Eternal Knight

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An Original Screenplay By Holly Copella




The castle stands majestically in the open countryside. The village surrounding the castle appears alive with townspeople in their daily lives. We see two knights in armor ride across the countryside on patrol. Life appears calm and relaxed. EXT. TOWER LABORATORY -- DAY We hear voices from inside.

We see the open tower window. DEVRY Careful with that-We hear an explosion. INT. TOWER LABORATORY

We see a wizard's laboratory with old wood shelves lined with books, wooden bowls, and chemicals. We see the wizard, DEVRY, cleaning black soot from his gray beard and face. We hear a young girl's giggle. We see fourteen-year-old PRINCESS ZETA. She's a beautiful, young girl in an elegant gown. ZETA Sorry. DEVRY It's all right, Princess. Zeta walks around the center table in the lab and eyes several potions under flames. The substances boil and bubble. ZETA What is all of this, Wizard Devry? DEVRY Experiments--I'm working on a cure for warts at the moment. ZETA Warts? Like the one on my mother's hand? DEVRY Yes.

Zeta runs her fingers along several capped bottles. ZETA What are these? DEVRY Experiments gone wrong. Devry approaches and picks up a bottle. proudly. DEVRY This was to be my prize. Immortality-Immortality? ZETA To live forever? He smiles almost

DEVRY I'd hoped. Sadly, it has a few flaws in the chemical balance. Devry returns to his bowl of powder and begins crushing it further. Zeta looks over an old book on a stand. ZETA You have strange things in your lab, Wizard. This book doesn't read proper. DEVRY You aren't supposed to understand that. Its wizard rhymes. Rhymes? ZETA Poetry?

DEVRY No--hochus pochus. You certainly are curious today. Zeta walks up to a crystal ball and looks inside it. strains to see then looks at him. ZETA I think this is broken. DEVRY Crystal balls are very particular with whom they speak. ZETA It doesn't like me? She

DEVRY I'm certain that's not the case, my dear. ZETA On my fifteenth birthday, I shall marry Prince Rupert. Is there a magical spell that could stop the marriage? DEVRY I doubt that the king and queen would appreciate a spell to prevent your marriage. ZETA I don't want to marry him. I don't even know him. He's just a boy. DEVRY He's a prince--you will not find a more worthy suitor. ZETA You can cast a spell to stop the marriage, can you not? DEVRY My dear Princess, it would go against all that is sacred to tamper with our chosen fates. My very soul may be cast to the devil if I were to attempt such a spell. The queen will no doubt be worried about you. I think you should return downstairs before they send the guards to search for you. Zeta frowns then hurries from the laboratory. Devry eyes her as she leaves. He hurries to the door, shuts, and bars it. He approaches the black, crystal ball and touches it gently. His look is serious. DEVRY This cannot be true-INT. TURRET STAIRS

Princess Zeta trots down the spiral stairs, slows, listens, and then stops. We see a male shadow cast on the stairwell wall. Zeta gently cocks her head and takes a slow step downward. A knight in his tunic, JEROME, walks up the stairs and pauses when he sees her.

JEROME Your worship-Zeta studies him. ZETA Sir Jerome-She continues down the steps and moves past him. He places a hand to the opposite wall, blocking her path. She stops and glares at him. Jerome is a powerful looking man with a mustache and a patch of hair on his chin. He has a scar across his left cheek. They stare at one another. INT. THIRD FLOOR HALLWAY

We see tapestries on the wall near the stairway. QUEEN MARIA approaches the turret stairs and looks up them. She has a distraught look. QUEEN Zeta! There's no response. Zeta! QUEEN Are you there?

Zeta appears in the stairwell and smiles with some concern. ZETA Yes, mother? QUEEN I've told you not to disturb Devry while he's working. He does important work. Nothing that involves a young princess. We see the queen is about seven months pregnant. ZETA I was just curious. comes down. He never

QUEEN He would if he wasn't busy. not disturb him again. ZETA (frowns) Yes, Mother.


QUEEN Now go see your maiden about a bath.

ZETA Yes, Mother. Zeta walks away with less enthusiasm. Queen Maria is about to walk away. She pauses on the other side of the stairs then looks back. We see Jerome leave the stairwell and head the opposite direction. The queen stares through narrow eyes. EXT. COURTYARD -- DAY

A crowd of townspeople gather around the arena. The queen, Princess Zeta, and KING CHARLES sit on the balcony overlooking the courtyard. There are two ladies in waiting and the Bishop with them. Two knights in full armor race for hanging targets and hit them with their jousting poles. Each time they strike, we hear cheers. They finish practice and turn on one another. They race toward one another with poles and shields raised. Metal clangs as the knight on the black horse strikes the shield of the knight on the gray horse. We hear cheers. They circle and charge again. The knight on the black horse knocks the second from his horse. Everyone cheers. The knight parades around the arena with his pole raised. Brennan! INT. VILLAGERS Brennan!


Devry sits on the window ledge and watches the courtyard. He smiles warmly. DEVRY Well done-EXT. COURTYARD -- DAY

KNIGHT BRENNAN returns to the paddock. Jerome rides before him and cuts his horse short. Jerome lifts his face shield and smirks. JEROME Next time--you and me. Knight Brennan remains still with his face shield lowered. Jerome stares a moment, frowns, and then rides into the arena. The townspeople cheer. We see Jerome charge for the hanging target and strike it with a clang. The people cheer. EXT. CASTLE -- MORNING

Ten knights on horseback ride away from the castle at a jog. Several townspeople watch as they ride away. The townspeople appear concerned. Knight Brennan is in the lead of the group.



Zeta lay on her large, hardtop canopy bed beneath a colorful quilt. The room is partially lit by the rising sun seeping in through the part in the heavy curtains. Zeta slowly stirs. She turns her head. We see Jerome standing at her bedside. Zeta sits up in bed with a startled gasp. INT. THIRD FLOOR HALLWAY

Jerome steps out of Zeta's room and shuts the door behind him. He turns. We see Queen Maria standing only a foot away from him with an angered look upon her face. Neither moves. QUEEN Guards! Several guards hurry toward them with their swords drawn. They aim their swords at Jerome. He inhales deeply but doesn't move. INT. DUNGEON

Dim lighting. Narrow corridors. Two guards force Jerome through the corridor of the dungeon. They stop him before a cell. Two knights approach from behind. One guard turns. The knight stabs him in the chest. The second guard turns with surprise. He's stabbed as well. INT. THRONE ROOM

The queen paces the throne occupied by the king and her vacant chair. The king appears distraught--the queen is furious. QUEEN This is inexcusable! I insist you put him to death! KING She said he didn't touch her-QUEEN He was in her chamber! something in mind! He had

The throne room doors are thrown open. The queen spins in surprise and the king stands. Jerome and six guards enter the throne room. KING What's the meaning of this? Jerome approaches the king, looks him in the eyes, and stabs him in the midsection. The queen screams and jumps backward while clutching her large belly.

We hear several yells in the corridor. The guards and Jerome turn. Several knights charge into the room and battle the guards. Jerome lurches for the queen. She darts away from him and behind the throne. The knights are upon him and he's forced to battle them. Two knights, CHARLES and PETER, rush across the room to the queen. They grab her by the arms. CHARLES We must get you to safety. Zeta! QUEEN We must get Zeta!

CHARLES Others have gone for the princess. There's no time to waste. They rush her to the back of the room and through a hidden doorway. The battle continues. EXT. COURTYARD -- DAY

Ten knights jog their horses across the bridge and into the courtyard. Brennan raises a hand to stop them. We see a red flag being waved from the tower window. BRENNAN There's trouble! All ten dismount and hurry to the castle doors. We see several guards and knights riding with the queen and fleeing from the castle. The knights charge inside with their swords drawn. INT. GRAND HALL

Brennan and three other knights, PERKINS, SETH, and RICHARD, enter first. A maiden staggers through the corridor holding her bleeding abdomen. She sees them and appears relieved. Brennan hurries toward her. She clings to his arm. MAIDEN Jerome--they killed the king. Find the princess. The maiden sinks. Brennan gently lowers her to the ground. He's still a moment on one knee then rises. BRENNAN We're fighting our own men. Keep watch! They move through the castle in three groups. Knights and guards appear from an adjoining hallway. They battle one another.

They strike swords to swords and swords to shields. Brennan fights another knight while moving for the stairs. He takes two steps up, and then kicks the knight backwards. Brennan runs up the stairs in full armor. INT. THIRD FLOOR HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

We see slain knights and guards from either side unknown. Brennan hurries to the Princess' Chamber and throws open the doors. INT. PRINCESS ZETA'S CHAMBER -- CONTINUOUS Brennan enters

Zeta gasps and jumps behind her bedpost. cautiously. Come with me. safety.

BRENNAN I'll take you to

Zeta clings to the bedpost with a frozen expression. Her eyes shift slightly behind him. Brennan spins around. Jerome lurches for him with his sword. Their swords crack loudly. They battle violently within the room. Zeta cries out several times. Brennan forces Jerome through the open doorway and into the corridor. INT. THIRD FLOOR HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

Brennan and Jerome clash swords while maneuvering over the slain men. Brennan catches several blows with his shield and loses it on the third. He swings back at Jerome and knocks him against the wall. Jerome strikes the stone harshly without any armor. Brennan places his sword to Jerome's throat. BRENNAN You'll burn in hell for this! Zeta appears behind Brennan. ZETA You first. Zeta drives a dagger into Brennan's side through the separation in his armor. Brennan cries out with pain and surprise. Zeta pulls the dagger free. Brennan falls to the floor. She looks at Jerome. Both smile. INT. TURRET STAIRS

Devry clutches his thin sword and scales the narrow, circular stairs. He pauses at the bottom.



Devry looks into the hallway. We see slain knights and guards. He steps into the hallway and moves cautiously along the corridor. Devry stops and stares. We see Brennan lying on the hall floor. Devry runs for him and sinks to his knees. He lifts the face shield. Brennan cringes and looks at Devry. Devry frantically searches for a wound. BRENNAN (soft) Leave-I won't. DEVRY I can save you. BRENNAN I'm finished.

No--you can't.

Devry stands and pulls on him. DEVRY You need to come with me. Brennan struggles to stand. Devry attempts to help him along the hall. Brennan stops while Devry gasps for air. Save yourself. BRENNAN Don't be a fool!

We hear footfalls marching up the stairs. DEVRY The secret passage-Devry half drags Brennan to the nearby wall. He pushes on a stone. The wall partially opens. He pushes it open and pulls Brennan into the passageway with him. INT. SECRET PASSAGEWAY Devry lowers him to the floor by the doorway and kneels before him. He clutches Brennan's shoulders. DEVRY Don't move and keep quiet. I need my book and some cloth. I won't allow you to die. They won't take my only son from me. I promise you that. BRENNAN (tiny smile) Crazy old man. Devry stands, listens through the wall, and then leaves the passageway.



Devry hurries into his lab and pages through his book. He frantically reads. We hear footfalls in the stairs. Devry looks up with concern. He hurries to the door, shuts, and bars it. He returns to his book and hesitates. There's a pounding on the door. Devry! JEROME Open up!

Devry grabs a sack and tosses several bottles into it and then into a secret compartment. He grabs his book and approaches the crystal. He rubs it several times. DEVRY Show me the future. We see visions in the ball. He frowns.

DEVRY Still fighting. We see the queen holding a new baby. consider. Devry appears to

DEVRY Show me one hundred years into the future. We see more fighting. Devry groans.

