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Road to Legend Training

Loaction Dawnsmoor Fighting Skills - Battlecry - Berserker - Brawler - Taunt - Enduring - Relentless - Tough - Unmovable - Bear Tatoo - Ox Tatoo - Tiger Tatoo - None Subterfuge Skills - Acrobat - Appraiser - Burglar - Pickpocket - Ambidextrous - Cautious - Master Archer - Skilled - Eagly Eye - Lucky - Swift - None Wizardry Skills - None


- None


- Divine Retribution - Wild Talent - Prodigy - Telekinesis - Water Pact - Wind Pact - Earth Pact - Fire Pact - Necromancy - Vampiric Blood - Quick Casting



- None

- None

Olmrics Hut

- Cleaving

- Rapid Fire

Riverwatch Shikas Tree Tamalir Vynelvale

- Furr the Spirit Wolf - Able Warrior - Knight - Mighty - Parry - Weapon Mastery - Leadership

- Shadow Soul - Alertness - Defelect Arrows - Marksman - Born to the Bow - Crack Shot - Precision

- Boggs the Rat - Mata and Kata - Spiritwalker - Inner Fire - Willpower - Blessing - Holy Aura

Training Costs
Training Additional Upgrade to Upgrade to 2nd Skill 3rd Skill 4th Skill 5th Skill Secret Training (Copper) Secret Training (Silver) Secret Training (Gold) XP Cost 15 20 25 20 30 40 50 20 25 30 Gold 500 750 1.000 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 500 750 1.000

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