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Swap List

September 2013 ~ May 2014

Please contact other families and inform me of any changes in advance. Please do NOT forward an exchanged email to me. It is difficult to read all previous emails and follow up all informations. Please write an e-mail to me and to a swapped family, including whom you swapped lesson with (the name), date and time. For example, Jane comes 5/13, 4: 15 PM Thom comes 5/11, 3: 30 PM If 2 students arrive at the same time due to confusion or miscommunication, I will follow the regular lesson schedule. There will be NO make-up lesson due to the confusion. The swapped lesson should be equal/or shorter time of your lesson time. Please try to make lesson time as back to back schedule, and please keep my teaching schedule of starting and ending lesson time as written on the next page. (I carefully made my schedule so I can provide the best quality teaching for your child. And please remember that I have other obligations and plans which are not shown here.) *** Makeup lessons are ONLY for illness and emergency situation, not substitute for swap lessons.***

I have listed the times that students cannot come, based on the grade of your child (time your child off from the school) and the notes in the registration form. Hope it saves your time to find other family for a swap lesson. Please contact the family to check their updated schedule and possibility of swap lessons.
Thank you!

Day Mon day

Time 3: 30 ~ 4: 15 4: 15 ~ 5: 00 5: 00 ~ 5: 45 5: 45 ~ 6: 30

Name Ms. Kihata Ms. Che Ms. Fowler Ms. Neo Ms. Rhee Ms. Servinsky Ms. Togashi Mr. Ober Ms. Shen (2 Children) Ms. Teed

Phone 941-9906 837-0665 837-5672 486-1338 630-337-4544 835-2701 631-2559 832-7964 636-9090 835-5994 DINNER BREAK


Cannot swap these times Not after 4: 45 PM on any day Not before 4: 00 PM on any day Not before 4: 00 PM on any day No Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (Available only Monday after 5: 00 PM) Mostly OK, but please check with her No Mondays and not before 4: 00 PM on any day Not before 4 PM on any day and Not before 5: 30 PM on Monday Not before 5: 15 PM on any day No Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (Available only Wed. on/after 3 PM) Not before 4: 00 PM on any day, No Tuesday, No Thursday DINNER BREAK (1 hour & 45 min)

Tues day

3: 30 ~ 4: 15 4: 15 ~ 5: 00 5 ~ 5: 45 5: 45 ~ 6: 30

Wed nesd ay

3 ~ 4: 45 4: 45 ~ 5: 30 5: 30 ~ 6 6 ~ 6: 45 6: 45 ~ 7: 45

Ms. Che Ms. Che

837-0665 837-0665

Not before 4: 00 PM on any day Not before 5: 30 PM on any day

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