DEVRY Show me four hundred years into the future. We see a peaceful setting. Devry stares for several minutes. We see a young woman sitting on a window ledge in what appears to be the castle library. She appears sad. We hear pounding on the door. Devry jerks and looks to the door. He stuffs the crystal ball into his pocket and picks up the book. He flips through several pages. He begins to read the strange language. DEVRY June third--two thousand. The light outside seems to fade. He opens his eyes. There's silence. He looks around the lab with some disorientation. INT. TURRET STAIRS -- CONTINUOUS

Jerome strikes the door with his shoulder and grunts loudly. The door cracks and flies open. Jerome enters the lab.



Jerome looks around the empty lab. We don't see any sign of Devry. Zeta slowly enters and looks around. Jerome approaches the window and looks outside. Zeta approaches the table. We see the crystal and book are missing. She stares at the immortality bottle on the table and picks it up. JEROME He couldn't have gotten far. ZETA He used magic to make himself disappear. We'd better keep watch for him. There's no telling where he'll reappear. Magic? JEROME Can this be?

Zeta looks at him and nods. EXT. CASTLE -- PRESENT DAY -- DAY

The castle sits on a fenced estate beyond the grown village of small homes and cobblestone streets. There's no more castle village just the keep, courtyard, and old stone walls. A horse barn resides to the back of the castle. A car approaches the castle bridge and crosses into the courtyard. INT. The big see The GRAND HALLWAY doorbell rings. The maid, JANICE, scurries along the hall and up the foyer steps. She opens the door. We a clean shaven, neatly dressed Devry with short hair. woman stares a moment then attempts a smile. JANICE May I help you? DEVRY I'm here about the butler position. INT. LIBRARY

We see a young woman, CASEY STRADFORD, sitting on the window seat looking outside into the early morning. She has a book on her lap, although she's not reading it. The library door opens and BERNARD STRADFORD, her cousin, enters. BERNARD I thought I might find you here. I'd check the stables, but it's such a long walk.

CASEY It's an entire five hundred yards to the barn. BERNARD But only fifteen from the kitchen to here. CASEY What do you need? BERNARD Must I always need something to come and see my favorite cousin? CASEY Money, huh? BERNARD I'm a little short of cash until this months allowance. Could you lend me a fifty spot? CASEY Who's she this time? BERNARD Her name's Catherine, but they call her Kitty--meow. Casey smiles and laughs. CASEY Honestly, you blow more money on easy women-BERNARD If she were easy, I wouldn't need the fifty pounds. Just a nice dinner and some drinks. It's a worthy cause--me. CASEY You need to pay me back this time. You really should be saving money. BERNARD Why? When we're twenty-five we get out trust funds. Five million should keep me going for awhile. Only six more months for me. Two more years for you and sis. You get the entire estate and one hundred million-but who's keeping track.

Casey stands. CASEY If your parents don't drive me batty before then. Bernard walks with Casey to the door. INT. GRAND HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

We see the castle hallway has more paintings and antiques lining the walls. There are old, sculpted tables, vases, and statues. Several suits of armor line the walls. Bernard and Casey enter the hallway. We hear voices from the study. CASEY What's going on? BERNARD I'm not sure. They approach the study. Casey's UNCLE MASON STRADFORD enters the hallway with Devry. Both appear agitated. DEVRY I'm willing to start at half of what you're willing to pay. I really need this job. MASON Without references, you won't be doing any job around here. Devry and Mason notice Casey and Bernard in the hallway. DEVRY I'm a hard worker. I just need a chance-MASON There's nothing more to discuss. This isn't a halfway house for drifters and bums. Devry appears insulted. DEVRY King Charles was very kind to the people. Often the poor were brought into the castle to work for a roof over their heads. MASON King Charles doesn't live here anymore.

DEVRY I'm aware of that, Sir. CASEY You're familiar with the castle's history? Devry turns and looks at Casey. his face. A pleasant smile crosses

DEVRY I'm living history, Madam. CASEY The castle history fascinates me. The history books are rather vague. Would you care for some tea? DEVRY Yes, Madam. I'd love some. Casey and Devry walk toward the library while talking. Mason and Bernard watch them. MASON What's she bloody doing? BERNARD Typical Casey. I suppose I'll have to wait for the fifty note. Bernard sighs and walks away. INT. LIBRARY

Casey sits alongside Devry with an old book between them. She points to a drawing. CASEY That was King Charles. All the books say about him is that he died in battle. The Queen was carrying his child when he died. DEVRY So the castle has remained in the family all these years? Fascinating. CASEY Well, almost. I'm the last of that line. My parents died ten years ago.

DEVRY I'm sorry to hear that. Devry appears distracted. Are you okay? DEVRY Yes, I, uh, was just thinking about my own son. He--died in battle. CASEY Oh, I'm sorry to hear. DEVRY It's in the past. Devry stands. DEVRY I thank you for the tea and your kindness. Casey stands as well. CASEY I'd like for you to work here. DEVRY But Mr. Stradford-CASEY My Uncle Mason only thinks he's in charge. I have the final say in most cases. DEVRY I don't know how to ever thank you. CASEY Janice will show you to your room. The former butler left some uniforms. We can have the town tailor make you some new ones later. Once you're settled, come see me this evening after dinner. There's something I'd like you to help me with. DEVRY Yes, Madam. He looks toward the window. CASEY



Casey brushes a large, black Frisian. The stables are almost as elegant as the castle. There are twenty barred stalls with sculpted wood, cobblestone floors in the aisle, and an indoor riding ring with a cathedral ceiling, and chandeliers. Another woman, SABRINA STRADFORD, rides a horse around the large arena. She's dressed in her finest dressage attire. The horse prances around the outer edge with elegance. Bernard enters the barn and approaches Casey. He's smiling as if he's done something devious. BERNARD Not exactly the most popular heiress in the castle keep tonight. CASEY Really? What's the word from the front line? BERNARD The old man's in the game room cursing out mum as we speak. Bernard clucks his tongue while shaking his head. BERNARD Hiring an inexperienced drifter from the street--you've got some kind of style, Cas. CASEY He seemed pleasant enough and sincere. If he can't do the work, at least he'll have gotten the chance. Sabrina rides toward them, stops by the railing, and stares at them with annoyance. BERNARD (to Sabrina) Hiya, Sis. SABRINA Plotting again? You two should be ashamed. Always undermining mum and dad. BERNARD Lighten up, Bree. Dad's an ogre. He needs to see the light.

SABRINA You're horrible. They've done everything for you two. BERNARD They certainly have--everything they can to keep us living under their thumbs. Chased away all your chances to find a man as well. Sabrina turns her horse and rides away. CASEY You have such a way with her. BERNARD She's going to be just like mum-I know it. Casey gets her Australian saddle and places it on the horse's back. Bernard leans on the horse's back. BERNARD So--how about that fifty? CASEY You know where I keep my money. Bernard flashes the money along with a smile. Certainly do. so much. BERNARD I thank you ever

CASEY Sabrina's right--you are horrible. Bernard places the money in his pocket. EXT. COUNTRYSIDE -- DAY

Casey lopes along the grassy field and approaches an old, stone fence. The black horse jumps the fence and continues its leisurely canter. They splash across a stream and climb up an embankment to another field. We see the old, stone ruins in the near distance. She approaches the ruins and rides around them at a walk. A man on horseback, NEMOY, appears before her. Casey stops her horse with surprise. CASEY I wish you wouldn't do that, Nemoy.

NEMOY I saw you coming this way. I couldn't resist scaring you. CASEY You've succeeded. NEMOY Mind if I ride with you? CASEY If you can keep up. NEMOY Hmm. A challenge. If I succeed, what do I get? CASEY You get to ride with me. NEMOY No imagination. How about an invitation to dinner tonight? CASEY You're on. Casey sends her horse into a gallop and races across the countryside. Nemoy races after her on his chestnut horse. Casey's horse leaps down the small ledge and splashes through the water. Nemoy follows with little hesitation. Casey heads for the stone fence and jumps it. Nemoy approaches the fence. His horse jumps the fence. Nemoy topples off of the back and hits the ground. Casey slows and looks back. She turns and rides back to the wall, jumping it again, and then dismounts. She kneels by his side and checks over him. Nemoy slowly sits up. NEMOY Oh, that hurt. CASEY Always trying to show off. There's a missing area just five feet further down. We see the ruins of the damaged stone wall. stands. NEMOY I've been practicing at home. How about an invitation to dinner for the effort? And the bruises. CASEY All right-Nemoy slowly



Casey, Nemoy, Sabrina, Uncle Mason, and AUNT ELLEN sit around the elegant dining room table. Mason talks happily with Nemoy while Ellen and Sabrina discuss their shopping trip and the things they'd bought. Devry is dressed in a slightly large, borrowed butler uniform, which lends an even more sophisticated look to the old wizard. Janice quietly instructs Devry throughout dinner. Devry appears completely lost as a butler. MASON It's always a pleasure having you over to visit, Nemoy. How's your father, the Duke, doing? NEMOY He's just fine. MASON We should invite your family over some night. It'll be pleasant to see them again. NEMOY I'm sure he'd like that. MASON (to Sabrina) See, honey, you should find a nice boyfriend like Casey's. Sabrina looks at her father and frowns. Casey rolls her eyes and returns to her meal. Devry appears interested in the conversation. Janice elbows him and glares with knitted brows. He quickly minds his own business. They collect plates and enter the kitchen. INT. FOYER

Casey and Nemoy stand by the double, sculpted doors in the foyer. Nemoy smiles warmly. NEMOY Thank you for having me to dinner. It was worth the soreness I'll suffer tomorrow. CASEY I should apologize for my uncle. He seems to think just because you come over for dinner, we must be dating.

NEMOY Don't apologize for him. He wants what's best for you. Maybe we should do him a favor and just get married. CASEY Marriage is not something you do as a favor to anyone. NEMOY Then maybe we could date and see what else we have in common. CASEY Maybe we should start with just riding together. NEMOY It's a start. Casey opens the door. CASEY Good night, Nemoy. NEMOY Good night, Casey. Nemoy leaves. steps. INT. Casey shuts the door and walks down the foyer


Devry approaches Casey from the opposite end of the hallway. He smiles pleasantly and pauses before her. DEVRY You wanted to see me this evening, Madam? CASEY Yes, Devry. Let's go into the study, so we can talk privately. INT. STUDY

Devry closes the study door behind them. Casey approaches the large, antique desk and sits on the edge. Devry remains standing with his hands behind his back. CASEY Have a seat. Devry uncertainly sits.

CASEY There's been some trouble around here. Someone's trying to frighten me, and I don't know why. Bernard thinks I'm crazy, and Sabrina thinks I'm looking for attention. I need someone I can trust working in this house. All of the staff are hand picked by my uncle. I need you to keep an eye on the others for me. DEVRY Of course, I'll do that. suspect your uncle? Casey frowns and nods. CASEY If you could watch over the others, I'd be grateful. You'll report directly to me. If the others have a problem with that, they can come see me. This is important to me. I no longer feel safe. DEVRY I'll do whatever you require, of course. CASEY There may be some resentment from the other butlers, but they refuse to recognize me as the one in charge because I don't sign the checks. I assure you, Devry, I have last say around here. In two years, when I receive my legal rights to the estate, you and Janice will be all that remains--the senior butler and maid are left in charge of their areas. DEVRY I understand. CASEY I assume you're relieved for the evening. If you like to read, feel free to help yourself to any of the books in the library. I will. DEVRY Thank you, Madam. Do you



Devry walks quietly along the dimly lit, third floor hallway. He pauses by the closed tower door and stares at it a moment. He turns the latch. It's locked. Devry inhales deeply and walks along the corridor. He pauses by the old tapestry on the wall, takes a deep breath, and pushes a stone. The secret passage opens slightly. Cobwebs hang to the inside wall. Devry slowly opens the secret doorway. INT. SECRET PASSAGEWAY -- CONTINUOUS

Devry stares at the armor lying against the interior stairway wall. Devry shuts his eyes, exhales, and enters the passageway. He closes the door behind him and lights a candle. Devry kneels beside the armor and places a hand on the metal shoulder. DEVRY (soft) Just a little while longer, I promise. INT. LIBRARY -- MORNING

Casey enters the library with a large cup of tea. She stops and stares across the room. We see Devry propped in her window seat with his back to the wall and a book on his lap. He appears to be asleep. Casey stares a moment then smiles and walks toward him. She pauses near his feet on the seat. CASEY Good morning. Devry slowly wakes and looks around with some disorientation. He stares at her a moment then quickly straightens with surprise. The book falls to the floor. quickly picks up the book and stands with an embarrassed look. I'm sorry. asleep. DEVRY I must've fallen


Devry looks to the clock. DEVRY I'd better prepare for work. Relax. CASEY I won't tell.

