and can become an asset to a restructured and progressing learning environment. My teaching style can best be described as one that incorporate varied teaching methodologies and techniques. I am a strong advocate of hands-on and critical thinking learning because I understand that supplementing curriculum with a variety of activities is critical to the learning process. Actively engaging students with intriguing lessons and

using strategies that address each childs learning style. I believe that students will achieve success and build self-confidence to continue taking risks or challenges during their learning process. Learning takes place when a student is fully engaged in the process, making connection with what is being taught and applies the knowledge to a variety of experiences. This inspires a child to keep on learning; its the best way to intrinsically motivate a child. I understand the relevance of using instructional approaches that appropriately address different learning styles and needs of students in order to become and effective educator. It is extremely important to determine each childs learning style, continually monitor students academic process through varied assessment methods, and plan instruction that lures upon each childs strength to improve academic development. The students will also receive continuous feedback and the monitoring of their progress will be relaxed and informal. End result of a progressive classroom is going to be the creation of a student who is prepared to take the knowledge they have learned in a classroom and apply it to the real world. To conclude my goal as a teacher is to instill a passion for learning on my students while providing them with an educational environment that is reassuring and positive. I hope to provide my students with the skills and tools necessary for success and foster individual talent of each student, giving them the confidence to embrace and turn their dreams to reality. During the time students will spend with me, they will recall me as a teacher who genuinely cared for their well-being. My peers will remember me as a professional who was always eager actively participate and contribute to the growth and development of the school community.

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