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An Original Screenplay By Holly Copella


G. REAPER FADE IN: EXT. MANSION -- NIGHT We see the well-lit mansion high on the steep ledge overlooking a secluded beach, complete with dock and boathouse. A long set of steps leads down to the beach. An expensive car pulls up to the mansion. EXT. MANSION PORCH -- NIGHT We see the well-dressed, young man, KIRK STRATTON, with an attractive, young woman, DEVON GAGE. DEVON So, what's your uncle like? KIRK (rings the bell) Uh, well--he's pretty much an old bastard, but I'm sure he'll like you. DEVON This should be an interesting evening. KIRK And beware of the butler, Jett. He bites. DEVON And we're here because... KIRK Because he's my only living relative--and he's good for a free weekend and a hefty loan. DEVON Makes perfect sense. The door opens to reveal Jett, a cocky looking butler in his late forties. JETT Is it that time of month already? KIRK My uncle's expecting us, Jett. Save the comedy act for amateur night.

Jett moves out of the doorway and allows them to enter. INT. FOYER/HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS Kirk and Devon enter the foyer. Jett shuts the door behind them and walks down the foyer steps. JETT You know the routine. Kirk attempts a smile and leads Devon down the steps. follow Jett to the lounge. INT. LOUNGE -- CONTINUOUS Jett enters the lounge with his hands clasped properly behind his back. We see JERAD STRATTON, a handsome man in his late thirties, standing by the fireplace with a drink in his hand. JETT Mr. Stratton and guest have arrived, Sir. Jerad turns as Kirk and Devon enter. Jerad casually approaches them. Kirk smiles cheerfully. KIRK Good evening, Uncle Jerad. JERAD (without emotion) Kirk-(to Devon) And guest. KIRK Uh, this is Devon Gage. JERAD Ms. Gage-He makes no effort to shake her hand. JERAD So--what brings you to my doorstep, Kirk? Your motive always amuses me. KIRK Just a little visit. Devon's never been to the coast before, so I thought I'd bring her to see you and our quaint town. They

JERAD (to Devon) Where are you from? DEVON Ohio. JERAD Not much of a coast there. (to Kirk) How long will you be staying? KIRK A few days, if it's okay with you. JERAD Never stopped you before. Dinner should be ready in a few minutes. You know where the bar is located. KIRK Would you like a drink, Devon? DEVON Make mine a double. KIRK Of what? DEVON It doesn't matter. Kirk smiles with understanding and hurries to the small bar. Jerad gracefully collapses into a comfortable chair by the fire. JERAD (to Devon) Has Kirk gone over the house rules with you? DEVON No--I don't believe he has. JERAD Then you're in for a treat. If your memory is short, feel free to write them down. DEVON I think I'll manage. JERAD Rule number one. This is my chair. Do not occupy it.

KIRK (mutters) He's serious too. JERAD Rule number two. There's a conservatory on the second floor. It's my work space. I compose in the evening. There are to be no interruptions between seven and midnight--or as long as I am in there composing. Interruptions include loud noises, knocking on doors, talking, loud sexual activities, and phone calls. Kirk approaches Devon and hands her the filled glass. exchange looks. JERAD Rule number three. No crude behavior-(to Kirk) That pertains to you-(to Devon) No foul language, loud sex, or distasteful outfits. You treat Jett with respect--or suffer his wrath. My bedroom is off limits--No sex on the beach during daytime hours. Kirk lifts his hands and shies away. smile. Jerad attempts a They

JERAD Simple rules. Follow them, and you probably won't see me most of the week. DEVON I can follow your rules, Mr. Stratton. I, on the other hand, only have one, simple rule. (firm) Don't disrespect or degrade me. I bite. Jerad stares at her a moment then looks to Kirk, who turns away with a look of concern. He looks back at Devon and stands. JERAD Biting is covered under crude behavior.

Jerad leaves the room. of his neck.

Kirk exhales and scratches the back

KIRK That was chilling. DEVON At least now the devil has a face. KIRK He's really not that bad. you like to leave? Would

DEVON No--I wouldn't dream of giving him that satisfaction. KIRK Good, because my expense check is a week away, and I'm broke. Jett enters the lounge. JERAD Dinner is ready. Kirk extends his arm. INT. DINING ROOM The elegant dining room is set with expensive flatware, china, crystal, and candlelight. Fresh flowers help decorate the room. Jerad sits at the head of the table. Kirk is to his right, and Devon is forced to sit to his left. Devon appears uneasy with the seating arrangement. She looks at Kirk across from her. He attempts a smile and continues with his soup. Devon casually sips her wine. DEVON Is conversation allowed at the dinner table? JERAD (without looking) Intelligent conversation is always welcomed. Kirk's guests generally don't participate. KIRK I'm a sucker for platinum blondes. Devon smiles gently and nods. Devon smiles and links onto it.

DEVON I see. (to Jerad) I bet you enjoy that. JERAD What do you mean? DEVON Verbally assaulting young, helpless girls and making them cry. Kirk quickly looks away and drinks from his glass with a nervous look. Jerad stares at her and sinks back in his chair. JERAD Why on earth would I do that? DEVON A control thing. Most abusive men lack confidence and self worth, so they take it out on those weaker then they are. JERAD Comparing me to an abusive husband is hardly fair. You're assuming a great deal. DEVON As is assuming I'd dress trashy and wake the entire house with my sexual misconduct. JERAD I believe I've just been bit. DEVON No--that was just a warning growl. Jerad hesitates, looks to the clock, and then to Jett, who immediately moves closer. JERAD Would you mind getting Kitty? I think I'll need added protection tonight. JETT (sly smile) Yes, Sir. Jett leaves. Kirk appears concerned.

Not kitty. like me.

KIRK You know she doesn't

JERAD (to Devon) Perhaps you'd feel more comfortable with your own kind. DEVON Likening me to a cat, Mr. Stratton? I'll take that as a compliment. Kirk nervously looks around. Jett enters the room with a panther on a leather leash beside him. Kirk squirms in his chair. Devon stares with shock and surprise. Jett brings the panther between Jerad and Devon. Devon immediately pushes her chair back and allows the panther to greet her. The panther half crawls onto her lap while she scratches its neck and chin. DEVON Oh--she's gorgeous! Jerad and Jett exchange frowns. and plays with the panther. JERAD (mutters) Well, that backfired. JETT Shall I return her to the conservatory? Jerad nods. Jett leads the panther away. DEVON (returns to her seat) Can I play with her later? JERAD She remains in the conservatory with me. Devon frowns. Time lapse. It's 6:55 P.M. Jett clears away the dinner plates. Jerad looks at his watch and stands. JERAD I have work to do. Keep it down. Jett will take your bags to the guest room. DEVON Separate rooms please. Devon moves to the floor

Kirk squirms and attempts a smile. Jerad and Jett exchange surprised looks. Jerad chuckles as he leaves the room. JERAD Now I've heard it all. KIRK Did you have to say that in front of my uncle? He's going to feed off of that for months. DEVON There's nothing wrong with looking respectable, Kirk. I'm not going to be viewed as a tramp--especially when I'm not. KIRK He's harmless. No--he's not. DEVON He's evil.

KIRK Come on. We'll go for a walk-get rid of some of that hostility. You don't want to interrupt uncle while he's composing. DEVON Promise me we'll spend most of the day away from this house. KIRK I promise. And truthfully, you won't see much of uncle Jerad. Probably just at dinner. DEVON That's a relief. INT. LOUNGE -- MORNING Devon enters the lounge and approaches the open wall of windows as the sun shines in. She stretches in the sunlight with a smile. She looks around the room and peers at Jerad's chair near the fireplace. A sly smile crosses her face. She casually looks around and approaches the chair. She smiles and pounces into the puffy chair with her legs over the arm. DEVON (smiles) Very nice.


We hear Jett clear his throat. Devon looks across the room. Jett stands in the doorway. Devon smiles and pulls herself from the chair. DEVON Oh, no. Broke rule number one. What exactly is the punishment for that? JETT (low) I wouldn't know. No one's ever broken it before. DEVON Where is everyone? No one function around here before noon? JETT We're it. Would you care for breakfast? I think I remember how to make it--not that anyone's ever up for it. DEVON If you don't mind, I'd prefer to help myself to some tea. JETT No, I don't mind at all. Devon follows Jett from the lounge. INT. KITCHEN Devon dunks her tea bag and watches Jett arrange fruit in a basket. DEVON Have you worked for Mr. Stratton long? JETT About fifteen years. DEVON You must've started young. JETT No--just older than I look. DEVON Has he always been so grouchy or am I just special?

JETT (eyes her) I don't know what you mean. DEVON (tiny smile) I understand. Jett smiles in response. DEVON Anything fun to do around here? JETT There's the beach. A lot of steps. You can walk the beach clear to town--if you like walking. DEVON I like walking the beach at sunrise. There's something very inspiring and romantic about it. JETT I'm opposed to sand myself. It gets all over the place. There's the boat in the boathouse. It's not used much anymore. DEVON No? JETT Mr. Stratton barely leaves the house anymore. His music keeps him very busy. DEVON Some lady broke his heart, huh? JETT You'd have to ask him that yourself. DEVON I'm not that interested. do you do for fun? What

JETT The library is fully stocked as is the wine cellar. The garden is entertaining. Then there's poker in the gardeners workshop. That gets interesting.

DEVON So, it's not all serious around here, huh? JETT Depends on a lot of things. Jett sets the bowl of fruit on the table. DEVON Mr. Stratton's mood, for one. Jett smiles but doesn't respond. DEVON Please, Jett, be sure to let me know when Mr. Stratton's in a good mood--I wouldn't want to miss it. Jett doesn't reply. Devon stands.

DEVON I think I'll take a little walk on the beach. JETT It's Tuesday. DEVON What? No walking on the beach on Tuesdays? JETT (soft laugh) No--Tuesdays Mr. Stratton goes to town at noon. I'm sure young Mr. Stratton will want to ride along with his uncle, so you should be back in time to leave for noon. No one will want to walk all of those steps to come for you. DEVON What a lazy bunch. JETT At least you know where to find complete privacy. EXT. BEACH -- DAY Devon walks along the beach in a tasteful one piece bathing suit and stares out into the ocean. She folds her arms across her chest, pauses, and stares a long moment.

She turns and looks back to the house above. EXT. MANSION -- CONTINUOUS We see the house high above not far from the cliffs and a wooden fence. Someone can be seen by the large, lengthy windows on the second floor. EXT. BEACH -- CONTINUOUS Devon stares a moment longer then looks back to the ocean and continues her walk. INT. KITCHEN Devon enters the kitchen with a beach skirt over her bathing suit. The black panther runs to her and nuzzles her with a loud purr. Devon laughs and pets the panther. JERAD (firm) Kitty-The panther turns and runs back to Jerad, who stands in the doorway. Jerad is dressed in casual but expensive clothes. JERAD Kirk expressed an interest in traveling to town with Jett and me. We'll be leaving shortly. DEVON (smiles) Good afternoon to you too, Uncle Jerad. Jerad gives her a stern, displeased look, turns, and leaves the kitchen, taking Kitty with him. EXT. MANSION -- DAY Kirk and a neatly dressed Devon leave the house and approach the gleaming Rolls Royce. KIRK How was your first night? DEVON Barely slept. I was waiting for your uncle to come after me with a chain saw. KIRK Don't be silly. My uncle wouldn't do that. An antique dagger--perhaps.

Jett opens the back door for them. INT. ROLLS ROYCE Devon strokes the seats of the car and looks around the elegant interior. Jett drives and Jerad rides in the front passenger side. DEVON No wonder you like to ride along. This is traveling in style. KIRK Yes, that it is. EXT. TOWN SQUARE -- DAY The gray Rolls pulls up to a parking space by the curb. four get out. Jerad looks at his watch then to Kirk. JERAD We'll be leaving by four. Kirk nods with a smiles and guides Devon away. DEVON Thank God we don't have to remain with him. KIRK He wasn't always this miserable. He was fun when Ashly was alive. DEVON Ashly? KIRK His girlfriend. She was killed in a car accident. When she died, it was all downhill after that. I suppose part of him died along with her. DEVON How long ago was that? KIRK About ten years ago. DEVON I could try to be more sympathetic, but there's sad then there's plain miserable. Men like your uncle don't change. All

KIRK Tell me about it. I tried once to get him a date--that was a huge mistake. I don't think he cares if another woman ever touches him again. DEVON No wonder he's a ticking time bomb. He needs to get laid. Kirk laughs as she links onto his arm with a broad grin. We see several clusters of people gathering on the sidewalks and talking about something. DEVON What's going on? Someone important in town? Or aren't they used to strangers? KIRK Sometimes they get uptight when my uncle comes to town--but this appears different. An attractive woman in her early thirties, CHERI PROCTOR, hurries up to Kirk with a broad grin. CHERI Well, Kirk Stratton. What brings you back this way? KIRK Cheri Proctor, this is my friend, Devon Gage. CHERI It's a pleasure. Why don't the two of you come to our lunch? We're going to discuss plans for town hall. Free lunch? What time? Half an hour. Blanche. KIRK Sounds good to me. CHERI I have to find

KIRK Okay--see you then. Cheri hurries off. KIRK

Something's happening. Renovations to town hall wouldn't have her that excited. DEVON What do you suppose is happening? KIRK When you want town gossip, you go to the press. INT. PRESS A quirky man, JONAS MOCK, buzzes around the store front with a broad grin on his face. Kirk and Devon attempt to stay out of his way. Jonas appears to be high on caffeine. JONAS It's too cool, man. He pours them coffee and nearly misses the cups. He slings the pot while talking. Coffee seems to jump from the pot. JONAS The flyers are out--and the town is buzzing. He spills coffee on his hand and jumps with discomfort. He sets the pot down and shakes his hand. He grabs a single page and hands it to Kirk. JONAS The Ax Man returns. KIRK Ax Man? JONAS My nickname for him--or her. Woman-(waves his hands) No matter. Ax

KIRK (reads) Just when you thought it was safe to walk the streets, Sheriff Tyson McLean allows yet another criminal roam free on our streets. (MORE)

KIRK (Cont)

Mayor Horst Ernhardt has once again opened the jugular and bled the town for nearly one hundred thousand dollars for empty promises, so that he might afford his high priced mistress and her beach house. (eyes Jonas) Who is this? Jonas points to the letterhead. black roses along the top. There's a grim reaper and

JONAS (creepy voice) The Reaper--says everything I've feared too. KIRK (paces/reads) High on Mayor Ernhardt's list of investors is the pompous and self-absorbed Jerad Stratton, who sits upon his mountainous throne and indulges his unadoring public with his presence like some deity. (pause) Oh, uncle's not going to like this. To the left is the third horseman, Judge Adam Cyrus. His corrupt power keeps women subservient and out of his "men only" country club, so that his well to do and less endowed members can indulge in spectacular orgies and adultery. These three horsemen are our town's downfall. Their holier than thou attitudes are no longer tolerated and should be condemned. Rise up the little people, for the evil shall mend their wicked ways or forever be damned. The Reaper. JONAS The man is a poet! DEVON I'm afraid I don't understand.