Casey glances at the book he holds.

CASEY What had you so interested to stay up half of the night? DEVRY I was just reading this medical book. It's very fascinating-the things modern doctor's can do. CASEY Yes, they've come a long way in just a few short years. DEVRY Laser surgery is a miracle cure. Hard to believe what illnesses could have been cured if they'd had the technology in the past. Devry pats the book. DEVRY Absolutely fascinating. CASEY You're big on modern medicine, huh? DEVRY I've taken a recent interest in medicine--yes. EXT. GARDEN -- DAY

The hedges are high but neatly trimmed and create privacy. There are flower beds, sculptures, water fountains, and plants throughout the elegant garden. Casey walks with ATTORNEY MITCHELL. MITCHELL Any more problems? CASEY No. Everything has been running smoothly since Devry started working here. It must've been one of the staff. Devry's been here a week and nothing's happened. MITCHELL I assume he's working out then?

CASEY He's working--not necessarily correctly. He's trying so hard to do everything exactly right, but it usually goes amiss. MITCHELL Will you keep him on? CASEY Oh, certainly. He'll catch on eventually. The others keep their distance from him. I swear he reads a book a night. MITCHELL Great. I'm glad you have someone to make you feel secure. Mitchell stops and faces her. MITCHELL If your uncle bothers you that much, you can gain control over your finances. Casey groans and sits on a bench. her. Mitchell sits alongside

CASEY Getting married might give me control over my estate, but if it's to someone I don't love, it'll just create a bigger problem. MITCHELL Surely there must be someone in your life you care about. CASEY Care about--yes, love--no. Nemoy's been very attentive the last few months. He's always hanging around or dropping by, but I just don't have those kinds of feelings for him. MITCHELL Someone of your wealth marrying someone of his wealth ensures he's not after your money. I can't stress enough the importance that you find someone of your own status.

Status? love?

CASEY Whatever happened to

MITCHELL Nothing--it's still inside those romance novels, where it'll most likely stay. Love is a silly notion created in the minds of young kids. Love is poor, and it'll take you for half of everything in divorce court. CASEY Spoken like a true solicitor. At least that explains why you're still single. INT. SERVANT'S WING -- BEDROOM -- NIGHT

Devry removes a pair of pants from the closet, examines them, and then tosses them on the bed. He removes a white shirt and tosses it alongside the pants. We see a pair of socks and dress shoes on the bed as well. He closes the closet door and removes his spell book from the dresser top. He kneels alongside the bed and folds his hands before his face and bows his head. DEVRY Please, Lord, forgive me for what I am about to do. Devry stands, collects the clothing along with his book, and leaves the room. INT. MASTER CHAMBER -- MORNING

Casey cuddles her pillow while she sleeps. She jerks slightly and whimpers in her sleep. We hear a frantic knocking on her door. Casey gasps and wakes. She half sits up and clutches her chest. We hear more knocking. JANICE Ms. Stradford! Casey climbs out of bed wearing her satin nightgown. She grabs her housecoat and slips into it on her way to the door. Casey unlocks and opens the door. We see Janice in the doorway. The young woman appears distraught. JANICE Ms. Stradford--come quick. terrible! CASEY What is it? It's

JANICE It's a man. Devry found a man outside the kitchen door. He's been hurt. INT. KITCHEN

Casey hurries into the kitchen from the back stairs. Janice is directly behind her. We see Devry kneeling on the floor alongside a more modern looking Brennan. Blood soaks through the torn, white shirt. Casey approaches with her mouth open. We see Devry holding pressure on the wound. CASEY (horrified) Oh, my--what happened? DEVRY I don't know. I heard someone outside. There was a knock on the kitchen door--and there he was. I've called for an ambulance. They're sending the medavac. CASEY Is there something I should do? DEVRY Pray-INT. HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM

We see several people reading magazines and newspapers while looking at their watches. Casey sits on a coffee table and watches Devry pace. He keeps his finger to his temple and rubs it subconsciously. CASEY So who is this guy? And what was he doing at the castle? DEVRY (distant) Eh? Oh--I don't know. I suppose we'll have to wait until he recovers and ask him. CASEY You don't have to stay here. I'm sure the police will be around to talk to us. Devry quickly turns to face her with a look of concern. DEVRY The police?

CASEY Yes. Certainly they'll want to know what happened to him and find out who stabbed him. Devry appears slightly concerned. CASEY Is something wrong? DEVRY I was just thinking about my son. It brings back a flood of terrible memories. I couldn't be there to save him. Casey stands and approaches Devry. his shoulder and smiles gently. She places her hand on

CASEY I see. So you think if you can save this man, it'll ease your own feelings of guilt about not being there for your own son. Devry stares at her with a look of surprise then quickly looks away. DEVRY More then you could ever know. Devry attempts a smile then sinks back into concern. The door opens. Several people in the room look up as the doctor stands in the doorway. He looks to Casey and Devry. DOCTOR Are you the family of the stab victim? Devry opens his mouth to speak then hesitates. CASEY No, but we found him. Is he going to be all right? DOCTOR Lost a lot of blood, but he'll be fine in a day or two. No major organs were damaged. He's quite lucky really. Bernard enters the emergency room, looks around, and then hurries to join them. He appears concerned.

BERNARD What's going on? Janice said someone was murdered. The doctor raises a brow then returns through the door. INT. RECOVERY ROOM

Brennan lay in the hospital bed with tubes in his arms, oxygen in his nose, and a monitor by his bed. His eyes slowly open and close. He groans and attempts to wake. eyes open and remain open. He slowly looks around the white, sterile room and at all the machines. Concern crosses his face. He looks to the tubes in his arm. INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR


Casey, Bernard, and Devry walk along the hallway toward the recovery room. We see nurses and orderlies run into a nearby room. We hear a loud crash followed by screams. We see Brennan, in his hospital gown, run into the hallway, skid, and run away from them. We see his bare backside as he flees. All three stop and stare with their mouths hanging open. Devry appears horrified. CASEY Was that-DEVRY I believe so. Devry runs after Brennan along with several orderlies. Brennan reaches the end of the hallway and pushes on the door. It opens and an alarm sounds. He spins around with a look of horror. Devry slides to a stop before him. Brennan stares while breathing heavily. Devry places his hands out before him. The orderlies stop and watch. Devry speaks softly. Brennan slowly nods, although his expression doesn't change. He places his hand to his side and slowly walks toward Devry. Devry turns and walks with him back to the room. The nurse and orderlies appear relieved. BERNARD I guess he's awake. Could we find out who he bloody is? Casey nods. They approach the room but the nurses are reluctant to allow them inside the room. INT. RECOVERY ROOM

Brennan steps over the overturned pole and hanging bags and climbs back into bed. Devry continues to speak softly to him. The nurses leave the room for fresh supplies while the orderlies stand guard by the door. Brennan looks around with disorientation.

BRENNAN Is this heaven? What's that god-awful smell? DEVRY (soft) The future--year 2000. I have to make this brief. You don't remember who you are or anything that has happened. Stick to that and tell them nothing-absolutely nothing. BRENNAN What happened to the castle? DEVRY Just stick to the story. You don't remember anything. I'll figure a way to get you out of here later. You'll be here a couple of days. Just go along with whatever they ask. Devry points to the TV mounted on the wall. DEVRY Watch that box on the wall. It'll help you learn about this century. I'll explain more later. Devry turns to leave. BRENNAN (soft) Father-Devry turns. BRENNAN Where are my clothing? DEVRY (tiny smile) Ask the women in white. BRENNAN (whispers) Why would they take my clothes? DEVRY I'll explain later. Devry leaves the room with relief on his face.


LIBRARY on the window seat with her open book. She of the window at the pouring down rain. Devry room with a tray of tea. He cheerfully her and sets the tray on a nearby table. DEVRY Shall I pour your tea? CASEY At least someone's in a good mood on this beautiful, rainy day. DEVRY It may be raining, but I'm not wet. CASEY You're something, Devry. I'm glad you're in such fine spirits the past couple of days. Everyone else seems to be perfectly miserable. DEVRY Well, Ms. Stradford, I've realized that miracles do happen. Today is a beautiful day, and I've been blessed to see it. CASEY You are in a good mood. Did they ever find out what happened to that man? DEVRY No, I'm afraid they haven't. DEVRY The poor man hasn't a clue who he is or where he belongs. I was considering putting him up in an apartment for a few months until he can remember his past or start a new life. I have little need for all of my pay anyway.

Casey sits stares out enters the approaches

CASEY That would be incredibly generous of you. I'm really curious about what happened to him. No matter what road he came, it'd be too far to stumble here. Someone either dumped him off like that or stabbed him right here on the grounds. DEVRY I agree, Madam. CASEY You like this stranger, don't you? DEVRY He reminds me of my son. CASEY I'm not sure I trust the entire situation, but if you watch him-it might be okay if he stayed here a couple of weeks. DEVRY I think that's a brilliant idea. This means a lot to me, Madam. If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask. CASEY Just remember our deal. DEVRY They're, uh, releasing him today. Might I go pick him up at the hospital? CASEY Sure. Have the limo take you there. I can't wait to tell my uncle this one. INT. LOUNGE

Close-up on Mason's angry face. MASON You what! Casey stands in the lounge doorway with her arms folded across her chest and a look of annoyance on her face. Bernard sits in the corner with a book. He pretends to mind his own business while holding back his laughter. Sabrina and Ellen appear equally surprised.

CASEY We found him. The least we can do is help him out until he gets his life together. Mason leaps from his chair and stands directly before Casey. MASON Are you out of your mind? This isn't a halfway house for the homeless. SABRINA Great, now we're picking up strays. CASEY No one said you have to stay here. You're free to move out any time you wish. Mason's mouth falls open. Bernard laughs softly from behind his book. Ellen quickly approaches Mason and Casey. ELLEN What's gotten into you? CASEY Just tired of being questioned about every decision I make. You seem to forget whose house this is. ELLEN Irrational behavior is exactly why your father placed us in charge over you. CASEY No, I was only thirteen years old--that's why he put you in charge over me. I don't need you telling me what to do anymore. MASON Until you're twenty-five, we are still in charge of the estate. CASEY But I still have last say with Mitchell's approval, and you know he always sides with me. MASON The ass kisser.

Casey spins, storms to the lounge door, and then turns to face them. CASEY This man will be staying here for a few weeks, possibly even longer if a position suits him. I hope you'll show him more kindness than you've shown Devry. Casey turns and leaves the room. her. Everyone jumps. ELLEN Spoiled brat. BERNARD She's got her father's balls, don't you think? Mason glares at Bernard. MASON Shouldn't you be out boinking some cheap tart? BERNARD (proudly) Actually, she's coming over here tonight. Hadn't I told you? INT. LIBRARY She slams the door behind

Casey sits on her window seat and stares out the window. Something outside catches her attention. EXT. DRIVEWAY -- CONTINUOUS

Casey's POV. We see the black limousine pull into the long driveway and approach. INT. LIBRARY -- CONTINUOUS

Casey sets her book down, stands, and hurries from the library. INT. FOYER -- CONTINUOUS

Casey approaches the foyer along with an older butler. He opens the door. Devry enters first, carrying a small, plastic bag. Brennan enters more slowly. The confusion on his face is evident. He gently touches his side with discomfort. The older butler shuts the door. Bernard and Sabrina appear in the lounge doorway.

