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By: Anna Kate Ennis

Off the coast of Peru and Chile 10S, 80W (capital) In the west, north, and south hemispheres In South America On The Pacific Ocean

Physical features Fish Coast Snake River Lion Mountains Alligator Lake

Pacific Ocean Snake River Alligator Lake

Elevation Lowest- Sea Level Highest- 20,000ft

Alligator Lake

Lion Mountains

Fish Coast

Snake River

Natural Resources Gold Silver Timber Granite Hydroelectric Power Oil

Agricultural Products Mangos Pineapples Goats Cows Corn

Summer Hot Sunny White, puffy clouds About 95

Winter Cold Cloudy About 35

Precipitation Not lots of rain When it rains, it rains a lot Not too many droughts

Cities Dog is the capital Lizard Kitten Bird Pig

Population 551,000 people 248,000 people 350,000 people 445,000 people 446,000 people

Oil that is drilled is made into gasoline and exported. Since there is a lot of granite mined, all the kitchen counters are granite. Amimolsland is very big in jewelry production and is exported all around the world.

There are lots of tropical fruits grown here and they are exported to other countries.

Timber is made into a variety of different animal furniture.

Type of government is a democracy President is President Animols Two political Parties Endangered species party Hunting party

Political Parties
Endangered Species Party Save the animals Dont eat meat or fish Wants whole country to be vegetarians Hunting Party Allowed to hunt for food Choose to be vegetarian or not

Voting & Currency

Must be 18 years old to vote Can only vote once Must vote at assigned voting booth Use US dollars for currency

1) No hunting endangered animals 2) No littering 3) Must be 15 to get drivers license 4) Drinking must be 18 5) Cant have animals off leash in public places other than park

***NOTE*** If you break a law you will either have to pay a fine, get arrested, or go to court.

School year is 6 1/2 months each year You must go to school 10 years Schools are a lot like US schools; fun and challenging Subjects include
Math Science Animaloligy History

Animal Day Celebrate by playing with all animals in zoos and festivals May 19 This day is a day to recognize and celebrate animals

Dog Day Play with your dog all day Or adopt a new dog October 13 This day is to recognize and celebrate your dog

Soccer The country has lots of grassy fields for playing The continent of South America has a great soccer program This sport will help the country stay active

Dog Frisbee The country has lots of grassy fields for playing The country has a lot of dogs to play with This sport will help the country stay active

Breakfast Smoothies before you go to school or work Lunch Pasta with veggies or a sandwich Dinner Fish with a salad (Or just salad if vegetarian)

Tropical clothing Mostly floral Men wear shorts Women wear dresses Kids wear either Sombreros are very popular Most people wear sunglasses Most people wear sandals or sneakers

Thank you for learning all about Animolsland I hope you will decide to visit or move there someday. I hope you enjoyed learning about Animolsland.

The End

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