I'll explain. About two, maybe three years ago, this town was crushed beneath the thumbs of corrupt and powerful men. Then the reaper spawns from the earth. (hand gestures) This underground paper is born. The Ax Man comes out with dirty secrets by the bag full. Suddenly, everyone's ruffled. Egos crashed to the ground-(dramatic) And bubbles burst! They're exposed for the cruel bullies they are. The power is sucked from their bodies and the peasants rejoiced. Jonas throws his back to the counter with enthusiasm. JONAS This town, that was so image conscious--cleaned up its act. Whenever someone becomes too big--the Ax Man hacks them off at the knees. DEVON So there have been other stories like this one? JONAS Oh, many. I've saved them. Would you like to borrow a copy of them--some light reading? DEVON I'd be interested--yes. KIRK Put it in a plain envelope. uncle will freak. You got it. JONAS Be back. My

Jonas hurries to the back and catapults over a half wall. DEVON He's wired.


He never sleeps. We're going to be late. I'm going to call Cheri at town hall from the pay phone outside. Break away as soon as possible. Kirk hurries for the door. He no sooner leaves when Jonas hurls over the half wall with a large packet in a white envelope. JONAS Where'd rich boy go? DEVON He had to keep an engagement. (accepts the packet) Tell me something, Jonas. JONAS Anything, babe. DEVON Who do you think this guy--or girl is? What started this fire under the town? JONAS (motions her closer) Ghosts. DEVON Ghosts? JONAS I've got it all figured. Devon attempts to keep from bolting away from the overly excited man. JONAS A month before the flyer appeared, there was a young woman new to the town. She was gentle and innocent--got a waitress job at the diner. Our most prestigious pricks in town were running around with their dicks hard for her. (tiny smile) Oops--sorry. Anyway, she was hounded--even tormented. She was completely disinterested. One week later, she was murdered.


DEVON By who?

JONAS Don't know. Her murder was treated like someone running over a stray dog. There were rumors and snickers about her and her death. The first flyer leaped out and-(hands near her neck) grabbed them by the throat. (lowers his hands) It's her uneasy spirit--it comes back for revenge against those heartless bastards who wanted a quick hump then ran her name through the mud after she met her fate. I don't feel sorry for any of them. DEVON You're very entertaining, Jonas. I appreciate the reading material. By the way--what was the young girl's name? JONAS Rose--just Rose. Probably not even her real name. (to the rose on the flyer) Get it? The Reaper, bringer of death, name of the rose. Devon forces a smile and nods. DEVON Thanks, Jonas. JONAS Anytime. INT. TOWN HALL We see a gorgeous woman in her late thirties, BLANCHE EARNHARDT, at the podium. She's the mayor's wife. BLANCHE I'm proud to announce the town hall's face lift will begin next week--greatly due to the efforts of the Ladies Club. Let's give them a hand.

There's a round of applause from mostly women filling the room. BLANCHE Everyone, help yourselves to the fine lunch provided by the Ladies Club. Everyone begins to stand. Cheri quickly approaches Devon.

CHERI Devon--right? Could we steal you away a moment? KIRK I'm just going to help myself to the buffet. Kirk leaves them. Cheri links onto Devon's arm and leads her to Blanche and several other women. CHERI Blanche, this is Devon Gage. Devon, this is the mayor's wife, Blanche. Blanche cheerfully shakes Devon's hand. BLANCHE Welcome to our town, Devon. I hope you're being shown a good time. DEVON Kirk's introduced me to some interesting people. BLANCHE Doll--he's a dog. Don't get me wrong. He's charming and comes from good, wealthy stock, but he changes girlfriends like underwear. CHERI I hope you're not mad. DEVON I'll keep that under advisement, but I'm enjoying his company at the moment.


I understand. All that unpleasantness aside, I hope you'll enjoy our highly liberated town. We consider our town to be female friendly. We're developing a sort of sisterhood to newcomers. If you think you'll be sticking around, we want you to know that we'll be here to support and welcome you. CHERI And don't listen to any of those rumors about the men being chauvinists. We're crushing that image--and some egos. DEVON Does that have something to do with the Reaper? Both women expressions drop. move in closer. They quickly look around then

BLANCHE The Reaper is on our side. DEVON Then you know who it is? BLANCHE Well--we all have our opinions, but no one knows for sure. CHERI But he's definitely a man. DEVON How do you know? BLANCHE Can you keep a sister secret? Devon nods. BLANCHE The Reaper does more than just collect secrets and stories. Women all around town have received single, red roses while they sleep.


He's extremely romantic and noble. It's our most guarded secret. BLANCHE Half of the women in town put on their nightwear finest and hope that he'll steal a kiss in the night. If you're around town at night, look to the bedroom windows and look for roses. CHERI A rose in the window is, well, sort of like an invitation for him to make an appearance. BLANCHE It actually works. DEVON Kinda like a kissing bandit, huh? BLANCHE Now you're getting it. It may sound strange, but it's harmless. DEVON But the Reaper trashed your husband last night. Doesn't that bother you? BLANCHE Doll, that's the equalizer. I don't need to keep an eye on Horst. The Reaper lets me know what he does. My relationship improves after every report. Horst tries very hard to keep clean. He sometimes falls, but he's much better than he was. CHERI Come on, we'll introduce you to some of the others. EXT. TOWN HALL -- DAY Cheri and Blanche practically drag Devon from the hall with Kirk following behind, patting his full belly.


Kirk, dear, you don't mind if we take Devon over to meet Doc Onslow, do you? KIRK Not at all. I'll just be at the bar. (to Devon) I'll meet you back at the car by four. Devon waves. Cheri pulls Devon across the street. Blanche follows with a more sophisticated style than her younger counterpart. We see DR. TERRY ONSLOW helping an elderly woman into the back of a car. He waves to the woman as they drive her home. Dr. Onslow sees Cheri, Devon, and Blanche. He smiles warmly. CHERI Dr. Onslow, this is Devon Gage. She's new to town. ONSLOW (shakes her hand) Always a pleasure to meet a new client. Particularly the healthy variety. (stern look) You don't smoke, I hope. Causes wrinkles and leathery skin--hate leathery skin on women. DEVON No, I don't smoke, but I like salt and chocolate. Will I live? ONSLOW Too soon to tell. (to others) She's a funny one. I like a patient with a sense of humor-laughs at all my jokes. What brings you to our happy little town? DEVON Kirk Stratton. ONSLOW Hmm--I'll put you down for an STD test.


STD? ONSLOW Sexually transmitted disease. DEVON Come on--he's not that bad. Silence from all three. ONSLOW Hey, we'll do lunch. 12:30. Gotta run. Thursday--

Onslow disappears back inside leaving all three slightly baffled. Cheri looks behind them, gasps, and then laughs nervously. Blanche and Devon turn as well. We see Jerad and Jett standing behind them. CHERI Afternoon, Mr. Stratton. Blanche seductively leans against the lamp post and eyes him. BLANCHE Hey, Jerad. Jerad glares at her. JERAD Good day--ladies. Blanche and Cheri turn and walk away. back at Devon. BLANCHE You coming with us, Devon? Devon eyes Jerad. His glare speaks for itself. back at them and smiles. DEVON I think I'm being grounded. Blanche and Cheri attempt smiles and leave. JERAD Where's Kirk? DEVON I believe he went for a drink. He said he'd meet us at the car by four. JERAD She looks They pause and look

(to Jett) Go get him. We'll meet you at the car. Jett nods and leaves them. Jerad points to the car. Devon frowns and walks toward town square. Jerad walks behind her. She holds her envelope tightly to her chest. DEVON Are you ever in a good mood? JERAD No. DEVON Just checking. They approach the car. leans against the car. Devon spins her back to the door and

DEVON You know, I'm not a child, and I resent being treated like one. JERAD Get in the car. Devon frowns and moves away from the door. She eyes him then the door with a raised brow. Jerad glares then opens the door. Devon climbs in and slides over. Jerad gets in the back as well. INT. ROLLS ROYCE -- CONTINUOUS Devon eyes Jerad as he shuts the door. He slouches in the seat, shuts his eyes, and rubs his temple. DEVON Bad day? JERAD Is polite conversation really necessary? DEVON No--I doubt you could be polite. Jerad suddenly straightens and turns to face her. JERAD What is it with you? Do you have a comeback for everything?


Rule number three forbids crude behavior--you never said anything about rude behavior. JERAD If you want me to respect you, I suggest you respect me. DEVON You don't want to be respected, you want to be obeyed. I'm not a dog. They stare at one another a long moment. Jerad turns and looks out the side window with his hand to his temple. DEVON Why do you hate me so much? What is it about me that threatens you to the point of hostility? JERAD (without looking) I never said I hate you. You're just the flavor of the week. DEVON Maybe so, but I always get my way. The trick is to figure out what it is I'm really after. Jerad slowly turns his head and eyes her with apparent curiousness. Devon smirks and turns back in her seat, maintaining her confident smile. Jerad stares a moment longer. The car doors open. Jett get in the driver's seat, and Kirk gets into the front, passenger seat. Kirk looks back at both. KIRK It's not four yet. rush? What's the

Jerad once more stares out the side window with his hand to his temple and doesn't respond. Kirk glances at Devon. She shrugs. Kirk turns back facing front. EXT. MANSION -- DAY We see the Rolls pull up to the mansion. Jerad bolts from the car and heads up the steps and into the house. Jett opens the trunk and removes some bags. KIRK Maybe I should talk to him.

DEVON Good luck. Kirk hurries after his uncle. smiles as he gathers bags. Devon approaches Jett and

DEVON Need some help, Jett? JETT There are a few light bags. Thank you. Devon removes the two smaller bags and closes the trunk. They approach the house together. INT. FOYER/HALLWAY Jett and Devon enter the house with the bags. We see Jerad on the steps with Kirk not far behind. Kirk appears upset and walks away and into the lounge. JERAD (to Jett) I'm expecting Sheriff McLean sometime before dinner. I'll be in the conservatory. Inform me when he arrives. Show him to the study. JETT Yes, Sir. Jerad jogs up the stairs. and attempts a smile. Both watch. Devon looks to Jett

DEVON Where would you like the bags? JETT Mine are the books for the library and kitchen. Yours are Mr. Stratton's personal items and music sheets. If you'd like to run those upstairs--you'd save my legs. DEVON You're very lazy, Jett. JETT I'm not paid to be energetic. Jett nods up the stairs. DEVON

Will I be killed if I enter his room? JETT Possibly--but he's pretty distracted at the moment, so you should be safe. Jett turns and walks toward the kitchen. the stairs. INT. SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY Devon walks along the hallway. We hear beautiful piano music coming from the conservatory. Devon pauses near the open door and looks inside. INT. CONSERVATORY -- CONTINUOUS We see the large, marble floored room with a wall of glass to the outside, several expensive antiques, and a walk-in fireplace. Jerad sits before the black, grand piano and plays the romantic tune. INT. SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS Devon listens a moment longer then continues past. approaches the end bedroom and opens the door. INT. MASTER BEDROOM -- CONTINUOUS Devon slowly enters the room and looks around with amazement. The room is elegant and fit for a king complete with an old, canopy bed with tapestry bed curtains, and fireplace. Kitty lay on the bed and looks at her. The panther rolls onto her back and stretches. Devon places the bags and her envelope onto a nearby table and approaches the huge, tall bed. Devon heaves herself onto the edge of the bed and pets the panther. The panther looks to the doorway. Devon looks as well. Jerad stands in the doorway with his hands in his pockets. JERAD What do you think you're doing? DEVON (looks around) Apparently breaking rule number three. JERAD I can see that. Devon jumps from the bed and walks toward him and the door. DEVON She Devon approaches

It must really piss you off-JERAD What's that? DEVON That despite your efforts, I can still be in a good mood. Do you ever smile? JERAD Only when completely necessary. Does it give you some secret thrill to challenge me at every opportunity? DEVON If I can pull some emotion from you, it's well worth it. But my visit is far less sinister-(indicates bags) Just helping Jett. Jerad looks to the nearby bags then swiftly moves toward them. He picks up the white envelope with a look of confusion. JERAD What's this? Devon's expression drops. It's mine. She hurries toward him.