DEVRY Brennan, this is Ms. Stradford, the lady of the castle. Brennan looks at Casey and attempts a slight bow. BRENNAN Malady. Devry appears slightly nervous and gently clears his throat. DEVRY She was kind enough to have you with us until something more permanent is available. BRENNAN I don't want to be a burden. I appreciate your hospitality, but I insist on working for my keep. CASEY When you're feeling better, we'll see what we can find for you to do. BRENNAN I'm fit to work. I've already done nothing for three days. CASEY Devry's already been a bad influence on you. INT. KITCHEN

Janice stirs the soup for dinner while Devry cuts some carrots. Brennan's sitting at the kitchen table attempting to fold linen napkins into a folded design. He hasn't completed any yet. Casey enters the kitchen, looks at Devry and Janice, and then looks to Brennan. CASEY How's it going? Brennan sees her and stands quickly, despite the discomfort. BRENNAN I haven't figured it out yet. CASEY (laughs) You'll get it. (to Devry) There'll be two more for dinner.

DEVRY Yes, Madam. Brennan slowly sits with some discomfort. Casey watches him. Brennan struggles to fold the linen napkin with complete seriousness. Casey smiles warmly. INT. GRAND HALLWAY

We see Brennan walk along the grand hallway. We hear voices and laughter from the dining room. Brennan passes an antique suit of armor. He pauses, turns back, lifts the face shield, and looks inside. He frowns and allows the face shield to fall back into place. He continues down the hallway. Janice eyes him from the kitchen doorway. She raises a brow then returns to the kitchen. INT. DINING ROOM

Laughter. We see everyone gathered around the table, along with Nemoy and Bernard's latest girlfriend, STELLA. Nemoy slaps Bernard on the back and grins. The others continue to laugh, except Ellen. NEMOY You're too funny, Bernard. BERNARD That's how it happened. We see Brennan walk past the double doors to the dinning room. Sabrina watches him pass. She smiles secretly and sips her wine. NEMOY So who's the new guy? bit clueless. Appears a

BERNARD That's the guy we found stabbed in our kitchen. Really? STELLA What's he doing here?

MASON (mutters) I was wondering the same thing myself. Sabrina strains to look out the dining room doors. smiles lustfully. SABRINA I think he's positively gallant. She

All eyes are on Sabrina. others. What?

She blushes and looks at the SABRINA

BERNARD Completely penniless--and you, of all people, think he's gallant? Has someone kidnapped my dear sister? ELLEN Remember proper stature. Sabrina frowns and looks back to her plate. her food. BERNARD Yes, dear sister, you must marry someone with a title to keep the family in proper stature. (to Casey) Because Casey and I are going to marry for completely unacceptable reasons. Ellen rolls her eyes. We see Brennan walk past the dining room again. Nemoy, Sabrina, Stella, and Ellen watch him pass. They appear concerned and curious. Brennan's looking at the floor as if he's misplaced something. Janice and Devry enter the dining room. Janice clears away the dirty dishes while Devry offers coffee. MASON You shouldn't belittle your status, Bernard. It keeps you from having to work. BERNARD No, money and wealth has kept me from working. Status gets me girls. He looks to Stella and smiles. She giggles. He quickly kisses her. We see Brennan pass by the dining room again. This time everyone looks. MASON (icy) What is he doing? Devry gently clears his throat. DEVRY Looking for the mouse we saw in the kitchen. She pokes at

Janice holds her breath and masks her concern. JANICE (mutters) Ugly little beast. INT. GRAND HALLWAY

Casey appears from the library with a photo album and pages through it. Mason approaches her from the lounge. MASON Casey, I want to talk to you. Casey pauses and turns to face Mason. MASON That stranger has to go. CASEY Brennan? Why? He's not MASON He's up to something. to be trusted. CASEY Nice try, but he stays. MASON I'll go to Mitchell myself. Don't think he won't side with me over this. The man's not even on the payroll. CASEY Mitchell looks out for my interests--not your petty insecurities. MASON What if that man attacks you? Then what? CASEY You don't like him around because he might catch you doing something. Casey turns to leave. Mason grabs her arm and spins her to face him. She attempts to pull her arm free. MASON Listen here, little girl--

Brennan appears from the dining room and places the tip of a twelve inch long dagger to Mason's throat just under his chin. Brennan's eyes are cold and unemotional. BRENNAN Unhand the lady. Mason and Casey are both startled and surprised. Mason releases her arm. Casey pulls back and stares at Brennan holding the dagger to Mason. Her expression hardens. CASEY I'm not a little girl. It's about time someone's looked out for me. Maybe now you'll see that. MASON Call him off. CASEY (to Brennan) I appreciate your coming to my aid, Brennan, but the dagger's a little severe for the crime. Brennan slowly lowers the dagger. BRENNAN Forgive me. CASEY Perfectly all right. (to Mason) No harm done, right Uncle Mason? MASON (glares) Yeah. Mason hurries away. Mason as he leaves. Casey looks at Brennan, who watches His expression remains harsh.

CASEY Perhaps Devry needs some help. Would you mind checking on him? BRENNAN Yes, Miss Stradford. INT. GAME ROOM -- NIGHT

Casey, Nemoy, Bernard, Stella, and Sabrina are playing cards at the round table near the large bar. Bernard is clearly drunk. Stella clings to Bernard and flirts.

BERNARD (laughs) Makes me wonder what else will happen around here. We may just all die in our sleep. SABRINA That's not funny. We hear thunder rumble outside. rain. It's still pouring down

NEMOY Kinda scary, if you ask me. (to Casey) I'm not so sure you were right to bring him here. There's no telling what brought him here in the first place. CASEY Not you too. NEMOY You can't blame me for looking out for your best interest. CASEY He's just very confused. INT. MASTER CHAMBER -- NIGHT

Casey lay in bed cuddling the pillow. She sleeps peacefully. We see the bookcase beside the fireplace slide open. We see a dark figure move across the room toward her dresser. The jewelry box drawer is quietly opened. Casey slowly wakes and looks across the room. She sees the figure and cries out in fear and surprise. The figure spins and knocks the jewelry box from the dresser. He turns and runs for the fireplace passageway. It shuts before he can escape, leaving him fumbling in the dark. Casey springs from the bed, grabs the lamp, pulls it from the wall, and casts it at the fumbling figure while she screams for Bernard. Bernard! CASEY Help!

There's a tremendous thump on the door. The figure jerks and fumbles with the bookcase. There's another thump to the door. The figure runs for the glass doors and attempts to open them. There's a third thump on the door followed by a loud crack. Casey dives across the bed and turns on her other light. Brennan charges into the room with a medieval sword in his hand. He sees the man in black by the window and runs for him. We see the man is one of the butlers. He cries out and darts away from the glass doors.

Brennan skids while turning and strikes the solid glass door, although he doesn't appear jarred. The butler jumps onto the bed and runs across it. Brennan leaps forward and swings. The sword hits the bedpost and cuts it halfway. He pulls the sword free and charges after the butler. The butler runs out the open bedroom door with Brennan behind him. Casey hurries after them. INT. THIRD FLOOR HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

Brennan chases the terrified butler down the hallway. Casey runs into the hallway, stops, and watches with amazement. The butler takes the corner at top speed and slides into the wall. He falls to the floor then scrambles to his knees. Brennan stops before him and aims the tip of the sword to his throat. The butler begins to sob and chatter nervously. BUTLER No--please don't kill me! Brennan remains frozen with no emotion while staring down at the man. Casey approaches with a nervous concern. She looks from the butler to the look on Brennan's face. Everyone flocks to the hallway with concerned chatter. Brennan doesn't move nor look away. The butler looks to Casey. BUTLER Please--I wasn't going to hurt anyone. Call him off! CASEY (to Brennan) The police will take care of him now. Put down the sword. Brennan takes a step back and attempts to replace the sword to his belt sheath. He realizes he no longer has one and lowers the tip of the sword to the floor. He keeps his eyes on the butler. BRENNAN Yes, Madam. INT. LOUNGE -- MORNING

We see Ellen, Mason, Bernard, and Casey in the lounge. Ellen sips her tea and shakes her head. ELLEN I can't believe one of our staff was stealing from us. MASON Probably been stealing for some time now.

Bernard sits alongside Casey and playfully slaps her leg. BERNARD Guess you weren't completely paranoid after all. SABRINA What about that Brennan with that sword? I thought he'd cut the poor man in two. BERNARD You're warped, Bree. INT. STABLES -- DAY

Casey enters the aisle of the barn. We see Brennan brushing a large, gray horse. He's talking softly to the horse. Casey approaches with a warm smile. Brennan looks at her and stops. Casey leans on the horse. CASEY You enjoy taking care of the horses, don't you? BRENNAN We understand one another. CASEY I didn't have much of an opportunity to thank you for last night. BRENNAN Thank me? I was just doing what had to be done. CASEY You didn't have to chase him and defend me. You aren't even on the payroll yet. BRENNAN As long as I'm living in your house, I have to earn my keep somehow. CASEY That's what I want to talk to you about. Would you consider staying on--working here for me? BRENNAN Of course. It shall be an honor. What would you like me to do?

CASEY I want you to be my personal body guard. BRENNAN Your personal guard? (warm smile) I'd be honored. CASEY Great. You'll need to move into the room next to mine, so you'll be close at hand if something happens. For the most part, it'll be pretty dull. I don't do much besides read and ride. Do you know how to ride? BRENNAN I think I can manage. CASEY Great. Pick out a horse--not my black Frisian. We have a riding engagement and we're already late. Brennan pats the gray horse and smiles. CASEY That one's pretty spirited. may want to choose another. BRENNAN He'll do. EXT. COUNTRYSIDE -- DAY You

Casey and Brennan take the field at a trot. They pass through the opening in the rock fence and continue toward the old ruins. Nemoy sits on a large rock near his horse and reads a magazine. He looks up and stares with an odd look as they approach. Both stop near him but remain mounted. Nemoy jumps off of his rock and eyes Brennan. NEMOY What's going on? CASEY I believe you've met Brennan. Nemoy nods. CASEY After an incident at the house last night, I've decided to hire him as my bodyguard.


NEMOY What incident?

Later. They ride around the ruins. Casey and Nemoy ride together and talk while Brennan follows closely behind. NEMOY Sounds like you've had a startling evening. Bet you didn't sleep much. CASEY Hardly. NEMOY Maybe you'd feel safer at my place for a couple of days. CASEY Thanks, but I'll have Brennan next door to protect me. I doubt I'll have any trouble for some time. Nemoy smiles slyly. NEMOY I could stay in your room with you. You'd feel even safer. Brennan looks at them and frowns at Nemoy. CASEY Forget it. You aren't getting in my bedroom. NEMOY Okay, but what about dinner at the yacht club? CASEY Give it a rest, Nemoy. NEMOY You like to play games. Set the challenge. I'll play along. What do I have to do to get you to go out with me? CASEY You know you'll never be able to complete any challenge I make. NEMOY If it'll give me a shot, I'll try it.

