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Ball Baseball

Tactical Focus: Stop Scoring Runs Create two teams: one team at bat, the other in the field. This games works best with teams of no more than 6. If necessary, have two games going on at the same time. Place three balls at the home plate beside a bucket. First player kicks each ball into the field, then runs the 3 bases (first, second, third, and home) If ball is caught, the fielder holds the ball above their head. Other kicked balls are retrieved and placed in the bucket. A runner is "out" if she is off a base as all balls are caught or in the bucket. Once on a base, players are not required to run. More than one player allowed on a base at one time. Runs are scored each time a player reaches home base safely. Entire team bats in turn, then teams switch places. LEVEL OF COMPLEXITY Moderate

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Participant Grouping Teams of maximum of six. Equipment Mats: for bases Balls (e.g. beach, foam, paper, wiffle gator): gator balls Other: 1 bucket

Playing Area Gymnasium Outdoors

Add or subtract balls. Balls caught off walls or ceiling before hitting the ground are

Life Skills Development Communication and Interpersonal Skills

out. Strike balls with hand or arm rather than kicking.

How did your team work together and what did your team do well? What do you feel your team could improve upon? How was working together more beneficial then working independently? Where else is teamwork important? How do you create a strong sense of team and teamwork in sport? In school? At home?

What are effective tactics to try and prevent the batting team from scoring runs? Communication between team members in the field. Fielding team should cover as much space as possible throughout the playing area. Use a relay person to get the balls into the bucket as quickly as possible.

FUNdamental Skills Locomotor Sprinting Preparation Phase: Bring knee up high with thigh parallel to the ground (upside down L shape with leg) to increase stride length. Execution Phase: Have toe pointing up as foot initially contacts the ground to create a pushing action off the ground (making a V shape of the front of leg and foot). Follow-Through Phase: Bring heel up towards buttocks to finish and lengthen stride (creating a V shpae with back of leg).

Reduce the distance of the bases. A peer can assist the player who kicked the ball to run around the bases. Use scoops for catching the balls.

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