DEVON I must've left it--

Jerad holds the envelope just out of her reach. JERAD Judging by the look on your face, it must be something very important. Devon attempts to snatch it from him. He gracefully spins and walks deeper into the room while opening the envelope. Devon charges after him and attempts to remove it from him. DEVON (angry) Give that back--that's personal. She grabs his left arm holding the envelope. He grabs her around the waist and pulls her to his hip and away from the envelope and his left hand. She continues to reach for the envelope then looks to the humored smile on his face, as he stares at her. She appears suddenly aware that she's being held against

him, and she's even using him as leverage to reach the envelope. JERAD Ask nicely. They stare at one another a long moment. voice from somewhere within the hall. KIRK (O.S.) Devon? Jerad releases Devon. She snatches the envelope from him. Kirk appears in the doorway. Devon hurries toward Kirk. Jerad casually leans against the foot post of the bed and plays with Kitty's tail. KIRK Everything okay? DEVON Your uncle was just being his usual, charming self. Kirk glances at the envelope and attempts a smile. KIRK No harm done, though--right? JERAD She shouldn't have been in my room in the first place. DEVON I told you--Jett asked me to bring them up here. JERAD They belong in the music room. You heard him wrong. Devon considers a moment then looks at Kirk with a frown. DEVON Let's go. Kirk leads Devon from the room. INT. KITCHEN -- LATER Devon enters the kitchen from the back stairs. Jett helps the cook prepare dinner. Jett looks at Devon as she approaches. A cheap smile crosses his face. JETT Was it a warm reception? We hear Kirk's

Devon leans against the counter and glares at him. DEVON You did that on purpose--and after I went out of my way to be nice to you. JETT I said it was music sheets. You assumed it was for his bedroom. Did he catch you? DEVON You know he did. JETT It was all in good fun. I like getting Mr. Stratton's blood pressure up now and again. I'd love to have seen his face-DEVON You're going to pay. Devon grabs some flour from a nearby container and slings it at him. Jett jumps and looks down at himself. He frowns then smiles. JETT That was a mistake. Jett grabs a handful of flour and assaults her hair with it. Devon playfully screams. They begin to battle with flour and unbaked pastries. The cook goes about his business and moves further away. Devon grabs an icing bag and squirts icing on Jett. He grabs her and the icing bag with too much force. They slip on the uncooked pasties and fall to the floor laughing. Devon pins Jett to the floor and paints him with icing. We see a pair of expensive shoes standing before them. Both stop and look to Jerad standing in the floury mess before them. He stares with disapproval. Jett and Devon are in an embrace along with the mess. JETT (serious look) She started it. Devon frowns and gives him another squirt of icing. EXT. BEACH -- NIGHT Kirk and Devon walk along the beach while holding hands.


Maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea. You and my uncle haven't gotten off on the best start. DEVON Does anyone? KIRK Well--no, but not to the degree you go. Why do you push? DEVON I don't push. I just don't back down. I also don't take any shit. KIRK He's giving me a hard time about the money--maybe it's everything that's been happening in town. DEVON I don't know how you could possibly ask him for anything. I couldn't imagine owing him. KIRK He's never asked for a dime in return. He's never even held it against me. Maybe we should leave. DEVON If you want to. KIRK Maybe another day or two. He seems to lighten up near the end of the week. Maybe you could be just a little nicer to him. I know it's not easy, but if he'd just give up some cash, we could leave. DEVON You want me to kiss up to him? He's horrible. KIRK Please, for me. DEVON Okay. I'll be nice to him if it kills me. KIRK

That's my girl. Kirk kisses her passionately on the mouth then pulls away and smiles. KIRK Why don't I come to your room tonight after everyone's in bed? That way you can remain respectable--at least in appearance. DEVON Kirk, you promised when we got together. KIRK I know. I'll respect your decision to wait awhile. I can't help to be impatient. You're just so different from other girls. Much smarter too. Devon kisses him quickly then shivers. DEVON It's chilly tonight. KIRK I know what'll warm you up. Devon eyes him. KIRK No, some hot chocolate at the town bar. They make the best hot chocolate. I could use a drink myself. DEVON Okay, you're on. EXT. TOWN -- NIGHT Kirk's Mercedes drives through town. homes with roses in the windows. INT. KIRK'S CAR Devon stares out the car window while Kirk drives. DEVON That's strange-KIRK What? We see several dark

DEVON The houses. They have roses in the windows. KIRK Rumor has it the town's women believe in urban legends. They seem to think that some Romeo will come steal kisses--maybe more if they invite him. I'll tell you what happens. Devon pays close attention. KIRK Their husbands got wise to it and starting playing on the fantasy. They're the ones stealing kisses. DEVON Nothing wrong with adding romance to a marriage. Women sometimes like that. KIRK Oh, great. Now you'll be putting roses in your window at night. DEVON Inviting a stranger into your bedroom is never a good idea. It's just asking for trouble. KIRK I'm glad to hear, because if it's romance you want, I can give you that. INT. SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY -- NIGHT Kirk walks Devon to her bedroom. The thundering piano music can be heard from the music room. Kirk looks at his watch then smiles drunkenly. KIRK One o'clock. He's going into overtime. Must be creating another masterpiece. DEVON Tell him to play something soft, so I can be lulled to sleep. KIRK

Tell him yourself. Kirk kisses her briefly but deeply, pulls away with a smile, and leaves. Devon enters her room. INT. DEVON'S BEDROOM Devon pulls her hair back into a ponytail while sitting on the bed in her large nightshirt. We hear the soft, romantic ballad. Devon sinks into thought and smiles. She walks to the closed bedroom door and opens it. The music seems to linger into the room. Devon leaves the door open, returns to the bed, and turns out the light. She sleeps peacefully beneath the covers with the hall light shining in on her. A shadow blocks the light. Devon slowly wakes and opens her eyes. We see Jerad's outline in the doorway. He turns to leave. Devon props herself on her left elbow. DEVON (tired/soft) You play beautifully. JERAD You liked that? Is that why your door is open? To hear better? DEVON Yes--does it bother you? JERAD No--I'm glad you liked it. night--Devon. Devon lie down and cuddles her pillow. DEVON Good night--Jerad. INT. KITCHEN -- MORNING Devon trots down the stairs as Jett removes muffins from the oven. Devon inhales deeply and smiles. DEVON Oh, that smells good. JETT I have strict orders to make sure you behave. Don't get me in any more trouble. Devon stands near him as he removes the muffins. Good


I'm not the problem--that would be you. JETT You get to leave in a couple of days. I have to live here--just remember that. DEVON (snatches a hot muffin) So, what's our plan for this morning? These vampires are enough to drive me insane. JETT Would you like me to take you for a drive along the coast? Very quiet in the early morning. DEVON (juggles her muffin) That sounds splendid. You will take the Rolls, I hope. JETT It's the only way to travel. The kitchen door opens. We see Jerad enter the kitchen fully showered and dressed. Both Jett and Devon stare a moment with some surprise. JETT Good morning, Sir. you some coffee? Can I get

Jerad hovers over the fresh muffins then takes one. JERAD If you can manage it to go. JETT Certainly. Jett walks toward the coffee pot and gives Devon a bewildered look. JERAD We'll be having dinner guests tonight. Seven to be specific. See that cook gets all the details pulled together.


Business, Sir? Shall I only set the table for eight or ten? Jett casts a glance toward Devon, as if suggesting his other house guests. Jerad turns and looks at Devon then back to Jett. JERAD Ten will be fine. I'll speak to you later about the seating arrangements. Jett pours coffee into a traveler mug with a lid and hands it to him. JETT Where are you off to, Sir? JERAD Traveling up the coast for some of that imported brandy. JETT Taking the boat? JERAD You're inquisitive today. I'm taking the boat. Yes,

Jett casts a glance to Devon and flashes a secret smile. DEVON Would you mind some company? Jerad looks at Devon a moment, as if insulted that she'd even ask. JERAD It's just a trip out and back. There won't be any stops inbetween. Not much fun, I assure you. DEVON That's okay. I haven't been out in a boat in years. Sounds like fun to me. All right. JERAD Let's go. Devon

Jerad leaves the kitchen through the back door. smiles at Jett then disappears after Jerad.


We see the elegant cruiser motor boat traveling along the ocean coast. Devon sits in the passenger seat while Jerad drives. It's not a large boat by any means. We see beaches and sunbathers pass. There are a few other boats out in the early morning. Devon looks to the back of the boat. We see a small door in the floor. DEVON What's below? JERAD A very small cabin. I'm sure Kirk will introduce you to it. DEVON Can I look? Jerad shrugs. Devon moves from her seat and pulls up the small door. She climbs down the three steps. INT. BOAT CABIN -- CONTINUOUS Devon has to duck to fit into the space beneath. We see little more than a crawl in bed and a small porthole on each side. The ceiling is only three feet above the bed. Devon cringes. EXT. BOAT -- CONTINUOUS Devon appears from the opening, climbs onto deck, and shuts the door. She returns to her seat. JERAD Well--what do you think? DEVON Cozy--for a tomb. Jerad laughs softly. JERAD I've only been down there twice myself. I know the feeling. DEVON You're in a good mood today. JERAD Don't get used to it. Devon eyes him, smiles, and then shakes her head. EXT. OLD LIQUOR STORE -- DAY We see the old, rickety shop just beyond the dock. The

place is unimpressive. INT. OLD LIQUOR STORE The interior is almost less impressive then the exterior. friendly, elderly man brings a case to the counter before Jerad. OLD MAN Been saving this for you. JERAD (removes a bottle) And I'm grateful. The old man looks to Devon as she walks along the shelves, examining the imported wines. He looks back to Jerad. OLD MAN Very attractive. Jerad replaces the bottle and looks at the old man, as if not paying attention. JERAD Hmm? What? The old man gives a nod toward Devon across the store. Jerad immediately goes for his wallet with a disinterest to explain. JERAD Oh--yes. Jerad hands him the cash. The old man continues to grin. Devon approaches the counter. She eyes the open case. DEVON Is it any good? The old man smiles and removes a corkscrew from behind the counter. Jerad glares at him. JERAD It's not even ten o'clock. The old man just grins and removes three small, paper cups. Jerad shakes his head with a tiny smile and proceeds to remove the cork skillfully. OLD MAN So--you Jerad's girlfriend? Jerad glares at the old man, though he doesn't seem to notice. A

DEVON I doubt I'd survive the experience. The old man notices the look from Jerad. OLD MAN What's that look about? If you don't want her, I'll take her. JERAD You're old enough to be her grandfather-OLD MAN I like them young. JERAD She's my nephew's girlfriend-and mind you manners. OLD MAN What's Kirk doing with a nice, respectable girl like that? Jerad removes the cork and looks at the old man. JERAD I don't ask--and I don't care. Jerad pours some brandy into each cup. cup. The old man sips it and smiles. They each take a

OLD MAN I should've been rich instead of so damned handsome. We need some imported cigars. I have some around somewhere. JERAD No, it's too early in the morning. You'll make me ill. Devon smells the contents of the paper cup and grimaces. Jerad eyes her with a mocking smile. JERAD Drink it right down. Devon does as he says. softly. Any good? Devon attempts a smile, nods, and then coughs. She nearly gags. JERAD Both men laugh

JERAD For two hundred dollars a bottle, it should be. Devon looks at him with surprise. The old man laughs softly then studies Devon while pouring himself another taste. OLD MAN You remind me of someone-The old man pours another for Devon then moves to Jerad's cup. Jerad places his hand over the cup, not wanting anymore. OLD MAN That young waitress that came through here a few years back. (to Jerad) What was her name? JERAD I don't recall. Jerad removes the bottle from him, corks it, and replaces it to the case. OLD MAN Rose--that's it. She was quite the eye catcher. Didn't she die? JERAD I believe she was killed. OLD MAN Yeah, I think you're right. Poor thing. DEVON How did she die? Devon uncertainly drinks the contents from the cup. She holds back her gasp. The old man appears uncertain and looks to Jerad. JERAD I don't recall. See you next year. The old man smiles and waves. Jerad picks up the case and leaves the shop. Devon follows after him. EXT. BOAT -- DAY Devon rides alongside Jerad in silence as the boat jets through the water. Devon appears preoccupied and uncomfortable. She glances at

Jerad several times. DEVON Wasn't that woman murdered? Possibly. recall. JERAD I don't really

DEVON You didn't know her well then? JERAD She was probably around a week at most. I'd met her once or twice at the diner. Why the sudden interest? DEVON Just wondering how long I can remain in town before someone decides to kill me. JERAD I haven't killed you yet--so your chances for survival are fair. Devon glares at him without humor. smiles with a low chuckle. He glances at her and