Casey stares at him while they ride. groans. CASEY Okay, a race-NEMOY Sounds easy enough so far. EXT. RUINS -- DAY

She rolls her eyes and

Casey climbs up the block stone to the old bell tower. She hangs her ring from her necklace on a peg in the tower. She has to climb the stone blocks of the tower to do it. Both Brennan and Nemoy watch with great interest. She joins them at the bottom with the horses. CASEY The winner has to get the ring from the bell tower. The race will start-Casey points across the field toward the woods. CASEY By the woods' edge. Over the stone fence, across the water, then climb the stone and get the ring. NEMOY Of course I'll need to go further out of my way to cross the stone fence. What's the prize? CASEY Dinner at the yacht club. NEMOY For that sort of effort? I think you need to up the stakes more. CASEY To what? NEMOY If I manage to beat you, I should earn the right to court you. CASEY And what do I get if I win?

NEMOY I won't ask you out for a month. CASEY Okay. The winner gains courtship rights for a month-either way. That's better. kiss. NEMOY And a victory

CASEY You're on, because I know I'll win. NEMOY Don't be so sure. Brennan studies the course and stares at the old bell tower. He looks back at Casey. BRENNAN Madam? CASEY Yes, Brennan? BRENNAN Is that an open challenge? Casey appears surprised and smiles. CASEY If you think you can beat me, you're more than welcome to try. Brennan gives a slight bow from upon his horse. They ride back to the woods' edge and face the ruins and the tower in the distance. All three remain even with one another. CASEY On your mark, get set--go! All three charge for the stone fence. Nemoy doesn't stray to the broken end. All three clear the stone fence and race for the small stream embankment. Nemoy's already a neck behind. Casey takes the embankment first. Brennan jumps the entire ditch and lands on the other side as Casey's heading up. She appears surprised. She races to catch up to him. Nemoy's falling further behind despite his crop. Casey reaches the stone steps first and dismounts. Brennan heads for the stone steps and doesn't stop. The horse bolts up the broad steps for the tower. Casey stops and watches with surprise. Brennan stops the horse, pulls his sword, and slips the necklace and ring from the peg.

He makes the horse rear up then turns the horse and rides more cautiously down the blocks. The horse jumps to the bottom. Brennan drops the necklace and ring into her hand. Nemoy is now stopped near them. He appears unhappy. Brennan removes his feet from the stirrups and slides off of the horse. He lands on the ground before her. Casey is still bewildered. BRENNAN Do you intend to honor your challenge? Casey stares at him with complete shock that he'd beaten her at her own game. She looks up the stone steps then back to Brennan. CASEY I can't believe it. NEMOY You couldn't possibly honor that victory. He cheated. BRENNAN (glares) I'm offended by that remark. She just said climb the stone steps--not in what manner. Casey looks back to the stone steps and appears to review what had just happened. She suddenly smiles and laughs. NEMOY What's so bloody funny? CASEY I've never been beat before. (to Brennan) I don't go back on my word. Casey uncertainly moves closer to Brennan, places her arms around his neck, and kisses him warmly on the lips. Brennan immediately returns the tender kiss. NEMOY I see you've reached an all time low, Casey. I hope you can live with your decision. Nemoy cracks his horse with the crop and rides away at a gallop. Casey slowly pulls away from Brennan and stares into his eyes. She blushes and slowly moves away from him. Brennan looks around. BRENNAN Did your friend leave?

Casey looks around as well. CASEY I guess so. Do you really want to go through with the one month courtship? BRENNAN Absolutely. I wouldn't accept the challenge if I wasn't interested in the prize. Casey stares at him a moment then smiles with embarrassment. INT. TOWER LABORATORY -- LATE DAY

Devry sits at the old table and reads through his old book of magic and sorcery. He sits by candlelight in the darkening room. The door opens and Brennan enters. BRENNAN I thought I might find you here. Devry looks up briefly then returns to his book. DEVRY Where were you? You'd missed dinner. BRENNAN I'm having a late dinner. Brennan sits on the table. BRENNAN I have some good news. DEVRY Oh? BRENNAN I'm getting married. What? DEVRY When did this happen?

BRENNAN This afternoon. DEVRY Who's the lucky lady? BRENNAN Casey.

DEVRY Does she know you're getting married? Brennan stands and laughs. BRENNAN Of course she does. It was her idea. DEVRY You asked her and she accepted? BRENNAN Well, not exactly. She set a challenge for suitors and I won. DEVRY I wasn't aware that was done in this day. When are you marrying? BRENNAN She said it was a one month courtship, so I assume we'll marry after that. Devry stands and opens his arms with a proud smile. DEVRY Congratulations! They hug happily. Devry laughs and leans against the table.

DEVRY She's a fine girl--descendent of royalty even. I couldn't wish any better for you. Just understand--women of this century are different than women from our century. You have to respect their independence. BRENNAN I've been watching that picture box. I'm starting to understand this new world. But as far as Casey goes, I've seen what she's like, and I like her spirit. DEVRY Yes, I admire her spirit as well. Reminds me of your mother, God rest her soul. Brennan walks toward the door then turns to face Devry. Devry is already back to his book.

BRENNAN I'm going to prepare dinner with my intended. Is there anything you need? Devry returns to his book with great interest. DEVRY No-no. You just have a nice evening. BRENNAN I intend to. Brennan leaves the room. Devry looks over top of his book to the door. A tiny smile crosses his face. He looks back to his book and turns the page proudly. DEVRY Good taste--just like his father. INT. MASTER CHAMBER

Casey sits on the sofa before the fireplace and reads her book. There's a glass of wine on the coffee table and a fire in the fireplace. We hear a soft knock on the door. CASEY Come in. Brennan enters the room and shuts the door behind him. looks across the room as he approaches. CASEY Oh, Brennan. I'm just turning in for the evening. You can do what you want with your evening. BRENNAN I know. I just wanted to make sure you were secure for the evening. CASEY I'm fine--thank you. BRENNAN I was wondering how you wanted to proceed with the courtship. I thought we could spend time getting acquainted while riding in the country. CASEY Casual sounds good. She

CASEY Pour yourself a drink and join me. Brennan smiles warmly, takes her empty wine glass, and approaches the small bar. She watches as he fills her glass and pours himself a drink as well. He approaches the couch, hands her the wine glass, and sits on the couch a few feet away. Casey half turns on the couch and sips her wine. CASEY You know, Brennan. There's a chance you could be married already. You may want to reconsider our deal. BRENNAN I'm fairly convinced that's not the case. I'd like to be completely honest with you. CASEY About what? BRENNAN About me and who I really am. I didn't lose my memory during my attack. I chose to keep it a secret. What? Why? CASEY Who are you?

BRENNAN I'm Brennan Stone. This may be difficult for you to believe, but keep in mind, everything I'm about to tell you, I can prove. Casey slowly sits back and listens. BRENNAN I'm a fourteenth century knight brought into this century by my father, Devry. The castle, this castle, was under attack by our own army. I was betrayed and nearly killed by the Queen's only child. Casey stares at him with a concerned look in her eyes.

BRENNAN Despite being a wizard, my father could barely save himself, let alone save me. He brought himself to your century, discovered a way to help me, and then brought me here as well. Casey raises and unbelieving brow. when he stops her. BRENNAN I told you, I can prove everything. CASEY I think you'll need to. BRENNAN How many secret passages do you know of in this castle? CASEY Just the one in the bookcase by my fireplace and the passageway where it comes out in the study. I can show you only been here have to admit, impossible for so quickly. BRENNAN ten more. I've one week. You it'd be me to find them She's about to speak

CASEY I assume you'll show them to me. Brennan sets down his glass and stands. BRENNAN I'll show you one that will prove my story. Brennan extends his hand to her. She uncertainly accepts it. He pulls her to her feet and leads her from the bedroom. INT. THIRD FLOOR HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

Brennan stops Casey several rooms away from hers and feels the wall. He pushes on a stone. The wall pops open. Casey jumps back with surprise and stares. Brennan pulls open the door.



Light floods the tiny landing before the secret turret stairs. We see the dismantled armor and sword on the landing. Brennan steps into the landing and picks up the sword. Casey stares with amazement. Brennan grips the sword with a certain fondness. BRENNAN This is where Devry hid me when I'd been stabbed. This is my armor. It's practically new, even though it's centuries old. Casey kneels down and touches the new looking armor. Brennan kneels near the stairs and lifts the armor chest plate to reveal dried blood. BRENNAN I was still bleeding when he brought me here. Casey looks from the dried blood to the location where he'd been stabbed. She appears surprised. BRENNAN These steps lead into the kitchen. It's where he took me, and where his story began. Casey quickly straightens and stares at Brennan. CASEY This is--difficult to believe. BRENNAN That's exactly what I'd said to my father in the hospital. He'd talked of such spells within his book, but I never dreamed--to me, it happened instantaneously. He placed me in here for my safety and went for medical treatment. Two seconds later, he's back in strange clothing and takes me downstairs. After that, everything's a blur. I can show you the blood down the steps. Casey stares at him with complete astonishment. INT. TOWER LABORATORY Devry remains at the

Brennan and Casey enter the tower. table by the thick candle.

He looks at them, jumps with surprise, and then quickly stands. He looks from Brennan to Casey several times with concern. BRENNAN I knew you wouldn't approve, but I had to tell her. DEVRY Brennan, I told you not to say anything. BRENNAN How could I begin a relationship built on a lie? I had to tell her. Casey nervously looks around the now cleaned lab with Devry's things lying about, including the black crystal ball. CASEY All this stuff--where did it come from? DEVRY A compartment in the wall. I'd hid my most valuable secrets and experiments before my departure and hoped no one would stumble upon them over the years. CASEY (to Devry) Is what Brennan said true? DEVRY Yes--completely. I had to save my son. He's all I have in the world. Forgive me for deceiving you, but I had no other choice. CASEY He also said you're a sorcerer. DEVRY A rather fine one at that. I'd love to show you some of my inventions, but sadly, most have been produced now. I still have my magic though. BRENNAN You'd better demonstrate another time. I don't think she needs to be exposed to more trauma tonight.

DEVRY Just one little trick? My personal favorite--good for any occasion or just to cure boredom. Casey watches. Devry points out the open window. We see a flash of lightening and hear the thunder crack. He does it again and laughs. Casey stares with amazement. DEVRY I do so enjoy that. BRENNAN (mutters) He has a habit of blundering-the dragon mice are nastier than they appear. Casey glares at him with wide eyes. up. DEVRY I heard that. BRENNAN You were meant to. CASEY This is really bizarre. BRENNAN This has been quite a shock to you, I'm sure. Why don't I take you back to your room? You'll feel better in the morning. CASEY I'm fine. (cheerful) It's real--this is real. I knew something was off about the two of you, but I'd never imagined this. BRENNAN It doesn't upset you then? You're not mad? Devry doesn't even look

CASEY No, of course not. In some cases, the truth needs to be kept quiet. I think this is absolutely fascinating. Though we can't say anything to the others. They'll lock both of you away or exploit you for their own financial gain. DEVRY We won't be telling anyone else. So what now? back? CASEY Are you going

DEVRY Absolutely not. There's nothing to go back to. The Queen returns to the castle with a bitter attitude. More so than before. I'm certain I'd quickly out live my usefulness in her eyes. BRENNAN I wouldn't mind another shot at Jerome. I'd like to see the Queen's reaction if she'd learn the princess was a traitor. DEVRY She'd never believe you anyway. I'm sure she and Jerome cleaned out all the wealth they could carry and fled. I didn't see any evidence of the princess when I looked ahead. CASEY You can look into the future? Devry extends his hand to the crystal ball. DEVRY Or the past--just short clips really. Sometimes only flashes. Casey peers into the crystal ball. CASEY How does it work?

