Ougd303submission Form PDF

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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module Title OUGD303 FINAL MAJOR PROJECT




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SUBMISSION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY 29th May 2013 11.00 1.00pm
RATIONALE Within the Final Major project module I intend on producing a well considered, thought out and conceptually driven quantity of work, which reflects a level of professionalism and my focus for design within and for the Retail Environment . My design work will display my interests within Illustration and be reflected within my print production driven design solutions. Through producing work for the retail sector I hope to gain a substantial body of work through carefully considering my chosen briefs. Alongside this I hope to obtain a balance of skills through a range of design solutions which will include designing for Packaging, Advertising, Promotional, Surface Pattern and interior product design material.




Staff Use

All work must be clearly presented and labelled with the brief title, your name and any other appropriate information. Please include a printed version of each brief and separate the work appropriately. Your end of module evaluation should be posted to your Final Major Project blog. by the stated Deadline Submitted Brief 1 Brief 2 Brief 3 Brief 4 Brief 5 Brief 6 Brief 7 Brief 8 Brief 0 Design Context Statement of intent 10 Things Douwe Egberts Doing my nut in / Regional Dialect Be-Ro Laura Ashley Horticultural Collection Food for thought Everything Beauty Thriftbox Packaging: A designers perspective

Project File Evaluation Title and Brief Summary include a short rationale for each brief identifying why you chose it, what was the focus of the brief and how long you spent on it. Design Context BOX 3 Brief 0: Design Context Packaging, a designers perspective
A publication focusing on my design context blog, to show my key interest in food packaging. An on going brief throughout the year.


Brief 1: Ten things you should know about

Producing an educational range of products aimed at children in deprived area's, in teaching them life skills at home. A brief chosen to explore concept driven design, product and packaging design. Took approximately 3 months to complete, from start to finish.


Brief 2: Douwe Egberts Coffee

To produce the packaging and campaign material for Douwe Egberts Coffee range, to engage a younger audience. By proposing a Douwe Egberts Coffee shop with a purchasable product range in shop, with the message 'Enjoy it here, enjoy it at home'. Chosen to explore my interest in printing processes and packaging. Was submitted for YCN deadline in March taking a total of 2 months to complete.


Brief 3: Doing my nut in Special Edition

A brief driven from the original brief produced within module OUGD301. Looking at educating and entertaining with the content of regional dialect, in producing a book which is typographically led. This will be a 'Special Edition' in regard to quality and amount of content produced. Brief was written with intentions of improving my typographic skills, and learning and becoming more familiar with the publication format. Extensive research and finishing processes explored throughout, taking 4 months to complete.


Brief 4: Be-Ro
To produce an updated and modern identity, branding and packaging range for Be-Ro reinventing the classic bakery range to engage with a younger audience. The concept, to produce a range of products, packaging which will support the 'Be-Ro Experience' concept - a store dedicated to selling the products, showing tutorials and selling baked goods. A personal interest within baking, and a love for Be-Ro recipe books, I chose this brief to be something Id enjoy, as well as being able to explore laser cutting and photography. Took 4 weeks to complete.


Brief 5: Laura Ashley Spring / Summer Collection 2013

A collaboration with Sophie Wilson, to produce a Spring / Summer 2013 printed textiles and product range aimed designed for the Living room. To be branded and promoted alongside the brands existing design. Focusing on the theme of producing horticultural designs and a range, looking at illustrating objects and applying surface pattern design situated within such an environment. I hadnt yet had the opportunity to produce surface textile design and has been something I had been interested in doing; to push this across a product range too. My responsibilities within the collaboration were completed within 2 months.


Brief 6: Food for thought

Investigating and exploring the science of food through the production of a research driven publication range. Brief dropped due to work load.


Brief 7: Everything Beauty

A small brief producing a brand and identity for a mobile beauty business. Was my first live brief, chosen to gain experience. Took 2 weeks to complete.


Brief 8: Thriftbox
A branding brief for Lauren, who sells bespoke handmade items online. To produce a range of Business cards, packaging and promotional material. Chosen to improve my branding and professional skills with a live client. Allowed me to bring illustration, printing processes and fabric into account, which is something I enjoy, and doesnt happen often within branding. Took 6 weeks to complete.

Additional Comments All final resolutions within 4 boxes labelled and A2 Wallet



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