DEVON I don't know what put you in such a good mood. It's almost scary. JERAD Expensive brandy always puts me in a good mood. Devon removes the open bottle from the case and extends it to him with a smile. DEVON Please--stay drunk until I leave. JERAD Ladies first. Devon hesitates, uncorks the bottle, and drinks from it. She makes a face and hands it to him. He slows the boat, takes the bottle, and takes a drink as well. Jerad returns the bottle to her. EXT. BEACH -- DAY

We see the boat tied to the dock. Devon walks up the long set of steep steps, slightly unsteady. Jerad follows behind with the bottle in his hand. Devon laughs softly and fumbles up the steps. Jerad laughs along with her and attempts to steady her. Devon looks back at him and nearly falls. DEVON Did you just grab my ass? JERAD (humored) I don't recall. Both continue to laugh and struggle with the steps. INT. FOYER/HALLWAY Devon and Jerad enter the foyer. Jett approaches and stops with a look of surprise. Jerad smiles while keeping Devon from falling with an arm securely around her waist. JETT Dare I ask? JERAD (cheerfully) Just making certain the brandy is acceptable. Where's Kirk? JETT He went to town. He'll be back before dinner. Devon pulls away and attempts the steps. She bursts out laughing as she nearly misses a step. Jerad catches her around the waist from behind and keeps her from stumbling down them. Jerad hands Jett the bottle. JERAD Would you mind bringing some coffee up to the music room? Plenty of it, okay? Jett nods. Jerad helps Devon down the foyer steps and toward the main stairs. INT. CONSERVATORY Devon sits on the bench alongside Jerad as he plays the piano. Devon clings to Jerad's arm and rests her head on his shoulder while listening to the music. Jerad stops playing and looks at her only inches from him. She smiles warmly. DEVON

That's wonderful. Who'd think someone so cold could compose something so romantic? JERAD I suppose you're trying to be charming, in a drunken sort of way. DEVON (drunk) No, just trying to figure you out, thats all. Will you write something for me? JERAD Perhaps. DEVON (studies him) You know something? JERAD (eyes her) Hmm? DEVON You're rather handsome. JERAD And you're drunk. DEVON That has nothing to do with it. You were handsome before I was drunk. Jerad stares at her and continues to smile. hand on her leg near him. JERAD I don't think Kirk would be too impressed with that. DEVON What? He hasn't looked at another woman since he's met me? Give me a break. JERAD As much as I'd like to see Kirk change, Devon, I doubt he ever will. He places his


It's not important anyway. Kirk can do whatever he wants. He's not my problem. JERAD You don't care if he chases other women? DEVON Why should I? I've only just met him. All he's interested in is getting me into bed. He'll get bored and move on soon enough. JERAD (caresses her leg) You're taking that rather well. Why did you go out with him in the first place? DEVON (hesitates) Uh? Good question. Haven't a clue. Are you going to play more for me? JERAD Yes--I think I will. Jerad removes his hand from her leg and plays a soft, romantic melody. Devon smiles and replaces her head to his shoulder and allows her right hand to fall to his leg. Jett enters through the open doorway with a silver serving tray with a coffee pot and cups. He approaches and sets the tray on top of the piano. JERAD Thank you, Jett. Jett glances at the seductive scene. He smirks and leaves the room, shutting the doors behind him. Jerad finishes the tune then proceeds to pour two cups of coffee. He extends a cup to her. JERAD Time to sober up. We have important guests tonight. Devon releases him, straightens, and accepts the cup. drinks from it, makes a face, and sets it down. DEVON Oh, that's bitter. Jerad sips from his cup and replaces it as well. He returns She

to playing the piano. JERAD Sorry--house rules. No drunk and disorderly at dinner--we save that for after. Devon smiles and runs her finger down his neck while he plays the soft melody. Jerad smiles but doesn't look at her. JERAD You're a terrible flirt when you're drunk. DEVON And you're much more tolerable when you're drunk. JERAD I'm not drunk. I like to have my wits about me, but it was fun getting you drunk. DEVON If you're not drunk, then why are you suddenly being so nice? JERAD You seem to respond well to it. And I like the way you touch me. DEVON You're very charming when you want to be. Devon gently runs her hand along his chest. playing and half turns to face her. JERAD Keep it up, my dear Devon, and drunk or not, I may just ravish you. Devon stares at him a moment. It apparently sinks in. She smiles with some embarrassment and moves away from him. She attempts to compose herself and reaches for her coffee. DEVON I understood that. She drinks her coffee and replaces the cup. JERAD Apposed to being ravished? DEVON Jerad stops

I've guarded my body just as closely as I've guarded my heart. If I'm with someone, it has to be the real thing. JERAD Oh-(tiny smile) I see-(plays piano) I can respect that. I haven't opened my heart in years. Once you shut off emotions--the rest comes easily. Devon leans toward him and kisses his cheek. playing but doesn't look at her. DEVON That's no way to live, Jerad. Jerad turns his head and looks at her a moment. He slowly leans closer to her and gently kisses her on the lips. He pulls away and their eyes meet. She smiles and blushes. Devon slowly places her arms around him. Jerad hesitates a moment, then pulls her against him, and kisses her passionately. Devon returns the kiss and strokes his chest. There's a knock on the door. Jerad pulls away a moment. JERAD Go away! He immediately returns to kissing Devon with passion and some aggression. Devon allows a soft sigh to escape, causing Jerad to become more aggressive. His hand slides along her side and down her chest. The door opens. Jerad pulls away from Devon so fast, she nearly looses her balance. She quickly collects herself. Jett hurries into the room and gives Jerad a stern look. Jerad moves away from Devon and continues to play the piano. Kirk enters only moments after Jett. KIRK Oh, there you two are. why did you ignore me? Jett, Jerad stops

JETT (turns) Oh--were you talking to me? KIRK I chased you halfway across the house. (to Devon) How was your outing? DEVON

Fine. Your uncle was actually behaving for a change. KIRK There's a first for everything. (to Jerad) Finally warming up to Devon, huh? JERAD I suppose I have. KIRK Well, how about we take a little walk to the beach before the guests arrive? I should have enough time for a shower after. DEVON Oh--I don't have any idea what I'm going to wear for dinner tonight. Maybe we could run to town. My dress from the other night is at the cleaners. KIRK We'll never make it back in time. We only have an hour. I still need to shower and change myself. JERAD Let's not debate all evening about it. Just take her to town. KIRK We'll be late. Jerad stops playing and looks to Jett. JERAD Would you mind getting those dresses from the storage closet and taking them to Devon's room? Jett appears surprised. Yes, Sir. Jett hesitates, smiles, and then extends his hand to Devon. She accepts his hand, stands, and composes herself. Jett escorts her from the room. She manages to walk without staggering. KIRK He gives a slight nod. JETT

You're letting her borrow Ashely's-JERAD (without looking) Don't you think you'd better shower? I hate the smell of cheap perfume. Kirk hesitates then quickly turns and leaves the room. INT. LOUNGE -- EVENING We see Blanche Ernhardt in a red, revealing dress standing alongside her husband, MAYOR HORSE ERNHARDT, and the school administrator, SAL ALGER, a very handsome man in his midthirties. We see Dr. Onslow talking to SHERIFF TYSON MCLEAN, a kind looking man in his forties. Jerad talks to MILO VAUGHN, ESQUIRE, and JUDGE ADAM CYRUS. Kirk enters with Cheri Proctor. Cheri looks like a million dollars in her short, green, velvet dress. Jerad eyes Kirk from across the room. He frowns. JERAD (to Adam/Milo) Excuse me. Jerad walks across the room and manages a smile. JERAD Hello, Cheri--will you excuse us a moment. Jerad grabs Kirk's arm and pulls him from the lounge. INT. FOYER/HALLWAY

Jerad and Kirk argue softly in the foyer. Jett escorts Devon down the steps like royalty, holding her hand gracefully in the air. Jett clears his throat. Both men turn toward the steps. Devon wears a slinky black dress. It's tastefully low cut in the front and the back plummets. A long slit rises up the left side. She wears her hair elegantly up in a French twist with a few stray locks hanging. Jett guides her to the bottom of the steps and smiles proudly. Jett gracefully kisses her hand. Devon smiles with a soft laugh. Kirk looks her up and down with his mouth hanging open. KIRK Devon--you look stunning. Jerad places his hands in his pockets moves in front of Kirk with his back to Jett and Devon. Jerad says something in a low tone. Kirk frowns and walks

back to the lounge. pleasant smile.

Devon eyes Jerad as he turns with a

DEVON Was it something I said? Jerad approaches her with a warm smile and extends his hand to her. JERAD Just a small change of plans. You'll be my date for the evening. My house--my rules. Jerad guides her to the lounge. lounge. Devon stops him before the

DEVON Is he mad about his afternoon? Jerad fidgets a moment. He looks past her to Jett, who frowns, and then looks back at her with an uneasy smile. JERAD Kirk invited a date. DEVON Oh-JERAD I'll deal with him in the morning. Let's just enjoy this evening, okay? DEVON You don't have to worry, Jerad. I don't intend to cause a scene. Kirk can do as he pleases. JERAD I'm glad you're taking it so well. Shall we? DEVON It would be my pleasure. INT. DINING ROOM -- LATER Devon is seated between Jerad at the head of the table and Dr. Onslow. To Jerad's other side is Adam Cyrus. Next to him is Cheri, then Kirk. The mayor sits at the opposite head of the table next to his wife and Milo. The conversation remains rather high brow. Devon listens but offers very little to the conversation. Kirk appears agitated throughout dinner. He eyes Devon several times. Jett fills Devon's wine glass every time her head is turned. Jerad finally glares at him. Jett smiles innocently and

backs away. Devon casts a glance at Jett and mocks him. Jett secretly smiles. MAYOR So, Jerad, what is this little get together all about? You don't usually invite us here without some sort of motive. JERAD I'd hoped we could discuss business, but we'll have to wait until after dinner. We could talk in the library over brandy. Jett passes by with the wine bottle and gives Devon a slight nudge. Devon glares at him. He fills Dr. Onslow's glass and flashes a knowing smile at her. She hides her smile and looks away. MAYOR If it's about the Reaper business, everyone here already has something at stake anyway. JERAD I wouldn't want to spoil anyone's dinner. BLANCHE You wouldn't spoil anything, Jerad. In fact, I'm certain we all have our opinions of the Reaper. He speaks the truth. If the truth hurts, then maybe lifestyles need to be changed. MAYOR Do you have a solution for our situation, Jerad, or did you just want to complain? JERAD All right, since the subject is brought up. I think we need to expose this person and stop these libelous remarks. SHERIFF We've been trying to do that for the past two years. If he could be stopped so easily, we would have done it by now.


Maybe you're using the wrong bait. BLANCHE Maybe this town needs to clean up its act once and for all. He doesn't attack you because he's spiteful, he attacks because the bunch of you thinks he's better than everyone else. Haven't you figured it out yet? MAYOR Stop portraying him as some hero, Blanche. He's a con man and a thief. He breaks into people's homes and steals the information he needs. JERAD Everyone seems to be missing the point. We need to lure him out into the open. That's the only way to stop him. BLANCHE You don't need to lure him anywhere. You just need to stop being such bastards. Everyone stares at Blanche. ONSLOW He hasn't targeted me in over a year. Blanche has a point. JERAD Some of us don't fold so quickly, Doc. BLANCHE Maybe you should learn. This town has come a long way, but it still has a long way to go. The cruelty has to stop. MILO The Reaper is the cruel one. He's made our lives miserable. BLANCHE No, you've made your own lives miserable.


Okay--this is getting us no where. (to Jerad) So what's your plan? JERAD Create the story of a lifetime. We'll ensure that he has no choice but to investigate. When he does, the sheriff can arrest him. SAL And what would that story be? What would lure him out and into possible danger of being caught? Devon sits back in her chair, sips her wine, and shakes her head shamefully. Jerad glances at her but doesn't comment. Adam notices her look from across the table. ADAM Disagree with us, Miss Gage? DEVON From what I'm hearing, my opinion really doesn't matter anyway. JERAD You're entitled to express your opinion, Devon. Speak out. DEVON I've done a little bit of research on the subject after I'd heard about it just yesterday. It seems to me, all of you have been up to your asses in trouble. Corruption, infidelity, embezzlement--and in one case, even murder. All eyes are upon her. table. There's loud mumbling from the

SHERIFF What do you mean murder? DEVON Murder of a young woman, a waitress, only known as Rose.


That's quite an accusation. That young woman was only in town a week or so. No one here even knew her. No body had a reason to kill her. DEVON Yet she was found dead on the beach, stabbed multiple times, washed up on shore. I read the article in the paper. This is the source of the Reaper's agitation. The first flyer started with her death and the way this town reacted to it. She was a poor girl, a stranger, a very attractive woman sought out by the men in this town-hounded by them. Suddenly, she's murdered and her death is viewed as a trashy girl getting herself into trouble. There was no sorrow, no tears, just jokes and hateful words. The Reaper wants revenge for this girl's death, and he must suspect one of you--his targeted audience. JERAD Well, you've done your research. Where did you get that information? DEVON From the Reaper himself. It's all there, in black and white. Read the flyers, you'll see it clearly for yourself. JERAD And what's your proposal, Devon? DEVON Find her killer. Put her memory to rest, and your reaper will vanish forever. SHERIFF There's nothing to go on. That would be impossible short of a confession. She could've been on a boat, fallen from the bluff, any number of scenarios. Anyway, her body had been in the ocean for several hours. Even the coroner couldn't offer much.