DEVRY It only works for me. The magic within me allows the images to form. CASEY I see. There are so many things I'd love to discuss about the medieval days. DEVRY I'll have to pass on that lengthy conversation. It's late, and I'm extremely tired. Casey looks to Brennan with enthusiasm. Devry looks to Brennan and winks at him with a sly smile. DEVRY See you in the morning. Devry walks toward a small bed against the far wall and crawls into it. CASEY (to Brennan) You'll stay up awhile longer, won't you? You can't leave me with all this exciting news. I'll never be able to sleep. BRENNAN I'm not the least bit tired. Shall we finish our drinks and talk by the fire. Casey nods excitedly. They leave the tower lab. Devry quickly climbs out of his bed and returns to his book. He casually flips to the next page. INT. MASTER CHAMBER -- NIGHT Brennan sits

Casey's curled on the sofa facing Brennan. facing her with a broad smile. BRENNAN Believe me, Casey, it's not very romantic at all. The people are either extremely wealthy or extremely poor. Those working for the castle had it comfortable, but we were still worthless. My father may have been the only one treated well and only then because he was feared. (MORE)

BRENNAN (Cont) He had more power than the Queen would've liked. She would've sentenced him to death if she'd thought she could get away with it. We were treated better than the peasants and servants, but certainly not as good as we have it here. CASEY I'm sure they would've executed me--with my attitude. BRENNAN You would've been royalty. No one would've hurt you. And you'd be marrying--Nemoy. CASEY Can't escape stature no matter where I go. What about you? Did you have a girlfriend? BRENNAN A few of the ladies in waiting were displaying an interest, but only because I was the top knight. CASEY You were the top knight? BRENNAN For about a year standing. Jerome had always been on top, but he cheated a lot. He was very hateful about my beating him. CASEY So the ladies were interested in him until you beat him? BRENNAN Exactly. Brennan takes her hand, raises it to his lips, and kisses the back of it with warmth and passion. Casey remains still and watches him. His eyes meet hers and he smiles.

BRENNAN At this moment, I couldn't imagine being happier than I already am. I like women of this century. They're emotionally strong and intelligent. I heard Janice tell one of the male servants to kiss her ass yesterday. It's quite entertaining. CASEY You have a modern perspective for someone from your century. BRENNAN My father always told me if it's pleasure I seek, there are women who'll do that for a man. If you marry, it's for companionship and love. Obedience should be found in dogs--not women. Casey smiles warmly and studies him. He returns the smile and caresses her hand. Casey leans toward him and gently kisses him on the mouth then pulls away, looks into his eyes, and smiles. CASEY I haven't emotionally scarred you for life, have I? Brennan smiles warmly and shakes his head. BRENNAN Actually, I'm hoping you'll do it again. INT. MASTER CHAMBER -- EARLY MORNING

Casey rests her head on Brennan's chest while both sleep, fully dressed, huddled on the sofa. We hear a gentle breeze blow into the room. Casey stirs to the air on her cheek. She slowly opens her eyes and shifts in Brennan's arms. We see a ghostly image float across the room. Casey jerks, waking Brennan. Brennan sees the man and jumps with surprise. GHOST (to Casey) You'll die-Brennan bolts to his feet. The image disappears.



Brennan paces the tower while Devry attempts to look into his crystal ball. BRENNAN I'm telling you, it was Jerome! DEVRY It's possible for his ghost to haunt the castle. I just can't understand why. Devry looks up. DEVRY Where's Casey? BRENNAN She's having breakfast with Bernard. I thought that'd be okay. DEVRY Why don't you keep an eye on her? I'll work on seeing Jerome's destiny. I'll inform you if I find anything. EXT. COUNTRYSIDE -- DAY

Casey and Brennan ride at a leisurely pace around the old ruins. Nemoy is no where to be found. BRENNAN This used to be an old missionary until it was attacked in the thirteenth century. All the monks were murdered by crusaders. CASEY There was nothing about this place in any of the books. BRENNAN There are a lot of things not documented in books. My father was just a boy when this place was attacked. He lived in the woods with his parents. They lived off of their magic. He'd told me the bell rang for ten minutes straight during the attack. When the castle guards came out to investigate, they found everyone dead.

CASEY That's terrible. Monks wouldn't hurt anyone. BRENNAN They lived in peace--more so than the kingdom. Their strength frightened most. Brennan looks to the bell tower. BRENNAN When I was a boy, I swore I heard the bell ringing in the middle of the night. My father says I was always highly perceptive to the spiritual world. He's always been touchy about my lack of sorcery skills. CASEY You didn't inherit any of his genes then? BRENNAN It's not uncommon to lack the skill until later in life. I'm only half sorcerer anyway. My mother was a beautiful peasant woman sentenced for beheading for speaking her mind and talking to the dead. His request to spare her life was granted. They had ten years together before she died giving birth to my still-born brother. All his magic couldn't save her. That's when he started practicing medicine magic and fooling with that old book. CASEY I suppose there were a lot of tragic deaths back then--most needless with today's medicine. BRENNAN Every generation takes something to the next. It's the way it's supposed to be. Brennan stops his horse and stares at her.

BRENNAN He was wrong for bringing me here. It messed up the natural order. I was meant to die, as tragic as it was. CASEY If you were meant to die, you'd be dead. You can't cheat fate. It's greedy and it always gets it way. You have a greater purpose in life. BRENNAN Do you really believe that? Yes, I do. me. CASEY Perhaps even to save

BRENNAN You don't need saving. CASEY This is my prison. It's cold and without love. My aunt and uncle are undermining me and attempting to rob me blind right before my eyes. My lawyer has a full-time job keeping tabs on their spending. If it hadn't been for Bernard, I would've gone mad by now. He was my best friend growing up. We had a lot of fun until he became a womanizer. BRENNAN I'd play with the other boys in the village. CASEY And what did you pretend you were? BRENNAN A knight. We'd battle imaginary dragons and crusade the countryside. What did you and Bernard pretend to be? CASEY (laughs) Knights. BRENNAN I bet you made a fine knight.

CASEY You certainly are charming, Sir Brennan. They stare at one another a long moment. smiles. CASEY Race you back to the castle. They gallop away from the ruins. INT. TOWER LABORATORY Casey blushes then

Devry sits before his black crystal ball and touches it gently. The images blur within the crystal ball. Devry groans and taps the crystal. DEVRY That's not what I'd asked-He touches the ball. INT. An image forms.


Crystal ball's POV. Jerome and the princess are on the king sized bed drinking wine. They place their goblets aside and begin to kiss passionately. The princess stops him and smiles brightly. ZETA Wait. I have something for you, my love. She climbs off of the bed and removes a bottle from the dressing table. She approaches the bed and holds up the bottle from Devry's lab. JEROME What's that? ZETA Immortality--in a bottle. Zeta crawls onto the bed with a brilliant smile. ZETA The wizard made it for my father. Immortality? it's real? JEROME Do you suppose

ZETA He told me it was.

ZETA Do you want to share immortality with me? We can rule the country together for all eternity. Jerome smiles and picks up his goblet. JEROME Together forever. Zeta pours half into her goblet and half into his. They clink glasses and drink it. Both gasp and choke several times. Jerome quickly sits up. JEROME Crazy wizard! Was he intending to poison the king? Zeta throws her goblet aside. ZETA I don't think it was poison-just horrible tasting. Both remain still a moment. Jerome looks at his hands.

JEROME I don't feel any different. Me either. ZETA He lied to me!

JEROME Let's not let it interfere with our first night together. Zeta moves into his arms. They kiss passionately. He moves her onto her back and continues to kiss her. The chamber door is suddenly thrown open and several knights without armor charge into the room. Jerome quickly rolls onto his back. The knights stand over them with their swords to their faces. Neither move. INT. DUNGEON CELL

Zeta sits in the corner of her cold, damp cell on a bed of straw. Several shadows move past the small, barred window. We hear the sound of the door being unlocked. Zeta jumps to her feet. The Queen enters the cell. ZETA Mother! She runs to her. her. The Queen holds her hand out, stopping

ZETA Mother! Please, don't leave me here. It wasn't me--he attacked me after you ran out. The Queen shows no emotion. QUEEN Your maiden told me everything-your secret meetings with Sir Jerome, your love for him, and your hatred for your father. ZETA She's lying to save herself. QUEEN It's you who's lying to save yourself. I no longer have a daughter. Tomorrow morning you will pay for betraying and murdering your father. I suggest you pray for forgiveness. Perhaps God will be more forgiving than I. The Queen turns and leaves the cell. knees. Mother! EXT. ZETA Mother--please! Zeta falls to her


We see the village is gathered around the courtyard. We see a platform in the center of the courtyard. There is a soft murmur from the crowd of villagers. The Queen and several maidens and guards step onto the balcony. The Queen takes her seat. Jerome is brought out in shackles by several guards. The crowd roars with anger and shakes their fists. Jerome is led up to the platform and the hangman's noose. Jerome stands before the crowd. He appears calm but there is slight concern in his eyes. A man steps forward and unrolls a paper. MAN By order of her royal highness, the Queen, you, Sir Jerome, have been charged with treason and the murder of our King. You've been sentenced to be hung, drawn, quartered, and castrated. The man rolls up the paper.

MAN Commence sentencing. INT. DUNGEON

The princess is led from her cell and through the corridor to the outside entrance. The Cardinal joins her and begins reading from his bible. EXT. COURTYARD -- MEDIEVAL ENGLAND -- CONTINUOUS

The princess is led into the crowded courtyard. Silence falls over the villagers. Not a sound is heard except the sound of an ax. The princess is led through the crowd toward the platform. Below the platform, we see the ax man slinging his bloody ax again. We again hear the distinct sound as Jerome's body twitches. The princess stops, struggles against the guards, and screams in horror. ZETA No! God, no! Zeta is pulled to the platform. She fights the guards while screaming. The people remain silent. The Queen shows no emotion. The same man steps forward on the platform. We hear the ax fall again. Zeta continues to cry and scream. MAN Princess Zeta, you have been charged with treason and the murder of your father, the King. You are sentenced to death by beheading. The man steps away. A hooded executioner steps forward with his ax. The guards struggle to move her to the block. She looks to her mother on the balcony. ZETA I swear, to God, I will make you pay! You and all your descendants! The guards force her to her knees and tie her to the platform. The ax man steps forward. Zeta struggles and screams. Close-up of the ax man. He raises the ax and slings it down. Darkness. We hear the chopping sound. INT. TOWER LABORATORY-- PRESENT DAY -- CONTINUOUS

Devry sits motionless in his seat while staring at the black crystal. His expression is horrified. DEVRY Immortality potion--they drank it.

DEVRY What have I done? Devry looks back to the crystal ball. DEVRY Show me Brennan. The crystal clouds and images form. EXT. COUNTRYSIDE -- PRESENT DAY -- DAY

Brennan and Casey ride their horses over the stone wall. Casey's a few feet ahead of him. We hear a horse squeal. Casey stops her horse. We see the ghostly image of a knight near the woods' edge. Brennan stops alongside her. Both stare at the ghostly image. Brennan is more confused than concerned. The ghost knight levels his jousting pole. BRENNAN I think we're in trouble. CASEY It's a ghost. BRENNAN It's Jerome. CASEY How do you know? Brennan stares at the Knight. BRENNAN We know each other in full armor. It's him. CASEY What does he want? BRENNAN (simply) To kill me. The ghost knight's horse rears, and he charges toward them. Brennan charges in his direction. He leans off of the horse, swoops up a long, thick branch, and holds it like a jousting pole. They gallop for one another. The ghost knight misses. Brennan's branch cuts through the ghostly image. The ghost knight vanishes ten yards past Brennan. Brennan turns his horse. He looks around with confusion. Casey rides toward him. CASEY It's gone. Let's get back to the castle.