DEVON Interview your suspects, Sheriff. They're all sitting before you. The table suddenly becomes loud and defensive. Jerad remains silent and plays with the salt shaker in front of him. SHERIFF I don't like that accusation. How dare you? you are? ADAM Who do you think

MAYOR Jerad, remove this girl-JERAD (doesn't look up) Everything she said is absolutely true. (looks up) We are the targets. Something pulled us into his clutches. Something made him want to expose us. Perhaps it is because of this girl. If Devon believes it may stop him, perhaps we need to look more closely into the girl's death. (eyes Devon) Andy suggestions, Devon? How do we solve a two-year-old murder? DEVON Stop covering up for one another. Each one of you knows exactly why the Reaper would suspect you and the others of killing her. ADAM This is bullshit! JERAD So is having my name tossed in the mud on a monthly basis. We need an investigation. SHERIFF All right, I'll conduct an investigation--see what I can find.

JERAD I'm afraid that won't do. You're involved as well. We need an unbiased party. (eyes Devon) I nominate Devon. There are several moans. ONSLOW I second it. JERAD Done and done. (to Devon) Pry away. Why me? DEVON I'm not a detective.

JERAD We don't need the law, just an impartial jury. DEVON What exactly am I supposed to do? JERAD Ask questions, I suppose. Would you like Jett to help juggle the burden? ADAM Jett isn't unbiased. DEVON I know who I'd like to help. JERAD Oh, who? DEVON Jonas-There's a slight commotion. JERAD No--no, this is good. Jonas is a big Reaper advocate. It'll give the Reaper satisfaction. ADAM I don't care for Jonas. MAYOR

And I don't care to have a stranger prying into my business. JERAD Then you may refuse, Horst, but it won't look good for you. (to everyone) Are we in agreement? Everyone nods. JERAD Then I suggest we all meet here tomorrow evening. We'll make a party of it. Everyone can tell their side of the story and Devon can ask us questions. No one objects nor comments. JERAD (to Jett) Bring on dessert. Devon sits quietly in her chair and sips her wine. INT. FOYER/HALLWAY -- LATER Devon walks along the hallway, slightly off balance, carrying her glass of brandy. Kirk and Cheri appear from the billiard room with their arms around one another. Kirk notices Devon, excuses himself from Cheri, and approaches Devon. KIRK Devon, we need to talk. DEVON I've nothing to say to you, Kirk. Devon turns toward the library. his arm in front of the door. Please, Devon. Kirk cuts her off, placing

KIRK Let me explain.

Devon glares at him. Jett appears in the library doorway with a bottle of brandy and looks to Kirk's arm across his path out. Kirk slowly removes his arm. Jett continues to stare him down until he turns and walks away. Kirk collects Cheri and leads her toward the lounge. Devon looks at Jett and smiles warmly. DEVON

You have amazing timing. JETT Are you ever going to finish that drink? DEVON I would, if you'd stop filling it every two minutes. Jett smirks and walks away. INT. LIBRARY We see Jerad talking to Adam and Sheriff McLean. All three smoke cigars and laugh at something that's just been said. Devon stands just inside the doorway and studies them. All three have had too much to drink. They notice her almost immediately. DEVON Is this men talk only--or is anyone welcome? JERAD Come on in, Devon. Devon approaches them, attempting to maintain her composure, despite her slightly tipsy state. Adam crushes his cigar and attempts a pleasant smile. ADAM I should probably be going as well. I'll see you tomorrow night. Adam gives a slight nod to Devon and leaves the room. Sheriff McLean finishes his drink. SHERIFF I better get going too. work in the morning. I have Devon enters the library.

DEVON Have I offended you as well, Sheriff? SHERIFF Perhaps just a little rub the wrong way, but by no means offended. He gives them a nod and leaves. Jerad crushes his cigar, then looks at her and smiles warmly. JERAD

That ends that. You've chased all of my guests away. DEVON I never knew I was so talented. Jerad laughs softly. JERAD So--where's my nephew and his new flavor? DEVON He was heading into the lounge. JERAD I must have a word with him. I'll only be a moment. Jerad leaves the library. Devon looks around the empty room and frowns. Jett enters with his bottle of brandy. Jett appears slightly tipsy himself. JETT Where did everyone go? DEVON You scared them away. INT. FOYER/HALLWAY Devon walks along the hallway and pauses before the lounge. We hear Jerad and Kirk speaking loudly. INT. LOUNGE -- CONTINUOUS Kirk stands next to the chair occupied by Cheri. Cheri looks smug and agitated, with her arms folded across her chest. KIRK I know what you're going to say, but I wish you wouldn't preach, Uncle Jerad. JERAD You can't possibly know what I'm going to say, because I have not yet said it. KIRK I was going to break it off with Devon this afternoon, but she wouldn't give me the chance--and you didn't help either. JERAD

You don't need my help dropping girlfriends, you do that quite well on your own. KIRK Please--not in front of Cheri. JERAD If you're afraid of what I might say in front of her, then you'd better ask her to leave, because I don't care if she hears what I have to say. KIRK Look--I'll talk to Devon, if she'll let me. I'll even give her a ride to the bus terminal-JERAD No-KIRK I'd rather not wait until morning. This evening has already been quite uncomfortable. JERAD And whose fault is that? KIRK No one's really at fault. JERAD Wrong--you're at fault. KIRK I don't want to get into this right now. I hate talking to you when you're half drunk. You don't understand the situation. If you really want me to wait until morning to speak to her-JERAD No, you don't understand. It's you I want out by morning. What? Me? KIRK What did I do?


(points to Cheri) You did her! You have the next woman in your bed before the sheets even have time to cool off. Honestly, it makes me sick! KIRK It's not like it was serious between me and Devon. She wouldn't even put out. Cheri laughs softly. warning finger. Jerad glares at her and points a

JERAD Wipe that smirk off of your face. I know your father well. Cheri appears concerned. She remains silent.

JERAD (glares at Kirk) I don't want to hear another remark like that about Devon again. Do you understand me? Kirk lowers his head and refrains from comment. Jerad turns with some balance difficulty and approaches the lounge doorway. Devon stands in the doorway. She sets her glass on the nearby table. Jerad stops just before her, about to speak. Devon moves against him and kisses him passionately, taking him by surprise. Jerad almost immediately embraces her and returns the kiss with aggression. Kirk and Cheri stare with shock at the display. KIRK Oh, I see how it is. It's no wonder you were so quick to want me out. Devon pulls away from Jerad and glares at Kirk. DEVON Fuck off, Kirk. KIRK Well-JERAD You heard her--fuck off. Jerad resumes kissing Devon. Kirk leaves the room, leaving Cheri baffled. Cheri hurries after him. Jerad slowly breaks off the passionate kiss, looks into her

eyes, and smiles. JERAD I'd better return you to your room, before I forget I'm a gentleman. Devon smiles and runs her hand along his chest. DEVON If you must-Jerad kisses her quickly, groans softly, and then places his arm around her and guides her from the room. INT. MASTER BEDROOM -- MORNING Devon slowly wakes to the sun shining into the bedroom through the sheer curtains. She groans and clutches her head. She looks around the room then to the sheets over her naked body beneath. Devon suddenly gasps and sits up in bed, holding the sheets over her. She once more clutches her head and falls back down with a low moan. She runs her fingers through her hair and more slowly sits up. Devon looks around the room. Her black dress lay across the bench at the foot end of the bed. Her stockings lie of the floor not far from her shoes a few feet from the bed. Devon groans softly and holds her head a moment longer. DEVON I hope I at least enjoyed it. She looks around the room. clothes. Jerad? There's no response. INT. KITCHEN -- MORNING Devon enters the kitchen through the back stairs. We see Jett huddled over a cup of coffee while holding his head. He barely looks up as she approaches. JETT I feel like shit. DEVON Let's not even get into it. Have you seen Jerad? There's no sign of Jerad or his



Probably passed out in the conservatory. I heard him playing until the wee hours of the morning. DEVON No, I looked there. Would he have gone out for a drive? JETT Nah, the car's still in the garage. Saw it this morning from my bedroom window. Damned birds were singing. What gives them the right to be so damned happy? DEVON I have to find Jerad. else would he be? Where

JETT Did you try his bedroom? Devon hides her embarrassment. DEVON No, he's not there either. Jett lowers his hand and looks at her with a strange look in his eyes. Devon immediately blushes and looks away. JETT (cheap grin) You weren't-Devon doesn't reply. her hair. She nervously runs her fingers through

JETT (low chuckle) You didn't-He pulls himself from his chair, despite his discomfort. JETT He has to be around here somewhere. We'll check the library and his study first. INT. FOYER/HALLWAY Devon and Jett stand in the hallway near the study. shuts the study door with a strange look. JETT Jett

Well, he has to be around here somewhere. I'm sure he didn't spontaneously call a cab to take a drive after the condition he was in. I'll check upstairs. DEVON Maybe he went down to the beach for a walk. JETT Hardly, but check if you'd like. EXT. BEACH -- MORNING Devon walks down the last few steps on the cliff and walks across the sand. She looks along the beach, toward the boathouse, and to the water. There's no sign of Jerad. She walks along the sand toward the water and continues to look around. She looks toward the nearby rocks just below the cliffs. We see a large amount of blood on the rock. Devon slowly approaches the large rock. We see a pair of black pants covered legs and shoes sticking out from the rock. Devon appears horrified and begins to scream. She runs back for the steps and races up them. EXT. DEVON'S BEDROOM -- EVENING We hear a crack of thunder. Devon gasps and flies up in bed. The room is dimly lit. Jett quickly moves to the side of the bed and attempts to comfort her. JETT Devon--are you all right? Dr. Onslow felt it necessary to overdose you on sedatives. Devon gasps softly and looks at Jett with complete disorientation. DEVON What happened? I don't remember-(looks at Jett) Where's Jerad? Jett stares at her a long moment. horrified. Her expression becomes

JETT Devon, just remain calm. wasn't him. DEVON Who was it?


JETT Milo Vaughn. DEVON That lawyer from the party? Jett nods. DEVON Where's Jerad? JERAD We haven't found him. Devon stares at him then slowly looks down. INT. LOUNGE -- LATER Devon paces the lounge while wringing her fingers together. She pauses a moment and sobs softly. She sniffs, wipes her tears, and continues to pace. We hear the doorbell ring. We see Jett pass the lounge doorway on his way to answer the door. We hear soft voices in the hall. Devon paces and casts her back against the wall near the fireplace. DEVON Fuck-She wipes her eyes and sniffs again. McLean enter the lounge. Jett and Sheriff

SHERIFF Devon, how are you this evening? I'd like to ask you a few questions, if you're up to it. DEVON That's not why I called you over here, Sheriff. SHERIFF I beg your pardon? DEVON I'll discuss what happened this morning with you, but then it's my turn to ask questions. The doorbell rings again. Jett leaves the room.

SHERIFF What are you talking about? DEVON I'm talking about last night. I'm doing an investigation.

SHERIFF Are you out of your mind? A man's just been murdered--Jerad is missing. This is hardly the time-DEVON No, this is precisely the time. All of this happened as a direct result to last night--I'm almost positive. We hear Jonas's loud voice in the hallway. JONAS (O.S.) Wow--righteous pad Stratton's got here. Jonas enters the room in a whirlwind, looking at paintings and furnishings. He spins several times and smiles brightly. Jett follows behind him. Sheriff McLean glares at Jonas. Jonas smiles brightly. JONAS Sheriff! Great to see you! How's it hanging? Sheriff McLean rolls his eyes and walks across the room. Jonas attempts to downplay his emotions. JONAS Any word on Jerad? Devon inhales deeply, holds her emotions back, and shakes her head. DEVON Are you ready for tonight? JONAS You betcha. I'm just going to go set up in the kitchen. Kitchen? kitchen? SHERIFF What's with the

DEVON It's Jonas's idea. Jett appears slightly confused as well. He leads Jonas from the lounge. Jonas makes a shooting motion at the sheriff and smiles brightly. SHERIFF I know I don't like this.

DEVON The others should be here soon. I can tell you what I saw, but there's not much to tell. SHERIFF When did you last see Jerad? DEVON A few minutes after everyone had left. Kirk and Cheri left the room, and Jerad walked me to my room. I must've passed out. I woke early this morning in Jerad's room. He wasn't there, and I don't remember what happened. (hesitates) The clothes he was wearing that night are missing, according to Jett. Jett swore he heard Jerad playing the piano until about three in the morning--though he couldn't be sure of the time. SHERIFF I'm aware of Jett's condition and his statement. According to Kirk, you and Jerad were heard within Jerad's room until about midnight. Jerad was then heard in the conservatory shortly thereafter. DEVON I don't recall what happened, Sheriff. I remember being in the lounge with Jerad and walking up the stairs. I don't know how I wound up in his room, and I don't know what happened. More than that, I can't tell you. What was Jerad's mood when he left me in his room? My guess would be--quite content. Jett claims he was playing ballads all night. Your guess is as good as mine. SHERIFF Okay--what about Milo Vaughn? The autopsy reveals that he was more than likely killed between eleven and two in the morning. Jett said he'd left between ten and ten thirty.

DEVON Jett would know. He saw mostly everyone out. Jett said you're investigating his death as murder. I thought he'd fallen from the bluff--judging from what I'd seen. (soft) He'd been--pretty broken up. SHERIFF Yes, he'd fallen, but not from the bluff. Because of his location on the rocks, he had to have fallen from the steps--or he would have landed on the steps on the way down. DEVON Definitely from the steps? SHERIFF Someone stabbed him with a very slim dagger. Dagger? DEVON What sort of dagger?

SHERIFF A very thin, round one--taken from Jerad's collection. DEVON What? SHERIFF We've already secured it this afternoon when the report came back. You were still out. I'm surprised Jett didn't inform you of that. DEVON No, he hadn't. SHERIFF Perhaps because we're not convinced Jerad wasn't the one who killed him. His were the only prints found on the dagger, but since it was his, they were bound to be on it. DEVON You can't seriously think Jerad had anything to do with murder.

SHERIFF He's not completely without motive, Devon. He and Milo had some bad business a few years back. Not to mention this entire Reaper thing. Suppose Milo was the Reaper. You heard Jerad yourself, he wanted the Reaper found. Something brought Milo back to this house last night. His car was found parked along side the road near the beach connecting to Jerad's. DEVON I can't believe you'd even consider such a thing. SHERIFF Just because you sleep with a man, that doesn't mean you know everything about him. DEVON Just because a man wears a badge, that doesn't make him law biding either. Sheriff McLean gives her a dirty look. again. DEVON That must be the others. it's my turn, Sheriff. INT. LIBRARY We see all the guests from the previous night gathered in the library. Cheri and Kirk are also present. Cheri and Kirk appear to argue softly by the fireplace. The others talk softly among themselves with looks of apparent disgust and surprise. We see Jett standing in the hallway with Jonas and Devon. They appear to talk quietly. Jett does a lot of nodding. Jonas speaks quickly, gesturing erratically with his hands. It appears to be quite a story that Jonas is telling Jett. Jett nods and walks away. Devon and Jonas enter the library. Everyone looks at them and falls silent. Jonas closes the door behind him, without turning his back to them. DEVON I suppose everyone here is aware of what happened to Milo Vaughn and the disappearance of Jerad. They all stare. No one responds. The doorbell rings


DEVON I'm convinced there's a connection to our conversation at dinner last night and what followed thereafter. MAYOR I think this is completely inappropriate and disrespectful to Milo and Jerad. DEVON Noted. In order for this to work, I need everyone to be completely honest. As a check system, the rest of you can bare witness and speak out if what someone says is false. I want each of you to tell me your relationship to Rose during her short time here in town, particularly any conflicts. In addition, I'd like everyone to state where they were during the time of her murder on July 17th between ten and midnight. (to Onslow) We'll start with you, Dr. Onslow. Dr. Onslow fidgets slightly and shifts in his chair. removes a tablet and a pen from his jacket pocket. ONSLOW Well, I'd seen her in the diner a few times. I asked her out once or twice, but she turned me down. It ended with that. I'm convinced she wasn't upset by my asking her out, and our conversations were brief but pleasant. On the night she was killed, I was at home, in bed-alone, as I am most nights. JONAS I seem to remember hearing another story. One night while she was leaving the diner-ONSLOW Well--uh, there was one incident. I was leaving a poker game early-SAL Jonas

(mutters) Drunk and broke--as I remember. ONSLOW I had a slight drinking problem back then. I happened to be walking past the diner as she was leaving. It was dark, and I didn't want her walking back to her apartment all alone, so I offered to walk with her. She didn't seem to mind. When we got to her apartment building, I believe I kissed her. She got upset by it and slapped me across the face. Even in my drunken state, I could accept that as no. She went inside, and I went home. SAL You groped her, Doc. ONSLOW Okay, it was a little more than a simple kiss--I got a little fresh. But still, I certainly wouldn't kill over that. Devon looks around the room. Sheriff McLean. Sheriff-SHERIFF I had coffee every morning in the diner--still do. Rose talked to me a lot. It was usually empty first thing in the morning. Rose usually worked the mornings. She'd frequently ask me questions about harassment, and I'd give her advice. As far as my relationship with her was concerned, that was it. I never asked her out--I'm happily married. As for the night of the murder, I was on patrol. There was a fight at the bar, a traffic violation, and a domestic disturbance. We didn't find her body washed up on shore until the next morning. No one comments. Jonas continues to write. Devon looks to No one comments. She looks to


Adam. ADAM I still think this is outrageous that I have to answer to a complete stranger. SHERIFF Oh, just tell her what she wants to know. None of us wants to be here. ADAM I went to the diner once or twice while she worked there. I suppose I flirted a little, who didn't. (glares at McLean) If women can't handle a little harmless flirting, then they shouldn't waitress, because that's all about flirting to get better tips. As for the night of her murder, I was with a young lady--I don't remember her name. My wife is well aware of my infidelity and could care less. ONSLOW Flirted a little? Is that what you call reaching under a woman's dress? You were after her just about every day she worked. If they dusted her for fingerprints, they wouldn't find a spot without yours. Adam glares at Dr. Onslow. ADAM Look who's talking. ONSLOW I had one minor indiscretion. I made a mistake and threw myself at her--once, and only once. You verbally assaulted her with crude, sexual remarks, and pawed her continuously. I call it emotional rape.


(stands) I won't tolerate that from some intoxicated, drug induced doctor who doesn't know a cold sore from and ingrown toenail. SHERIFF That's enough from both of you. Sit down, Adam. This is getting us no where. ADAM You're damned right! None of this is getting us anywhere! SHERIFF Sit down! Adam casts himself back into his chair. Sheriff McLean looks back to Devon. Devon frowns. Jonas frantically writes in his tablet. Devon looks to Sal. SAL Of course I asked her out--many times. I ask every attractive woman in town out. She'd turn me down daily. There was nothing much to it. I'm persistent, and so was she. I certainly wouldn't kill a woman for that. There are always plenty of others. I have little trouble finding dates. The night of her death, I was with-Blanche. Blanche appears outraged and flies up from her chair. BLANCHE That's a lie! SAL It won't do you any good to deny it. I have the video tape to prove it. Blanche appears horrified. She slowly falls back into her seat. Mayor Ernhardt stares at her with a look of shock. MAYOR Blanche!


You have no room to make judgment, Horst! I've tolerated your affairs for nearly a decade! I have needs too. Obviously you can't satisfy me when you're out fucking everything on two legs--and I do mean everything. SAL I rest my case. Mayor Ernhardt turns his back to his wife without response. Jonas snickers while jotting something into his notebook. DEVON Mayor? MAYOR I would think I'd have better things to do then hound some waitress to join me at a motel room. DEVON Can I take that as a confession? MAYOR I invited her to join me at a hotel just on the edge of town. She'd turn me down--in the most impolite way. She was actually rather rude. That was the only encounter I'd had with her. I supposed I'd made a few remarks about her after that. I was alone the night she was murdered. My wife was supposedly out at some social gathering with her ladies group. Blanche doesn't look at him. DEVON Anyone care to speak for Milo? JONAS He trashed her every chance he got. Must've asked her out once--he was single at the time. She never said two words to him when he came to the diner. That's as much as I know.


He'd never mentioned her when I'd see him town hall. He'd been on the other side of town during the murder. I remember, because I'd stopped him for speeding--I believe he'd been drinking, but I'd left him off with a warning. Didn't feel like battling a lawyer in court. He was heading home. I doubt he would've headed all the way back to the coast after I'd stopped him. He was pretty loaded. DEVON And Jerad? JONAS Jerad was in the diner just about every morning for coffee. He talked to her frequently, but there's no way of telling what was said. KIRK I seriously doubt my uncle was propositioning her. He barely even looked twice at women since Ashley's death. Until recently. JONAS She was an attractive woman, Kirk old boy. (eyes Devon) Apparently just his type too. DEVON Whose side are you on? JONAS (cheap smile) My own. KIRK At least I'm not in this equation. I'd never laid eyes upon the girl. If she wouldn't go out with anyone, I suppose I didn't miss much. JONAS Now there's a man who thinks with his dick. Kirk glares at Jonas. ADAM

Are we finished? This entire evening has been a complete waste of my time. DEVON Just about finished. The library doors open and Jett stands in the doorway with a serious look upon his face and his hands clasped behind his back. Devon glances at Jett then looks back to the others with a tiny smile. DEVON That should do it. Thank you and have a good night. They all look at one another with some confusion. They collect their belongings and approach Jett and the door. He guides them from the room. Kirk and Cheri leave as well, heading in the direction of the stairs. Jonas and Devon stare at one another in silence. Jett returns to the library and frowns. JETT The only one with sand in their car was Sheriff McLean, and he had been on the beach earlier today when the body was discovered. DEVON So much for that illegal search. What now? JETT I'm afraid I have no suggestions. I fear for the worst. He didn't go by car, he didn't take the boat, there were no phone calls out between midnight and five in the morning, so he didn't call a cab--or anyone else for that matter. JONAS I have a plan, but it may be a bit crazy. DEVON I'll try anything right about now. JONAS Pretend he came back. anyone panics. See if

DEVON Would've been a good plan if you'd suggested it while everyone was still here. I want to believe he's alive--I really do. Isn't that what most people say? I know he's alive? I want to believe it, but I'm convinced he's gone forever. Jett places an arm around her shoulder. Devon almost bursts into tears. She turns and runs from the room. Jett and Jonas watch her then appear saddened. JONAS Man, she's got it bad for him. JETT I think I may have a way to flush this person out--whoever was involved with Jerad's disappearance. JONAS What is it, Man? JETT No--it's a long shot. I need time to think about it. Just give me some time. Kindly show yourself out. Jett leaves. Jonas is about to leave the library. He pauses, turns, snatches the half full bottle of brandy, and hurries from the room. INT. MASTER BEDROOM -- NIGHT Devon stands in the doorway to Jerad's bedroom. She stares across the room at the bed. She holds back her tears. She turns to leave, pauses, then enters the bedroom and shuts the door behind her. She approaches the closet and removes one of Jerad's white, button shirts. Time lapse. Devon climbs beneath the covers of Jerad's bed wearing his shirt as a nightshirt. She turns the light off and lay down. Devon nestles the pillow and shuts her eyes. We hear the soft, romantic music playing within her mind. We hear Devon's soft, drunken laugh as images flash through Devon's mind while she sleeps. We see her kick her shoes off. Jerad crawls on the bed on top of her and kisses her passionately. The music begins to escalate. We hear the rumbling of thunder. We see Jerad at the piano playing while Devon nestles against him. The thunder rumbles and the music escalates. We see Jerad's hand travel down Devon's side and to the slit to the side of her dress. The thunder rumbles even louder and the music explodes. We see

Devon and Jerad on the boat heading along the coast. Jerad smiles at her with a boyish grin. The thunder cracks loudly. Devon flies up in bed with a gasp. The thunder cracks outside like an explosion. We hear the rain pouring down. Devon stares across the dark bedroom. She throws the covers off of her and runs from the room. EXT. BEACH -- NIGHT The waves crash fiercely against the shore. The rain pours down as the wind whips harshly. We see Devon hurry down the old steps on the side of the cliff. She only wears Jerad's shirt. She leaps the last two steps to the sand and runs across the sand, now completely soaked. We see the boathouse up ahead. Devon runs along the dock and throws open the boathouse door. INT. BOATHOUSE -- CONTINUOUS Devon enters the dark boathouse and hurries for the tied boat. She jumps onboard with a thump. The boat rocks from the rough current below. We hear a clunk. It's immediately followed by a series of pounding. Devon grabs a flashlight and throws open the haul door. INT. BOAT CABIN -- CONTINUOUS Devon scrambles into the shallow cabin and shines the light across the cabin. We see Jerad, thrashing about, with his hands and ankles duct taped behind his back, and duct tape covering his mouth. He shuts his eyes and allows his head to fall back down to the bed. EXT. BEACH -- NIGHT The storm continues to rage violently. Jerad leans heavily on Devon as they attempt to cross the beach. Jerad stumbles and they both fall to the sand. Devon attempts to pull him up. DEVON Maybe I should get Jett. Jerad lowers his head almost to the sand and nods. DEVON I'll be right back. Devon springs to her feet. JERAD Devon-She quickly turns and falls to the sand before him. DEVON

Is something wrong? do? JERAD (exhausted smile) I love you.

What can I

Devon stares a long moment. She smiles despite the rain running down her face. She kisses him quickly. DEVON You're absolutely mad. right back. I'll be

Devon springs to her feet and runs up the steps on the side of the cliff. Jerad remains on his knees a moment longer and watches her. He continues to breathe heavily. He groans and falls onto his backside and sprawls out while staring to the dark sky above. Rain pours over him as he shuts his eyes. JERAD I'm going to really feel that in the morning. INT. MASTER BEDROOM -- NIGHT Devon, dressed in dry clothing, enters the master bedroom. The room remains dimly lit. We can hear voices from the bathroom. JETT (O.S.) Are you sure you don't require anything else? JERAD (O.S.) No--I'm fine. Would you stop fussing over me? You're becoming like an old woman. Jett enters the bedroom from the bathroom, carrying Jerad's wet clothing. He sees Devon and smiles. JETT He's feeling his old self already. Jett leaves the room. Jerad stiffly enters the bedroom from the bathroom. He wears a pair of shorts and his robe. He notices her and fumbles with his robe sash. A warm smile crosses his face. He slowly approaches her and the bed. DEVON How are you feeling? Devon pulls the covers down for him and pats the bed.