Brennan nods while looking around. INT. BERNARD'S CHAMBER

Bernard turns under his covers and wakes. He slowly sits up and rakes his fingers through his hair. He looks around the dark room then climbs out of bed. INT. KITCHEN

Bernard turns on the kitchen light. He stands frozen--now wide awake. We see the medieval kitchen. He appears confused. BERNARD I must've drank way to much last night. We hear faint cries from somewhere within the house. Bernard appears confused and leaves the kitchen. INT. DUNGEON STAIRS

Bernard walks down the stone dungeon stairs in his bare feet. The sounds of faint cries and moans increase. INT. DUNGEON -- CONTINUOUS We

Bernard peers into the dungeon corridor lit by torches. see hands reaching out through the bars. BERNARD What in the world--

He walks along the corridor toward a back door that's partially open. He approaches the door and gently pushes it open. INT. TORTURE CHAMBER -- CONTINUOUS

We see poorly dressed peasants in the many torture devices within the room. Several guards stand within the room and perform the punishment. We see a man being stretched on the spiked rack, another in a spiked chair, another being whipped at the wall, and another being interrogated with hot irons. INT. DUNGEON HALLWAY

Bernard appears horrified. He quickly turns away from the door and comes face to face with Jerome. Bernard jerks and jumps backward with surprise. Jerome places his sword to Bernard's face. Bernard remains motionless. JEROME What shall I do with him, my Queen?

Bernard gasps and looks behind Jerome. Zeta approaches wearing the Queen's crown and a flowing gown. ZETA (evil smile) Have him beheaded along with the others. Bernard gasps with surprise. Zeta turns and walks away.

BERNARD I don't like this dream! I wouldn't mind waking up any time now! JEROME More like a nightmare. One you'll never wake from. BERNARD No, this can't be. JEROME Would you like to beg for your life? BERNARD No, I'd like to fight for my life. JEROME What? Bernard kicks outward and nails Jerome in the groin. Jerome is unaffected, although surprised. Bernard grabs a nearby torch and swings it at him. Jerome dives out of the way. Bernard casts the torch aside and runs along the corridor. INT. DUNGEON STAIRS -- CONTINUOUS We hear yelling from

Bernard sprints up the dungeon stairs. behind him. Jerome is gaining ground. INT. GRAND HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

Bernard leaps from the dungeon stairway, slams the door shut, and places the bar across to barricade it. He continues to run along the grand hallway in the dim lighting. The princess steps into his path. He shoves her aside. Her head topples to the floor. Bernard cries out and runs for the front door. He throws open the door and stops. We see Jerome standing in the doorway. His sword coils back and he swings. Bernard cries out. Darkness. We hear the sword connect.



Darkness. Casey opens the door and enters the room. curtains are still drawn. CASEY Wake up, Bernard. You'll be late for our ride. She approaches the curtains and opens them. into the room. She turns toward the bed. Come on. CASEY It's time to get up.

Light floods

She approaches the bed and pulls back the covers. Bernard lay on the bed motionless and gray in color. Casey gasps and jumps back. INT. LIBRARY

Casey sits on the window seat and stares across the morning countryside. Devry and Brennan sit at one of the library tables and talk quietly. DEVRY He was too young to simply have a heart attack and die. It doesn't make sense. BRENNAN Do you think the doctors are wrong? DEVRY No--not wrong. It's just that there must be more to what happened then what we see. I need to do some research. Keep an eye on her. Don't let her out of your sight. Brennan nods. INT. MASTER CHAMBER

We see Casey, Devry, and Brennan in Casey's bedroom. Devry holds open an old book before Casey while Brennan sharpens his sword. DEVRY I've looked back into your family history. Every female child born in your family has died before age twenty-five. The princess vowed to kill every generation born to your family.

DEVRY (Cont) The last one to die was your father's sister. I think you may be next. CASEY You think this dead princess wants to kill me? Why? DEVRY Revenge for what her mother did to her and her lover. CASEY This is ridiculous. DEVRY Ridiculous or not, it's happening. I blame myself. I never thought she'd take that potion--it wasn't complete. CASEY So by taking this potion, she didn't achieve immortality to keep her from dying, but immortality in the afterlife? DEVRY Something like that. The potion didn't work quite right--now I've created two very angry, vengeful monsters. CASEY So how do we stop the supernatural? DEVRY I'm not sure. Brennan stands. BRENNAN What if you'd send me back? I could stop them before they take the potion. Casey turns to face Devry and Brennan with a look of horror and dread. DEVRY I've considered that myself, but the end result would alter history of the entire country.

BRENNAN How do you mean? DEVRY The unexplained deaths throughout Casey's family history would be returned to existence. There will be thirty new lives returned to the family--all doing their own thing. It would alter marriages, children, and lives. Casey's father may not have married her mother. Casey may not even exist. BRENNAN I don't want to see that. CASEY But it would save so many lives. Those living today would not be affected, because they simply wouldn't know the difference. DEVRY You may not exist. Everything you are could be lost. CASEY It's the chance I'll have to take. BRENNAN No, you'll have to find another way. Casey and Devry look at him. Brennan-BRENNAN I'll go to the after life myself and kill them there if I have too, but I won't risk losing her. CASEY What you're saying is ridiculous, Brennan. I wouldn't be dying a painful death, I'd simply cease to exist. BRENNAN And I won't allow that. I vowed to protect you with my life. Devry appears surprised.


CASEY You have to understand, Brennan. As a knight, you'd give your life for the good of the kingdom. I'd give mine to correct the needless deaths of my family. BRENNAN You're all that matters to me. I don't want to ever live without you. CASEY How can you be so sure I'm the one you really want? Brennan takes her hand and holds it to his chest. BRENNAN For the first time in my life, nothing else matters. They stare at one another. DEVRY We can discuss this in the morning. I'll attempt to work something out. Devry slips from the room. Brennan raises Casey's hand to his lips and kisses it warmly. She smiles with tear glossed eyes and moves closer to him. She gently runs her hands along his chest. CASEY It's been a rough day on both of us. Let's just enjoy tonight. BRENNAN We could sit by the fire and hold each other all night. CASEY I'd like that. INT. MASTER CHAMBER -- NIGHT

We see Brennan and Casey lying asleep on the sofa. Casey sleeps peacefully in Brennan's arms. He cuddles her contentedly with a satisfied smile. Casey twitches in her sleep.



Casey's dream. Casey looks around the empty courtyard. We hear the familiar sound of an ax chopping something soft. Casey listens and looks around the hanging platform then to the balcony. We see Zeta with the Queen's crown upon her head. Casey slowly walks through the empty courtyard. The sound becomes louder. Casey approaches the platform and places her foot on the first step. She looks down. We see blood beneath her bare feet. She moves away from the step and walks under the platform. We see the hooded ax man raise his bloody ax then chop down. She follows the flowing blood and moves around the ax man from a distance. The ax man turns toward her and removes his hood to reveal Jerome. We see Brennan's severed head on the ground. Casey stares with a look of horror and screams. INT. MASTER CHAMBER -- CONTINUOUS

Casey screams, jerks, and wakes to Brennan gently shaking her. She stares at him with horror in her eyes while gasping for her breath. BRENNAN Are you all right? CASEY They were chopping you into little pieces. BRENNAN Who? CASEY Some man with a red beard and a scar on his cheek. Brennan stares at her with surprise. and pulls her into his arms. BRENNAN It was just a bad dream. INT. THIRD FLOOR HALLWAY -- EARLY MORNING He forces a tiny smile

Devry stands by the open passageway. Brennan finishes connecting his armor. Casey stares at him. There's admiration and fear in her eyes. DEVRY You'll have twelve hours to find and destroy the potion. I'll keep an eye on you as best I can through my crystal ball, but it doesn't always work proper. I'll open a passageway for you. MORE

DEVRY (Cont) When you walk through the passage door, you'll be back here. BRENNAN I'll do my best to secure it right away. CASEY Why can't you just go back before the attack and destroy the potion in the tower? BRENNAN Because I'm not entirely sure when she stole it, besides, I'm always there. I'd have to kill me to get it away from me. DEVRY We know they drink the potion that night. The Queen's guards come back somewhere around ten and attack the castle. You'll have to get out of there before then. I doubt that she'll believe you're not a traitor if you're still alive when they arrive. At six a.m. they attack my tower. Do nothing to stop them. It may alter my actions. If I don't leave at that time, you'll undoubtedly vanish. The battle will still be ongoing and lasts until nearly seven o'clock in the evening. You'll be right in the middle of it. Brennan nods. Casey steps forward with a silk scarf. She smiles gently and ties it around his left wrist. Their eyes meet. Brennan smiles. CASEY Devry says it's good luck. Brennan pulls her into his arms and kisses her passionately. Brennan slowly pulls away, smiles, and puts on his helmet. Devry hands him his sword. DEVRY God speed, my son. Brennan steps into the passageway. him. The door closes behind



Darkness. Brennan opens the passageway door. into the stairway. INT. THIRD FLOOR HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

Silence. Brennan steps from the passageway and into the empty hallway. There are several slain knights. We hear the battle raging in the distance. We see Zeta appear from the turret stairs. Jerome is directly behind her. She enters the master chamber. Jerome heads for the stairs. We hear a clunk behind him. Brennan spins around. Another knight comes at him with his sword. Brennan blocks the sword with his shield and swings his sword in return. They battle with clashing swords and sparking metal to metal. Zeta appears in the hallway. She stops and stares at Brennan with surprise. She knows she's killed this knight. Zeta hurries away. Another Knight, RICHARD, appears in the hallway behind Brennan's opponent. Richard plunges his sword into the knight's back. He pulls his sword free. Brennan's opponent falls to the hall floor. Both men raise their face shields. RICHARD The Queen's safe. We need to rescue the princess. BRENNAN No--she's with Jerome. betrayed the king. RICHARD The princess? BRENNAN She tried to kill me once when I nearly had Jerome. You can't turn your back on her. RICHARD We need to alert the others. BRENNAN It's your mission. I have to stop the princess and Jerome. Richard salutes with his sword. RICHARD God speed, Brennan. BRENNAN Good luck. They turn and go their separate ways. master chamber. Brennan enters the She's



Brennan enters the bedroom and looks around with his sword drawn. The room's empty. He hurries to the dressing table and begins tearing it apart. There's no potion. He pauses then hurries from the room. INT. GRAND HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

Brennan hurries down the stairs and into the grand hallway. We see several knights fighting. There are many more slain. He springs into the hallway and slays another knight fighting one of his knights, SETH. Seth salutes him. BRENNAN Where's the princess and Jerome? SETH The princess headed for the dungeon. I haven't seen Jerome. The princess is a traitor. She would've killed me if it wasn't for Richard. BRENNAN She mustn't escape. SETH I'll kill her myself if given the opportunity. Brennan hurries along the grand hallway past several knights battling one another. He stops to take a few swings of his own. He hurries into the dungeon and tosses his shield aside. INT. DUNGEON -- CONTINUOUS Several prisoners see the princess up and breathing him with wide eyes. several steps and

Brennan hurries through the corridor. reach out from the cells and yell. We ahead. She's leaning against the wall heavily. She looks back and stares at She straightens and runs. She runs up pushes open the outer door. EXT. COURTYARD -- CONTINUOUS

Brennan enters the courtyard. We see the princess slip along the wall of the castle. We see several knights fighting one another mostly on foot--some on horseback. We see Jerome across the courtyard. He strikes down another knight. Brennan runs after the princess. Brennan hurries across the battlefield. The princess is nearly bowled over by battling knights. She lets out a startled cry and spins around.