JERAD Spoiled. Jerad painfully heaves himself onto the bed and leans against the headboard with a soft groan. Devon pulls the covers over his legs. He looks at her and chuckles softly. JERAD You don't have to wait on me, Devon. Aside from some muscle stiffness, only my pride has been injured. DEVON I'm more than happy to wait on you, Jerad. You have no idea what we went through--thinking you were dead. It's just a wonderful sense of relief to have found you. JERAD Believe me, no one's more grateful to have been found. was starting to worry.

Jerad studies her a moment, smiles, and pats the bed beside him. Devon slowly moves onto the bed and sits facing him. He places his hand on hers. She immediately clasps his hand. She fights her tears and sniffs. DEVON I was so worried-Jerad pulls her against him and holds her in his arms. Devon clings to him and cries softly. Jerad gently strokes her hair and rests his cheek to her head. JERAD It's ironic--the things you think about when you're alone and helpless as I was. After a few hours, the hope seems to fade. All I kept thinking about was how I just wanted to see you one more time. Devon sniffs and lifts her head to meet his gaze. warmly and wipes the tears from her face. He smiles


Last night just kept running through my head--what almost happened. I wanted so much to stay with you. You were very persuasive. I don't know how I was able to resist in my condition. DEVON Nothing happened? JERAD You don't remember? Devon shakes her head. JERAD Perhaps I should just let it go. DEVON No--I'll admit I was a little confused and concerned that I would never be able to remember my first encounter, but I certainly wouldn't have regretted what may have happened. After you disappeared it put everything into perspective. I wanted to remember making love to you. I just wanted you back. JERAD I'm back--so no more sadness. DEVON I should probably let you get some rest. You've had a very exhausting twenty-four hours. JERAD You don't have to leave, Devon. I'd actually prefer if you remained--hold my hand awhile longer. Devon smiles and kisses him quickly on the lips. Jerad attempts to catch her before she can pull back, but he's too slow. His smile brightens. Devon gently strokes his face and stares into his eyes. DEVON I'll remain with you all night, if you'd like. JERAD

Careful--I may take that the wrong way. DEVON I wouldn't mind it--if you did. Jerad stares at her a moment with a look of surprise. warm smile crosses his face. JERAD Only if you promise to be gentle with me. Devon smiles with some embarrassment. She moves closer to him and gently kisses him. Jerad immediately returns the kiss and holds her against him. He swiftly, but with some discomfort, pulls her down to the bed, placing himself partially on top of her, and kisses her more passionately. INT. KITCHEN -- AFTERNOON Devon trots down the back, kitchen stairs and glides across the kitchen. Jett drinks coffee. He appears exhausted. JETT How's the patient doing this afternoon? DEVON The patient is resting comfortably. JETT You seem cheerful this morning. DEVON I'm fabulous, Jett. Jett gives her an odd look from over his coffee mug. brow rises sharply. A cheap grin follows. JETT Did you spend all night in Jerad's room? DEVON I couldn't chance leaving him alone--not in his condition. JETT You slept with him! Devon glares at Jett and attempts to silence him with a look. DEVON His A

Do you mind--you'll wake the entire house. JETT What do I care? I wasn't the one seducing the master in his chamber--you little vixen. Devon sets her cup down and immediately slaps Jett repeatedly on the arm and shoulder. Jett laughs loudly. JETT Lord knows both of you needed a fix-Devon manages a tiny, embarrassed smile. again and returns for her coffee. JETT So what now? Should I start working on a nursery? DEVON Who would have thought you to be such a pig? JETT Obviously you don't know me that well. Devon drinks her coffee without looking at him. Jerad appears on the back stairs. He walks slowly and with some stiffness. Jett eyes Jerad as he walks past and approaches the coffee pot. Jerad pours some coffee and casts a warm smile at Devon. JERAD Devon-Jett chuckles softly. Jerad glares at Jett. She smacks him

JERAD (to Jett) What's with you? Oh, nothing. morning? JETT Feeling well this

JERAD You're such a bastard, Jett. JETT I'll just give you two some time alone. Jett casually turns and leaves the kitchen, carrying his

coffee and the morning paper. attempts a smile.

Jerad looks at Devon and

JERAD I'm sorry--he's quite perceptive. It's actually rather annoying at times. DEVON It doesn't bother me. I'm getting used to his warped personality. JERAD I was thinking about taking a little trip--get away from here for awhile. What do you think about Bermuda? (holds her) Maybe Sheriff McLean will have this whole mess sorted out by the time we'd get back. Devon places her arms around his neck and kisses him quickly on the lips. DEVON That's a very tempting offer, Jerad-JERAD But-Devon slowly pulls away from him and smiles gently. DEVON I'm afraid I haven't been completely honest with you. Jerad stares at her a long moment in silence. defensively places his hands in his pockets. JERAD Is there someone else? DEVON Not in the way you might think. I came here to find the man who murdered my sister. They stare at one another a long moment. JERAD (softly) Rose-Devon nods. He

JERAD And you think I'm her killer. DEVON No--I don't. We'd only received one letter from my sister in the three weeks she was gone. It had been mailed the morning she was murdered. You were the only person she'd mentioned by name. JERAD What did she say? DEVON Just that you were the only man in town who treated her with respect. She could identify with you, since you'd lost your girlfriend in the same manner she'd lost her boyfriend just months earlier. JERAD Car accident, she'd said. DEVON (nods) I'd stumbled across one of the Reaper's flyers a month ago. I did some research, hooked up with Kirk through a friend, and established my cover, so I could find out what really happened to her. Jerad turns away from her and stares out the kitchen window. JERAD I see-DEVON It's not how it sounds-Jerad spins around, startling her. He removes his hands from his pockets, grabs both her arms, and glares at her with an unpredictable look. JERAD It is how it sounds! You knew Kirk was going to dump you and ruin your plans, so you used me instead! Convenient for you, since it was me you wanted to spy on all along! Devon stares at him with a look of concern.

He slowly

releases her arms and takes a step away from her. His expression remains harsh but less violent. Jerad turns toward the counter and leans against it with his hands. JERAD Please, Devon--just leave. DEVON Just hear me out. JERAD I've heard enough. Devon lowers her head and places her hand on his shoulder. DEVON (softly) I love you. Devon turns and leaves the kitchen. INT. PRESS -- EVENING Devon sits on the desk within the press and stares down at the floor while Jonas stands over her with his arms over his chest and shakes his head. A sly smile crosses his misguided face. JONAS Rose's sister, huh? absolutely amazing. it that hard, eh? Amazing-Jerad took

DEVON He was livid. I can't believe how upset he got. He wouldn't even allow me a chance to explain. JONAS Of course not, doll. He'd just been through a near death experience and has this thrown on him. So you think he killed her? DEVON No, of course not. That was his reaction too. I'll admit, I used Kirk as a cover to get in good with this town, but that's completely different. Kirk uses everyone. It's just professional payback. I genuinely care about Jerad. Is that so hard to believe?

JONAS Not hard to believe, but under the circumstances--I mean, your sister was murdered by someone in this town. You've come here to find her killer, what's a man supposed to think. DEVON You men all stick together, don't you? I just can't believe he'd think that I'd--It doesn't matter anymore. I've messed everything. I can't even avenge my sister without feeling guilty. JONAS Cheer up, Devon. I wouldn't consider feelings to be a sin. But as long as we're on the subject--can you tell me anything else about your sister that might help? DEVON No--she'd left home after her boyfriend's car accident. His death crushed her, and she needed time alone. JONAS So she came out here to heal her wounds. No wonder she wasn't interested in any of their offers. DEVON What the hell am I going to do? I'm supposed to be finding a killer, and I can't get my mind off of Jerad. JONAS You have got it bad. He's a bastard anyway. You can do better than that. DEVON I can't imagine anyone even coming close. JONAS I'm getting this strange feeling there's more to this then what youre telling.

DEVON It really doesn't matter. won't even talk to me.


JONAS Talk is cheap anyway. Did you happen to sleep with him? Devon doesn't look up nor respond. JONAS I see. You and Jerad--I never would've guessed it. Though far better match then you and Kirk. At least Jerad's a stable prick. Kirk's just a prick. DEVON You're not really helping matters. I wonder if Jett's mad at me? Maybe he'd consider talking to Jerad. JONAS Forget about Jerad. There are more important issues here. We have more than enough information on suspects. With the articles from the paper, motive, and their whereabouts the night of the murder, we may be able to piece this together. DEVON I really can't focus tonight-JONAS Do you need a place to stay tonight? There's a sofa bed in the back--if you're interested? DEVON Thanks, Jonas. I need to take a walk and clear my head. I'll get back to you, okay? JONAS Yeah, sure. Just don't wander off too far. You aren't exactly popular with the posh people in town. DEVON I'll keep that in mind. EXT. BEACH -- EVENING

Devon walks along the beach in the moonlight. She looks toward the boathouse in the distance then to the house on the bluff. She stares a moment longer then continues to walk along the beach. She pauses near the surf and stares out to the ocean. A cool breeze blows past her. She rubs her chilled shoulders and looks down. Devon holds back her tears. She slowly wipes her eyes. A shadow looms over her. Devon quickly turns and comes face to face with Jett. She jumps with surprise then relaxes. DEVON Damn it, Jett--you scared me. JETT I was worried you wouldn't come back. When I saw someone on the beach, I knew it had to be you. What happened? Jerad wouldn't say anything. He wouldn't come out of the music room. He played some God awful music. Sounded like he was trying to raise the dead. DEVON I'm afraid he's very upset with me. I intended to call you. I should collect my things, but I wasn't ready for another confrontation with Jerad. JETT Are you okay? Would you like to tell me what happened? DEVON There's little point, I suppose. He's not going to forgive me, and it's all my fault. I was so consumed with revenge, I didn't stop to think that I might hurt people along the way. I certainly didn't think I'd fall in love. She's dead--and nothing I do will ever bring her back. She? JETT You mean Rose?


(nods) I should probably get my things and call a cab to take me to the bus station. I can't stay in this town any longer. Today-part of me died. She sniffs and wipes her tears. Jett places his arms around her and holds her head to his shoulder. JETT It can't be as bad as you think. We'll go up to the house. You can take a bath, and I'll get you a brandy. By morning, you'll both have thought things over, and it'll all work out-you'll see. I'm not letting you go that easily. DEVON I don't think I should stay. Jerad told me to leave. I think I should keep some distance between us. JETT Why? Because Rose was your sister? DEVON How did you know? You said Jerad didn't tell you anything. JETT I'm a snoop, Devon. I knew who you were the first day you were here. It took me two whole minutes to figure out you weren't interested in Kirk. I'm not too proud to admit I went through your personal things. I found a picture of you and Rose along with the letter she'd written you. Devon stares at him with a look of shock and annoyance. DEVON You went through my belongings?


Yes--I did. You were very suspicious, and it's my job to look after Jerad's personal interests. Was what I did wrong? Of course it was, but I didn't know you as I do now. Will you forgive me for going through your personal belongings? DEVON Of course, but you really are a handful. JETT It's no different with Jerad. If you leave, he's going to be a miserable bastard and make my life a living hell. And you wouldn't do that to me, would you? DEVON No, of course not. But I can't stay here. I'll have to get a room in town. He wouldn't let me explain. As much as I want to chase after him and beg him to listen to me, I won't. I'll talk to him when he's ready to listen. JETT I understand perfectly. Jett places his arm around her shoulder and guides her toward the steep steps. JETT While Jerad's pounding the crap of his piano, we'll take the opportunity to pack you up. I'll even drive you to the motel in town myself. DEVON That's not necessary. But it is. you. JETT I'm rather fond of

Devon laughs softly and places her head to his shoulder while they walk. DEVON

I'm pretty fond of you too, Jett. INT. DEVON'S BEDROOM Devon enters the dark bedroom with Jett following. We hear the thunderous music coming from the conservatory. The sound is almost horrible compared to Jerad's usual music. Jett pauses in the doorway and attempts a smile. JETT Tonight's music selection should be labeled as a form of torture. You get your things together-I'll make some coffee. Devon smiles gently and nods. Jett turns and leaves the dark bedroom. Devon approaches the nightstand and turns on the light. The door shuts. Devon spins around with surprise. We see Jerad leaning against the closed door. Devon composes herself. DEVON I just came to get my things. I'll only be a few minutes. She nervously approaches the closet, removes her bag, and places it on the bed. Devon hesitates before the bed and stares at her bag while listening to the music. She glances back at him with a strange look. DEVON Who's playing? JERAD Just a little something I'd recorded earlier. Not one of my better scores, but then, I was a little distracted. Devon turns and approaches the dresser. She removes some of her clothes and returns to the bed. She shoves them sloppily into her bag. She turns back toward the dresser and nearly collides with Jerad. Devon appears slightly surprised at how quick and quiet he had been. She avoids looking into his eyes and attempts to move past him. He blocks her path. She lifts her head and meets his gaze. JERAD You have every right to hate me, Devon. I behaved like an idiot this afternoon. I said some very rude and unforgivable things. DEVON

You wouldn't even allow me an explanation. JERAD Nor do I want one now. DEVON I suppose that's something you'll have to live with then. JERAD You're absolutely right. You'd already said everything I needed to know. Jerad moves closer to her. JERAD I let you walk out my door once, but I won't make that mistake again. Jerad takes her hand in his, lowers himself to one knee, and extends an antique diamond ring. JERAD Will you marry me? Devon stares at him with a stunned look. to her knees and stares into his eyes. DEVON This afternoon--I thought you never wanted to speak to me again. JERAD I went from twenty-four hours of fearing for my life, to several hours of honeymoon bliss, to the shock of thinking I was being used and it was all about to end. I know how I sounded, and I can't apologize enough for the things I'd said. I love you, Devon--more than anything else. Devon's smile brightens. She throws her arms around his neck and hugs him, nearly knocking him to the floor. INT. SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY -- MOMENTS LATER Jett approaches Devon's bedroom carrying a silver tray with coffee. He pauses near the door. We hear passionate moans along with squeaking of the bed. Jett smirks, turns, and heads back down the hall. She lowers herself

INT. FOYER/HALLWAY Kirk enters the mansion with Cheri following him. Cheri shuts the door as Kirk shakes his head with disgust and walks down the foyer steps. Cheri hurries after him. CHERI I don't know what your problem is-KIRK My problem? You're the one making eyes at every man in the bar. CHERI I'm sorry--it's not as if you were paying any attention to me. KIRK It's not as if you want me anyway. All I hear is the Reaper this, the Reaper that-(hand to his brows) I've had it up to here with the Reaper! I never should've given up Devon. You can call a cab. I'm going to Devon's room. Now that it's over between her and my uncle, maybe I can get her back. Kirk runs up the stairs. Cheri folds her arms across her chest and stares after him with a look of disgust. INT. SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY Kirk hurries along the hall and stops before Devon's bedroom door. We still hear the horrible, thunderous music coming from the conservatory. Kirk's about to knock on the door, when he hesitates and listens a moment. DEVON Oh, Jerad-We hear male moans and the bed thumping against the wall. Kirk appears shocked and annoyed. He makes a disgusted face and continues down the hall to his bedroom. He enters the room and slams the door. Cheri appears at the opposite end of the hallway and listens to the music. She pauses by the music room door, listens a moment, smiles deviously, and heads for the master bedroom. She opens the door and enters. INT. DEVON'S BEDROOM -- LATER

Devon lay in Jerad's arms and rests her head on his chest. He kisses the top of her head, shuts his eyes, and groans loudly. JERAD God--that's awful music. It sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard. DEVON I kinda liked the thundering tune. Brings out the beast in you. Jerad laughs softly and quickly kisses her lips. JERAD If you like me beastly, at least allow me to put on some better music. I should probably burn that recording. I'll be right back. Jerad moves out from under her, slips into his pants and shirt, leans over her, and kisses her quickly. JERAD Don't get dressed. Devon sits up, holding the sheets to her chest, and smiles. DEVON Why don't I meet you in your room? We can have brandy in the whirl pool tub. JERAD Sounds enticing. I'll just change the music and get some brandy. Jerad kisses her again, slips into his shoes, and heads for the door. DEVON Something wickedly wild-Jerad pauses by the door, flashes a devious smile, and leaves the room. INT. SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY Devon, now fully dressed, walks along the hallway. We hear the more elegant piano playing with the same aggressive tone. Devon smiles slyly and approaches the master bedroom. She

opens the door and enters. INT. MASTER BEDROOM -- CONTINUOUS Devon enters the dimly lit room. She hesitates to see several lit candles around the room. Devon stands just within the room and studies the candles with an odd look. DEVON (soft) When would he have had the timeDevon looks to the floor. We see rose pedals scattered across the floor heading toward the bathroom. Devon slowly follows the rose pedals toward the master bath. INT. MASTER BATH -- CONTINUOUS Devon enters the bathroom and pauses just within the doorway. More rose pedals lead up to the elevated, garden tub. There are more candles surrounding the tub. Devon appears puzzled, attempts a smile, and then approaches the tub. We see a woman's hand over the side of the tub. Devon hesitates with some surprise, and then continues closer. We see Cheri lying in the tub full of bloodied water. Her eyes are open and a large slit can be seen across her throat. Rose pedals, along with a rose, float within the tub. Devon appears horrified. INT. KITCHEN Jerad appears at the bottom of the back stairs with a lively step. He hums a cheerful tune. He stops a few feet into the kitchen and stares at the floor. We see rose pedals scattered along the floor. Jerad appears confused. JERAD Jett? (considers) Jett! Jerad hurries toward the servant's quarters and collides with Jett. Both men jump with surprise then relax. JERAD Damn it--don't do that! JETT You're the one screaming. What's the bloody emergency? Shouldn't you be upstairs-entertaining? JERAD What's this all about? JETT

I have no clue. little twit.


JERAD What are you talking about? JETT She arrived with Kirk. They had some sort of fight. I'd thought she'd gone. JERAD Why would there be rose pedals? I'm not particularly comfortable with this. JETT Do you suppose this has something to do with the Reaper? JERAD It might. JETT Would you like me to make sure Cheri's with Kirk? Would you? on Devon. JERAD Maybe I should check

INT. SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY Devon runs along the hall toward the back stairs. A figure in a brown cloak steps into the hallway with a dagger in his gloved hand. Devon slides to a stop and stares. DEVON Oh, my God--Jerad! Jerad! Devon turns and runs the opposite direction. runs after her. INT. KITCHEN -- CONTINUOUS Jett and Jerad look to the back stairs, having heard Devon's scream. They bolt up the back stairs. INT. MASTER BEDROOM Jerad bolts into the master bedroom with Jett directly behind him. Both men look around the room and the candles. Jerad runs for the bathroom. JERAD Devon? The reaper

There's no response. Jerad enters the bathroom. Jett runs to the fireplace and snatches the fire poker. Jerad appears from the bathroom with a horrified look on his face. JERAD Cheri's in my tub--she's been killed! We have to find Devon! You take the front, I'll take the back. Both men run from the bedroom. INT. FOYER/HALLWAY Devon leaps the last three steps onto the hall floor. The Reaper is right behind her. She pauses by the hall table, grabs a vase, and throws it at him. The Reaper dodges it. It shatters against the stairs. DEVON Jerad! Jett! Devon turns and runs for the front door, being her only exit. The Reaper runs after her. Jett races down the stairs. We see the open front door. He bounds down the stairs and out the front. INT. CONSERVATORY Jerad slowly follows a trail of rose pedals into the music room. There are pedals on top of the piano as well. Something moves behind the piano. Devon? JERAD It's okay--it's me.

Kitty pounces on top of the piano and hisses then growls. Jerad jumps back with surprise. There are blood stains on the panther's teeth. Kitty appears to relax when she sees Jerad. Kitty bounds off of the piano and runs for the balcony doors. Jerad runs after the panther and looks outside. EXT. MANSION -- CONTINUOUS Jerads POV. We see Devon running for the stairs on the cliff. The Reaper isn't far behind. INT. CONSERVATORY -- CONTINUOUS Jerad slams his hands against the glass with horror and anger. JERAD Get away from her! Jerad quickly spins with some thought. He runs from the

bookcase and pulls a lever. The bookcase moves away from the wall, exposing a secret passageway. Jerad darts into the passageway. Kitty runs after him. EXT. CLIFF STEPS -- NIGHT Devon runs down the steps with the Reaper behind her. He grabs her hair and pulls her back against the steps. He raises the dagger. Jett slides down the railing on his backside, clutches the rail near them, and throws his feet into the Reaper. The Reaper strikes the stone cliff then lunges for Jett. Jett jumps the rail to avoid the dagger, now to the outside of the steps. He kicks high, striking the Reaper then flips himself back onto the steps. JETT Devon--go! Devon uncertainly runs down the steps. Jett grabs the Reaper's hand with the dagger and kicks him in the head. The Reaper stumbles and falls down several steps on his backside. The Reaper strikes Devon on the way down, knocking her to the steps. Jett curses and thunders down the steps. The Reaper slashes at Jett several times. Jett blocks each blow with karate moves. Devon continues down the steps. The Reaper stabs Jett in the leg. Jett cries out as the dagger is removed. Jett falls to the steps. The Reaper leaps on top of him. They struggle with the dagger held above Jett's head. Jett thrusts the Reaper off of him. Jett dives out of the path of the dagger and comes close to the edge of the steps. The Reaper gives him an added shove. Jett topples from the steps and clings to the grate with one hand. It's still a long drop down to the rocks below. The Reaper raises his dagger over Jett. The Reaper is suddenly pulled down a step. He turns. We see Devon pulling on his leg. DEVON Let him go! He thrusts his foot to release it and attempts to kick her. She drags him down two more steps on his backside. He grabs the grate, stops her, and slashes at her with the dagger. DEVON You want me, you fuck! get me! Come and

Devon turns and runs down the steps. The Reaper pulls himself to his feet and runs down the steps after her. Devon hits the sand first and looses some traction. The Reaper dives the last couple of steps and tackles her, face first, to the sand. The Reaper straddles her waist and raises the dagger above her back. The Reaper is suddenly kicked in the face and thrown off of her. The hood falls back to reveal Sheriff McLean. He looks up while holding his bleeding mouth. We see a

surprised but furious Jerad standing over him. scrambles to her feet and bolts behind Jerad. JERAD What made you do it?


Sheriff McLean clings to the dagger while pulling himself to his feet. SHERIFF You made me do it. You couldn't leave that woman's death alone, could you? You had to publish those flyers and keep after it. Then--having her investigate us? I couldn't take anymore. I didn't want to kill Rose, but she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. She overheard Milo and I discussing personal issues on the beach. She ran and I shot her. DEVON But she was stabbed. SHERIFF I couldn't chance them tracing the bullet back to me, so I dug the bullet out and stabbed her to make it look like she was stabbed to death. The ocean took care of the rest. Milo was beginning to panic, so I had to stop him from cracking. I knew you were the Reaper, Jerad. I knew it for a few weeks. I just didn't know what to do about it. I had to stop you once and for all, before you could expose me. What better way to expose you as the Reaper by showing how you killed Rose's sister, Devon, in a fit of rage. I had no idea Cheri would be in your tub and not Devon. Fortunately, as sheriff, I can make up any story I want. It worked for Rose's death. Sheriff McLean removes his gun from the cloak. SHERIFF Story time over. It's time to improvise and end this story. Devon nervously looks back to the steps. We see Jett is no

longer hanging from the steps. rocks below. DEVON (gasps) Jett--no!

He must have fallen to the

Sheriff McLean glances back and smiles brightly. SHERIFF One less worry. McLean motions them toward the boathouse. Jerad guides Devon in front of him, keeping himself between her and McLean's gun. They walk along the rocks. Kitty suddenly springs onto the rocks and spats loudly. Sheriff McLean jumps with surprise. Jerad spins and kicks the sheriff in the chest. McLean flies backwards, and the gun flies from his hand. McLean lunges for Jerad with the dagger. Both fall to the sand, sending sand over the discarded gun. As they roll and struggle for the knife, Devon crawls through the sand, searching for the gun. She's nearly crushed by the struggling men. Jerad tosses McLean off of him. Both men spring to their feet. Devon returns to the sand and continues her search for the gun. McLean slashes at Jerad. Jerad attempts to dodge. He's slashed across the upper arm. He stumbles backwards and strikes a large rock. Devon gasps with horror and springs to her feet as the sheriff lunges for the slightly dazed Jerad. Jett leaps over a rock near the steps and kicks McLean in the chest with a flying roundhouse kick. McLean falls to the sand. The dagger falls to the sand. McLean scrambles to his feet and away from Jett. McLean looks around for his knife. Devon finds the buried gun and straightens. Sheriff McLean lunges for her. Devon pulls the trigger. The gun fires and the sheriff is thrown to the sand. Kitty leaps from her rock and hisses. Devon tosses the gun aside and quickly scrambles to her feet. Jerad pulls her into his arms and holds her against him. Jett checks on the sheriff. He straightens and shakes his head. JETT Nice shot. We hear police sirens approaching from above. Jerad look at one another. JERAD Who called the police? The phones weren't working. They look up to the ledge. turns away from them. We see Jonas by the steps. He Jett and


Over here! Several officers join him on the steps. They run down to the beach. Jonas stares at the Sheriff from where he stands alongside Jett. JONAS Bastard. (to Devon) Are you okay? DEVON How did you know we were in danger? JONAS I was worried when you didn't call back. I called here, but the phones were down. I found it unsettling. OFFICER Who'd like to explain what happened here? JONAS It's going to be a long night. INT. CONSERVATORY -- LATER Jerad sits before the piano and plays a soft, romantic tune. Kitty lay on top of the piano and sleeps. Devon approaches with two glasses of brandy. She places one on top of the piano and joins him on the bench. DEVON So--why didn't you tell me you were the Reaper? JERAD For the same reason you didn't tell me Rose was your sister. I wasn't sure how you'd react. All those things the women in town say--they're not true. I've never been inside anyone's home uninvited, and I certainly never took any liberties with any of them. (MORE)

JERAD (Cont) I was very upset with the way this town had treated Rose. She helped me over Ashley's death by talking about her own experience. When she was killed, they laughed it off, as if she'd meant nothing. I decided to expose them for the bastards they were, so I'd invented the Reaper and the underground flyers to get their attention. So now you know all my dirty little secrets. DEVON They're safe with me. Jerad turns to face her and gathers her in his arms. JERAD After tonight, will you reconsider my offer to run away? DEVON Someplace quiet. The only excitement I want is with you in the bedroom. JERAD I like the sound of that. FADE OUT

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