Brennan is directly before her with his sword to her throat. Zeta gasps with surprise and looks into his eyes. ZETA You can't be alive. Brennan extends his hand to her. BRENNAN Give me the bottle from my father's lab, and I'll spare your life. Bottle? ZETA What bottle?

Brennan presses the sword to her throat. BRENNAN Give it to me--now! Zeta removes the bottle from her bosom and places it in his hand. Brennan stares at the bottle he holds. The princess darts away from him more like a child then the evil mastermind plotting her father's execution. Brennan inhales deeply and shuts his eyes. BRENNAN Forgive me, Casey. He opens his eyes and smashes the bottle on the ground. A cloud of vapor puffs then diminishes. He remains still for a moment and stares at the wet ground and broken glass. Brennan looks around. He's looking for his way out. He turns around. He's suddenly confronted by three knights. They swing at him. He attempts to stop each sword. They're coming at him too fast. He backs up several steps and swings. We hear the loud squeal of a horse. A black horse rears up across the courtyard. The knight sends the horse charging across the courtyard with his jousting pole extended. Several knights look and jump out of the knight's path. One of the knights fighting Brennan turns toward the mounted knight. The knight's jousting pole strikes his metal chest and throws him several feet. The sword is discarded. The knight pulls the horse to a skidding halt and whirls it around. He pulls his sword. The horse squeals and rears again then leaps forward. The knight races for them again. Another knight stops fighting Brennan, who's nearly on his knees attempting to stop the series of blows. The knight jumps in the horse's path and coils his sword back. The mounted knight swings as he passes, striking the knight's helmet. He's thrown to the ground. The knight slowly returns to his feet. The mounted knight whirls the horse around in a tight circle and races for him again.

He nears the standing knight. Both swing. Their swords clash and spark with a loud, metallic clash. The knight on the ground is thrown back several steps by the force. The mounted knight whirls around and charges again. Both swing. The sword strikes him above the shoulders, decapitating him. Brennan continues to battle the last knight. He finally slays him. The mounted knight slows and approaches on the excitably prancing horse. Brennan stares while gasping and raises his face shield. He's almost completely winded. The mounted knight removes his helmet. We see Casey staring back at him. She smiles brightly. CASEY Guess I would make a fine knight after all. BRENNAN You're absolutely insane--but positively stunning. Casey twirls the broad sword in her gloved hand with a charming smile. CASEY If we get out of here alive, I'll let you undress me. Come on. Casey spins the horse and rides across the courtyard. Brennan grabs a nearby horse, mounts, and races after her. We see a large, black opening at the entrance to the courtyard where the drawbridge once was. We see Zeta talking to Jerome and pointing at them. Jerome yells something. The iron portcullis is lowered before the opening to the present day. Casey and Brennan stop their horses with surprise. They spin their horses around. We see Jerome on a horse at the other end of the courtyard. Zeta hands him a jousting pole. BRENNAN Open the gate, if you can. Another Knight, PERKINS, slays his opponent and grabs a jousting pole. He tosses it to Brennan. PERKINS He's all yours. Perkins gives him a shield. Brennan drops his face shield and clutches his pole. Casey nervously dismounts and hurries for the gate house. Both knights lower their jousting poles. The fighting knights remain to either side of the courtyard, some even stop and part company. Both race for one another at a full gallop. Jousting poles strike shields. Jerome is jolted but not thrown. Both skid their horses to a halt, spin around, and charge at one another for a second pass. Poles strike shields.

Brennan's shield is knocked from his hand. for another pass. INT. GATEHOUSE

They spin around

Casey hurries through the wench room. It's empty. She hurries to the wench and begins to crank it open. She uses much of her strength. Casey pauses and looks behind her. Zeta is almost on top of her with her twelve inch dagger raised above her head, prepared to strike. Casey whirls around and darts out of her path. The dagger is thrust downward, barely missing her. Zeta comes after her again. Casey removes her sword and levels it just in time to block Zeta's second blow. A knight enters the room and lunges for Casey. She cries out, blocks his sword, and darts away from Zeta and her dagger. EXT. COURTYARD -- DAY

Brennan and Jerome race toward one another. Brennan's missing his shield. They pass. Brennan strikes Jerome's shield and knocks him from his horse. Jerome unsteadily moves to his feet and draws his sword. Brennan tosses his pole aside and removes his sword as well. His horse rears then bolts forward. They clash swords as Brennan circles around Jerome. Brennan's horse jumps around. They clash swords several times with strength and vigor. INT. GATEHOUSE

Casey backs away from the knight while clashing swords. Zeta continues to slash at her with the dagger, striking her armor suit. Casey cries out as she gets closer and closer to the corner. We see Bernard run into the gatehouse holding a sword while wearing his modern clothing. Bernard runs up behind the knight and cracks the sword blade against his shoulder. The knight spins around, unaffected. Bernard jumps back with surprise. Casey swings at Zeta and knocks the dagger from her hand. Zeta panics and runs from the room. Bernard swings at the knight several times while crying out. The knight stumbles backwards and finally drops his sword. Bernard kicks the sword aside and holds the guard at sword point. Casey stares at Bernard with a grateful smile. BERNARD You'd better open that gate fast. Casey quickly turns and cranks the heavy wheel. struggles with the wheel. CASEY I could use a little help here. Bernard glares at the knight. She

BERNARD You heard the lady--start cranking. The knight approaches the wench and helps Casey crank. EXT. COURTYARD -- DAY

Brennan casts a sideways glance toward the drawbridge. We see the gate is nearly all the way up. Casey and Bernard appear from the gatehouse. They're immediately attacked by another knight. Brennan keeps an eye on them. Bernard fights the knight while Casey mounts her horse. Casey immediately attacks the knight from horseback, allowing Bernard to jump on the horse behind her. The horse jumps around excitedly. CASEY Brennan! BRENNAN (smirks) Sorry--gotta run. Brennan kicks Jerome in the chest and bowls him over. He spins and races for the opening. Casey and Bernard pass through the opening. Brennan is right behind them. Several good knights collect and approach the opening as well. EXT. COUNTRYSIDE -- PRESENT DAY -- CONTINUOUS

Casey, Bernard, and Brennan race away from the castle drawbridge and immediately slow down in the present day. They spin around and face Devry. He shuts his old book and smiles. The opening vanishes leaving the other knights in their own century. DEVRY Nice job--all of you. Bernard jumps from the back of Casey's horse and clings to his sword. BERNARD That was much to close for me. CASEY (to Bernard) I don't understand--you're alive. BERNARD Of course I'm alive. What sort of remark is that? Casey looks to Devry with a look of confusion.

DEVRY Sorry, Dear. You went in before the bottle was destroyed. Anything that has been altered, I'm not aware. There could be quite a few surprises for you in this new, present day. BERNARD Now you're just talking in riddles. I wish someone would explain all of this. CASEY I'll explain it to you over a few drinks. BERNARD Come now, Case. You know I don't drink. Casey and Brennan stare at Bernard with looks of surprise. Casey laughs softly. CASEY Real funny. BERNARD I haven't had a drop of alcohol since I'd met Joanne. Joanne? CASEY Who's Joanne?

BERNARD My future wife. We've only been engaged the past year. Honestly, what's with you? Casey once more looks to Devry for help. arm around Bernard's shoulder. Devry places his

DEVRY We've altered history without Casey and Brennan. Your perspective now differs from Casey's, since she was already in the past when the present was changed. You're going to have a lot to talk about over the next couple of days. BERNARD It wasn't just a bad dream? You mean all of that was actually real?

DEVRY Oh, quite real. Bernard and Devry walk across the drawbridge while talking. Casey looks at Brennan with some confusion. CASEY I wonder what else has changed? BRENNAN We'll find out soon enough. Brennan and Casey ride at a walk back toward the castle. Brennan looks at her several times and smiles. BRENNAN You make a pretty impressive knight, Dame Casey. CASEY You were pretty impressive yourself, Sir Brennan. BRENNAN As long as you think so-They stop their horses, move them closer, and kiss quickly but passionately. They pull away, smile, and race across the drawbridge and into the modern courtyard. INT. LIBRARY

Devry helps Casey unbuckle her armor. Casey laughs while Brennan removes the last of his armor. CASEY I was wondering how I'd be able to get out of this prison. Devry removes the chest plate while Brennan sits on a library table and watches with a mocking smile. DEVRY I think you should know, your aunt and uncle were looking for you. Bernard has them distracted for the moment. I wish I could better prepare you, but my perception of what's real is limited to the altered time. For me, this is the reality. CASEY I understand, but don't fear, they were always horrible.

BRENNAN Must they live with us after we're married? CASEY We're getting married? miss something? Did I

BRENNAN The other day at the ruins, you made the challenge for courtship rights. Don't you remember? That did really happen, didn't it? CASEY Yes, that happened. But it wasn't meant--do you want to marry me? Brennan approaches her and takes her hand. BRENNAN Of course I do. We were meant for each other. Today proved it. CASEY Yes, it does. Casey kisses him and smiles pleasantly. CASEY No--they won't be living with us after we're married. BRENNAN I'm glad. Devry stands and smiles at both. DEVRY Does this mean I have a daughter? Casey hugs Devry. CASEY Yes--it does. Devry returns the hug. He releases her with a broad smile.

DEVRY This calls for a celebration. I'll pour us some drinks.

Devry approaches the bar. Brennan gathers Casey in his arms, gently touches her face, and then kisses her passionately. Bernard enters the room and shakes his head. BERNARD They're certainly in a foul mood today. How did I end up with such loathsome parents? I guess the two of you intend to remain here? DEVRY I can't think of one good reason to leave. CASEY Whatever happened to the princess and Jerome? DEVRY According to my crystal, their fate played out as it had before. This time, they won't be returning. BERNARD If I drank, I'd drink to that. Brennan, Casey, and Devry clink glasses and drink. Brennan quickly kisses Casey. We hear angry voices in the hall. The library door is thrown open. Brennan slowly pulls away from Casey but still holds her. Devry quickly downs a drink and looks innocent. Casey's aunt and uncle stand in the doorway and stare at them. MASON I demand to know what's going on around here? CASEY Uncle Mason, Aunt Ellen--I'm getting married. Both stare with surprise. They look from Casey to Brennan, who holds her. Mason appears hostile. MASON When your parents get home, I'm not going to be the one to explain this to them! Casey stares at Mason and Ellen with a look of surprise. CASEY My mother and father?

MASON Yes--and they'll be even more furious that you're marrying some common man. Only one month and you've completely disobeyed us and our authority. BERNARD Hey, look at the bright side. If she'd married Nemoy like everyone had wanted, Sabrina would still be a spinster. ELLEN (gently) Well--that worked out for the best. MASON I'm not going to be blamed for any of this. Let my brother deal with his own daughter. Mason storms from the room. Ellen quickly follows him. Casey turns to Brennan and smiles brightly with tears in her eyes. CASEY (soft) They're alive. My parents didn't die after all. Somehow, the Ghost of the Princess and Jerome must have brought about their car accident. Altering the past must have changed that. Brennan returns the warm smile and pulls her into his arms for a warm embrace. BRENNAN Miracles do happen. Brennan kisses her warmly but passionately. Casey returns the kiss then pulls away and looks into his eyes. CASEY And they lived happily ever after. Brennan smiles and kisses her again. INT. TOWER LABORATORY-- NIGHT

Devry sits at the old wooden table before the candle. His old book is open before him. A mouse scurries across the table. Devry looks at the mouse, sits straight, and points a finger at it.

DEVRY Ala tramane toball. The mouse transforms into a miniature dragon. Devry frowns. He changes it back into a mouse and it scurries away. Devry stands and approaches the tower window. He sits on the window ledge and looks out into the night. In the distance, we hear the bells ringing from the ruins. Devry smiles with a look of content. FADE OUT

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